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abandon the search was abandoned when night came.

abide I have to abide by the contract that I have signed.

able(to) who is able to answer the question.

abolish slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.

about(to) just when I was about to give up,I finally succeed.

above(all) these two systems have disadvantages and above all the units have no practical sizes.

abrupt the mystery novel came to abrupt end without explaining the crime.

absent I asked him a question,but he looked at me in an absent way and didn’t answer.

absorb he was completely absorbed in his book.

abstract I’ve made an abstract of this article.(abstract抽象;摘要)

absurd their demands are absurd.(absurd 荒唐的)

abundant china has abundant supplies of oil and gas.

abuse don’t abuse animals.

academic they have been academic exchanges between the two universities.

accelerate the heat accelerated the reaction.

accept the new theory has been widely accepted.

access graduate students have free access to the reading room.

accessory the accessories of the car include the heater and radio.(accessory附件;帮凶)

accident Columbus discovered American by accident in 1492 ad.

accommodate this elevator accommodates twelve people.(accommodate 容纳;提供住处)

accommodation the high cost of accommodations makes the traveling in the US expensive. (accommodation住处)accompany our orders must be accompanied by(附上) cash.

accomplish has he accomplished his aim?

accordance he didn't act in accordance with the orders that were given to him.

according to according to my watch,it's 4 o'clock

accordingly the world is changing rapidly,our plan must change accordingly.(accordingly 相应地)

account he can't account for(说明原因/负责任) the mistake.

on account of the harvest was poor on account of (由于)the failure of rains.

take into account such a theory must take the experimental results into account.(take into account 考虑)accumulate snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.

accuse some country do not accuse those persons who make private videos and records.

accustom we are accustomed to get up early.

ache my stomach aches.

achieve only practice can achieve mastery.(mastery 精通)

acknowledge he acknowledge their help in his speech.(acknowledge 承认;感谢)

acquaint you must acquaint yourself with your new duties.(acquaint sb.with sth.使某人熟悉某事)

acquire she acquired a PhD of sociology from Columbia University in 1989.

act acid(酸的) acts on(对...起作用)metal(金属).

activate the smoke activated the fire alarms.

acute the angle of the turn was so acute that I have to slow down.(acute急剧的)

adapt I have not yet adapted to the climate here.

add the costs add up to ten million dollars.

addition in addition to English we'll learn a second foreign language.

address the mayor addressed to the crowd.

adequate the supply is not adequate to the demand.

adhere the plaster doesn’t adhere to the wall.(plaster石膏)

adjacent our house is adjacent to the department百货公司store.

adjoin the joint where two parts adjoin is loose.

adjust the desk can be adjusted to the height of any child.

administrate the personnel(员工) director administrates attendance policy.

admire I admire his learning(学问).

admit he admitted that he was wrong.

adopt the committee adopted her suggestion.

advance everything has been fixed(修理;安排) in advance.

advantage you have a great advantage over me in calculation.

take advantage of we take advantage of fine weather today to play tennis.

advantageous[??dv?n?te?d??s] speak more than one language can be advantageous if you are traveling overseas. adverse too much stress can have adverse effect on one's health.(adverse有害的;相反的)

advertise the company advertise it's goods for sale extensively and heavily. (extensively广泛地)

advisable the doctor doesn't think it's advisable for you to smoke. (advisable明智的)

advise this letter is to advise you of our interest in your suggestion.

advocate the opposition party advocates a reduction in taxes.

affect the speech deeply affected the audience

affiliate the local television station is an affiliate of a national network(网络,广播网,电视网).

affirm the president affirm(断言) his administration(管理;内阁政府)'s intention to reduce taxes.

afford we can not afford the constant expansion about our warfare system.

afraid I am afraid I can't help you.

age worry ages a man.

agency the firm has agencies all over the world.

agenda what’s our agenda today?

aggravate Mary aggravate(['?ɡr?veit]加重;激怒) her injuries by refusing treatment.

aggressive an aggressive young man can go far in this firm.

agree the fruit did not agree with me,now I’ve got a pain in my stomach.

aid china will give all moral and material aid in it's power to those people who are struggling for independence.

aim my remarks will not aimed at you.

alarm the fire alarmed the neighborhood certainly.

alert you must be alert to the dangers around you.

alien many movies have been made about aliens coming to the earth.(alien外国人;外星人)

alike the two sisters look very much alike.

alive although he is old,he’s still very alive.

all this is,after all,the last important part of the problem.

all but all but two were wounded.

all over he looked all over for the lost cartoon.

in all I spent four hours in all writing my paper yesterday.

not at all I am not tired at all.

allege the police alleged[ ?'led?d] that the man was murdered.

alleviate the drug alleviated the pain.

alliance the working class is in alliance with peasantry.(alliance联盟)

allocate the school allocated a room to five students.(allocate分配)

allow we must allow for an emergency.(allow for 体谅到)

allowance considerable allowance(补助) were be made for special cases.

ally some small countries will ally themselves with large countries in order to survive.(ally结盟)

alone leave the children alone.

let alone he can't add two and two,let alone do fractions.

alphabet children learn the alphabet in kindergarten.

alter this shirt has to be altered,it’s too large.

alternate the curtain had alternate stripes of blue and yellow.(alternate交替的;使交替)

alternative we have no alternative in this matter.(alternative两者选一的;n.选择)

altitude it’s difficult to breathe at high altitude.

amaze(及物动词) the music amazed us all.

ambiguous poor grammar can lead to ambiguous sentences.

amplify by turning this knob to the right,you can amplify the sound from the radio.( knob把手,旋钮)

amuse I amuse myself by reading detective stories.(及物动词)

analogy scientist often describe organic(器官的;有机的) processes['pr?uses] by analogy([?'n?l?d?i]类推). analyze they are analyzing each employee's productivity.

anchor the ship anchored off shanghai.

anger his words angered her.

announce the president announced his cabinet(橱;内阁) appointment.

annoy I was annoyed because I missed the train.

answer you should answer for(为….负责) our safety.

anticipate you can anticipate a pleasant vocation here.

anxious we are anxious to know the result.

anything he is anything but a writer.

apart (from) apart from(除了) other considerations,time is a factor.

apologize I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.

apparent your father's recovery was only apparent.

appeal the government is appealing to everyone to save water.

appear only seven of her poem had appeared in print.

appendix the author forgot to include the appendix(附录) in the book.

appetite he has no appetite for(不想) hard work.

applaud when he finished his speech,the crowd applauded.

appliance the house has several electric appliances such as a washing machine and clothes dryer. apply he is applied to(与…接触) American consul(领事) for a visa.

appoint they appointed(任命) him as chairman.

appointment I have appointment with my tutor(家教师) this afternoon.

appreciable the improvement in your badminton game is quite appreciable(可观的).

appreciate bill appreciate(感谢;体会到) his boss's earnest(郑重的) advice.

approach that play's approach(方法) to the music is quite different form anyone else's. appropriate her bright cloths will not appropriate for funeral(葬礼).

approve the school board approved the budget.

approximately we will arrive at two o'clock approximately.

apt old people are apt to forget things.

arbitrary a judge can't make arbitrary decisions.

arch the trees arched over the road.

architecture Greek architecture made much use of columns.

argue this buried ruins(毁坏,废墟)argue(提出理由证明) existence of an earlier civilization. arise accidents often arise from carelessness.

arm the new battleship(战舰) will be armed with 16 inch guns.

arouse the music aroused an intensive feeling of homesickness in him.

arrange actually we don't go in much for arranged tours.

array the store had a vast array of toys to choose from.

arrest the police arrested the thief.

arrive at last the committee arrive at a decision.

art history and literature are among arts.

articulate john did not articulate his argument well,so he lost the debate

ascend the hot air balloon slowly ascended into the sky.

ascertain did the doctor ascertained the cause of your pain?

ashamed he is ashamed of what he did.

aside aside from money he works for fame.

ask he ask after you.

ask for this work asks for hard work.

asleep the baby is asleep.

assault the criminal was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

assumable(及物动词) the students are assembled in the hall.

assert the attorney[?'t?:ni] asserted his client was innocent.

assess the damage was assessed at ten thousand dollars.

assign the teacher assigned Wednesday evening for conferences with the parents.

assimilate the friendly community rapidly assimilated the new immigrants(assimilate吸收)

assist he assisted her with her English.

associate foreigners always associate China with the great wall.

assume assuming it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?

assumption people often make assumptions that turn out to be false.

assure I can assure you of the radio quality.(assure 是“使别人相信”,assure sb.of sth.)

astonish I was astonished at the news.

attach the hospital is attached to Beijing University.

attack the colonel attacked the navy for being unprepared for the war.(colonel上校;attack进攻;非)

attain he attained a highest office in the firm.

attempt he made an attempt on Everest.

attend the concert was attended(及物动词) by multitudes of music lovers.

pay attention to nobaby paid any attention to the warning of the storm.

attitude what’s your attitude to this problem?

attract the traffic accidents attract a large crowd.

attribute he attributes his failure to poor judgment.

argument the addition to the house greatly argument it's value.

auxiliary the auxiliary power unit turned on during the storm.

avail oneself of we availed ourselves of tom's goodwill and let him repair the fence.

of(to) no avail we struggled to no avail and lost the match.

available the manager is not available now.

average on average he earns five dollars a week.

avert accidents can be averted by careful driving.

avoid she avoided the strangers and communicated chiefly through notes and poems even with intimates(熟友). await(及物动词) I am awaiting your reply.

awake we must awake to the danger.

award this film won an Oscar award in 1995.

aware are you aware of problems that you have caused?

away I’ll do it right away 立刻.

what awful weather!

he walked back and forth in his room.

back down v.放弃原主张, 取消前言(off) I saw she was right so I backed down.

back of he feels safer sitting in the back of the car than in the front.

back up they backed up the cause目标of the revolution with their lives.

badly the building around were badly damaged.

bake the cake is baking in the oven.

balance income and expenditures exactly balance.

bald many new babies are bald.adj.光秃的, 单调的, 枯燥的

ban the play was banned.

band David and his friends formed a band that practiced on the weekends.

bandage I bandaged my twisted ankle.

bang he banged the chair against the wall.

bar the road is barred.

bare sue bared her soul to her friend.

barely we have money barely enough to last the weekend.

bargain in some shops you required to bargain otherwise you will be taken in接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗by the shop assistant.

base(v.n.) I base my opinion about tom on what I had heard.

basis(n.) on the basis of those theories,he worked out his picture of the state 情况,州,国家of future.

batch the travel agent give us a batch of(一批) holiday leaflets and brochures.

bathe he doesn't like to bathe v.沐浴, 洗, (光线)充满n.洗澡regularly.

bear these columns bear the weight of the roof.

beast the beast was so sick that we could not tell if it was a wolf or a dog.

beat at 2:25 pM,his heart ceased to beat.

beforehand please let me know your plans beforehand.

beg I beg you to keep quiet.

begin the professor begin the lecture with slides (slide[slaid]v.(使)滑动, (使)滑行n.滑, 滑动, 幻灯片.)

behalf on behalf of my colleagues and myself ,I’d like to give a warm welcome to you all.

behave the machine behaved well during the tests.

believe the children are making believe(假装) that they are princes and princesses.

belong Britain belongs to EEC(European economical community).

beloved my beloved(n.adj.) sent me flowers.

bend wire bends easily.

beneficial flash air is beneficial to the health.

benefit(及物动词) the technical innovation will benefit our production.

best he can't get here before two at best.

do one's best we should do our best to catch up the world's highest level.

get the best of he got the best of his opponent.

make the best use of you should make best use of your time.

bat the English bat on horse races baseball and soccer games.

betray his remark betrayed his ignorance.

better his health changed for the better.

get the better of占上风, 胜过… her curiosity got the better of her.

had better we had better not disturb her.

beware beware the strangers who act too friendly.

bewilder the house wife's strange behavior bewildered her husband.

beyond this maths problem is beyond my abilities.

bias a referee must not show bias to either side.

bibliography the author included a lengthy bibliography(目录,文献) at the end of book. bid he bid five dollars for an old book.

bind the nurse will bind up your cut.

bite a mosquito[m?s'ki:t?u] is biting me.

blame they blamed the electric short circuit for the fire yesterday.

blank fill the blanks with correct words.

blast the workers blasted the mine entrance.

blaze all the lights were blazing in the office.

bleed your nose is bleeding.

blend some nickel was blended with steel to from alloy steel.

bless bless me from all evils.

block all roads were blocked by the heavy snowfall.

bloody it was a bloody battle that caused more than fifty thousand of deaths.

bloom that bush will bloom soon.

blossom the cheery(adj.) trees are in blossom.

blow her failure in the examination was a blow to her.

blunder I really blundered when I forgot to introduce my friends.

blunt to much alcohol can blunt your senses.

blush she blushed with shame.

board he has never been on board a ship before.

boast I don't like john; he is always boasting.

boil the kettle is boiling.

bold the word poison appeared in bold letters on the label.

bolt please bolt([b?ult]) the door before you go to bed.

book the flight is fully booked.

boom the economy is booming.

Border(vt.) the Unite States borders Mexico and Canada.

bore I was bore by his tedious talk.

born when and where were you born ?

borrow may I borrow five pounds from you until Saturday?

boss David is always bossing his friends around.

bother don’t bother about getting dinner for me today.

bounce the ball gave a high bounce.

bound bill accidentally got on a bus bound for Miami.

boycott they have decided a boycott against the election.

brace brace yourself we are going around a sharp curve(曲线).

brake the brake wouldn't act so there was an accident.

brand on big farms cattle are usually branded(印记,商标).

breadth the bench has a breadth of two feet.(bread面包,breadth宽度;宽容)

break he broke away form the prison.

break down the transformer broke down.(transformer变压器;改革者)(break down 损坏了;破产)

break into the robber broke into the bank and stole a large amount of money.

break off those two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.

break out fire broke out after the earthquake.(break off断交;分离)

break up the steamer will be broken up for scraps. (steamer大轮船;蒸气锅)(break up 破碎)(scrap碎片)break down after the breakdown of the old regime(政治制度),things changed.

breath after running to the bus stop,I sat down to catch my breath.

out of breath he run himself out of breath.

breed he was bred to be a gentleman.

bride the witness have been brirded into silence in the court.

brief give me the facts in brief,please.

bring about science has brought about many changes in our lives.

bring down the pilot brought the plane down gently.

bring forth extensive research is constantly bringing forth and developing new devices.(bring forth出现)bring forward he brought forward his plan for the experiment after the meeting.(bring forward提出;显现)bring out that difficult job brought out the bad side of her nature.(bring out显现)

bring to they tried to bring the old man to after he fainted.(bring to使苏醒)

bring up he was well brought up.(bring up 养育,教育)

broad he has broad knowledge of biology.

broadcast this station broadcast round the clock in six languages.

brown the gene for brown the eyes is dominant(显性的;占统治地位的).

brush don’t forget to brush your teeth before going to bed.

bud the trees are budding and spring is near.

budget(及物动词) we have budget ten thousand dollars for advertising.

bug the detective bugged the suspect's telephone.

build reading builds up the mind.

bulk jone always buys coffee in bulk to save money.

bump I bumped against the door.

burn out(烧坏) the engine has burned out.

burn up(烧掉) the rocket burned up when it reentered the earth's atmosphere.

burst the tank burst into fragments

bury the thief buried treasure under a tree.

business it was no business of mine.

on business no admittance except on business.

busy Anne busied herself preparing for the interview.

but for but for your coming I should have been very lonely.

butter Mary buttered her toast.

the byproduct made when processing oranges are fed to cattle.

the cabin has one room with a small fireplace.

cable I cabled(拍发电报;电缆) congratulations to him.

calculate astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipse s of the sun

call for the situation calls for immediate action.(call for 需要)

call forth April shower(雨) calls forth many flowers.(call forth唤起)

call off the meeting was called off.(call off 取消)

call on they called on the workers of the country to support the strike.(call on 号召)

call up could you call last year's sale figures up for me?(call up 打电话;回忆起)

calm at last the wild wind calmed down.

camp they go camping every summer.

cancel please cancel all the unnecessary words in your manuscript.

candidate there were five hundred candidates of the entrance examination.

capable this planes are capable of flying eight hundred miles per hour.

capacity the hot water tank has fifty gallon capacity.

capital the conference dealt(deal的过去式) with two capital questions.

capitalism capitalism encourages the ownership of companies by the general population.(普通百姓)capsule the space capsule(航天舱;胶囊) have three astronauts.

capture the criminal was captured red handed.

care for I don't much care for television.

take care she urged me to take care of myself.

take care of she stayed at home to take care of the baby.

carry the war carried off(夺去) millions of lives.

carry on we’ll carry on(继续) our conversation tomorrow.

carry out john will carry out(完成) his assignment on time.

carve she carved a turnip(怀表) out of wood.

case she will remain at her post at any case.

in case take a spare tire along in case of need.

in case of in case of fire ring the alarm bell.

in no case in no case is the efficiency greater than one hundred percent.

cast the statue['st?tju:]雕像of liberty was cast(铸) in copper(铜).

casual the two old friends had a casual meeting.

catch I hoped to catch on(理解) the new method in a few days.

catch up with we’ll catch up with the advanced world levels.

category this book falls into(属于) the category(种类) of reference books.

cause bankruptcy(破产) is usually caused by poor management.

caution the red sign(符号) indicates a caution(小心;警告).

cautious bill is always cautious about his investments.

cease the earth revolves(旋转) round the sun without cease.

celebrate we celebrated the 90th anniversary of university.

cement this agreement has cemented our friendship.

census the town holds a census(人口调查) every few years.

centre Dr.Welch's interest and writings centred on the religious(宗教的).

centigrade the Canadian forecaster gave the temperatures in centigrade instead of in Fahrenheit ['f?r?n,ha?t] .

certainty it can be said with certainty that the negotiations will be successful.

certificate Mary had to present her birth certificate to get a drive license.

certify the accounts were certified as correct.

chain the bank clerk chained the pen to the counter(柜台) so that no one would take it away.

challenge exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind.

chance I met him by chance.

take a chance don’t take a chance by driving too fast.

change the city has changed almost beyond recognition(认不出) since the last time we visited it.

channel did you watch the program on channel two last night?

chaos the city was in great chaos(混乱) after the earthquake.

characteristic the capacity to think is the distinctive characteristic of our species.

characterize this type of scenery characterizes the whole region.

charge the airlines charge half price for students.

in charge of(及物动词) an experienced engineer is in charge of the project.

take charge(掌管(不及物动词)) he will take charge during my absence.

charm he was charmed with(被迷住) the beauty of the scenery.

charter we chartered a bus for the trip.

chase the policeman chased the thief down the street.

chat[t??t] I had long chat with the talkative reader.

cheat it’s wrong to cheat on an examination.

check I checked in that hotel.

check out she checked the books out of the library.

check up she asked the doctor to check her up.

cheer he cheered up at the news.

cherish he cherished the book as the most valuable one.

chew [t?u:] you must chew your food well before you swallow it.

chill(寒冷,使寒冷) the meat is chilling in the refrigerator.

choice this shop has a large choice of hats and shoes.

choose choose death before dishonor.

chop the cook(厨子) chopped vegetables for Chinese dishes.

chorus the class answered the questions in chorus.

chronic she is developed a chronic(慢性的) cough.

circle the hawk[h?:k] circled about it's prey(有“被捕物”之意).

circulate(v.循环.及物) the heart circulate blood round the body.

circumstance China will under on circumstances(在任何情况下都不) be the first to use unclear weapons. cite he cited some figures to illustrate his point.

civil some space technology was put into civil(公民的) use(民用).

civilian after thirty years in the military(部队) tom retired and became a civilian(平民). civilize it may take decades to fully civilize the remote people.

claim it is claimed that this discovery will cause revolution in surgery.

clap he clapped his friend on the shoulder and congratulated him.

clarify his explanation clarified the mystery.

clash in her haste she clashed(撞击) the saucepan(深平底锅) against the stove[st?uv].

clasp I clasped([klɑ:sp]扣住,扣紧) the steering wheel and started the car.

classify ants are classified among the insects.

clause the third clause of the contract specifies(['spesifai]详述;指定) when the payments are due. clean the maid is hired to clean the house once a week.

clear away the worker has cleared away the rubbish.

clear up(清理收拾) I’ve lots of work to clear up by the weekend.

climax the climax(高潮) of the play came in the last act.

climb the price of gold took a steep climb.

cling a static(静的) charge(电) causes the clothes to cling(粘着,缠着) together.

clip he clipped(夹住) the pen into his breast pocket.

cloak the elegant(优雅) model was cloaked(被披斗蓬) in velvet天鹅绒

close through a close study we came to know the properties of material.

clothe he clothed himself in his best suit.

clue I have no clue to find the lost car.

cluster the place was clustered(群居;一群) with people.

clutch the drowning([draun]淹死) man clutched(抓住) the lifebelt(生命安全带).

coach[k?ut?] Mr. Wang is coaching students for examination

coarse swearing(宣誓;咒骂) is a coarse(粗鲁) habit.

coat the pill(药丸) is coated the sugar.

coherent the exciting woman was not very coherent(指思想言行有逻辑一致性) on the telephone.

coil the road coiled(向前卷) upward through the twisting valley['v?li].

coincide our opinions didn't coincide on this case.

coincidence it was pure coincidence(一致,巧合) that I remembered his phone number.

collaborate the police and the army collaborated(协作) to catch the terrorists

collapse the house collapsed because some of the wood had decayed.

collect I am collecting materials for a textbook

collection our library has a large collection of books.

collide[k?'laid] the government collided with(冲突) parliament['pɑ:l?m?nt] over it's industrial plans.

collision an explosion resulted from the collision(冲突) of the oil and the truck.

colony Canada and south Africa use to be British colonies.

comb(v.n.) comb your hair before leaving.

combat(及物) the doctors are combating cancer with new drugs.

combine if you combine red and white you get a color called pink.

come off the experiment didn't quite come off(起作用).

come on the movies come on at eight o'clock

come out when does the book come out?

come around(重来) birthdays come around quickly when one is older.

come to the bill came to thirty pounds.

come up young designers came up with(提出) many fresh idears.

come up to your present['prez?nt] work hasn't come up to(达到) your normal high standards.

come up with recently an American chemist came up with the new type of textile(纺织的) fable(['feibl]寓言,故事;织物). comfort(及物动词) the nurse comforted the patient by tidying up(tidy up 使整洁) his bed.

comfortable please make yourself comfortable.

command(及物) the president commanded the silence.

commemorate my parents commemorated(纪念) their fifteen wedding anniversary on the 25th February.

comment have you any comments on the proposals?

commission the ambassador was given the commission(代理权) to negotiate(商谈) the treaty.

commit he committed a motoring offence(罪行).

common this swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood.

commonplace in the future it is commonplace for people to travel to the moon.

commonsense(adj.) if you are commonsense(正常) you wouldn't have to ask such silly questions.

communicate nowadays we can communicate with people all over the world in many ways.

communism communism(共产主义) promotes the sharing of a nation's wealth among all its citizens.

commute Mary commutes to school rather than living on campus.

compact the trees grew in a compact mass.

company Anne keeps company with neighbors on her block(在她的街区/在她的大楼).

comparable this dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.

comparative we are amazing by his comparative wealth(相对富裕).

compare life is compared to(相当于,等于) voyage['v?iid?].

compression by compression(缩写) your essay is better than his.

compatible these curtains are not compatible with(匹配) the furniture.

compel my sense of duty(责任感) compels me to do this.

compensate nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.

compete expert chess players competed[k?m'pi:t] for the championship(['t??mpj?nship]冠军称号). competent(有能力) he is quite competent to do the work.

competitive(有竞争力) Jim is very competitive[k?m'petitiv] when he plays baseball.

compile(编辑) the scientists compiled a great amount of data to help develop their theories. complain I’ll complain to the police about the noise.

complement travel can be excellent complement to one's education.

complete the airplane garage(['ɡ?rɑ:?]库) is now completed.

complex the scientists had difficulty producing in the complex molecule.

complicate(vt.) getting angry with each other will only complicate the matter.

complicated(adj.) no one can understand their complicated relationship.

compliment thank you for your compliments(赞语).

comply we couldn't comply with(遵从) your request.

component copper(铜) and zinc are the components([k?m'p?un?nt]成分) of brass(黄铜).

compose he has composed a lovely piece of music.

compound water is a compound of(复合物) hydrogen and oxygen.

comprehend the child couldn't comprehend the advanced textbook.

comprehension the student had a good comprehension(广泛的,综合的) of material and passed the test. comprehensive Beijing university is a comprehensive one.

compress can you compress your speech into five minutes?

comprise(v.) all substances are comprised of(组成) great many particles called atoms. compromise I hope we shall come to a compromise(退让) on this issue.

compulsory a foreign language is a compulsory(强制的) course for students.

compute he computed that the project would take four years to complete.

conceal he didn't conceal(隐瞒) anything for me.

conceive it was in the 1930s that scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb(原子弹). concentrate(vt.) a convex(['k?n,veks, k?n'veks]凸) lens is used to concentrate rays of light. conception the conception of this book took him twenty minutes but writing it took a year. concern as far as I am concerned this plan is acceptable.

be concerned with the lecture was concerned with revolutionary war politics.

concession the governor would make no concession(让步) on the issue of crime.

concise Vera wrote a concise(简明) summary of the book.

conclude we concluded that accident was caused by slippery road.

condemn(vt.判决) the court([k?:t]法院) condemned him to death for murder.

condense condense your manuscript to half its original length.

condition I’ll told the matter to you on condition that you kept it secret.

conditional continued the employment here is conditional on(以…为条件) good performance.

conduct the company set up an office to conduct inquires(查询).

confer the president conferred(授) diplomas(文凭)on the members of the graduating class.

confess I must confess that I don't understand English.

confident he felt confident of the passing the examination.

confidential this information is completely confidential(秘密).

confirm(vt.) the prince was confirmed(确定) in the castle(城堡) for three years.

confirm the hotel confirmed our reservations(预订) by telephone.

conflict his point of view conflicts with mine.

conform the design conforms with(符合) the regulations.

confront Vera’s tactics(策略) of confronting her boss was successful.

confuse even the family confused the twins sometimes.

confusion there was a lot of confusion(混乱) everyone was talking ate time.

connect the internet connects people all over the world.

connection in connection with the pollution problem I want to say more.

conquer you must conquer your fear of heights.

conscientious Vera is a conscientious(勤奋) student.

conscious the patient was perfectly conscious.

consensus the school board could not reach a consensus(一致) on the curriculum(课程).

consent I am sure he wouldn't consent(同意).

consequence Jenny got up late and in consequence she missed the school bus.

in consequence of in consequence of bad work Jim was dismissed.

conservative he is conservative in politics.

consider he considered fully before accepting the offer.

considerate it was very considerate(考虑周详) of you.

consist the western hemisphere consists of the continents(大陆,洲) of North America and South America. consistent his deeds are consistent with(与一致) his words.

consolidate Russia is trying to consolidate(加强) her position in east Europe.

conspicuous she is always conspicuous(显眼) because of her fashionable clothes.

constant in our fast paced[peis] world nothing seems constant.

constituent friendliness is an important constituent([k?n'stitju?nt]成分) of pleasant personality.

constitute meat milk vegetables fruits and starches(淀粉) constitute about balanced diet. construct a famous architect constructed the model of a new cathedral([k?'θi:dr?l]教堂).

consult he consulted商议 with his lawyer before signing the contract.

consume(vt.) I consumed the much time and energy in writing this book.

contact he is in contacted with many people in the film cycle(电影圈).

contain this book on nutrition contains several healthful recipes(小窍门).

contaminate the water supply has been contaminated(弄脏) by chemicals from the factory.

contempt the scholar had great contempt for(蔑视) his lazy colleagues.

contend the firm is too small to contend against(竞争) large international companies.

content we can not be contented(满足;容量) with successes already gained.

contest the visiting team is to contest with(竞争) at least five teams.

context do not quote my words out of context(背景).

continual I hate continual argument with him.

continue he continued to devote himself to research work.

continuous the weather forecaster predicted continuous rain throughout the day.

contract metals(金属) contract(合同;缩小) when cooled.

contradict the two accounts contradict each other.

contrary I believe you like your job; on the contrary I hate it.

contrast research is more mentally fatiguing([f?'ti:ɡ]疲劳) contrasted['k?ntr?st] with(对比) physical labor. in contrast with in contrast to his brother Jim was always considerate in his treatment to others.

contribute many people have contributed towards the hope project.(希望工程)

control the plane got out of control and crashed.

under control the fire was soon under control.

under the control of that country is now under the control of a military government.

convenient come to see me whenever it is convenient to you.

convention it is a matter of convention(习俗) that men should open doors for ladies.

conversion the bank charges a fee for the conversion of America money into foreign currencies.

convert we’ll convert sorrow into strength.

convey they asked me to convey their congratulations to you.

convict the evidence convicted(证明(有罪)) him.

convince I am convinced(使确信) that the plan would work.

cook the beef(牛肉) is not cooked enough.

cool it took me sometime to cool down after the argument.

cooperate the army navy and air force cooperated in the assault(攻击).

cope the lack the strength to cope with all those problems.

copy copy this article for me.

correct we should uphold truth and correct error.

correspond the America congress correspond to the British parliament.

corresponding all rights carry corresponding(相应的) responsibility with them.

corrode iron corroded([k?'r?ud]腐蚀) in air forming rust(锈).

corrupt the reporter exposed the corrupt(堕落) of politicians[,p?li'ti??n]

cost the bridge must be repaired within three days at all costs.

at the cost of he saved the drowning child at the cost of(以...的代价) his life.

Costly(adj.) the house is too costly(代价高) for us to buy.

counsel the doctor counseled(建议;顾问) the operating at once.

count he can't count on(指望,依赖) the weather being good.

count up I counted up the days I had already spent writing the essay.

counter the debater countered with(反击) another argument.

couple the shaft(杆;轴) of the turbine is couple to(连结) the rotor(['r??t?]旋翼) of the generator(发电机). course in the course of the history people have been looking for better life.

of course of course I remember you.

courtesy the students show their teachers courtesy in respect.

by courtesy of(蒙...允许) this photos were reproduced by courtesy of the general(普通) electric company.

cover(up) he covered up his ignorance['iɡn?r?ns].

crack the whip(鞭子) cracked(劈啪) as the wagon(四轮马车) master started the horses.

crash the two cars crashed(碰撞) at the intersection.


crazy he is crazy with delight(高兴).

create tourism(旅游业) creates jobs for people.

creative the engineers developed a creative solution to the problem.

credit it takes 124 credits for a student to graduate.

creep the hours crept by(不知不觉地前进).

cripple he was crippled(伤残) in an accident.

crisp the autumn leaves are dry and crisp(脆).

criterion only society practice can be the criterion([krai'ti?ri?n]标准) of truth.

critical the transition(转变) from childhood to adulthood is always a critical time for everybody.

criticize he criticized the essay very favourably(n.令人称赞).

cross cross out(划掉,勾销) the mistake completely if you want to make a correction.

Crowd in the week before the Christmas shoppers crowded the stores.

crown([kraun]王冠) the queen was crowned in 1953.

crucial knowing first aid is crucial for saving lives.

crude crude oil has to be refined before it can be used.

crush the impetus(['impit?s]促进) of the truck as it struck(击;strike) the wall crushed(压坏) many of stones of the wall. cry he cried for mercy.

Cue(暗号,提示) I find noises disturb me; marry said right on cue(恰在此时) the fire alarm sounded.

take one's cue the other children took their cue from john and ignored the new boy.

cultivate the farmer planned to cultivate(培植) the pasture(牧场).

cunning this merchant(商人) is cunning(狡猾).

cure this medicine should cure you of your cold.

curious adolescents are usually curious.

curl her hair curls naturally.

curse she cursed at the man who stepped on her foot.

curve the road curve(曲线;转弯) to the right.

cut we can't be late if we cut cross this field.

cut back they had cut back(削减;收回) train service in mail deliveries.

cut down we have to cut down(削减) expenses in every way.

cut in don’t cut in while another person is talking.

cut off we were cut off(切断) while talking by telephone.

cut out the author cut out(切掉) unimportant details of the story.

earn he earns his living by painting.

earth what on earth are you doing?

ease(vi.) the pain has eased(减缓).

echo(v.n.) the hill echoed back the noise of the shot(枪声n).

economical the car is economical(经济的) to run.

edge the butter knife has a dull(钝的) edge.

edit the whole pictorial(画报) is produced and edited in pursuit of excellence

educate parents should educate(vt.) their children to behave well.

effect the plan has not been put into effect.

come into effect that ruling came into effect last august(?).

in effect it was in effect a failure.

take effect the medicine quickly took effect.

efficient a really efficient machine is one which has efficiency of 100%.

eject the volcano ejected lava(熔岩) and ashes.

elaborate he declined(谢绝;下降) to elaborate(详细说明、制定) on his plan.

elastic rubber is elastic.

elbow he elbowed(肘n;用肘推v) to the crowd.

elect first year students may elect French or German.

elevate they want to elevate(提升vt.) the status of teachers.

eliminate we should eliminate(消除) any possibility of error.

eloquent he made an eloquent(雄辩的) appeal before it was too late.

else dress warmly,or else you'll catch a cold.

embark(乘船;装载) we’ll embark on a new project later this year.

embarrass(使拮据;使窘迫) the firm was embarrassed for some time for lack of ready money

embody the proposed design embodied(表现;包括) the latest achievements in science and technology.

embrace his study embraces(包括) many subjects.

emerge the swimmer emerged from the water.

emigrate how long did your parents emigrate?

emit the fair emitted(发放出) great heat.

emphasis now and in the future there must be emphasis on reliability.

emphasize he emphasized the importance of careful driving.

employ it is necessary to employ vt.雇用;使用, 利用a little tact ([t?kt]n.圆通, 机敏, 老练).

empty(及物动词) empty the box of rubbish into the fire.

enable the airplane enables people to travel through the air.

enclose the letter enclosed([in'kl?uz]vt.装着;把…围起来;把…装入信封, 附入)a check.

encounter our encounter([in'kaunt?]vt.遇到, 遭遇;偶然碰到, 邂逅n.突然遇到)with the president at the airport was exciting.

encourage his praise(ei) encouraged me.

end although he had many failures,he was successful in the end.

endanger endangered([?n'de?nd ??d]adj.快要绝种的)species are animals in danger of dying (adj.快要死的, 垂死的)out completely. endeavor you must endeavor(i) to improve your work.

endure his book will endure forever.

enforce(及物动词,使能强迫执行) policemen and judgers enforced the law.

engage she engaged in dramatics([dr?'m?tik]戏剧活动).

enhance the growth of city often enhances(加强;提高) the value of the land close to it.

enjoy I enjoyed every minutes that I spent here.

enlarge the magazine will be enlarged greatly in number of pages.

enlighten should the function of children's television be to entertain or to enlighten启发,开导?

enrich fertilizer helps to enrich the soil.

enroll I enrolled for(报名参加)the modern art course.

ensure this medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.

enter please do not enter without knocking on the door.

enterprise he is a man of great enterprise(事业;事业心).

entertain the boy is entertaining himself with building blocks(街区).

enthusiasm we were received with great enthusiasm.

entitle Dr.Welch wrote a book entitled An Anthropologist at work(忙于工作) and it was published in 1959.

environment I don't feel safe in this dangerous environment.

envy I envy your success.

epidemic is flu(流感) epidemic(流行病)?

equal four times(乘以) five equals twenty.

equip the army was poorly equipped.

equivalent he changed his American dollars for the equivalent amount of renminbi.

erase that is written in pencil so you can erase anything incorrect.

erect the war memorial([mi'm?:ri?l]纪念碑) was erected in 1950.

erupt(突然发生) violence erupted in the city.

escape the lion escaped form the cage.

essence(本质) electronics is in essence an extension of electrical fundamentals.

establish Newton established the law of gravity.

estimate dozens of serious casualties are estimated in the train crash.

evaluate don’t evaluate a person by his clothes.

evaporate heat evaporates water.

even eight and ten are both even numbers.

event at all events ,the definite(明确的) decision will be reached.

in the event of in the event of rain ,the party will be held indoors.

ever we are friends for ever.

evident it’s evident(明显的) that the answer is wrong.

evolve man has evolved(进化)from the ape(猿).

exaggerate the fact is incredibly(不可置信地) exaggerated(夸大).

exam the teacher examed the students in chemistry.

exceed his knowledge of history exceeds mine.

exception with the exception of superconductors(超导体) all materials have a measurable electric resistance. excess any excess payment will be refunded.

exchange will you exchange seats with me?

excite he gets easily excited to anger.

exclaim they exclaimed in one voice.

exclude don’t exclude the possibility of murder.

exclusive this room is for the president's exclusive use.

excursion the family took a ten day excursion to Japan.

excuse he have been excused from military service on account of short sightedness(sighted可视的).

execute the nurse executes(执行) the doctor's orders.

executive the president of the US is the chief executive.

exemplify the teacher exemplified(举例) the use of the word.

exercise if you want to stay healthy you must exercise.

exert please exert all your strength and try to finish this job by the end of this month.

exhaust the long war exhausted(耗尽vt.)the country.

exhibit goods are exhibited in shop windows.


exist the city has existed for hundreds of years.

expand metal expands when heated.

expect she is expected to be here next Wednesday.

expel驱逐 the new government expelled all foreign diplomats(['dipl?m?t]外交官).

expend he expended all his capital on his new scheme(阴谋,计划).

experience(n,vt)have you ever experienced an earthquake?

experiment(n,vi) the biologist experimented on animals.

expert Jim is a expert in repairing cars.

expire my passport expires(过期) next February.

explain please explain to us how to operate the machine.

explicit please give me explicit directions how to get your home.

explode(vt.炸了) steam pressure exploded(爆炸) the boiler.

exploit people are exploiting the nature resources.

explore they have gone to explore the Antarctic(南极的)areas.

export the export(输出v,n) of gold is forbidden.

expose don’t expose the medicine to the sun.

express this sign expresses pision.

extend the hot weather extended into September(九月).

extent to an extent you are responsible for the failure.

exterior(n,adj) the exterior(外部) of the house is red brick.

extinguish it took the firefighters(消防队员) hours to extinguish(扑灭) the fire.

extract(vt.拔出) I’ll have to have this tooth extracted.

extravagant Mr. Green warned his wife against extravagant purchase.

I’ll ask him face to face.

face up to(正视) you should face up to the realities of life(现实生活).

in the face of(在面对...的时候) he remained calm in the face of danger.

make a face(做鬼脸) my partner made a face to me.

facilitate the used of standard components(组成部分; 元件) facilitates replacement when they are worn.

fact he doesn't mind in fact he is pleased.


fade the echo faded.

fail I failed to preside him.

faint昏倒 he fainted from hugger(极端派).

fair he has a fair chance of winning.

faithful I’ll be faithful to my promise.

fall Africa falls far behind Europe in industry

fall back on(转而依赖) in emergency this family always falls back on their savings

fall in with(与...一致) she fell in with a strange crowd of people.

fall out(争吵;掉队) she fell out with her boyfriend over where to go sightseeing(观光).

fall through(落空) the talk fell through.

familiar the name sounds familiar to me.

fancy(vt想像,喜欢(及物);n想像,喜欢;adj别致的) he fancies himself as the fastest swimmer.

fantastic(奇异的) the idea that machine could be made to fly seemed fantastic a hundred years ago.

far he is taller by far than his mother.

far from he is far from a poet.

fascinate(vt使着迷) show shell(贝壳) manor(庄园) is a museum an absolute fascinating(adj迷人) collection of all sorts of things. fasten(['fɑ:s?n]栓牢) he fasten the boat to a tree by a rope.

fault he finds fault with everything I do.

favour they are in favour of free trade.

fax(vt.n.传真(机)) did you get the report I faxed last night?

fear she turned pale with sudden fear.

feed if you feed the data in , you will get the analysis(分析报告) a few minutes later.

be feed up with(厌烦) I am fed up with your complaints.

feel she felt like crying.

