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- 外国人就业证办理推荐度:
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申办《外国人就业证》延期,本人应在境内并在《外国人就业证》有效期满前30天内办理。 a. 填写正确的《外国人就业延期申请表》二份; b. 单位申请书;
c. 经年检有效的营业执照副本、注册证或登记证(复印件),组织机构代码证(复印件);
d. 用人单位与被聘外国人签订的《劳动合同》(正本及复印件)(属境外单位派遣且劳动报酬等由境外支付,以及涉外项目中的技术人员不与用人单位签订劳动合同的,应由境外派遣单位出具派遣证明文书,应明确该境外人员与境外单位签订劳动合同,建立劳动关系,薪资由境外支付,并注明派遣期限、派驻岗位、从事工作等内容,境外派遣单位签章;非外商企业批准证书中所列投资方派遣的,提交第三方派遣证明及境外投资者补充说明,说明派遣方、被派遣方以及投资方之间的关系,如劳动合同或派遣证明是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,翻译件由用人单位盖章)(代表机构的首席代表和代表可不提供劳动合同); e. 《外国人就业证》(正本及复印件);
f. 本人的有效护照和居留许可入境章(正本及复印件);
g. 代表机构的首席代表、代表还需提供本人有效的《代表证》(正本及复印件); h. 如住址变动,另提供临时住宿登记表;
i. 如《外国人就业证》的延期附页用完,须带近期二寸证件照片一张,以制作新证;
j. 其他补充材料。 ※注意事项:
Documents needed:
The application for the extension of Employment Permit should be submitted within 30 days before the date of expiry and the foreigner should be in China when the application is submitted.
a. The Application Form for Foreigner Employment Extension (Two copies ); b. Application of employer company (In Chinese with company’s stamp);
c. Photocopy of Valid Business License passed annual inspection (Duplicate). Photocopy of Company Certificate of Approval (Only for company with foreign investment and joint venture). Photocopy of Certificate of Organization Code;
d. Employment Contract (Original and copy) or Dispatch Letter (Aliens are dispatched and paid by foreign company abroad. Technical experts get involved in cooperative projects and do not establish labor contract with local company. Under these circumstances, dispatch certificate which is issued by foreign company abroad with stamp should be submitted. All necessary provisions, such as position, term, responsibility, employment and payment relationship with foreign company abroad should be clearly announced in it. Additional documents should be submitted to explain the relationship between all these parties, if the foreign company abroad is not listed as an investor on
Certificate of Approval. Any document above in foreign languages should be attached with Chinese version with the stamp of local company.)(Representatives of Resident Representative Office don’t need to submit employment contract.);
e. Original and Photocopy of Alien Employment Permit;
f. Valid passport,residence permit of foreign employee and entry record (Original and copy) ; g. Valid Representative Certificate for chief and normal representatives in Resident Representative Office of Foreign (Region) Enterprise in China;
h. Original and Photocopy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence (Not required if no change of the address);
i. One two-inch photo for changing a new permit if the page for extension is full; j. Other additional document if it is required.
The term of Employment permit will not exceed one year normally, meanwhile, it can not exceed the valid date of labor contract, passport or Business License.
The foreigner should apply for residence permit with Employment Permit to the Department of Exit-Entry Administration of the Public Security Bureau .
English version is for reference only; Chinese version will be decisive if there is any discrepancy.
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