2022-2022学年人教版新目标 七年级下学期unit1单元检测卷(含答案

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Unit1 单元检测卷


1,—Do you know Xu Peidong? —Yes. He is a great ______.I like his music very much.

A. teacher

B. musician

C. student

D. friend"

2, Please call us ______584—6666.

A. to

B. at

C. for

D. with

3,Look! The woman over there is our teacher.She teaches _______ English.

A .us

B .them

C .her

D .him

4,She can’t ____ the difference(差别)between the two cars.

A. say

B. talk

C. speak

D. tell

5,He can _________. He wants to join the art club.

A. swim

B. draw

C. write

D. sing

6,They want two singers(歌手)______ their school show.

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. of

7,We are playing football. Come and _____________ our game.

A. join

B. join in

C. play

D. do"

8,—_________? —Yes, he can.

A. What can Victor do

B. Can I join the club

C. What can I do

D. Can Victor join the club

9,Li Xiaoming can speak Japanese, and he can ______ speak English.

A. too

B. also

C. either

D. only

10,He always helps his parents ______ the housework.

A. with

B. in

C. at

D. on


Jim,Tom and I are good friends. Tom can sing,dance,swim and play 1 .I can do kung fu.I can play 2 , too. Jim can 3 stories.He 3 English well.After school,we want 5 Mr. Zhang. Maybe(也许)we can be the students 6 the school 7 . Jim wants me to

8 stories for him because I am good at writing. He can tell them 9 .Tom wants to dance and I want to 10 kung fu.

()1.A.chess B.the chess C.the soccer D.soccer ball

()2.A.piano B.the piano C.guitar D.a guitar

()3.A.tell B.to tell C.tells D.telling

()4.A.speak B.talks C.talk D.speaks

()5.A.to talk B.talk to C.talk with D.to talk to

()6.A.on B.for C.in D.at.

()7.A.show B.club C.team D.desk

()8.A.tell B.write C.talk D.say

()9.A.good B.bad C.well D.badly

()10.A.tell B.do C.play D.swim


Mike: Can I help you?

Jane: I want to join the art club. I can draw well.

Mike: OK. What’s your name?

Jane: Jane Brown.

Mike: How old are you?

Jane: I’m 12. I want to join the swimming club, too.

Mike: Can you swim?

Jane: No, I can’t, but I like swimming and I want to learn (学习) it.

Mike: OK. What’s your phone number? And your e-mail address (地址)?

Jane: I don’t have a phone. My e-mail address is jane@01ef6cda16791711cc7931b765ce050877327598.

Mike: OK. Welcome to our clubs.

Jane: When can I come to the clubs?

Mike: Come to the art club on Sunday afternoon and the swimming club on Saturday evening.

Jane: Thanks a lot.


()41. Jane is ______ years old.

A. ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. thirteen

()42. Jane cannot ______.

A. draw

B. swim

C. sing

D. dance

()43. Jane can come to the art club ______.

A.on Saturday morning

B. on Saturday evening

C. on Sunday afternoon

D. on Sunday evening

()44. Why does Jane want to join the swimming club?

A. She likes swimming and wants to learn it.

B. She wants to have new friends.

C. She wants to be healthy.

D. She thinks swimming is relaxing.

()45. 下面的陈述哪项是正确的?

A. Jane has a phone.

B. Jane has no e-mail address.

C. Mike is Jane’s good friend.

D. Mike thinks Jane can join the two clubs.


1,你会用英语写日记吗? Can you______ a diary______ English?

2,你能帮忙教音乐吗? Can you______ ______ music?

3,朗朗可以把钢琴弹得很好。Lang Lang can _______ _______ _______ well.

4,"咱们加入音乐俱乐部吧。"那听起来不错。-Let’s ______the music club.

5,玛丽喜欢英语。她英语说得非常好。Mary ______English and she ______ English very well.



1,B 2,B 3,A 4,D 5,B 6,A 7,B 8,D 9,B 10,A






1,write in 2,help with 3,play the piano 4,join 5,likes speaks

