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本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项:



3.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。




第一节 (共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分)


1.How much longer will the woman wait for the bus at most from now on? A.45 minutes

B.15 minutes.

C.30 minutes.

2.What will they do first? A.Search for a pen.

B.Paint the bookshelf.

C.Fix the bookshelf.

3.What do we know from the conversation? A.The man couldn't open the door. C.The man lost his keys. 4.What is the man doing? A.Calling a taxi.

B.Waiting for a man.

C.Driving a taxi.

5.What does me woman suggest the man take?

A.A sweater and boots.B.A raincoat and a sweater. C. A sweater and medicines. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

6.Why has the woman been exercising recently? A.To keep fit. A.Tired.

B.To lose weight. B.Sick.

C.To train for a race. C.Energetic.

7.How does the woman feel after running?

B.The man didn't want to enter the room.

[来源学&科&网]听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.Which of the speakers' things is gone? A.The radio.

B.The man's coat.

C.The television.

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9.Where do they lose the things? A.In the taxi.

B.In the company.

C.At home.

10.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Husband and wife.

B.Waiter and customer.

C.Boss and clerk.


11.Where are the speakers talking to each other?

A.On the Internet. B.Somewhere in front of a computer. C.In a computer store. 12.How much will the man pay for the player? A.$1,500.



13.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Shopping on the Internet is easier than that in the stores. B.People can only use credit cards while shopping on the Internet. C.Most people prefer the Internet shopping because of the low prices. 听第9段材料,回答第14至第16题。 14.What is the woman? A . A laid-off worker 15.What is she worrying about? A.How to find a job.

B. college student.

C. A computer lover. C. How to send emails.

B. Her exam results.

16.What does the man advise her to do?

A. Try on the Internet. B. Go to the companies in person. C. Send out more applications.

听第10段材料,回答第17至第20小题。 17.What is the speaker probably? A. A woman clerk. A. 6157.

B. An air hostess. B. 7517.

C. A flight engineer.

C. 7156.

18.What is the flight number?

19.What should we do in case of emergency according to the speaker?

A. Fasten the seat belt. B. Turn off mobile phones. C. Use oxygen masks. 20.When does the speaker give the talk? A.During a flight.

B.Before a flight.

C.After a flight.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项


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A LITTLE PRINCESS by Frances Hodgson Burnett Price: $7.10 (Paperback Dec. 9, 1998) The novel tells of the story of a wealthy young girl, Sara Crewe, who is sent to a boarding school during her father’s campaign in India. Thanks to Capt. Crewe’s money, Sara is treated as a little princess until, one day, word comes of her father’s tragic death. Miss Minchin, the school’s greedy headmistress, wastes no time in putting the now-penniless Sara to work for her room and board. It is only through the friendship of two other girls and some astonishing luck that Sara eventually finds her way back to happiness. THE SECRET GARDEN by Frances Hodgson Burnett Price:$3.95 (Paperback July 1, 2003) Frances Hodgson Burnett was the highest paid and most widely read woman writer of her time, publishing more than fifty novels and thirteen plays. The Secret Garden is a beautiful tale of friendship, secrets and human spirits. A spoiled orphan named Mary returns to England from India when her parents die. She is sent to live in Yorkshire with her uncle. Miserable and lonely, she begins to explore the house’s gardens and discovers a key to a secret garden that the uncle sealed off when his wife died. There she discovered a secret so important, so enchanting, that it will change her life forever. PETER PAN by J. M. Barrie and Scott Gustafson Price: $16.95 (Hardcover Oct. 1, 1991) It is a children’s story full of imagination and adventures. A boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Indians, fairies and pirates, and from time to time meeting ordinary children from the world outside. Order online and you can now save 20% off your total purchase on orders over $25! 21. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the three books? A. The little princess refers to a girl named Sara Crewe.

B. The secret garden mentioned in the passage is located in India. C. Peter Pan is a boy with magic powers who never grows up. D. A Little Princess was written by a famous female writer. 22. How much does it cost to order these three books online?

A. $5.60 B. $25.00 C. $22.40 D. $ 28.00 23. What do these three books have in common? A. They were published in the same year. B. They all have a hard cover.

C. They are all stories with tragic endings. D. They have children as their main characters.


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In 1990,22-year-old Christopher McCandless gave up his career plans,left behind everyone he knew,donated all his savings to charity,and went off on an adventure,hiking his way through America to Alaska.

Of course,this is an unusual story.Most college graduates would not do so.However,studies show that in teenage years,people are more likely to try out new experiences.For example,instead of working his way up the same organization like his grandfather did,a 15-year-old may dream about becoming a traveller一only to find in his early 20s that this attraction of new places is fading and change is less attractive.

The reason why people become less keen to change as they get older may be that people

generally have similar life patterns and demands.Most people aim to find a job and a partner. As they get older,they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness,which means that new experiences and ideas may not have a place in the person’s life.New experiences may bring excitement as well as insecurity,and so most people prefer to stay with the familiar.

However,not every individual is the same. A child may want to play a different game every day and get fed up if nothing changes at the kindergarten.Another may play with the same children and toys on every visit. Young children who avoid new experiences will grow up to be more traditional than others. Psychologist argue that those who have more open personalities as children are more open than others might be when they are older and that young men have a greater interest in novelty than women,although as they age,this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women. 24.The first paragraph serves as a(n) .

A . introduction B.explanation C.comment D. background

25.What does the author think is the key factor that prevents people trying out new experiences? A.Age. B. Partner. C. Responsibility . D. Education. 26.The underlined phrase“interest in novelty”most probably means . A. independence B. curiosity C.security D.excitement 27.According to the passage,we can infer that_______.


A . a child who likes different games may not like to change after growing up B . a teenager is not interested in a new start before graduation C . women are more likely to try new things than men of the same age D . as one gets older,he prefers the old patterns of life


In my first week as a graduate student at Cambridge University in 1964 I met with a fellow student, two years ahead of me in his studies; he was unsteady on his feet and spoke with great difficulty. This was Stephen Hawking. I learned that he had a bad disease and might not live long enough even to finish his PhD degree.

But, amazingly, he has reached the age of 73. Even mere survival would have been a medical miracle, but of course, he didn’t merely survive. He has become arguably the most famous scientist in the world for his brilliant research, for his bestselling books, and, above all, for his astonishing victory over hardship.

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Stephen received his “death sentence” in 1964, when I thought it was hard for him to go on with his study. Stephen went from Albans School to Oxford University. He was said to be a “lazy” undergraduate, but his brilliance earned him a first-class degree, an “entry ticket” to a research career in Cambridge and a uniquely inspiring achievement.

Within a few years of the burst of his disease he was wheelchair-bound, and his speech was so unclear that it could only be understood by those who knew him well. But his scientific career went from strength to strength: he quickly came up with a series of insights into the nature of black holes (then a very new idea) and how the universe began. In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.

The great advances in science generally involve discovering a link between phenomena that were previously conceptually unconnected — for instance, Isaac Newton realized that the force making an apple fall to earth was the same as the force that holds the moon and planets in their orbits. Stephen’s revolutionary idea about a link between gravity and quantum(量子) theory has still not been tested. However, it has been hugely influential; indeed, one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论)has been to confirm and build on his idea. He has undoubtedly done more than anyone else since Einstein to improve our knowledge of gravity and he is one of the top-ten living theoretical physicists.

28. What impressed the author most about Stephen Hawking?

A. His brilliant research. C. His serious disease.


B. His bestselling books. D. His defeating hardship.

29. What made Stephen Hawking start his research career at Cambridge?

A. His above-average talent and ability. B. His “lazy” attitude. C. His death sentence.

A. in the late 1940s C. in the early 1930s 31. What can we learn from the text?

A. Hawking’s theory was proved years ago. B. Hawking was not as successful as Newton. C. String theory built on Hawking’s idea.

D. Hawking’s theory has had little influence on others.


Have you had this experience? You are watching a movie. A man is shooting on the screen. The picture is so real that you think he is shooting at you. Or a car is speeding on the screen and at one point you are afraid that it will hit you.

Three-dimensional(3D)movies use special technology to make pictures seem more real and exciting than two-dimensional ones. The popular movie Avatar uses 3D technology.

So far we can only see 3D movies in the cinema with a special screen and projector(放映机).But soon, we will be able to watch them in our living rooms. Last month, Woods Company told reporters that it plans to bring 3D

D. His rich experience. B. in the early 1940s D. in the late 1930s

30. It can be inferred that Stephen Hawking was born . 5 / 11

televisions to homes in the near future. The company is also hoping to make other products with 3D, like laptops and PS3

“The 3D train is on the track, and we are ready to drive it home,” said the President. 3D movies and TV programs are fun to watch, but do you know how they are made? It is much easier to understand if we do an experiment.

Hold one of your fingers up at arms length and close one eye. Then try closing the other eye. As you switch between open eyes, you should see your finger “jumping” left and right against the background.

This happens because our two eyes are about 4cm away from each other. The separation causes each eye to see the world from a different angle. The brain puts these two views together. What you see becomes three-dimensional.

3D movies are made using two video cameras at the same time, which creates two different images. When the movie plays in a cinema, two projectors put the two images on the screen. With a pair of 3D glasses, the two images are separated and each image only enters one eye. Your brain puts the two pictures back together, and the pictures on the screen become three-dimensional.

32. What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. They’ve got a train to take 3D movies back home. B. They are not sure about the future of 3D movies. C. They are ready to bring 3D technology to home. D.They have no more work to do on 3D technology . 33. From the passage, we know that 3D technology ________.

A.creates two different images separately B.works in the similar way of eyes seeing things C. uses special video cameras and screens D. can be very easy to experiment with 34. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. what 3D technology needs B. what 3D movies are C.how 3D movies develops D. how 3D technology works 35. In which page of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage?

A. Science B. Advertisement C. News D.Fiction 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


We all regard receiving presents as a pleasant experience and yet it can be one of the most awkward situations. It is often difficult to look pleased when you receive a gift which is entirely useless or the wrong size.

36 However, you have no right to change an article purchased just because it does not fit or is not to your liking. Worse still, the agreement on the sale is between the person who bought it and the shop.

So you will have to tell your favorite aunt that the T-shirt does not fit. But an exchange is not always that simple because there has to be a good reason for it. 37 For example, if the buyer was told that a switch was voice operated and later found out it was not, then action could be taken. You would have the right to return it and get the money back.

But if you are returning something, no matter what the reason is, you will be expected to have proof of

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purchase. If the receipt(收据)cannot be found, then it is possible to use another proof of purchase such as a credit card receipt. 38 Many big stores have a much more tolerant policy towards returns and see it as a gesture of goodwill to exchange goods without question. Stores including Marks & Spencer are well known for their “no argument” policy on returned goods. 39 So if a shop refuses to exchange the goods or to offer a refund(退款), the seller is likely to be within his legal rights unless there is something wrong with the goods. In that case, the boot is on the other foot. You have every right to demand a cash refund or a replacement, but only if you have returned it within a “reasonable” time.

40 Some shops and stores expect things to be returned within a week of purchase, while others may permit a much longer time limit. In any case if you return a thing after what is considered a “reasonable” time, then all you are legally entitled to is the cost of repair.

A.You should make clear what your legal position is before returning goods to the shops. B.Unfortunately, the law does not explain what is meant by “reasonable”. C. If all of these have been lost, you may have to rely on a witness. D.All you can do is exchange it after your friend or relative has gone home. E.It is unlike anything you would buy for yourself.

F.However, shoppers should remember this is a privilege, not a right.

G.Either the thing has to be broken or unsuitable for the job it was intended to do. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


John’s parents acquired the washer when he was a small boy. It happened during World War II. His family never 41 a washing machine and, since gasoline was expensive, they could not 42 trips to the laundry several miles away. Keeping clothes 43 became a problem for young John’s household.

A family friend joined the army, and his wife 44 to go with him. John’s family 45 to store their furniture while they were away. To the family’s 46 , the friend suggested they use their Bendix. So this is how they 47 the washer.

Young John helped with the washing, and across the years he 48 a love for the old, green Bendix. But 49 the war ended. When the friends came to take it back, John grew terribly 50 . His mother 51 him and said. “You must remember, that machine 52 belonged to us in the first place. That we ever got to use it at all was a gift. So, instead of being mad at it being taken 53 , let’s use this 54 to be grateful that we had it at all.”

The lesson turned out 55 . Years later, John watched his eight-year-old daughter die a slow and painful death of leukemia (白血病). Though he 56 for months with her death, John could not begin getting over from the 57 until he remembered the old Bendix.

His daughter was a 58 . When he realized the simple fact, everything changed. He could now begin

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recovering from the death of his daughter. He started to see her as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to 59 for a time. He felt 60 . He found strength and recovery. He knew he could get through the valley of loss. 41. A. required 42. A. have 43. A. good 44. A. refused 45. A. offered 47. A. got

B. repaired B. afford B. warm

C. saw C. clean

D. owned D. ride D. nice D. promised

C. take

B. prepared C. considered D. agreed B. decided B. regret

C. expected

C. astonishment D. sadness C. achieved C. finally

D. reduced D. immediately D. upset D. explained D. hardly

46. A. disappointed

B. bought C. borrowed D. used B. obviously B. hopeless B. already B. success B. important B. illness B. gift B. grateful

B. struggled

48. A. produced B. developed 49. A. peacefully 50. A. frightened 51. A. comforted 52. A once 54. A. event 55. A. invaluable 56. A. thought 57. A. lesson 58. A. washer 59. A. earn 60. A. happy

C.confused C. never

B. encouraged C. taught

53. A. away B. down C. out D. up

C. chance D. treasure C. reasonable D. necessary C. missed D. forgot C. difficulty D. loss C. death D. loser C. share D. live C. relaxed D. energetic

B. spend



用0.5 毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Man:

Good morning. Can I help you? (accommodate) in the hall of residence.


Yes, certainly. Please sit down. What I'll do is fill __63__ a form and make sure you __64__ (full) understand what to expect.

Woman: Thank you. Man: Man:

So first of all, can I take your name and date of birth? And what will you be studying?

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Woman: Yes. I __61__ (admit) to the university last month, and now I’d like to try and arrange __62__

Woman: It's Anu Bhatt. March 31st, 1992.

Woman: I'm doing a course in __65__ (nurse). Man:

Right, thank you. And how long would you want to stay in hall, do you think? for the third year.

Man: Man: Man:

Fine. Do you want to cook for __67__ or have all your meals __68__ (provide), as we call full board? Yes. You can choose to be provided only with evening meals, __69__ is half board.

Yes, a lot of students go for that. Now, with that in mind, do you have any special diet, anything we should know about?

Woman: No red meat. Man:

Okay. That's all I need to know.

第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假段定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(?),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? I have anything important to tell you. Next Sunday afternoon , our class was going to hold an English story-telling competition in lecture hall. Everybody is required to take part in the activity. Two foreign teacher will be invited to act as judges. The activity will benefit from you in many ways. For example, it will give us a good chance to practicing your oral English and train your communication skills. However, it will inspire your interest at English. The requirements are as follows. First, the story can be original. That is, the story must be made up by yourself. Second, the story must be presented in English. Finally, your story must be finished within three minutes. That’s all, thank you.

笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假如你是银川一中高三学生李华,你的笔友王宏来信说,自从进入高三以来,他的同桌经常打断他,向他请教问题,他担心会影响自己的学习。请你作为一名帮助他人的受益者用英语写一封回信。 内容包括:


2.人人都有长处和不足,可以互相学习; 3.________________________________等。 注意:

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Woman: Well, it'll take three years __66__ I'd only like to stay in hall for two. I'd like to think about living outside

Woman: Is there anything in between? Woman: That's __70__ I'd prefer.



Dear Wanghong,

How are things going? In your last letter you talked about your recent worry_______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua

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1---5 BCAAB 6---10 CBACA 11---15 BCABA 16---20 ABCCB 阅读理解

21-23 BCD 24-27 ACBD 28-31 DABC 32-35 CBDA 36-40 DGCFB 完形填空

41-45 DBCBA 46-50 CABCD 51-55 ACACA 56-60 BDBCB 语法填空:

61. was admitted 62. accommodation 63. in / out 64. fully 65. nursing 66. but 67. yourself 68. provided 69. which 70. what 短文改错: anything 改为 something; was改为is; in∧lecture hall加the; teacher 改为teachers; benefit from 去掉from; give us a good chance改为you; practising 改为practise; However改为Besides; your interest at English改为in; the story can be original改为must 写作

Possible version:

Dear Wanghong,

How are things going? In your last letter you talked about your recent worry about your studies, mentioning that your deskmate often interrupted you by asking questions. Now I would like to share my opinion with you.

First of all, there is no need to worry about your studies. When you explain something to others, you can get a better understanding of it, which can improve yourself greatly. So it is good for you. Secondly, as we all know, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Although your deskmate is not good at lessons, he might do well in other fields like sports or art. Therefore you can learn from each other. In addition, top students can help others gain confidence by helping them with their lessons, which may help develop a friendship that both of you will treasure all your life.

I hope my advice can help. And best luck with your learning.

Yours Li Hua

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1---5 BCAAB 6---10 CBACA 11---15 BCABA 16---20 ABCCB 阅读理解

21-23 BCD 24-27 ACBD 28-31 DABC 32-35 CBDA 36-40 DGCFB 完形填空

41-45 DBCBA 46-50 CABCD 51-55 ACACA 56-60 BDBCB 语法填空:

61. was admitted 62. accommodation 63. in / out 64. fully 65. nursing 66. but 67. yourself 68. provided 69. which 70. what 短文改错: anything 改为 something; was改为is; in∧lecture hall加the; teacher 改为teachers; benefit from 去掉from; give us a good chance改为you; practising 改为practise; However改为Besides; your interest at English改为in; the story can be original改为must 写作

Possible version:

Dear Wanghong,

How are things going? In your last letter you talked about your recent worry about your studies, mentioning that your deskmate often interrupted you by asking questions. Now I would like to share my opinion with you.

First of all, there is no need to worry about your studies. When you explain something to others, you can get a better understanding of it, which can improve yourself greatly. So it is good for you. Secondly, as we all know, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Although your deskmate is not good at lessons, he might do well in other fields like sports or art. Therefore you can learn from each other. In addition, top students can help others gain confidence by helping them with their lessons, which may help develop a friendship that both of you will treasure all your life.

I hope my advice can help. And best luck with your learning.

Yours Li Hua

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