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PART 不超过20分钟,不少于10分钟。 PART 建议用40分钟
区分私人信函还是公务信函,公务信函要严肃,如在私人信函中可以用I’ll , 但在公务信函中只能写成I will,依此类推。
大作文中不允许出现口语化的语言,只能用正式语言。 大作文按两步给分:
奖励分(3分)+基准分(17分) 奖励分给分原则: 一、书法笔迹: 文字书写
笔的选择:黑色碳素笔。 二、正确正规可读:
1、非正规标志:&,.etc, VS.
2、简写 World Trade Organization (WTO) 不要一上来就WTO,首次用时要写全称,再括号中注明简写,下文再用时直接用简写民。
1、逗号、句号不要随便乱点; 2、英文中没有顿号、没有书名号,各词首字母写并写成斜体写表示书名,如Go With The Wind .
3、英文中省略号是三个点 ··· 4、最多只能用一个惊叹号和问号。
三、修改问题:1、尽量不要修改,有三处以上修改评分就降一个档次, 2、不主张对内容的修改。
讲三个部分:内容、形式、语言。 一、内容
万能话题的选择—一例多用 例如:环保问题
1、在你家周围建一个工厂,你是否同意? 不同意,会污染环境,表现在1、2、3,所以不同意。
3、你的职业梦想是什么? 科学家,去解决环境问题,现在的环境问题严峻,表现在1、2、3,所以要当科学家。
1、一定要分段。严格按提纲写作,写三段。 2、段落安排合理。每段字数安排要合理。
三、语言最重要 1、谚语和典故 2、修辞 As…as
Those men are as busy as bee. 3、语言的准确和地道
4、复杂的句式 1)简单句变复杂句 形容词和副词 同位语作插入语 介词结构作修饰 非限制性定语 非谓语动词
I, (not) being a teacher, give classes.
I, (not) having been a student, give classes.
How can you, being not a fish yourself, know the happiness of a fish? It being hot today, I stay at home. 不同主语 2)五大经典句型 倒装
In the sunshine, stands a young tree. 否定副词提前,部分倒装 Hardly can I do it. 看语法书中的倒装句 虚拟语气
It is high time that + 主语 + did (是做某事非常紧急和迫切的时候了)
The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took effective measures to…
It is important/urgent/necessary that (should) do…
It is imperative that laws and regulations should be worked out to… As引导的状语从句
Girl as she is, she sings like a man.
Simple as the picture is, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. 状语从句的省略问题
When in Roam, do as Romans do.
完整形式为 When you are in Roam, you do as Romans do.
When at the age of 6, I was taught English by my father.
Rather than vs. other than Rather than 而不是(万能插入语)
I, rather than anyone else, am, rather than was, the best teacher, rather than the worst one.插入一个即可
Other than 除了
No one, other than I, is the best teacher. 5、词汇的多样词 1)词汇量的概念
拼写稍微复杂的词,如9个字母以上。 2)简单词的复杂化,如 of + n.= ad. the poor, the old, the young n.+and its like… so called +n.
Important of importance/significantly important Very 将adj.同义词变为adv.即相当于very
Different a variety of, vary from person to person Think Thing
可数名词不能单独出现,如 a watch, two watches A computer, many computers 同义词,反义词
文章的连贯性问题 1、并列
1. As well as well, and… as well, not only...but also
I as well as he am a teacher. I am a teacher and he as well. 2、转折副词(不能连接两个句子)
, However, unfortunately, fortunately, on the contrary, 3. while, but 4.递进连词
不推荐 first, second, third… 因为必须想出三个以下理由 To begin with, besides, last but not the least, On one hand, on the other hand, in addition, 5、因果关系
副词:Consequently, hence, therefore, as a consequence 介词:owing to
连词:and consequently, so 6、万能关连词
In other word, that is to say, as a mater of fact,
The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life.
The past decade/ our society/ our country/ / / has witnessed a …
Odd and funny as it seems, such a phenomenon is can be seen and heard everywhere in our country.
Administration department promises to perform one’s tasks effectively and fairly without taking bribes, manufacturing units guarantee to turn out product of good quality, commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodity and polite and enthusiastic services. 以上宏观举例并没有用first, second, third 宏观例子更好举。
Find anything new and substantial other than one’s obligations, duties and jobs
I dare say that our society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally.
By dishonest words no one can survive the intense competition under market system...
高手的文章,每段开关和结尾都精彩,可定位在18分以上。 It goes without saying that… And so forth,
Under the planned economic system,
提纲不要求写原因的不要写,坏现象不好写原因。可以举例。 万能结尾句
It will only be a mater of time before the problem becomes things of the past.问题迟早会解决。注:主将从现,主句用一般将来时,从句用现在时。Things 指统称事物。
1、段落安排合理 2、聪明的学生举例子 3、句式复杂多样 4、用词有效替换 5、语法错误少
出题人是球迷??查一下近4年真题,看2008年是否仍以体育为背景出题。 总结: 负面话题:
1、describe the picture描述图画 2、interpret its meaning阐明寓意
3、give your comments 给出评论(多为解决方法) 好的、中性话题: 1、描述图画
2、阐明寓意(不举例子) 3、举例子
描述图画段 建议写三个句子 1、万能开头句 The past decade/our country/our society has witnessed a huge development in economy/education/social development owing to the reform and opening up policy being carried out, bring some problems at the same time, with the following one being the foremost.
描述图画 As is clearly/vividly/shown/depicted/drawn in the picture/drawing/photo/cartoon, in the darkness happily stands a candle, spreading brightness around itself. Just as an Arab proverb says, love is like light, being brighter in the darker place/where there is a love, there is hope. 用谚语结尾
As is vividly shown in the picture, in the sunshine stands a pretty American girl in Chinese traditional clothes, wearing necklace and its like, with a sweet smile on her face.
As is shown in the cartoon, on the playground runs a young man, rushing to the final, which is defined as another start one. Tired as he is, he has to continue his journey optimistically.
In the middle of the picture lies an old man, crouching like a ball, who is rejected by his sons and daughter, who are guarding their homes respectively and refusing to take care of their father.
As vividly depicted in the picture, in the chair sits a young man, having his hair cut as cool as David Beckham.
第四册 Unit 4 Work and Career TP11-13
选修课分类表 - 图文11-09
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