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外研版九年级上英语笔记 M1

1. wonder n 奇迹

v 想知道 =want to know wonder--wonderful wander v 徘徊 2. happen 发生

sth happen(s) +地点/时间 某地或某时发生了某事 sth +happen(s)+to sb. 某人出了某事

sb +happen(s) +to do sth. 某人碰巧做了某事 3. That’s news to me ! 我一点也不知道。 4. listen up 注意听 用于引起别人注意的 5. start 开办 创办

start to do sth /start doing sth 开始做某事

why don’t we +v=why not +v =What about +v-ing sth. write down 写下

6. do some reviews 对….写评论 7. do an interview with sb

8. else 形容词 可修饰不定代词或疑问 放在被修饰词之后9. 疑问词+不定式

10. get good grades 取得好成绩 11. on the edge of 在…..边缘

12. arrive at/in =get to =reach 到达 13. get out of 从…出来

14. through 穿过 从某空间里穿过 across 15. beside 在…旁边 besides 除了。。。。还有 16. appear—disappear

17. in +一段时间 用于将来时 用how soon 提问 for +一段时间 多用于完成时 用how long 提问 18. look over 仔细检查 look at 看 look after 照顾

look out 小心 look out of 向外看 look out for 当心 注意 look forward to 期盼 look through 浏览 look down 向下看

look down upon 轻视 look across 眺望

19. too ….to… 太…而不能

同义转换:so….that…./ not…. enough 20. rise—rose

21. at the bottom of 在….底部 at the foot of 在…..脚下 M2

1.be +p.p 被动语态

What’s up ? =What’s the matter ?=What’s wrong ? What’s up with you ?

2.look for 寻找 强调过程 Find 找到 强调结果 Find out 找出解决的方法 3.as+adj/adv+.as

As far as 就…..来说 至于

4.not …any more 不再 =no more 5.think about 考虑

A bit 有点 稍微 可修饰形容词、副词或者动词 还可修饰形容词的比较级

6.influence 常用来指可以改变感觉或态度的影响 7. be known as 作为….而闻名=be famous as Month—monthly

Suggest that 主语+(should) +动词原形

They suggest that he to Guangzhou at the end of 在…..最后 in the end 最后

by the end of 到….为止 month –monthly by +交通工具

by +doing sth 通过某种方式 by the river 在….旁边 by +人、物 被……

简单句 复合句.

I find it difficult to learn English =I find that it is difficult to learn 9.in the middle of 在。。。。中间 Get lost 迷路

10 dead – die –death –dying 死亡

11be afraid of sth /doing sth. be afraid to do sth

12.decide to do sth =make a decision to do sth.决定做某事 13.Be surprised to do sth 对….感到惊讶

Be pleased to do sth 高兴做某事 pleasant 怡人的 高兴的 Be afraid to do sth

Be afraid of sth /doing sth . Be afraid that +从句 22. do with 处理

23. describe –description 描述 24. free –freedom

25. everyday 每天的 every day 每天


26. sound +adj. sound like +n M3

1. hold –held-held 2. be against 对抗 3. stand for 代表

4. defeat sb 打败某人 win + 奖品 、荣誉 5. agree with sb 同意某人 agree on sth 同意某事

6. see sb do sth see sb doing sth 7. in one’s opinion 以某人看来

8. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth 允许做某事

My parents allow us to go out for a walk after supper. He allows smoking here .

The students are allowed to design their own uniforms. 9. so +adj +that 如此 。。。。以致 。。。。 =such +adj+n+that

句型转换可以用:too…to…../not enough….. to / He is so cute that everyone likes him. in order that =so that

He is tall so that he can reach the top of the bookcase.=He is tall in order to reach the top of the bookcase .

10. get to sb 使某人感到烦恼 、生气 ,影响某人 11. be mad with sb 生某人的气 12. first of all 首先

13. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invitation n 14. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

15. advise sb to do sth =suggest sb doing sth advice 不可数名词 16. set up 建立

17. compare with 与….做比较 18. be used to do sth

be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 used to do sth . 过去常常做某事 spend on sth

spend (in) doing sth.

go for 寻求


1. invent –invention-inventor

2. have been used for +时间段 被用了多久 完成时的被动语态 be used for sth 被用做某事 Knives are used for cutting.

be used sth 被用于做某事 Knives are used to cut something. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某种

I am used to getting up at six in the morming. be used in +地点 被用于某个地方 Knives are usually used in the kitchen. used to do sth 过去常常做某事

I used to have long hair, but now I have short hair. 3. ask a favour 请求帮助

4.borrow …..from …. 从…..借回 Lend ….to ……. 从…..借出。。。 Keep 借多久

5.on school visit to ……

6.yet 用于完成时的否定句或疑问句,位于句末 7.from now on 从现在开始 8.need to do sth Need doing sth .

9.advantage ---disadvantage 优点 优势 缺点

Be of advantage to 对…. 有利

take advantage of 利用….. 占…..便宜

We can take advantage of equipment to learn English. Make sb do sth.

Sth be made to do sth 在被动语态中,make 后面要加回to 10.raplace =be instead of 代替 Buy sb sth =buy sth for sb On one’s way to ….

11.a couple of 几个 一些 12.see to 负责 注意 see off 为 …..送行

13.promise sth to sb = promise sb sth 允许给某人某物 Promise that +从句 14.look through 浏览

15.be made from 由….制造的 Be made of

In +产地 from、of +原材料

27. at a time 一次 at one time 曾经 一度 28. by hand 手工

29. invent-invention-inventor

30. develop –developed –developing –development

发展 发达的 发展中的 发展 31. at the beginning of 在….的开始 反义词 at the end of 在……的结束 19.knowledge知识 不可数名词 Have no knowledge of 。。。。对….一无所知 32. spread 散播 传播

spread out 张开 spread over 遍布 spread to 传到33. compare with 与….做比较 34. rather than 而不是 。。。。。。

当其前面有不定式时 ,它后面可接不定式 也可用动名词形式

也可以翻译为 是….而不是…. You are rather bored than tired .


1. look forward to sth/doing sth 期盼某事 / 做某事 2. No +n/ doing 禁止做某事 =Don’t +v 3. be against 违反 反对 对抗 4. hang on a minute 等等

5. be closed 关着的 be open 开着的 6. as well =too /either 7. go off 离开

8. on one’s own 独自

9. pay attention to sth/doing sth . 注意某事/做某事 10. real—really

11. kind of +adj. 非常


a kind of /all kinds of +n. 12. sb be familiar with sth.

某人对某物熟悉 主语为人 sth be familiar

5.be careful about sth 小心 谨慎对待 相当于 be care of sth Re-use-able

Pollution 不可数名词 动词为pollute 污染

to sb

某物对某人来说是熟悉的 主语为物 No wonder 难怪 …

13. unusual ---usual—usually –unusually

as usual

14. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 15. noise –noisy

16. work out 解决 算出 17. try out 试用 试验

18. fill with 用….装满 主语一般是人 be filled with =be full of 这时的主语为物 19. compare with 用….做对比

20. speed 速度 at full /top speed 以最高的速度 at a speed of 以….的速度

21. enough 位于名词前,形容词或副词之后 22. as well as 同时 同样 23. above all 最重要的 24. drop in 顺便拜访

drop in at +地点 拜访某地 drop in +on sb 拜访某人 25. as long as 只要

26. open 开放的 ---closed 关着的


1. It’s +adj+to do sth

2. waste ---wasteful enjoy---enjoyable While 译为当….时候 ,作连词引导时间状语从句。在使用时要注意:while只能表示一段时间,不能表示时间点,在while 引导的从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主句的动作在从句动作发生的过程中发生或主从句两个动作同时发生,while从句通常用进行时态。 3. throw away 扔掉

4. environment---environmental 5. agree with sb 同意某人 agreement Recycle 是由前缀re加cycle 构成 类似的单词有tebuild ,retell ,remarry ,reuse 等

Such as 用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,但不是全部,可置于被列举的人或事物名词之前,其后边不能用逗号。

For example 强调列举说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首,句中或句末。 Hopeful ---Hopeless Care about 关心

Try to do sth 尽力做某事

Try doing sth 尝试做某事 switch on=turn on 开

be in stead of 代替 =take place of =replace sort 分类

throw away 扔掉 need sth

need to do sth 需要做某事 人为主语 need doing sth. 某事需要被做 物为主语 =need to be done

Do harm to sth./doing sth 对….造成伤害 =be harmful to do sth.

Make a (real) difference to 对…..造成影响 Change ….into 把….变为 ….. In your neighbourhood 在你周围 Take part in 参加 参与


1. look for 寻找 2. hand 帮忙

lend sb a hand =help 帮助

give sb a hand with sth. 帮助某人做某事 Ask for sb’s hand 寻求某人的帮助

Hand in 上交 hand sth in 把….交上 By the way In the way On the way Borrow …from Lend ….to Keep

Be surprised at 对….感到惊讶 Change …..to …..

Be similar to 相似

Be similar in sth 在 …方面相似 Be full of =be filled with M8

1.trouble 麻烦

Have trouble (in ) doing 做某事有困难 Be in trouble 处于困境 By the way 顺便问问

The same as 与 ……相同

Get sb./sth. doing sth 让某人或某物做某事 强调动作持续 Can you really get that old car going again ? get sb./sth. to do sth 让某人做某事

I get my kid to finish the homework before dinner. get sth done 叫(别人) 做某事 I get my hair cut. get on 进展

get on well with sb 与某人相处得好 loud 大声的 响亮的

loudly 副词 大声地 含有喧闹意味 给人不悦耳之感in with a chance 有….可能 有…..机会

expect sth 期盼某事

expect to do sth 期盼去做某事 expect sb to do sth.期盼某人做某事 expect +从句

pick sb up 接某人

be pleased with sth 对….感到满意 =be satisfied with sth be pleased to do sth 乐于做某事

be pleased about/at sth 对某事感到高兴 compare with 与….做比较

even though 即使 虽然 =even if far (away ) from 远离 from…to ….

Beauty 美丽 美人 Beautify 美化

The green can beatify our city. Beautiful-beautifully

manage sth 想方设法做成某事 manager-management 经理 管理 Have fun doing sth.

congratulation to sb on sth. 因某事向某人祝贺 include =contain 包括 包含

including 是介词 意为 包括 包含在内 后接名词,

included 是形容词 意为 包括的 内藏的 ,通常置于名词之后rich 丰富的 富有的 油腻的 the rich 富人 present 授予

present sth to sb 授予某人某物 =present sb with sth. n.礼物

adj. 在场的 M9

1. need to do sth

need doing sth =need to be done 2.save 拯救 safe ---safety

End 结束 ending 结尾 endless

3.no laughing matter=not a laughing matter Laughing adj.----laugh at

3. make sb do sth make sb adj,

4. have a word with 和某人说几句话 5. in a deep trouble

doing sth. 在。。。。遇到麻烦 win the heart of 赢得。。。。。心 make a mess

ever since 从….开始 translate ..into 把。。。。翻译成 。。。。。。 celebrate-celebration M10

A bit =a little +adj. A bit of +n

Give up 放弃 +名词或动名词

Enough 位于名词前 形容词或副词之后 Be allowed to do sth Not …..any more Bump into 碰见

Sth interest sb 某物使某人感兴趣

Sb be interested in sth 某人对某物感兴趣

Take an interest in sth 对…感兴趣 =be interested in sth Prefer A to B

doing A to doing B to do A rather than B behave –behavior

behave oneself 守规矩 举止端正 Be bad for //be good for

Persuade sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事 Ban ….from doing sth 禁止….做某事 Stop ….from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 M11

1. What’s the population of …=How large is the population in …..? 2. too many too much much too

3. enough 修饰名词 位于名词前 修饰形容词或副词 后置 4. increase 增长

increase by 增长了 increase to 增长到 。。

5. along with 与…一起 =together with

6. percent 常以单数形式出现 前面为基数词

基数词+percent +of +名词 作主语时,谓语动词取决于名词的单复数形式 7. have an appointment with sb 与某人有约 8. come up 进行 举行 发生 无被动语态 9. thanks to 由于 幸亏 后跟名词或动名词 10. in the centre of 11. on the edge of

12. close down 关闭 停业 倒闭 13. add to 添加 增加 14. protect。。。。from … 保护。。。不受。。。侵害 M12

Provide 提供 Provide sth to sb Provide sb with sth A bit +adj A bit of +n V+ a bit

Give a warm welcome to sb Be pleased to do sth

Free 免费的 空闲的 --freedom Well-trained 训练有素的 Prefer sth to sth

Prefer doing sth to doing sth.

Prefer to do sth rathr than do sth. Fill in 填写

