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第6章 词义与修辞 Translation of Figures of Speech

Outline 1. Revision 2. Warming up 3. Terms of figures of speech 4. Techniques of translating figures of speech 5. Exercises


1:She has given heart to him.【误】她爱上了他。 【正】她鼓励了他。 Give heart to sb / give one’s heart to sb 鼓励某人/爱上某人 Give sb a hand / give one’s hand to sb 帮助某人/同意嫁给某人 Serve time/ serve one’s time 服刑/ 处于学徒期


2. I bought a tape-recorder for a song.【误】我买一台录音机来听唱歌。 【正】我廉价买了一台录音机。for a song:for a very small piece, very cheaply

Warming –upQ: Can the flavor of a language be translated into another?

不要请些不三不四的人,花些不明不白的钱,讲些 不痛不痒的话。Don’t spend some money unworthily to treat some nondescript person, just for making some perfunctory remarks. A: 大事化了,小事化了。 B:刘三姐唱道:“姓陶的不见桃结果,姓李不见


Warming –up

e.g. 上海自来水来自海上

中国出人材人出国中e.g. Madam, I’m Adam. 和尚打伞-----无发无天(法) 孔夫子搬家-----尽是书(输) Long time no sea!(用来讽刺海鲜不新鲜) “黄河冰箱,领‘鲜’一步”


① “In a translation, a translator must neveradd or leave out anything.”

② “In a translation, a translator may, if needbe, add or leave out something.”

③ “A translation should read like an original.” ④ “A translation should read like atranslation.” (extracted from Jumpelt 1961.)

What do you think of these statements? Why?


This collection sounds totally contradictory and puzzling, but noteworthy. They never conflict actually, on the contrary, they indicate the point that everything (information) is able to be translated by means of adding, explanation, sound translation etc.; that un-translatability is relative, but does exist in the process of translation practice. Therefore, one of the two major tasks of a translator is to make his translation perfectly close to the original; the other is to help the readers to fully understand and accept the target culture.

Warming –up1.The boy was creeping 1. 那男孩像只蜗牛慢慢向前挪 like snail unwillingly to 动,嘟哝着不愿去上学。 school. 2.The boy stood rooted. 2. 那男孩一动不动地呆着。 3. We are dying for the 3. 我们为那伟大的一文不值的 greatest nothing. 信念而死。 4. --What does that lawyer4. -- 那个律师死后能干什么? do after he dies? (1)--静静地躺着。 --Lie still. (2)--躺着说鬼话。

常用的英语修辞格1 音韵修辞格 2 词义修辞格 3 句式修辞格

对于英语修辞格的翻译,我们要根据 情况灵活地采

取直译、加注、释义、套 用、替代、切分(分译)、综合法等, 另外有时原句无修辞格但翻译时为更符 合目标语表达而采用修辞手法。


音韵修辞格就是利用词语的语音特点创造出来的修 辞手法。 英语音韵修辞格主要包括onomatopoeia (拟声), alliteration (头韵)和assonance (尾韵)等。Presently there came the click of high-heeled shoes. His great gaunt figure filled the cabin door. … when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.


词义修辞格指主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等 特点创造出来的修辞手法。 这类修辞格主要包括simile(明喻), metaphor (隐喻), allusion(暗引或典故), metonymy (转喻喻), synecdoche(提喻), antonomasia(换喻),transferred epithet(转 移修饰), personification(拟人), hyperbole (夸张), irony(反语), euphemism(委婉 语), pun(双关), oxymoron(矛盾修辞法), zeugma(轭式搭配法), contrast (对照) , analogy(类比)等。

Simile指用某一事物或情境来比拟另一事物或情 境。一般用比喻词like, as 等。例如:He was like a cock. 他就像一只公鸡。 I wandered lonely as a cloud. 我像一朵浮云独自漫游。 Metaphor就是把甲事物当作乙事物。例如: Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 The world is a stage. 世界就是一个舞台。

Metonymy, synecdoche和antonomasia都是 不直接说出事物的本来名称,而换用另一个名称或另一 个说法。例如: The pen is mightier than the sword. (metonymy) 笔杆子比刀剑更有力。 Many hands make light work. (synecdoche) 人多好办事。 Some mute inglorious Shelly here may rest. (antonomasia)。 某个沉默的无名诗人也许在此长眠。

Allusion的特点是不标明出处,一般多引用一 个关键词或词组,将其糅合在作者的话语中。 引用的东西包括典故、谚语、成语、格言或俗 语等,大多源出《圣经》故事以及希腊、罗马 神话等。例如: Grammar may be his heel of Achilles. 语法大概是他的绝对弱项。 His home is truly Spartan. 他家陈设极为简陋。

Transferred epithet就是把本来应该用于修饰甲事物 的定语移去修饰乙事物,一般用修饰有生命事物的形容词 来修饰无生命事物。例如: John threw a nervous glance at his brother. 约翰紧张地朝他兄弟瞥了一眼。 Recent increases do not keep up with soaring costs of living. 收入的增加赶不上物价的飞涨。 Personification把非人之事物当作人来描写,把本来 只适用于人的词语(如动词、形容词、名词或代词

)用来 描述物,赋予物以人的属性。例如: The thirsty soil drank in the rain. 干燥的土壤大口大口地喝着雨水。 Winter is almost over and spring is stepping in. 冬天差不多过去了,春天的脚步也慢慢地走近了。

Hyperbole为了强调而故意夸大事实,抒发强烈的 情感,以便给人留下深刻的印象。例如: I haven’t seen you for ages. 好久不见了。 Irony就是正话反说或反话正说,一般都需要借助特 定的上下文和情景才能正确理解。例如: What a great country this is! --- They let the paupers go to sleep. 这是一个多么伟大的国家啊!--- 他们竟允许穷人 “睡着”(让穷人们没有活路)。

Pun就是用一个词、一句话或一个语言片段同时表达双重 意思:表面意思和隐含意思,且以隐含意思为主。分为谐 音双关和语义双关。例如: The wounded captive, an enemy high-ranking officer, lies before the doctor. 受伤的俘虏是敌人的高级军官,他躺在医生面前 --- 对医 生撒谎。 More sun and air for your son and heir. 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子 孙后代 -----Which lager can claim to be truly German? ------This can.(旁边画有一罐啤酒) 译文: ---哪种大罐啤酒可称得上是地道的德国货? ---这罐

Oxymoron把一种互相矛盾、互相排斥的概念巧妙地组合作者 一起,以便相互映衬,突出事物的特点,表达复杂的思想感情和 意味深长的哲理。例如: She looked tall and splendidly alone. 她个子高高的,好像鹤立鸡群,显得格外俊俏。 Writing is busy idleness. 写作是忙碌的消遣。 Parting is a sweet sorrow. (Romeo) 离别真是喜忧参半。Zeugma用一个词(动词、形容词或介词)与两个以上的名词搭 配,两个名词在意义上不相干或第二个名词与动词或形容词等不 能构成自然搭配,但却因借助前一个词的正常搭配而被读者接受。 例如: She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 她向这个无家可归的孩子打开了自己的大门,也敞开了自己的心 扉。 Yesterday he had a blue coat and heart. 昨天他身着蓝色上衣,心情忧郁。

