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阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
“相信”用英语表达方式一:believe: to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth
例:Did the police believe his story?(警察相信他的话吗?)
I told them I didn't do it, but no one believed me.(我说了不是我干的,没人信。) You shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers.(报纸上的话不能尽信。) believe (that)
People used to believe that the sun moved around the earth.(人们曾以为太阳绕着地球转。)
believe it or not (=it may be hard to believe this)
I asked them for a $10,000 loan, and believe it or not they said yes.(我向他们借1万美金,难以置信,他们居然答应了。) firmly/strongly believe
I firmly believe that we are responsible for what happens to us in our lives.(我坚信生活际遇不论好坏都可以从自己身上找到原因。)
“相信”用英语表达方式二:accept: to believe something because someone has persuaded you to believe it在别人劝说后相信
例:I finally accepted the fact that I would die if I didn't stop smoking.(最后,我终于接受了“如果不戒烟,我就会死”这个事实。)
阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
accept that
She'll never accept that her husband has been unfaithful.(她永远不会相信她老公已经背叛了她。)
“相信”用英语表达方式三:take somebody's word for it: to believe what someone tells you even though you have no proof of it
例:When he told me he'd been in the army, I took his word for it.(他说他从军了,我也就相信了。)
\(-你要自己再查一遍吗? -不用了,我相信你。)
“相信”用英语表达方式四:give somebody the benefit of the doubt: to believe what someone says even though you think they might not be telling the truth 例:Something didn't seem quite right, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.(事情还有些不对头,但我权且相信他。)
She claimed she wasn't trying to commit suicide, and doctors gave her the benefit of the doubt.(她说自己并没有想要自杀,医生也相信她了。)
“相信”用英语表达方式五:take something on trust: to accept that what someone tells you is true without asking for any proof, because you have decided to trust them愿意相信、选择相信某人说的话
例:I'm afraid I can't let you see the letter, so you'll just have to take what I'm saying on trust.(恐怕我不能让你看这封信,因此你只能相信我说的话。)
阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
He said he'd never been in trouble before, which I was content to take on trust.(他说他从未被骂过,这我相信。)
“相信”用英语表达方式六:take/accept something at face value: to believe what someone says or what you read, without thinking that it may have another meaning 例:He accepted Julie's explanation at face value and didn't ask any more questions.(他相信了朱莉的解释,没再问了。)
The letter, if we take it at face value, suggests that Richard is quite happy in his job.(如果一切真如信里所说,那么理查现在干得很开心。)
“相信”用英语表达方式六:buy: to believe a reason or explanation, especially one that is not very likely to be true - use this especially in negatives and questions相信 备注:该词一般用在口语中,常用于否定句或疑问句。
例:We could tell him it was an accident, but he'd never buy it.(我们会告诉他这是个意外,但他不会信。)
\(-他说昨晚跟朋友们在一起。 -你相信?) I didn't buy it.(我不相信/我才不买你的帐呢!)
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