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A. The difference between the past and now. B. The past of the writer C. How did the life change D. The past life StepⅣ Careful reading 1)Read Paragraph1 and answer the questions: Show the questions on the screen: Paragraph1: Family Question1: Where did Mrs. Li’s family live? Question2: What did she think of her family? Question3: When did her eldest sister leave school? Question4: What does she think of the family in the past and today? 2) Paragraph2: Work and the role of women Mrs. Li’s father ________ to work for ________hours a day. He never _______ his job in his life. But now people change their jobs ___________. Mrs. Li’s mum was a _________ before she met Mrs. Li’s father. After marrying, she had to ________ at home to ____________ the children. Today it is ________

___ for many married women ___________ to work. But in the past, it was _______________. Answers: went out, 12, changed, much more often, teacher, stay, look after, normal, to go out, less common 3) Paragraph3: Food at home In the past

Things to do at home

today4) Paragraph 4: Marriage 1. Mrs. Li first met her husband ____ years ago. (50, 60) 2. Mrs. Li’s husband helped her carry the ________when she fell off the bike. (books, bags ) 3. Mrs. Li’s parents thought her husband came from a _____ family. (good, rich ) 4. Mrs. Li married her husband at the age of _________. (19. 20) 5. Now most couples meet __________ (at work, in the street). The answers are: 1. 60 2. bags 3. good 4. 19 5. at work Paragraph 5 and judge the statement is true or false. Show the statement on the screen: Paragraph5: Life in Beijing Mrs. Li often walks and takes the bus less to keep healthy. Paragraph 6: Health Mrs. Li thinks life is better today because ____________________. A. She is not poor any longer. B. She has more free time. C. She is healthier and lives longer. D. She walks less and takes the bus more. The answer is: C StepⅤGroup work(discuss with each other) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the life today? After discussion, show Ss some opinions about it(/view/9166fa1c10a6f524ccbf8594.html)


StepⅣ Homework Write a short passage comparing the life in the past and today.

六、教学反思 1:本节课是个读写课,通过本节课的练习,学生的读写能力有一定提高。 2:学生对过去的生活有一定了解,更加珍惜现在的生活。 3:通过对比,学生找出了现在生活的利与弊,能理性正确的面对当今的生活。 4:还有部分学生对本节课的教学方法接受有点慢,另外,在短时间内正确把握主要信息的能力还有待提高。七、教师个人介绍省份:山东省学校:潍坊青州逄山中学姓名:王慧职称:中学二级教师电话: 0536-3735906电子邮件:wanghui8602@通讯地址:潍坊青州逄山中学本人自从毕业就从事教学工作,几年来,在教好本学科工作的同时,利用业余时间,不断钻研教学,认真总结教学心得,始终坚信:没有教不好的学生,只有不会教的老师。

