人教版八年级英语上册教案 Unit 5

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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Teaching Aims

● Learn some names about different kinds of shows ● Learn to talk about likes and dislikes Vocabulary Words soap, sitcom, stand, mind… Phrases talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of… Expressions what do you think of sitcoms? I love them. What does he think of game shows? He doesn’t mind them. In fact he can’t stand them. How about --? I enjoyed … I can’t stand … Structures What do you think of soap operas / sports shows? I can’t stand them. We don’t mind them. What does he / she think of …? She doesn’t like it. What do they think of Anna? They love her. Section A Teaching goals

● Master the new words: nothing, soap opera, sitcom, situation, stand, mind, king, host, culture,


● Learn to ask and answer: What do you think of ...? I like / love ...

I can’t stand ....

I don’t love / like / mind ... Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up

1. Show students some pictures about fruits and ask students:

Do you like apples / bananas? What fruit do you like? What abut your parents / friends?

Help students answer using the following sentences. I like / love them very much/ a little.

I don’t like / love them.

2. Ask students their feelings about different kinds of shows. For example: Do you like comedies or action movies? Step 2: Presenting

1. ask students to say out different shows they know.

talk show, soap opera, sports news, sports show, sitcom, game show, culture-China, animal world. around the world, thriller, Legal Report, action movie ... 2. Ask students: What do you think of ...?

Do you like / love ...?

Help them answer using the words: love, like, don’t mind, can’t stand, don’t love / like

3. Let students read the drills aloud. Step 3: Practicing Activity 1

1. Point to the five pictures in 1a. Let students guess what shows they are.

For example: T: There is a man playing baseball in Picture a. I think it’s a sports show.

Let students talk about the other shows in Picture b—e in the same way. 2. Point to the 5 phrases in 1a. Let students read them aloud. 3. Ask students to match the TV shows with the pictures.

4. Check the answers.

Activity 2

1. Students work in pairs, ask and answer about the shows in 1a.

Model: A: What do you think of sitcoms?

B: I love them. What about you? A: I don’t mind them.

Step 4: Listening (1b)

1. Read the instructions to class. Let students listen carefully. 2. Play the recording the first time, students only listen.

3. Play the recording the second time, students listen and write a letter a—e from activity


4. Check the answers Step 6: Listening (2a, 2b)

1. Call students’ attention to the five phrases in 2a and read them.

2. Draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the

TV show.

3. Play the recording the first time, students listen and number the expressions as they hear


4. Check the answer

5.Play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart. Before listening, draw their attention to the dialogue in 2b. 6.Check the answers

7.Students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about TV shows they know.

Model: A: What do you think of the Pink Lady?

B: I love it very much. How about you?

A:I don’t mind it. What do you think of Xiaoping? B: I like her a lot. What about you? A: I can’t stand her.

Check some pairs.

Step 5: Practicing (3a) Activity 1

1. Call students’ attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names

to the class.

2. Ask students to work in pairs: What do you think of English Today / Sports

News ...?

3. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer questions

What do Yang Lin and Alan think of these CCTV show? Then fill in the blanks. Check the answers

Activity 2

1. Call students attention to the conversation in 3b. Teacher reads it to the class. Ask

students to pay attention to the blanks.

2. Work alone. Ask students to use the information in Activity 3a. Fill in the blanks. 3. Check the answers.

4. Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b. Then make their own


Activity 3

1. Students work in groups. Take out a piece of paper and list TV shows as many as


2. Students write down what they think of the TV shows on the paper. 3. Ask one of students to do a report for their group. Listen and check.

Section B Teaching goals

Master the new words Learn some new phrases Teaching procedures Step 1: Making a revision

1. Show some real object used in daily life and ask them \


2. Show students some school things and let students talk about their likes and dislikes.

for example:

I like color pencils. I don't like .... I can't stand ....

Step 2: Presenting

1. Call students attention to the six pictures in 1a. Teach them the new words and let

them repeat.

2. Show students some real objects used in daily life and let students shout out their

names as quickly as possible. 3. Ask students: What do you think of ...?

students use the verbs they learned to answer.

Step 3: Practicing

Activity 1

1. Call students attention to the six words in 1a. Let students read them loud together. 2. Students look at the pictures; match the words with the pictures. 3. Check the answers. Activity 2

1. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer about the nine pictures. For


A: What do you think of the …? B: I don’t' mind it. …? A: Yes, I like them.

B: What does your father think of the watch? A: He can't stand it.

Activity 3

Read the instructions to the class. Let students tell the class what they have.

Step 4: Reading

Ask students to read the article in 2b individually. At the same time, students get ready to answer the following questions:

1. Ask several students to give their answers. 2. Check the answers.

Step 5: Writing

1. Teacher reads the letter to class and call their attention to the blanks.

2. Students look at the pictures in activity 1a. Complete the letter with their own opinions.

Use the words like, love, don't mind, don't like, can't stand,

3. Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and

expressions: enjoy doing sth, This is what I think.

Self-check Teaching goals

● Help students to review all the key vocabulary presented in this unit. ● Help students practice writing about others.

● Give students an opportunity to use the target language in conversation. Teaching Procedures Step 1: Learning words

1. Ask students to read the words in Part 1 aloud and know the meanings of them. 2. Ask students to divide the words into 3 different groups.

1) shows: talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show. 2) daily things: sunglasses, watch, scarf, wallet

3) words about likes and dislikes: don't mind, don't like, can't stand 3. Ask students to write 5 or more new words in their vocab-builder Step 2: Reading and writing

1. Point to the picture in Part 3. Ask students to talk about what they see in the picture. 2. Ask a student to read what Rose Smith says to the class. Then ask students: Do you agree

with her?

3. Let students talk about their own opinions in pairs about the idea that old people can't be

beautiful. Use the words given below: can't stand, don’t' mind, don't like, love, like 4. Ask students to take out a piece of paper and write their opinions on the paper. 5. Ask some individual students to read their opinions to the class.

Step 5: Writing

1. Teacher reads the letter to class and call their attention to the blanks.

2. Students look at the pictures in activity 1a. Complete the letter with their own opinions.

Use the words like, love, don't mind, don't like, can't stand,

3. Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and

expressions: enjoy doing sth, This is what I think.

Self-check Teaching goals

● Help students to review all the key vocabulary presented in this unit. ● Help students practice writing about others.

● Give students an opportunity to use the target language in conversation. Teaching Procedures Step 1: Learning words

1. Ask students to read the words in Part 1 aloud and know the meanings of them. 2. Ask students to divide the words into 3 different groups.

1) shows: talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show. 2) daily things: sunglasses, watch, scarf, wallet

3) words about likes and dislikes: don't mind, don't like, can't stand 3. Ask students to write 5 or more new words in their vocab-builder Step 2: Reading and writing

1. Point to the picture in Part 3. Ask students to talk about what they see in the picture. 2. Ask a student to read what Rose Smith says to the class. Then ask students: Do you agree

with her?

3. Let students talk about their own opinions in pairs about the idea that old people can't be

beautiful. Use the words given below: can't stand, don’t' mind, don't like, love, like 4. Ask students to take out a piece of paper and write their opinions on the paper. 5. Ask some individual students to read their opinions to the class.

