
更新时间:2023-12-06 22:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. The sight of the girl always reminds me of her parents. 译:我一见到这个女孩,就想起她的父母。

2. Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self-discipline.


3. Repeated failures at making experiments may be too much for many talented would-be scientists.


4. It was my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed. 译: 我相信人们虽然未必比以前还要不讲道德,但似乎要比以前更加不知羞耻。

5. I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.

译:由于我近来事务繁忙,没有及早回复你,对此我表示深深的歉意. 6. All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.

译: 所有爱好和平的人们强烈要求彻底的禁止和消灭核武器. 7. The construction of a scientific theory may be compared to the preparation of a weather map at a central meteorological station. 译: 创立科学理论工作可以同在中心气象站制作气象图相比

8. He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. 译: 他告诫全国公民,必须坚持参加政治论战

9. They worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 译: 他们吃的是简陋的饭菜,住的是寒冷的窑洞,在昏暗的灯光下长时间地工作 10. This has inevitably led to the extension of many items of research beyond national boundary.


11. The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradictions constitute the dialectical law of the development of things. 译: 矛盾不断出现,又不断解决,就是事物发展的辩证规律。 12. The relatives of the missing people are all news-hungry. 译: 失踪人员的亲属们都急于打听消息。

13. Despite our efforts at quality-oriented education, many teachers and parents are still keen on marks.

译: 尽管我们努力推进素质教育,许多老师和家长还是热衷分数. 14. His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted. 译: 他母亲很溺爱他,任由他想干什么就干什么。

15. He looked on the Convention as a fair and faithful representation of the people

译: 他认为这次大会是人民的公正忠实的代表。

