2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 Unit 03 - (含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案)

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Unit 3 Green Transportation


The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. —— Mohandas Gandhi 地球可以满足人类的需求,但无法填平人类的欲壑。


Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), preeminent leader of the Indian nationalist movement againstBritish rule, also a worldwide icon of nonviolent political resistance.

圣雄甘地(1869 – 1948 )是印度民族主义运动的杰出领导者,他带领国家反抗英国的殖民统治。他也世界范围的“非暴力”政治抵抗运动的偶像。

Speaking Activity Making an Apology Sample Dialogue

Read the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers apologize and accept an apology.

Becky: Curt. Curt: Oh, hi.

Becky: Can I talk to you for a minute? Curt: I'm really busy right now.

Becky: Just a minute. I promise it won't take long. Curt: Okay. Let's talk over here.

Becky: Curt, I'm really sorry I told Joyce that you had a crush on her. We were talking lasFriday and it just slipped out.

Curt: But I told you about Joyce in confidence.

Becky: I know. It's totally my fault. I really regret saying anything. I wish I could take back. I just want you to know I'm really sorry and I hope you'll accept my apology.

Curt: What's done is done. I was really annoyedwhen I found out this morning, but I've got it now.

Guided Practice

Directions: Work with your partner and make up a situation in which you apologize to him orYou may use the following phrases to help you. I must apologize for… Please forgive me for my… I'm terribly sorry for… It's all my fault. Never mind. Forget it.

Text A

New Words

1、manifesto n. a written statement in which a group of people, especially a political partexplain their beliefs and say what they will do if they win an election 宣言

2、privilege n. a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people 特益;优惠待遇

3、haunt n. a place that somebody visits often or where they spend a lot of time 常去的场所 4、symbolize v. to be a symbol of something 象征;是……的象征;代表

5、independence n. the freedom to organize your own life, make your own decisions, etc. witneeding help from other people 自主;自立

6、peer n. a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you 身份(或地相同的人;同龄人;同辈

7、assistance n. help or support 帮助;援助;支持

8、beckon n. to appear very attractive to somebody 吸引;诱惑

9、transportation n. a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another using vehicles, road, etc. 交通运输系统

10、available adj. (of things) that you can get, buy or find 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的 11、propaganda n. ideas or statements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used inorder to gain support for a political leader, party, etc. 宣传;鼓吹

12、transition n. the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to anothe渡;转变

13、vehicle n. a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to anotsuch as a car or lorry/truck 交通工具;车辆

14、commute n. the journey to and from work every day 上下班路程 15、aware adj. knowing or realizing something 知道;意识到;明白 16、negative adj. bad or harmful 坏的;有害的

17、impact n. the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something 巨大影响;强大作 18、sprawl n. an act of spreading to cover a large area in an untidy way; something that splike this 随意扩展蔓延;蔓延物

19、fatality n. a death that is caused in an accident or a war, or by violence or disease (故、战争、疾病等中的)死亡

20、subject v. to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affected by something, usually something unpleasant 使经受;使遭受

21、rarely adv. not very often 罕有;很少;不常

22、coupe n. a car with two doors and usually a sloping back (通常斜背的)双门小汽车 23、primary adj. main; most important; basic 主要的;最重要的;基本的

24、slippery adj. difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的;滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走)的

25、practical adj. (of things) useful or suitable 有用的;适用的

26、sensible adj. (of clothes, etc.) useful rather than fashionable (服装等)朴素而实用的 27、occasional adj. happening or done sometimes but not often 偶尔的;偶然的

28、inconvenience n. a person or thing that causes problems or difficulties 带来不便者;麻烦(或事物)

29、eavesdrop v. to listen secretly to what other people are saying 偷听,窃听(其他人说话) 30、gossip n. a person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives 喜欢传播流言蜚人;爱说长道短的人

31、giggle v. to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous 咯咯地傻笑

32、toddler n. a child who has only recently learnt to walk 学步的儿童;刚学会走路的孩子 33、nap n. a short sleep, especially during the day (日间的)小睡,打盹

34、camaraderie n. a feeling of friendship and trust among people who work or spend a lot otime together 同事情谊;友情

35、vibrant adj. full of life and energy 充满生气的;生机勃勃的

36、majesty n. the impressive and attractive quality that something has 雄伟壮观;庄严;威严 37、sacred adj. very important and treated with great respect 受尊重的;受崇敬的

38、resource n. a supply of something that a country, an organization or a person has and cuse, especially to increase their wealth 资源

Phrases and Expressions

1、on demand done or happening whenever somebody asks 一经要求

2、except for used before you mention the only thing or person about which a statement is ntrue (用于所言不包括的人或事物前)除…之外

3、leave…behind to leave a person, place or state permanently 永久离开(某人、某地或某国) 4、subject…to… to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affected by, somethingusually something unpleasant 使经受;使遭受

5、believe in to think that something is good, right or acceptable 认为某事好(或对、可接受

Proper Names

Pike Place Market 派克市场(位于美国西雅图) Seattle Center 西雅图中心

Puget Sound 普吉特海湾(位于美国华盛顿州)

Mount Rainier 雷尼尔山(美国华盛顿州西部喀斯喀特山脉的一座火山)

Text A

Pre-reading Questions

1.Which means of transport do you prefer in daily life? 2.What are the greenest ways to travel? Bus Chick's Manifesto

When I was in the third grade, I started riding the Metro bus alone. At first, I was only allowed to ride to school, but eventually my parents extended the privilege to include my favorchildhood haunts: ①Grandma's apartment, Pike Place Market and, in the summer, Seattle Center. then, the bus symbolized independence. It gave me a power rare among my eight-year-old peers: tability to get around the city without the assistance of an adult.②

By the time I turned 16, a new power beckoned: a form of transportation that was available demand and did not require an umbrella or an extra pair of gloves. ③Like most young Americans,believed the auto industry's propaganda that a car was necessary for my transition to adulthoodFor the next ten years — except for a short time in college, when I found myself unable to affvehicle of my own —I left the bus behind. But then I accepted a job at a software company basemiles outside the city.⑤ During my commutes, I became more aware of the negative impact of carculture: pollution, sprawl, isolation and fatalities. I began to question my right to subject mbeloved city to the impact of my choices. ⑥So I returned to my roots and began riding the bus work. Eventually, I was using my car so rarely that I decided to try living without one. I soldlovely silver coupe in March 2003 and have used the bus as my primary means of transport ever s⑦

Riding the bus isn't always fun. I don't like riding it on rainy days, when the floor is slippery and the windows are so fogged- up that you can't see your stop. ⑧I don't like standinwhen the bus crowded. I don't like drivers who ride the brakes. ⑨I don't like practical hairstor sensible shoes. Despite these occasional inconveniences, I will never go back to driving, bewhat I believe is this:

I believe in sitting next to my neighbors, in saying \weather, isn't it?\body. I believe in eavesdropping. I believe in novels you can't put down. I believe in businesspeople and teenage lovers, middle-aged gossips and giggling toddlers. I believe in watching andlistening. I believe in naps. I believe in the camaraderie that develops among riders late at n

when the smooth-voiced driver plays jazz loud enough for everyone to enjoy.

I believe in clean air, in keeping cities populous and vibrant, and in protecting our remaifarmland and forests. I believe in the beauty of Puget Sound and the majesty of Mount Rainier. believe that human life is sacred, that the world's resources should be shared and that every cmatters.⑩

I believe that change is possible — if all of us ride.

Key Sentences

1. At first, I was only allowed to ride to school, but eventually my parents extended the privilege to include my favorite childhood haunts: … …

起初,我只是被准许乘车去学校,但最终父母给我更多的权利,我可以去我最喜欢的儿童场所:… … 2. It gave me a power rare among my eight-year-old peers: the ability to get around the citwithout the assistance of an adult.

它给予我在其他八岁的同龄人中一项少有的权力:在没有成人的协助下,去往城市的任何一个角落。 3. By the time I turned 16, a new power beckoned: a form of transportation that was availabdemand and did not require an umbrella or an extra pair of gloves.


4. I believed the auto industry's propaganda that a car was necessary for my transition to adulthood.


5. But then I accepted a job at a software company based 15 miles outside the city. 那时候我接受了一份距离城市15英里的一个软件公司的工作。

6. I began to question my right to subject my beloved city to the impact of my choices. 我开始反思:我有什么权利让我钟爱的城市因我的选择而遭受破坏?

7. I sold my lovely silver coupe in March 2003 and have used the bus as my primary means oftransport ever since.

2003年3 月,我卖掉了我心爱的那辆银色的斜背双门小汽车,从那以后,公交车成为我出行的主要交通具。

8. I don't like riding it on rainy days, when the floor is slippery and the windows are so fogged- up that you can't see your stop.

我不喜欢在雨天乘车,车地板非常的滑,而且车窗蒙了一层雾以至于你根本看不清楚车站。 9. I don't like drivers who ride the brakes. 我不喜欢开车时一直脚踩刹车的司机。

10. I believe that human life is sacred, that the world's resources should be shared and thevery choice matters.



1.Bus Chick: Freelance writer Carla Saulter, aka Bus Chick, blogs about transit riding on hwebsite, buschick.com. She serves on Sealtle's Transit Master Plan Advisory Board. Ms. Saulter her husband and two children enjoy life without owning their own car. 2. Metro: the bus system in Seattle 西雅图的公交系统


Ⅰ. Checking Your Comprehension

Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passa 1 .When the author was young, riding a bus alone was a symbol of______. A) wealth B) courage C) independence D) power



【答案解析】第一段第三句,the bus symbolized independence.由此可知,答案C符合题意。答案为C。

2. According to the author, what did most American young people believe? A) It was fashionable to work in the car industry. B) A car was necessary on their path to adulthood. C) It was dangerous to drive a car alone.

D) They should buy a car without the assistance of an adult. [答疑编号506494030302:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】根据第二段第二句like most young Americans, I believed…a car was necessary for

my transition to adulthood.由此看出,作者和其他大多数的美国青年一样,认为拥有一辆汽


3. What did the author realize when working with a software company? A) It was troublesome to take the bus.

B) Everyday life without a car would be impossible. C) The use of cars did harm to the environment. D) Traffic jams caused a lot of inconvenience. [答疑编号506494030303:针对该题提问]



pollution,sprawl, isolation and fatalities。首先可以排除A和B。根据上述四个单词,可以排除D。C项与pollution对应。答案为C。

4. What was the author's attitude towards taking the bus after she sold the car? A) She didn't enjoy riding the bus when the weather was terrible. B) She found that using public transport was very time-consuming. C) She enjoyed it in spite of occasional inconveniences.

D) She found that the public transport of the city was well-developed. [答疑编号506494030304:针对该题提问]




5. What is the author's purpose in writing this article? A) To ask people to sell their cars.

B) To encourage people to ride bicycles to work if possible. C) To call on people to take action to protect the environment. D) To remind people to be friendly to others when taking the bus. [答疑编号506494030305:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本文作者以自身经历——卖掉汽车改乘公交上下班为例,并历数了乘车的好 处,以此来号召大家绿色出行,达到保护环境的目的。B项中出现了ride bicycles (骑自行车),本文并未提倡骑自行车,只是倡导绿色出行,关键还是希望人们保护环境。答案为C。

Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gin the brackets.

1.The lion is the ___________ of courage. ( symbol, symbolize) [答疑编号506494030306:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】symbol 狮子是勇敢的象征。


2. I tried to contact him but was __________ to. (able, unable) [答疑编号506494030307:针对该题提问]




3. Parking in this street is the _________________ of the residents. ( privilege, privileg [答疑编号506494030308:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】定冠词the后需要填入一个名词,此处名词 + of 作定语。privilege,n.优惠待遇;privileged,adj.享有特权的、特许的。答案为privilege。

4. Despite his cries, no one came to his _______ . (assist, assistance) [答疑编号506494030309:针对该题提问]




5. With ____________ exceptions, he does not appear in public now. ( rare, rarely) [答疑编号506494030310:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】这里需要形容词做定语。rare,adj.很少、极少;rarely是其副词形式。with rare exceptions 可理解为,(除了)少数例外。答案为rare。

6. It was a great _______________ to have the doctor living near us. (convenience, inconvenience)





Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.②available ⑤ resources ③independence ⑥subjected ①primary occasional ④giggling slippery 1 .Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their ______ source of income. [答疑编号506494030312:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】需要形容词作定语,修饰宾语。primary,adj.主要的。primary source of income 主要的收入来源。答案为primary。

2. There are not many jobs _________ due to the economic crisis. [答疑编号506494030313:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】available,adj.可获得的、可得到的。available 一般放于所修饰的名词后。答案为available。

3. Having a job gives you financial _________. [答疑编号506494030314:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】缺少宾语,应填入名词。financial independence 经济独立。答案为independence。

4. If you can't stop __________, you'll have to leave the room. [答疑编号506494030315:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】 stop doing sth.停止做某事。giggle,v.傻笑。答案为giggling。

5. The country almost entirely depends on imports for lack of natural __________. [答疑编号506494030316:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】缺少作宾语的名词。natural resource 自然资源、天然资源。答案为resources。

6. Police ___________ the suspect to hours of questioning. [答疑编号506494030317:针对该题提问]




Section C

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1 .I believe ___________ your ability to solve the problem. [答疑编号506494030318:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】believe in 固定搭配,意为相信、信任。句意是,我相信你解决问题的能力。答案为in。

2. The meal was excellent except __________ the first course. [答疑编号506494030319:针对该题提问]




3. Her speech made a tremendous impact _________ everyone. [答疑编号506494030320:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】sth. impact on sb.固定搭配,某事对某人影响深。句意是,他的演讲给每个人留下了极深的影响。答案为on。

4. It happened without my being aware ___________ it. [答疑编号506494030321:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】be aware of 固定搭配,意识到、察觉到。句意是,我没有意识到这件事的发生。答案为of。

5. The campers were subjected _________ extreme weather. [答疑编号506494030322:针对该题提问]




6. Adolescence is the period of transition _________ childhood to adulthood. [答疑编号506494030323:针对该题提问]



【答案解析】 transition,n.转变、过度。句意是,from…to 指从……到……。句意是,青春期是从孩童时期到成人的过度期。答案为from。

Ⅲ Bridging the Gap

Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. Youchoose a suitable one from the list given. ①in mind ⑩Although ⑧on ⑤designed ③like ②which ④popular ⑥fuel ⑦parking spaces ⑨electricity Automakers around the world are planning to make cars that are smaller, use less fuel and ddamage the environment. At auto shows around the globe, car producers are presenting what they 1 .


【正确答案】1. in mind

【答案解析】1.in mind可以理解为心里、心中。句意是,在全球各地的汽车展览会上,汽车生产商正向人们展示他们心中的设计。答案为in mind。

General Motors has already displayed one of its prototypes. It is called P.U.M.A., 2 means Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility Vehicle. It looks 3 a cart, has two batteries and seafor two people.


【正确答案】2. which 3. like

【答案解析】2. 定语从句缺少连接词。答案为which。

3. look like固定搭配,看上去像……。答案为like。

While GM's car may never be produced, other car makers have already made mini-cars that youbuy. Mercedes' Smart car has been 4 in Europe for some time. Chrysler's GEM Peapod and Toyota'sare two small cars that have been specially 5 for city traffic. [答疑编号506494030326:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】4. popular 5. designed

【答案解析】4.本句缺少作表语的形容词。has been popular指已经流行了(一段时

间)。答案为popular 。

5.被动语态,这里缺少动词。specially design指特别为……设计的。答案为designed。

Many people want to buy small cars because they save 6 . That means saving money on petrol being able to find 7 more easily in crowded cities. [答疑编号506494030327:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】6. fuel 7. parking spaces

【答案解析】6.动词save后需要填入名词作宾语。下句的that means saving money on petrol…给出了提示, fuel 和petrol 对应。答案为fuel。

7.动词find后需要填入名词作宾语。本句可理解为,这意味着在拥挤的城市里,(小型车)在燃料方面更经济,在停车方面更便利。答案为parking spaces。

Carmakers are also spending money 8 research to make alternative-fuel cars. Maybe one day, of us will drive biodiesel(生物柴油),hydrogen(氢)or solar-powered cars. [答疑编号506494030328:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】8. on

【答案解析】8. 介词on表示关于……。这里指关于……的研究。答案为on。

Hybrids are cars that are already on the market today. Toyota and GM already produce hybridcars, trucks and SUVs that run on petrol and 9 . Other companies, like BMW have made cars that hydrogen and electricity. 10 such cars are still too expensive to produce in large numbers, carmakers are continuing to improve them and make them cheaper. [答疑编号506494030329:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】9. electricity 10. Although

【答案解析】9. and连接两个意义相近的名词。run on petrol and electricity指以汽油和电为动力/燃料。可以和下句的hydrogen and electricity相对应。答案为


10. 根据句意,这里有“尽管”、“即使”的意思。用although 引导让步状语从句。答案为Although。



美国通用汽车公司GM展示了他们一款原型车,称之为P.U.M.A.(Personal Urban Mobility and

Accessibility),它的意思就是“城市个人出行交通工具” 。它看起来像一辆轻便车(马车),有两块电池个座位。

尽管通用公司可能从未生产出微型汽车,但是你可以在市场上购买到其他汽车制造商的小型车。梅赛德斯Smart已经在欧洲流行了一段时间。克莱斯勒公司的GEM Peapod 和丰田公司的IQ就是特别为城市交通设计的小型车。



今天市场上已经有混合动力的汽车。丰田和通用已经生产以汽油和电为燃料的小轿车、卡车和SUV。其他像宝马公司已经生产了以氢和电混合动力汽车。尽管混合动力的汽车价格昂贵,还不能大批量生产,但是汽车者正在继续改进设计,并使价格更便宜一些。 Ⅳ. Translation Section A

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in tbrackets.

1.I'd love to go on holiday but _______(抽不出时间). (afford) [答疑编号506494030330:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】can't afford to spare time 我想要去度假,但抽不出时间。

【答案解析】I'd like to do我想要做某事。afford, v.负担得起、买得起。答案为。can't afford to spare time。

2.____________________(老两口很少争吵) since they were married 40 years ago. (rarely) [答疑编号506494030331:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】The old couple have rarely quarreled 老两口结婚40年以来很少争吵。

【答案解析】rarely, adv.很少地、极少地。注意本句时态应该用现在完成时。答案为The old couple have rarely quarreled 。

3.Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are ___________________(在杂货店到) .(available)


【正确答案】available at groceries


【答案解析】available, adj.可获得的、可得到的。答案为available at groceries。

4.It has caused a heated debate on_________________(电视对孩子的影响).(impact) [答疑编号506494030333:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】impact of TV on children


【答案解析】impact on sb.固定搭配,对某人的影响。答案为the impact of TV on


5.They should ________________(意识到潜在的风险) in the market. ( be aware of ) [答疑编号506494030334:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】be aware of the potential risk/danger 他们应当意识到在市场上潜在的风险。

【答案解析】be aware of固定搭配,意识到、察觉到。答案为be aware of the potential risks/danger。

Section B

Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

One of the most common images of advanced Western-style culture is that of a busy traffic-fcity. Since their first appearance on American roads,cars have become a symbol of progress, a source of thousands of jobs and almost an inalienable right for citizens wishing to exercise thfreedom of movement. In recent decades, the love affair with the car is being exported directlythe developing world and it is increasingly apparent that this transfer is leading to disaster. [答疑编号506494030335:针对该题提问]


Ⅴ Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order, so that they make a complete paragraph.

1. It saves money, time and effort. 2. What is carpooling?

3. I do it, my friends do it and, at times, we do it together.

4. Most of all, it reduces effects of pollution on the environment.

5. It is a car sharing practice, by which more than one person travels in a car. [答疑编号506494030336:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】排列句子顺序: 2 — 5 — 1— 4 — 3


车的好处。第4句开头的most of all,“(拼车带来的好处中)最重要的是”我们可以判断出此句应放在第1句的后面。第3句说的是结果——所以我这样做了……,应放在最后。

Ⅵ. Reflecting on the Text

With the increase in the general standard of living, many ordinary Chinese families are ablafford a car. However, opinions about whether the purchase of private cars should be encouragedvary. On the one hand, the car industry is an important factor in China's economic growth, and owning a car gives individuals a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. On the other handincreased car use is a major cause of pollution and congestion. What's your opinion on whether purchase of private cars should be encouraged in China? Give reasons and examples to support yo


【参考译文】随着生活标准的逐渐提高,许多普通的中国家庭能够买得起汽车。然而,关于是否应该鼓励私家车存在各种各样的观点。一方面,汽车工业在中国经济增长中是一个重要因素,并且拥有一辆汽车给个人和舒适程度较大提升。另一方面,增加使用汽车会造成污染和交通阻塞。关于在中国是否应该鼓励购买私家车阐述你的观点,给出原因和例子来支持你的观点。 [答疑编号506494030337:针对该题提问]


1.根据目前私家车数量增加的现象列出自己的观点(disagree)。 2.重点写出不鼓励购买私家车的原因。



(3)公共交通的便利(public transportation):近几年公共交通(公交、地铁、铁路等)发展迅猛,们的出行提供了很大的便利,而且费用经济实惠。

3.再次重申自己的观点,鼓励人们绿出行(green travel)。

Text B New Words

1、principle n. a law, a rule or a theory that something is based on 法则;原则;原理

2、convenience n. the quality of being useful, easy or suitable for somebody 方便;适宜:便 3、stumbling block n. something that causes problems and prevents you from achieving your a碍物;绊脚石

4、intention n. what you intend or plan to do; your aim 打算;计划;意图;目的

5、reputed adj. generally thought to be something or to have done something, although this not certain 普遍认为;号称

6、footprint n. a mark left on a surface by a person's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot 印;足迹

7、abstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality 抽象的具体经验相对)

8、small-scale adj. not large in size or extent; limited in what it does 小型的;小范围的;模的

9、mundane adj. not interesting or exciting 单调的;平凡的

10、individual adj. connected with one person; designed for one person 一个人的;供一人用的 11、entrench v. to establish something very firmly so that it is very difficult to change 使牢固地位;牢固确立

12、sceptic (skeptic) n. a person who usually doubts that claims or statements are true, especially those that other people believe in 惯持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者

13、concede v. to admit that something is true, logical, etc. 承认(某事属实、合乎逻辑等) 14、generate v. to produce or create something 产生;引起

15、belch v. to send out large amounts of smoke, flames, etc.; to come out of something in amounts (大量)喷出,吐出

16、toxic adj. containing poison; poisonous 有毒的;引起中毒的

17、fumes n. [pl.] smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous tobreathe in (浓烈的或有害的)烟,气,汽

18、springboard n. something that helps you start an activity, especially by giving you ide(有助于开展某事的)基础,出发点

19、reap v. to obtain something, especially something good, as a direct result of somethingyou have done 取得(成果);收获

20、dividend n. an amount of the profits that a company pays to people who own shares in thcompany 红利;股息;股利

21、currently adv. at the present time 目前;当前;时下

22、petrol n. a liquid obtained from petroleum, used as fuel in car engines, etc. 汽油

23、prohibitively adv. used when costs are so high that they prevent people from buying or something (费用等)过高地,过分地

24、pump n. a machine that is used to force liquid or gas into or out of something 泵 25、expend v. to use or spend a lot of time, money, energy, etc. 花费;消费;耗费

26、odd adj. happening or appearing occasionally; not very regular or frequent 偶尔发生的 27、purchase v. to buy something 买;购买;采购

28、kit n. a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose 成套工具;成套 29、extremely adv. to a very high degree 极其;极端;非常

30、regular adj. following a pattern, especially with the same time and space in between eathing and the next 规则的;有规律的

31、average adj. ordinary; not special 普通的;平常的;一般的

32、offset v. to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effectanother 抵消;弥补;补偿

33、incentive n. something that encourages you to do something 激励;刺激;鼓励

34、scheme n. a plan or system for doing or organizing something 计划;方案;体系;体制 35、lease v. to use or let somebody use something, especially property or equipment, in excfor rent or a regular 租用,租借,出租(尤指房地产或设备)

36、subsidize v. to give money to somebody or an organization to help pay for something; toa subsidy 资助;补助;给……发津贴

37、deduct v. to take away money, points, etc. from a total amount (总量中)扣除,减去 38、efficient adj. doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or ene效率高的;有能力的

39、basically adv. used when you are giving your opinion or stating what is important aboutsituation 总的说来,从根本上说

40、well-being n. general health and happiness 健康;安乐;康乐

41、aerobic adj. especially designed to improve the function of the heart and lungs 有氧的;心肺功能的

42、boost v. to make something increase, or become better or more successful 使增长;使兴旺 43、fitness n. the state of being physically healthy and strong 健壮;健康 44、brisk adj. quick; busy 快的;敏捷的;忙碌的

45、concentration n. the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing, withthinking of other things 专心;专注

46、alertness n. the state of being watchful 警戒,机敏

47、underestimate v. to think or guess that the amount, cost or size of something is smallethan it really is 低估;对…估计不足

48、acuity n. the ability to think, see or hear clearly (思维、视力、听力的)敏度,敏锐 49、edge n. a slight advantage over somebody/ something (微弱的)优势

50、decisive adj. very important for the final result of a particular situation 决定性的;关 51、promotion n. a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization 提升拔:晋升

Phrases and Expressions

1、in principle in general but not in detail 大体上:基本上

2、when it comes to… when it is a question of something 当涉及某事(或做某事)时 3、add up to to lead to a particular result; to show something 结果是;表示 4、(all) on your own without any help 独立地 5、in general as a whole 总的说来;从总体上看

6、bear/keep in mind that to remember or consider that 记住 7、depending on according to 视乎;决定于

8、end up to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be 终成为;最后处于

9、in terms of used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are thinking about it 谈及;就而言;在……方面

10、get/have…under your belt to have already achieved or obtained something 已经获得某物

Text B

Pre-reading Questions

1. Do you have a bike? Do you enjoy riding a bike? 2. What benefits can people get from cycling? Bike to Work: Reasons You Should Try

Most people agree that riding a bike to work is a good idea in principle, but the convenienthe car is a big stumbling block for a lot of us, and cycling to work tends to become one of thfirst good intentions with which the road to hell is reputed to be paved. ①However, there are environmental, economic and health-based reasons why you should try biking to work.

While climate change and carbon footprints can seem very abstract concepts when it comes tsomething as small-scale and mundane as the daily commute to the office, the fact remains that individual actions can add up to a huge difference.② Even the most entrenched climate change sceptic would have to concede that riding a bicycle to work and generating a few drops of sweatdo more to improve the environment than driving a car that belches out toxic fumes with every m③

Not only that, but if you come to enjoy cycling to work, you may find yourself starting to other trips by bike — for small amounts of groceries or to visit local friends. Cycling to worits own might not save the world, but it can be the springboard to a greener lifestyle in gener On the economic front, cycling to work can reap many dividends. With oil prices currently arecord highs, petrol has become prohibitively expensive, and so it makes immediate sense to avothe pumps by cycling to work and expending no fuel more costly than the odd bacon sandwich and bottle of Powerade.④

So it makes economic sense to bike to work due to fuel costs. But also bear in mind that, although bikes can be expensive to purchase (up to a few thousand dollars, depending on the model), once you have the basic kit, they are extremely cheap to run and maintain, compared withe regular running costs of the average car.⑤

Even the high cost of purchasing a bike can sometimes be offset through employer incentivesthe UK, for example, there is a scheme — the Green Transport Plan — whereby employers lease ybike at a subsidized rate, paid for through your salary. The benefit is that the payments are tbefore tax is deducted from your salary, so it is very tax efficient, and basically you end upa more or less free bike. ⑥Similar schemes are being run or being considered in many parts of world.

In terms of your personal health and well-being, cycling to work is also a great move. Cyclis excellent aerobic exercise, so it will boost your fitness. Besides, getting a few miles of bcycling under your belt first thing in the morning is also an excellent way of boosting your concentration and alertness. ⑦ People often underestimate the effect exercise can have on menacuity, and you could find it gives you a professional edge which might prove decisive next timgo for a promotion or pay review.

Most of all, you should try to bike to work because cycling is great fun, gives you a lot ofresh air and exercise and will save you money. You should try it because you will enjoy it, anwonder why you didn't try it sooner.

Key Sentences

1. …cycling to work tends to become one of the first good intentions with which the road thell is reputed to be paved.


2. While climate change and carbon footprints can seem very abstract concepts when it comessomething as small-scale and mundane as the daily commute to the office, the fact remains that individual actions can add up to a huge difference.


3. Even the most entrenched climate change sceptic would have to concede that riding a bicyto work and generating a few drops of sweat will do more to improve the environment than drivincar that belches out toxic fumes with every mile.


4. With oil prices currently at record highs, petrol has become prohibitively expensive, anit makes immediate sense to avoid the pumps by cycling to work and expending no fuel more costlthan the odd bacon sandwich and bottle of Powerade.


5. ……, once you have the basic kit, they are extremely cheap to run and maintain, comparewith the regular running costs of the average car.


6. The benefit is that the payments are taken before tax is deducted from your salary, so ivery tax efficient, and basically you end up with a more or less free bike.


7. Besides, getting a few miles of brisk cycling under your belt first thing in the morningalso an excellent way of boosting your concentration and alertness.



1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions: It is not enough to intend to do good thyou must actually do them.

2. Powerade: a sports drink manufactured and marketed by the Coca-Cola Company.

Text B Exercises

1. Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes) if the statement agrees withe information given in the text; N (for No) if the statement contradicts the information giin the text; NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the text.

( )1. The convenience of cars might prevent people from riding a bike. [答疑编号506494030601:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:开车很方便可能会阻止人们骑自行车。开头第一句…but the

convenience of the car is a big stumbling block for lots of us…由此可知,开车的方便使我们骑车上班的想法迟迟没能实现。答案为Y。

( )2. Some skeptics believe that individual actions can make no difference to the environment.




small individual actions can add up to a huge difference,看似微不足道的个体行为累积起来,还是会对环境产生巨大的影响。题干明显与文章内容相反。答案为N。

( )3. Cycling is a very economical form of transport. [答疑编号506494030603:针对该题提问]



( )4. In the UK, each employee can get a bike for free. [答疑编号506494030604:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:在英国,每个雇员可以免费得到一辆自行车。第六段…employers lease you a bike at a subsidized rate, paid for through your salary,由此看出,


( )5. The UK is the only country which proposes green transport plans. [答疑编号506494030605:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:国是唯一的开展绿色出行计划的国家。第六段最后similar schemes

are being run or being considered in many parts of the world.由此看出,除了英国外,其他国家也开展了绿色出行计划。所以题干的说法是错误的。答案为N。

( )6. People who respond to the Green Transport Plan can get a salary raise. [答疑编号506494030606:针对该题提问]



Section B

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text.

1. When it comes to cycling to work, the convenience of the car turns out to be_________. [答疑编号506494030607:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】a big stumbling block

【答案解析】本文开头第一句…riding a bike to work.., but the convenience of the

car is a big stumbling block for a lot of us... stumbling block指障碍物 、绊脚石。答案为a big stumbling block(一大块绊脚石)。

2. To many of us, climate change and carbon footprints are_________. [答疑编号506494030608:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】very abstract concepts

【答案解析】第二段第一句while climate change and carbon footprint can seem

very abstract concepts… 给出了答案。very abstract concepts 指非常抽象的概念。答案为very abstract concepts(非常抽象的概念)。

3. Cycling to work itself might not make a big difference, but it can be the springboard to_________.


【正确答案】a greener lifestyle in general

【答案解析】第三段最后一句…but it can be the springboard to a greener

lifestyle.., greener lifestyle指更环保的生活方式。答案为a greener lifestyle in general(更加环保的生活方式)。

4. It _________to bike to work since the oil price is extremely high. [答疑编号506494030610:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】makes economic sense

【答案解析】第五段第一句So it makes economic sense to bike to work due to fuel

costs.这里makes economic sense可理解为,有经济意识。答案为makes economic sense(有经济意识)。

5. Compared with cars, bikes are extremely cheap to_________. [答疑编号506494030611:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】run and maintain

【答案解析】可参考原文第五段第二句But also bear in mind,.. they are extremely cheap to run and maintain 。答案为run and maintain(维护和修理)。

6. Exercise, such as cycling, can give you_________. [答疑编号506494030612:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】a professional edge

【答案解析】第七段第三句…the effect exercise can have on mental acuity.., it

gives you a professional edge.. . professional edge指职业优势。答案为a professional edge(职业优势)。

Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gin the brackets.

1. It is not my _________ to argue with you. (intention, intentional) [答疑编号506494030613:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】缺少宾语,应填入一个名词。intention, n.意图、目的;intentional, adj.有意的、故意的。答案为intention。题目意思:我不是故意跟你争论。

2. Redecorating the house will be a considerable ________. (expend, expense) [答疑编号506494030614:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】形容词considerable后缺少它修饰的名词。expend, v.花费、耗尽;

expense, n.费用。a considerable expense指一笔相当大的开梢。答案为expense。题目意思:装修这房子要花一笔巨款。(费用相当高、相当大的费用)

3. This tribe lives in the _________ north of the country. (extreme, extremely) [答疑编号506494030615:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】缺少定语,需要形容词。extreme, adj.极端的;extremely, adv.极端地。

extreme north of the country指国家的最北端。答案为extreme。题目意思:这个部落位于该国的最北端。

4. He was a _______ customer of the restaurant.(regular, irregular) [答疑编号506494030616:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】一对反义词。regular, adj.有规律的;irregular是它的反义词。a

regular customer指长期顾客。根据前面的冠词a和句意,此处应填入regular,答案为regular。题目意思:他是这家餐馆的常客。

5. I found it hard to keep my _________ with such a noise going on. (concentrate, concentration)



【答案解析】宾语不全,这里缺少一个名词。concentrate, v.专心于; concentration,


6. If you are successful, you can expect _________. (promote, promotion) [答疑编号506494030618:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】缺少宾语,需要填入一个名词。promote, v.促进、提升;promotion, n.晋升、提拔。答案为promotion。题目意思:如果你成功了,你可以期待晋升。

Sections B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.③abstract currently ②purchase ⑥fitness ⑤scheme efficient ④underestimated ①mental 1. Many people suffer from some form of ________ illness during their lives. [答疑编号506494030619:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】需要定语修饰illness。mental illness指精神疾病。答案为mental。题目意思:许多人在他们的一生中都患有某种形式的精神疾病。

2. Except under clearly defined circumstances, it is illegal in Britain for a company to_________ its own shares.



【答案解析】to后面需要填入动词。purchase its own shares指购买自己公司的股票。


3. Human beings are the only creatures capable of_________ thought. [答疑编号506494030621:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】需要定语修饰thought。abstract thought抽象思维。答案为abstract。题目意思:人类是唯一能够抽象思维的生物。

4. We _________ how long it would take to get there. [答疑编号506494030622:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本句没有谓语,应选择动词。underestimate, v.低佑、对……估计不足。注


5. There's a new _________ in our town for recycling plastic bottles. [答疑编号506494030623:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】宾语不全,这里需要填入一个名词。scheme, n.计划、方案。recycling

plastic bottles指塑料瓶回收。答案为scheme。题目意思:在我们的城市对塑料瓶回收有一个新的计划。

6. Running marathons requires a high level of physical ________. [答疑编号506494030624:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】形容词physical后缺少它修饰的名词。fitness, n.健康、健壮。physical


Section C

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1. There's no reason in _________ why people couldn't travel to Mars. [答疑编号506494030625:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】in principal是固定搭配,意思为“原则上、基本上”。答案为


2. The drug had an immediate effect _________ the pain. [答疑编号506494030626:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】effect on是固定搭配,意思为“对……有影响、对……起作用”。答案为on。题目意思:这种药对止疼立即有效果/这种药对止疼很见效。

3. Anyone who swims in the river could end _________with a nasty stomach upset. [答疑编号506494030627:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】end up with sth.是固定搭配,意思为“最终以……而告终”。答案为up。


4. She already has good academic qualifications under her _______. [答疑编号506494030628:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】get/have……under one's belt是固定搭配,意思为“已经获得某物”。答案为belt。题目意思:她已经获得很高的学历。

5. The team's success was largely _________ to her efforts. [答疑编号506494030629:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】due to是固定搭配,意思为“因为、应归于、应归功于”。答案为due。题目意思:团队的成功,很大程度上归功于她的努力。

6. We should bear in _________ that time in college is really precious. [答疑编号506494030630:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】bear/keep in mind是固定搭配,意思为“记住”。答案为mind。题目意思:我们应该牢记在大学里度过的宝贵时光。

Ⅲ. Translation Section A

Directions: Translate the brackets following sentences into English, using the words or phrin the brackets.

1.__________________(谈到自然科学), I almost know nothing.( when it comes to… ) [答疑编号506494030631:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】When it comes to natural science

【答案解析】when it comes to…是固定搭配,意思为“当涉及某事(或做某事)时”。

答案为When it comes to natural science。题目意思:谈到自然科学,我几乎一无所知。

2. It was a bad year for films, __________________(就数量和质量而言).(in terms of) [答疑编号506494030632:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】in terms of quantity and quality

【答案解析】in terms of是固定搭配,意思为“谈及……、就……而言、在……方

面”。答案为in terms of quantity and quality。题目意思:就数量和质量而言,对电影业都是很差的一年。

3. Violent films __________________(对学龄前孩子的影响很大).(have effect on) [答疑编号506494030633:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】have a great effect on preschool children

【答案解析】effect on是固定搭配,意思为“对……有影响、对……起作用”。答案为

have a great effect on preschool children。题目意思:暴力影片对学龄前孩子的影响很大。

4. Starting salary varies from £ 26,000 to £30,500, __________________(依个人经验而定).(depending on)


【正确答案】depending on one's personal experience

【答案解析】depend on 是固定搭配,意思为“依据、依靠”。答案为depending on

one's personal experience。题目意思:起薪从26000到30500英镑,依个人经验而定。

5.__________________(因为交通拥堵),he was late for work.(due to) [答疑编号506494030635:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Due to the traffic jam

【答案解析】due to是固定搭配,意思为“因为、应归于、应归功于”。答案为Due to the traffic jam。题目意思:因为交通拥堵,他上班迟到了。

Section B

Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Riding a bike in Copenhagen is not like bicycling in Beijing. First of all, it is quick. MaDanish workers ride to work every morning. Punctuality is important and they ride as fast as thcan so as to be on time. For others, it is simply exercise. So why not speed up? Second, becauspeople ride fast, bicycle helmets and front and back lights are required. Since the weather canchange abruptly in Denmark, lights are compulsory. Riders have to have a white light on the frothe bike and a red light at the back. Anyone who rides without lights can end up with a big fin 【参考译文】在哥本哈根骑自行车与在北京骑车不一样。首先,速度快。很多丹麦职工每天早上骑自行车班。守时是很重要的,为了准时上班他尽可能的骑快一些。对于其他人来说,这简直就是锻炼身体。所以为什加速骑车呢?第二,因为人们都骑得很快,自行车头盔和前后灯就是必须要有的。因为丹麦天气变化很突然,是强制性的。骑车者必须要在车前头放置白灯,车尾有红灯。任何人骑车无灯最终都要罚巨款。 Ⅳ. Writing Section A

Directions: The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent. Improve them Example: A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds. Revision: A man is judged not only by what he says but also by what he does. 1. After studying Lesson Ten, the final exam was approaching. [答疑编号506494030636:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】After studying Lesson Ten, they will take the final exam.

【答案解析】前后两个句子的主语不一致,因此可添加后半个句子的主语,“考试”的主语应该为人。答案为After studying Lesson Ten, they will take the final exam.

2. Mr. Black told his son that he had done the right thing. [答疑编号506494030637:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Mr. Black told his son to do the right thing.

【答案解析】本题中he指代不清,可利用tell sb. to do sth.的结构变换单词顺序,使句子意思清晰。答案为Mr. Black told his son to do the right thing.

3. The explosion destroyed the building and many people were injured. [答疑编号506494030638:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】The explosion destroyed the building and injured many people.

【答案解析】本句话的意思是:爆炸破坏了这座楼,许多(楼里的)人受了伤。因此可用 the explosion作主语,and后面的被动语态改为以injure为谓语的主动语态,从而使句意明了,句式简洁。答案为The explosion destroyed the building and injured many people.

4. The composition is good in language but it has poor content. [答疑编号506494030639:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】The composition is good in language but poor in content.

【答案解析】两句话是同一个主语“the composition”,去掉重复部分可以使句子更简

洁。but在这里是副词,表示不过、另一方面。答案为The composition is good in language but poor in content.

5. The young man is honest and hard-working, and a man you can rely on. [答疑编号506494030640:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】The young man is honest and hard-working, and can be rely on. 【答案解析】and往往连接两个并列结构。答案为The young man is honest and hard-working, and can be relied on.

Section B

Directions: Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph.

________________________________________.For example, in Britain, cigarette advertisements not allowed on TV or radio. The American government requires manufacturers to print a warning tsmoking is dangerous to health on every pack of cigarettes. In China, a law is being drafted bathe sale of tobacco products to people under eighteen. There is no doubt that anti-smoking campworldwide are making more and more people aware of the dangers of smoking and enlisting more anmore in the fight for cleaner air. [答疑编号506494030641:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Many countries are fighting smoking.

【答案解析】下一句的“for example\已经给出了信息,开头句一定和下边举出的例子紧


Text B

Grammar in Focus 情态动词(Modal Verbs)

情态动词表示说话人对所述事件或状态的看法或评价。与助动词不同的是,情态动词有自己的词义。情态主要具有以下特征:后面只能接不带to的不定式(ought to和used to可视为固定的情态动词短语);没有定形式,即没有不定式、现在分词或过去分词等形式;没有人称和数的变化;彼此间相互排斥,即情态动词不连用,一个限定动词词组中只能用一个情态动词。情态动词主要有can, could, may, might, must, ought need, dare。

一、几个常用情态动词的意义和用法 ※can/could


He was born in Hong Kong, and can speak both English and Chinese very well.

This sort of thing cannot go on any longer. Could you babysit for us on Friday? ※may/ might

表示允许、许可、请求、可能等含义。例如: May I take this book out of the library?

Take an umbrella with you. It may rain at any moment.

This might be our last chance to defeat our rival in the competition. ※must


We must reconsider the whole situation before we make the final decision. You must be tired.

-Must we send in our outlines for the final thesis next week? -Yes, you must. (No, you needn't.) ※need, dare

这两个动词分别表示需要和敢于的意思,既可用作普通动词,也可用作情态动词。例如: Nothing need be done about this till next week. He needs to lose a bit of weight.

I daren't/don't dare to think how much it is going to cost. 二、情态动词+不定式的完成形式

情态动词后有时可接动词不定式的完成形式,表示对已经发生的事情的推测或看法。常见的用法有: ※must + have + 过去分词


You look so sleepy. You must have sat up late last night. I wrote her a letter a week ago. She must have received it. ※may (might) + have + 过去分词

用于对过去已经发生过的事情表示推测, 只不过不像must + have +过去分词表示的推测把握这么大,“可能已经”或“或许已经”。例如:

Our rival may have already known about our plan.

From the noise the crowd is making, I think our team may have won. ※needn't + have +过去分词


You needn't have come here by yourself. You could have asked your bother to accompany you. You needn't have washed all those dishes, you know — I'd have done them myself when I got ※should /ought to have + have + 过去分词

用于表示过去应该做某事而实际未做,可译为“本来应当……”或“本该……”。这里,ought to与sh可互换使用。其否定形式should not + have +过去分词表示发生了本不该发生的事。例如: I should have written to her but I haven't had time.

We oughtn't to have agreed without knowing what it would cost.


Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

1. He______________ be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a few minutes ago. A) mustn't B) can't

C) may not D) isn't able to



【答案解析】译文:他不可能在北京,因为几分钟前我在镇上看见他了。mustn't意为“禁止”;can't意为“不可能”;may not意为“可能不”;isn't able to意为“不能


2. You______________ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A) needn't to come B) don't need come C) don't need coming D) needn't come



【答案解析】译文:如果你有重要的事情做,你今天下午可以不必来参加会议。need既可 作实义动词也可作情态动词。作实义动词要用need to do,作情态动词时后面直接接动词原形或动词ing表被动。A中接了不定式,排除;否定形式应该是don't need to come,因此B和C也错;D中的need用作情态动词,直接接动词原形。答案为D。

3. From the tears in Nedra's eyes, we can deduce that something sad______________. A) must have happened B) would have happened C) might be happening D) should happen



【答案解析】文:从Nedra眼中的泪水,我们可以推断肯定发生伤心的事情了。分析句意 知本题要用情态动词接完成时表示对过去的事情的推测,C和D都不正确。must have done表示对过去事情的推测;would have done 常用于虚拟语气中,有将来的意味。显然A符合题意。答案为A。

4. My pain_______________ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I masked sympathetically, \ A) must be B) had been

C) must have been D) had to be





5. As it turned out to be a small house party, we________ so formally.

A) needn't dress

B) didn't need have dressed C) did not need dress D) needn't have dressed




意和分句的谓语动词turned out可知本题要用needn't have done来表示本来没有必要做某事,但是事实上已经做了。答案为D。

6. I regret having left the work unfinished; I_______ everything ahead carefully. A) should plan

B) should have planned C) must have planned D) have planed



【答案解析】译文:我后悔事情没做完就走了;我应该提前把一切都计划好的。根据句意知本题是表示过去应该做某事,但是实际没做,要用should have done。答案为B。

7. Peter was seen crying when he was coming out from the principal's office. We can deduce he_________ by the principal. A) must have been punished B) may be punished

C) should have been punished D) must be punished




出他肯定被校长处罚了。由句意知本题表示对过去发生的事情的推测,应该用must have done。另外此处是“被处罚”,应该用被动语态。答案为A。

8. Whatever Peter has done, we_________ like him to come and visit us. A) does B) would C) should D) had



【答案解析】译文:无论Peter做了什么,我们都欢迎他来看我们。would like to do =

want to do.意为“想要……,愿意……”,是固定搭配。而would like的语气更委婉。答案为B。

9. When we reached the station, the train had not yet arrived, so we ________. A) needed not to hurry B) needn't have hurried C) need not to have hurried D) didn't need to hurry




意知我们本来没有必要这么hurry,但是实际上我们 hurry了,要用needn't have done来表示。答案为B。

10. Look what you've done! You_______ more careful. A) may be B) should have been C) will be D) would have been [答疑编号506494030710:针对该题提问]



备埋怨的感情色彩,要用should have done来表示本来应该做,但是实际上没做之意。答案为B。

11. I don't believe him — he _______ be serious. A) needn't B) can't C) may not D) mustn't [答疑编号506494030711:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】译文:我不相信他——他不可能是认真的。A表示“没必要”;B 表示“不可能”;C表示“或许不”;D表示“禁止”。根据题意知B正确。答案为B。

12. We __________ her letter last week. We don't know what has happened to her. A) must receive B) must have received C) ought to receive D) ought to have received [答疑编号506494030712:针对该题提问]

