2013版英语复习方略 素能提升演练 必修1 Unit 3(北师大版)

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必修1 Unit 3


celebration, tradition, invitation, graduation, decorations, apply, serve, occasion, power, mess

1. The failure to find a satisfactory job after _______ pushed Liu Qian to take up magic as a career.

2. In many countries young people still keep up the _______ that women will get married in a long white dress.

3. We should not only know the theory but also know how to _____ it to practice.

4. The hotel had a grand _______ for its opening.

5. She may be offended if you don’t reply to her _______ to attend the party.

6. The house was in a _____ after the party was over. 7. They are putting up _______ for the festival. 8. We must _____ the people heart and soul.

9. Though we are close friends, I only call on him on _______ . 10. After all, my personal _____ is nothing compared with the power of

the state. Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will, _______. A. on time

B. at a time D. in time

C. at one time

2. My sister, Alison, and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas _______ him about all the presents we wanted. A. telling C. to tell

B. told D. was telling

3. Yesterday the teachers and students held a grand meeting _______ the 60th anniversary of our school. A. in recognition of C. in celebration of

B. in honour of D. in possession of

4. [2012芜湖模拟]—You don’t go to that supermarket quite often, do you?

—No, I only go there _______ because it’s too far away from my house. A. eventually C. occasionally

B. constantly D. frequently

5. [2012西安模拟]Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _______. A. power

B. force

C. energy D.


6. [2012唐山模拟]Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but they have also _______ the pollution of the environment. A. adapted to

B. turned to D. looked forward to

C. contributed to

7. [2012连云港模拟]Almost all the houses in the city were destroyed: a sharp earthquake was said to _______ here a few days ago. A. happen

B. having happened D. happening

C. have happened

8. Oil from the engines should float on the water surface _______ everything else sinks in the river. A. as if

B. in that D. in case

C. even if

9. [2012郑州模拟]It is difficult for us to _______ a conversation with all this noise around us. A. carry on C. bring up

B. account for D. get across

10. —We have the seventh edition of this dictionary and it sells well. —That’s great. What’s the price? I’d like _______ one. A. getting C. to get

B. having got D. to have got

11. Though the accident happened in the daytime, the witnesses were

very difficult _______. A. to be found C. finding

B. to find D. being found

12. Institutions of higher education _______ two major sources of income to keep them functioning: tuition from students and funds from the country. A. refer to

B. stick to D. deal with

C. depend on

13. That company has a vacant position for a designer and I have already _______ it. A. stood for C. applied for

B. accounted for D. fought for

14. Although he is doing a good job and earns a salary of 8, 000 yuan a month, he doesn’t have enough time to _______ his old parents. A. attend to C. refer to

B. lead to D. devote to

15. We have _______ a lot of posters to remind students of protecting our environment. A. built up C. taken up

B. put up D. held up

Ⅲ. 课文填词

As is known to us, the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a special

1. o for every family, is celebrated by the Chinese throughout the world. On this day, people usually enjoy the beautiful full 2. ______ , which is said to be its biggest and 3. ______ (最明亮).

The Lantern Festival falls on the 4. _____ day of the first lunar month, 5. _____ (标志着) the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. People 6. m many kinds of lanterns and enjoy the sweet dumplings.

The Dragon Boat Festival is another great festival, which marks the 7. b of the hottest season of the year and for which the special 8. ______ is called zongzi. The festival has a history 9. ______ more than 2, 000 years. People enjoy the dragon boat 10. ______ (比赛) every year. Ⅳ. 阅读理解


A friend of mine, in response to a conversation we were having about the injustices of life, asked me the question, “Who said life was going to be fair, or that it was even meant to be fair? ” Her question was a good one. It

reminded me of something I was taught as a youngster: Life isn’t fair. It’s disappointing, but it’s absolutely true. One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It’s not and it won’t.

One of the nice things about surrendering (屈从) to the fact that life


8.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意:来自机器的油会漂浮在水表面上,即使其他一切东西都沉没在河流中。as if好像;in that因为;even if即使;in case以防;万一。只有C符合句意。

9.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们周围有噪音,我们难以继续我们的谈话。carry on继续;account for对……作出解释;bring up教育;培养;get across使……被理解。根据句意选A。 10.【解析】选C。考查固定句式。句意:——我们有这种字典的第七版,它卖得很好。——太好了。价格是多少?我愿意买一本。“would like to do”为固定句式,意为“愿意做某事”,排除A、B;而would like to have done表示“本来愿意做某事而其实没做”,显然不合句意,排除D,故选C。

11.【解析】选B。考查固定句式。句意:尽管事故发生在白天,但很难找到目击者。“主语+ be +形容词+不定式”为固定句式。该句式中,在后面作状语修饰前面作表语的形容词的动词不定式要用主动形式表被动含义,故选B。 【变式备选】

Mr. Smith is very popular with us because he is easy _______. A. to be getting along C. to get along with

B. to be got along with D. to get along

【解析】选C。考查固定句式。句意:史密斯先生很受我们欢迎,因为他容易相处。“主语+ be +形容词+不定式”为固定句式。该句式中,

在后面作状语修饰前面作表语的形容词的动词不定式要用主动形式表被动含义,排除B;又因不定式与句子的主语he存在动宾关系,所以要保留get along with中的介词with,排除A、D,故选C。 12.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:高校依靠两个主要收入来源以保持运转:学生的学费和国家的资金。refer to指的是;stick to坚持;depend on依靠;deal with处理。只有C符合句意。 13.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:那家公司有一个设计师的职位空缺,我已经申请这份工作了。stand for代表;account for对……作出解释;apply for申请;fight for为……而奋斗。只有C符合句意。

14.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:虽然他有一份好工作,月工资8, 000元,但他没有足够的时间照料他年老的父母。attend to照料;lead to导致;refer to提及;查阅;devote to将……奉献给……。根据句意选A。

15.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们已经贴出了很多海报以提醒学生保护环境。build up增进,加强;put up张贴;take up开始从事;占据;hold up举起;阻挡。根据句意选B。 Ⅲ.答案:1. occasion 2. moon 3. brightest 4. fifteenth 5. marking 6. make 7. beginning 8. food 9. of 10. races Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的“It reminded me of something I was taught as a youngster: Life isn’t fair. It’s disappointing, but it’s absolutely true. ”可知C项正确。和他的朋友一样,作者年轻时

也认为生活是不公平的。B项during his childhood与as a youngster表示的时间有差别。

2.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的“We know it’s not “life’s job” to make everything perfect, it’s our own challenge. (我们知道让每件事情完美并不是“生活的使命”,而是我们自己对生活的挑战。)”和第三段中的“The fact that life isn’t fair doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do everything in our power to improve our own lives or the world as a whole. On the contrary, it suggests that we should. (承认生活并不公平这一事实并不意味着我们不必尽己所能去改善生活,去改进整个世界。恰恰相反,它正表明我们应该这样做。)”可知D项正确。

3.【解析】选A。推理判断题。承认生活并不公平这一事实的一个好处便是它激励我们去尽己所能,而不再自我感伤。我们知道让每件事情完美并不是“生活的使命”,而是我们自己对生活的挑战。承认这一事实也会让我们不再为他人遗憾。 因此第二段是说“承认生活的不公平是件好事。”

4.【解析】选B。词义猜测题。以后等你发现自己在思考世界上的种种不公正时,要提醒自己这一基本的事实(this very basic fact)。而这一基本的事实就是第一段、第二段和第三段作者反复说的“生活是不公平的,现在是,将来也是”。

Ⅴ.答案:1. exchange 2. During 3. which 4. experience 5. Compared 6. less 7. also 8. friends 9. culture 10. benefit

