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二 公共场所的禁烟令没有得到很好的执行 给出建议 Dear Editor,

Ourcountry has launched a ban on smoking in airports, railway stations and anyother public places, but few expect it to have much of such an impact in someareas. This is partly due to the fact that China is a country with largenumbers of smokers.

Not surprisingly, the ban is getting into an embarrassing situation,although this nationwide somke-free campaign is designed to bring our countrymore in line with health regulations in developed countries. Given all this,some legislative measures should be taken to keep our country more healthier.Not only must a nationwide public awareness to promote the ban be greatlyenhanced, but penalties should also be enforced in the light of rules andregulations concerned.

Smoking in the public places not only does great harm to our health, butalso pollutes environment, so the gonvernment’s restriction on smoking is ofgreat necessity and importance to all of us.

Yours faithfully, Li Ming

三 网购了一部手机 发现存在一些问题 写信给管理人员 要求解决问题 Dear Sir,

I have just received the mobile phone which I bought online through yourweb service. However, this Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 does not appear to beworking properly as advertised. In particular, this phone has small availablestorage of only 60MB. I specifically bought this model because you claimed thatit has large storage. Further, the battery appears to be losing its power veryquickly, as the standby time(待机时间)is rather short. Also its bluetooth doesnot function normally.

Please advise me how to obtain the full refund and the method I shouldus in order to return this faulty product. I await your reply.

Yours faithfully, Li Ming

注:手机型号千万不能换成爱疯 以免引起改卷老师的妒忌! 四 微博发一篇求助信息,希望大家捐款帮助患病的学生

To those who are warm-hearted and alwaysready to help those in dire need of help,

Misfortune has no mercy, while giving loveto others is really a noble act of kindness.(灾难无情人有情)

On February 22nd, Tang Xuefei, acollege student from Hunan Province, was diagnosed with an acute myeloidleukemia(骨髓性白血病) The disease suddenly threw the wholefamily into a desperate situation, not only costing all their money, but alsoincurring a heavy debt.

In view of this, a donation to save herlife is the utmost urgent matter. However you contribute, it shall carrythousands of love and cares. Don’t hesitate to put out your generous,enthusiastic helping hands. The sum of all contributes will be through theHunan Red Cross Association and directly send to her. At the same time, let’spray for her and hope for a miracle. Yours faithfully, Li Ming

五 公司将更新会员资料 写封信给你的客户 让他们填表并说明信息的重要性 Dear Sir or Madam,

The service department of our company isupdating our data file. We would be pleased if you could complete the datasheet enclosed in the letter. Should you spot any information that is out ofdate, you could remove it or replace it with the up-to-date information. Iwould appreciate your assistance in this matter if you mail the materials sothat we could distribute them to the computer engineers as soon as possiblebecause this information is of great importance for their operation. If you have any questions, pleas don’thesitate to contact. Look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Li Ming 六 写信应聘工作 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing for a golden opportunity to work in acompany that enjoys years of reputation. I read China Daily the other day,pleased to discover that your company is recruiting an accountant. I waswondering if you could be free to have a heart-to-heart talk with me, for allthe requirements specified in your advertisement tend to fit my presentsituation. To be exact, I received extensive training in accounting, analyticalthinking and business planning. Under these circumstances, I sincerely hopethat I can be one of contributing members of your company. I would appreciateyour assistance in this matter. I you have any questions, please don’t hesitateto contact me. Look forward to your reply.

Yoursfaithfully, Li Ming 大作文 一 、如此“创新”

As is conveyed in the cartoon, a man lifting a Chinesecalligraphy(书法) upward seems to be totally immersed inthe self-satisfaction. On closer examination, we find that Chinese characterson the calligraphy——a pinyinged “Chuang Xin”, which literallymeans that “innovation”, ironically, is a clone of the original one on thedesk. The fake the cartoon reveals is but all too thought-provoking, remindingus to reflect upon the genuine meanings of “innovation”.

Innovation plays a significant role in the progress ofa nation’s civilization. Not only does it give renewed impetus to(持续推动) the economic growth, but also it improves people’sliving standards. As the arable land has been diminishing and the population iscontinually soaring up, Yuan Longping, who developed the first hybrid speciesof rice in the world, has successfully helped alleviate a worldwide plague offood scarcity.

However, now the various” well-known” brands, whoselogos resemble the originals in such a “creative” way, can be seen everywhere.In view of this, drastic measures must be taken to solve this problem, and ournation should promote the independent innovation products, thereby establishinga more rigid admission system.(严格的准入机制) 二、 绿色生活

Nowadays, a new trend of lifestyle called green livingis looming large across every corner of our country. Judging from the picture,where people enthusiastically enjoy pollution-free vegetables, ecologicalclothing, a return to nature and, above all, to a life of simplicity, it is notdifficult to discern that our daily life is becoming only too eager to be moreenvironmentally friendly.

Indeed, to serve as responsible stewards of the planetEarth, we should pour attention to environmental health, which is at the mercyof(受控于) such threats as global warming,

carbonemissions, extinction of rare animals, and resources exhaustion. First andforemost, commuters(通勤人员), with a view to(为了) bringing the trend of green living to its full play,are advised to take public transportations more frequently, rather than drivetraditional energy-consuming cars. We should also cultivate a good habit tostop wasting our precious natural resources and learn to recycle disposableproducts(一次性产品).

All in all, only by the co-efforts of the wholesociety can we learn to live in harmony with nature. 三、 幸福指数

The cartoon depicts a farmer planting rice seedlingsin the fields. Catching a glimpse of an official in a car passing by, thefarmer sorrowfully sighs,” If I were the officer too, I need not toil and moilall my days(整天辛辛苦苦).” However, it is unimaginable for himthat the official shows a great envy of his simple and rewarding life as well.Not surprisingly, a heated debate among the public has arisen as to theperception of happiness.

Most people now hold on to the belied that happinesscan be measured in terms of(根据)money. Small wonder, they spare no effortsfor(绞尽脑汁) earning more money, as they insist thatthe degree of being happy be weighed by the amount of money earned. Buthappiness, in fact, is a state of mind(心态).Consider the famous saying in the Bible,” it is more bless to give than toreceive.” Oftentimes happiness just springs from a little source——the pleasure you find from being loved, the company ofyour dear and near friends, or even the enchantment(心旷神怡的)you have while reading.

To wind up(总之), thesense of happiness is not somuch an envy of others’ achievements as(不是。。。而是。。。)a mental state of self-contentment as wellas a commitment to the community. 四、 经典接力

China has a time-honored cultural tradition ofprofundity, as is illustrated at the top of the cartoon: from the classicalworks “Heroes of the Marshes”(水浒传)and “Romance of Three Kingdoms”(三国演义)to the thought of Confucius. While in the lower partof the cartoon, 4people are running a relay race, which conves the significanceof inheritance and preservation of Chinese cultural heritage.

Classics as a form of cultural heritage are preciousand exquisite gem(瑰宝) for mankind. Not only can it make usappreciate the wisdom and essence of the Chinese language, but also it canenhance our sense of national pride.

However, as globalization and modernization picks up(加速), China should undertake a great mission to protectand salvage(挽救) its traditional relics(遗迹). To be exact, some measures must be taken to pull itout of marginalization(避免边缘化). Boosting public awareness is undoubtedlythe best way to cultivate people’s sense for protecting cultural resources.

Accordingly, it is of great necessity that youngpeople be inspired to appreciate the importance of cultural heritageprotection. 五、 另类生活

Science and technology have brought with them manychanges in our lifestyles. As it is conveyed in the cartoon, man tends to beincreasingly reliant upon technological inventions such as cars, cellphones orcomputers through which he could travel, greet, or even exchange ideas evenwithout face-to-face communications. Besides, advanced medical treatments whichcan help patients recover soon drive man to give up exercising. But then, isthe advancement of science and technology really equal to the progress of humanbeings who are social beings in essence?

As a matter of fact, science and technology have madeus become more estranged from(疏远) each

other, thereby leaving our criticalthinking impaired. Ties that once had tightly bound us together have beenweakened by the us of technical devices. According to a recent survey, onethird of Chinese homes experienced incidents of domestic violence, especiallyamong celebrities. That is partly because chatting through phone or online hasreplaced soul-to-soul social associations.

Only when we take powerful advantage of science andtechnology in reasonable ways can we step into a normal way of human life. 六 、学会放弃

The art of life consists in the art of learning togive up. In other words, when we learn this art, we will come to appreciate thetrue value of what we possess. Then we will discover the undeniable fact thatwhat we gain will be definitely by far more valuable than what we lose.

As is depicted in the thought-provoking picture, ourpursuit for material gains can make for unforeseeable tragedies in the days tocome(在未来的日子里). If the man persisted in his action ofcutting the tree of economic returns, his work would inevitably spell greatdisasters for the environment. How crucial it is that, mindful of the art ofgiving, the man decided to stop reaping economic rewards for the sake ofecological health.

The decision is wise and rewarding, though painful andcostly. More often than not, great rewards will follow in the long run if weresolutely(坚决地)give up what now we are apparently inpossession of.

七、 堵车时的“想象”

Confronted with frustration and hardships, it isinevitable for one to feel down. As is revealed in the cartoon, a commuter, whois stuck in a heavy traffic, indulges in flights of fancies(想入非非), for fear that he will be severely reprimanded bythe boss for his coming late and that the bonus will thus turn into bubbles.

It is no surprise that our life of ups and downs——the path under our feet is long and arduous, notsmooth. Work stress, tension at home or a dramatic change in schedules are alllikely to drive us discouraged and disappointed. However, so long as we canlearn how to deal with miseries in positive ways, optimism will triumph over(战胜) pessimism, promises over threats.

Frustration is also part of valuable life experience.In our process of growing up, situations won’t always come up to ourexpectations. It is a tough test of our courage when it befalls us. If we canharness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoythe pleasure of success.

八、 啃老一族

NEET grout, referring to people who are not currentlyengaged in any form of education, employment and training, has been the focusof government and social concern for some time. As is shown in the cartoon, theyoung couple supported by their exhausted parents is sitting idly to reap wherethey have not sown.

Then, what might account for this provocativescenario? For one thing, most parents are willing to shoulder theresponsibilities of helping their kids “get married and settle down to a job”(成家立业), out of the deep love for their kids or because oftheir traditional values. Regrettably, they often neglect to foster theirchildren’s sense of independence. Even worse, what complicates all this(使这些变得麻烦的是)is young people’s inadequacy(无能), because they can hardly find well-paid andsatisfying jobs. Small wonder, they are accustomed to live under thesponsorships(资助) of their parents.

Admittedly, this issue should be dealt witheffectively and appropriately. As to young people, they

should be aware thattowering trees could not grow up in a “greenhouse”. 九、必然?偶然?

An actor’s performance gives rise to a heated debateamong spectators. Some maintain that success originates from his diligence andperseverance, whereas others argue that his success is nothing more than astroke of good luck.

The contradictory arguments by the two groups ofpeople do illustrate a focal point in regard to one’s success. Undoubtedly,good luck does play a part in one’s career, but without diligence andperseverance, how can one acquire good survival skills?

Numerous cases exist to illustrate such anobservation, but one will suffices. Take Diego Maradona, for example, in theWorld Cup 1996, some people attributed his victory over England to his hand ofGod, emphasizing that luck brought him to the championship. But withoutdiligence, he could not have acquired good soccer skills, let alone earning hisreputation as the best player in the world.

In a word, without diligence, one would not succeed.But diligence plus good luck bring people well on the way toward a miracle.After all, there is no pure luck in the world. 十、分享阳光,分担风雨

The cartoon shows that two trees in close vicinitythrive both in sunlight and in thunderstorms, reminding us that we should learnto share with others whatever joy or misery.

Indeed, we can feel the warmth and consideratenessfrom our trusted friends who share our pains and sufferings. Just as the sayinggoes,” a happiness shared by two is double happiness; and a sorrow shared bytwo is half sorrow.” This is especially true when the disastrous earthquakehappened in Wenchuan city. The volunteers from all parts of the countrydedicated themselves to the rescue mission. Finally, the combined effort of thewhole society has pulled the people in trouble through the difficulties, whichembodies the power of sharing.

As long as we can share with our friends or familymembers who are always beside, we will not see the shadows or feel the pain.Instead, we will live in the paradise of love, together forever. 十一、学会与人沟通

Communication is a social process in which individualscan build up interpersonal ties and bonds with others. Not surprisingly, goodpractical communication is of utmost importance. As ii depicted in these twocontrastive pictures, effective actual communication is by far better thancommunication skills learned from books.

Effective communication that derives from face-to-faceencounters more often than not helps remove social misunderstandings. As theold saying goes,” practice makes perfect.” Mutual understanding can be establishedamong the public if we communicate with each other. For instance, the rapportbetween two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding minimized,if there is a dialogue channel.

Briefly, try to understand other people and to beunderstood by others, and you will lead a substantial life.

