专业外语分句翻译 土木工程专业英语翻译(武汉理工大学出版社段

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Civil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is the planning,design,construction, and management of the built environment.This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles,from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.


Civil engineers build roads,bridges,tunnels,dams,harbors,power plants,water and sewage systems,hospitals,schools,mass transit,and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations.


They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads,pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial,commercial, or residential use.

他们也修建私人拥有的设施,如机场、铁路、管线、高楼大厦,和为工业、商业、民用设计的其他大型建筑。 In addition,civil engineers plan,design,and build complete cities and towns,and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.


The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen.


In 1782,Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time.

1782年,英国人John Smeaton 用这个术语来区分他的非军事工程项目和当时占统治地位的军事工程师的工程项目。

Since then,the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities,although the field is much broader.


Because it is so broad,civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. 因为土木工程的范围太广,所以它被细分为许多技术专业。

Depending on the type of project,the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed.


When a project begins,the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement--water,sewer,and power lines.


Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project.


Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area:the potential for air

and groundwater pollution,the project’s impact on local animal and plant life,and how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment.


Transportation specialists determine what kind of facilities are needed to ease the burden on local roads and other transportation networks that will result from the completed project.


Meanwhile,structural specialists use preliminary data to make detailed designs,plans,and specifications for the project.


Supervising and coordinating the work of these civil engineer specialists,from beginning to end of the project,are the construction management specialists.


Based on information supplied by the other specialists,construction management civil engineers estimate quantities and costs of materials and labor,schedule all work,order materials and equipment for the job,hire contractors and subcontractors,and perform other supervisory work to ensure the project is completed on time and as specified.


Throughout any given project,civil engineers make extensive use of computers. 对于任何给定的工程,土木工程师都能广泛地利用计算机。

Computers are used to design the project’s various elements (computer-aided design,or CAD) and to manage it.


Computers are a necessity for the modern civil engineer because they permit the engineer to efficiently handle the large quantities of data needed in determining the best way to construct a project.


In this speciality,civil engineers plan and design structures of all types,including bridges,dams,power plants,supports for equipment,special structures for offshore projects,the United States space program,transmission towers,giant astronomical and radio telescopes, and many other kinds of projects.


Using computers,structural engineers determine the forces a structure must resist:its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, temperature changes that expand or contract construction materials,and earthquakes.



They also determine the combination of appropriate materials:steel,concrete,plastic,stone,asphalt,brick,aluminum,or other construction materials.


Civil engineers in this specialty deal with all aspects of the physical control of water. 在这个专业的土木工程师处理水的自然调节的各个方面。

Their projects help prevent floods,supply water for cities and for irrigation,manage and control rivers and water runoff,and maintain beaches and other waterfront facilities.


In addition,they design and maintain harbors,canals,and locks,build huge hydroelectric dams and smaller dams and water impoundments of all kinds,help design offshore structures,and determine the location of structures affecting navigation.

此外,他们还设计和维修港口、运河和船闸,修建大型水力发电大坝和小型水坝以及各种类型的围堰,他们还帮助设计海上建筑物,以及确定影响航运结构物的位置。 Civil engineers who specialize in this field analyze the properties of soils and rocks that support structures and affect structural behavior.

专攻此领域土木工程师分析支撑结构物并影响结构性能的土壤和岩石的特性。 They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures that stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth.


These engineers also evaluate and determine how to strengthen the stability of slopes and fills and how to protect structures against earthquakes and the effects of groundwater.


In this branch of engineering,civil engineers design,build,and supervise systems to provide safe drinking water and to prevent and control pollution of water supplies,both on the surface and underground.


They also design,build,and supervise projects to control or eliminate pollution of the land and air.


These engineers build water and wastewater treatment plants,and design air scrubbers and other devices to minimize or eliminate air pollution caused by industrial processes,incineration,or other smoke-producing activities.


They also work to control toxic and hazardous wastes through the construction of special dump sites or the neutralizing of toxic and hazardous substances.

他们也采取措施,通过修建专门的垃圾场或者进行有毒和有害物质的无害化处理来控制有毒有害废弃物 。 In addition,the engineers design and manage sanitary landfills to prevent pollution of surrounding land.


Civil engineers working in this specialty build facilities to ensure safe and efficient movement of both people and goods.


They specialize in designing and maintaining all types of transportation facilities, highways and streets, mass transit systems, railroads and airfields, ports and harbors.


Transportation engineers apply technological knowledge as well as consideration of the economic, political, and social factors in designing each project.


They work closely with urban planners, since the quality of the community is directly related to the quality of the transportation system.

他们与城市规划者紧密配合,因为社区的质量直接关系到运输体系的质量。 In this branch of civil engineering, engineers build pipelines and related facilities which transport liquids, gases, or solids ranging from coal slurries (mixed coal and water) and semiliquid wastes, to water, oil, and various types of highly combustible and noncombustible gases.

在土木工程的这个分支里,工程师修建运输液体、气体或固体的管道和相关的设施,运输的物质范围从煤浆和半液体废料到水、石油和不同类型的高燃性和非燃性气体。 The engineers determine pipeline design, the economic and environmental impact of a project on regions it must traverse, the type of materials to be used——steel, concrete, plastic, or combinations of various materials—— installation techniques, methods for testing pipeline strength, and controls for maintaining proper pressure and rate of flow of materials being transported.


Civil engineers in this field oversee the construction of a project from beginning to end. 此领域的土木工程师从开始到结束一直监督工程的施工。

Sometimes called project engineers,they apply both technical and managerial skills, including knowledge of construction methods,planning,organizing,financing,and operating construction projects.


They coordinate the activities of virtually everyone engaged in the work:the surveyors;workers who lay out and construct the temporary roads and ramps,excavate for the foundation,build the forms and pour the concrete;and workers who build the steel

framework.These engineers also make regular progress reports to the owners of the structure.


从 事土木工程这一方面的工程师可能规划和发展一个城市中的社区或整个城市。此规划中所包括的远远不仅仅为工程因素,土地的开发使用和自然资源环境的,社会 的和经济的因素也是主要的成分。这些土木工程师对公共建设工程的规划和私人建筑的发展进行协调。他们评估所需的设施,包括街道,公路,公共运输系统,机 场,港口,给排水和污水处理系统,公共建筑、公园和娱乐及其他设施以保证社会、经济和环境地协调发展。

Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load carrying frame, skin, floors, and partitions.


The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators, heating and cooling systems, and lighting systems.


The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation, is that part of a building below ground.

上部结构是建筑物在地面上的部分 , 而下部结构以及基础是建筑物的地下部分。 The skyscraper, owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator.

摩天大楼的出现得益于19世纪的两大发展 :钢结构建筑和载人电梯。

Steel as a construction material dates from the introduction of the Bessemer converter in 1855.

钢材作为一种建筑材料是始于1855年贝色麦转炉炼钢法的引入。 Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) introduce steel construction in France. Gustave Eiffel将钢结构引入法国。

His designs for the Galerie des Machines and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expressed the lightness of the steel framework.

1889年巴黎展览会的塔和他为Galerie des 机械的设计表现了钢结构的灵活性。 The Eiffel Tower, 984 feet (300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpassed until 40 years later by a series of American skyscrapers.


The first elevator was installed by Elisha Otis in a department store in New York, in 1857.

第一部电梯是由Elisha Otis在1857年安装在纽约的一座百货公司里。

In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevators on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose hydraulic elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour.


Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors.


This construction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses.

这种建筑本质上就是柱和过梁的组合类型,它仍然被用在房屋的框架结构中。 Bearing-wall construction limited the height of buildings because of the enormous wall thickness required; for instance, the 16-story Monadnock Building built in the 1880's in Chicago had walls 5 feet (1.5 meters) thick at the lower floors.


In 1883, William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907) supported floors on cast-iron columns to form a cage-like construction.

在 1883 年,詹尼将楼板设置在铸铁柱上形成一个像笼子一样的建筑物。

Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889.


As a consequence of skeleton construction, the enclosing walls become a \wall\


Masonry was the curtain wall material until the 1930's, when light metal and glass curtain walls were used.


After the introduction of the steel skeleton, the height of buildings continued to increase rapidly.


All tall buildings were built with a skeleton of steel until World War II. 直到二次世界大战,所有的高层建筑都采用钢结构。

After the war, the shortage of steel and the improved quality of concrete led to tall buildings being built of reinforced concrete.


Marina Towers (1962) in Chicago is the tallest concrete building in the United States;its height—588 feet (179 meters)—is exceeded by the 650-foot (198-meter) Post Office Tower in London and by other towers.


A change in attitude about skyscraper construction has brought a return to the use of the bearing wall.


In New York City, the Columbia Broadcasting System Building, designed by Eero Saarinen in 1962, has a perimeter wall consisting of 5-foot (1.5-meter) wide concrete columns spaced 10 feet (3 meters) from column center to center.


宽,相邻柱的中心距为10英尺(3米)的混凝土柱组成的围墙。 This perimeter wall, in effect, constitutes a bearing wall. 这片围墙实际上组成了一个承重墙体。

One reason for this trend is that stiffness against the action of wind can be economically obtained by using the walls of the building as a tube; the World Trade Center, buildings are another example of this tube approach.


In contrast, rigid frames or vertical trusses are usually provided to give lateral stability.


The skin of a building consists of both transparent elements (windows) and opaque elements (walls).


Windows are traditionally glass, although plastics are being used, especially in schools where breakage creates a maintenance problem.


The wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are supported by it, are built of a variety of materials: brick, precast concrete, stone, opaque glass, plastics, steel, and aluminum.


Wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or public buildings because of the fire hazard.


The construction of the floors in a building depends on the basic structural frame that is used.


In steel skeleton construction, floors are either slabs of concrete resting on steel beams or a deck consisting of corrugated steel with a concrete topping.


In concrete construction, the floors are either slabs of concrete on concrete beams or a series of closely spaced concrete beams (ribs) in two directions topped with a thin concrete slab, giving the appearance of a waffle on its underside.


The kind of floor that is used depends on the span between supporting columns or walls and the function of the space.


In an apartment building, for instance, where walls and columns are spaced at 12 to 18 feet (3.7 to 5.5 meters), the most popular construction is a solid concrete slab with no



The underside of the slab serves as the ceiling for the space below it. 平板的下方是下部空间的天花板。

Corrugated steel decks are often used in office buildings because the corrugations when enclosed by another sheet of metal form ducts for telephone and electrical lines.


A modern building not only contains the space for which it is intended (office, classroom, apartment) but also contains ancillary space for mechanical and electrical systems that help to provide a comfortable environment.

一个现代建筑不仅包括它所需要的空间 (办公室、教室、公寓),还包括帮助提供舒适环境的机械和电力系统的辅助空间。

These ancillary spaces in a skyscraper office building may constitute 25% of the total building area.


The importance of heating, ventilating, electrical, and plumbing systems in an office building is shown by the fact that 40% of the construction budget is allocated to them. 在办公大楼中,供暖,通风,电力和卫生管道系统的重要性体现在工程预算的40%被分配给它们

Because of the increased use of sealed buildings with windows that cannot be opened, elaborate mechanical systems are provided for ventilation and air conditioning.


Ducts and pipes carry fresh air from central fan rooms and air conditioning machinery.


The ceiling, which is suspended below the upper floor construction, conceals the ductwork and contains the lighting units.


Electrical wiring for power and for telephone communication may also be located in this ceiling space or may be buried in the floor construction in pipes or conduits.


There have been attempts to incorporate the mechanical and electrical systems into the architecture of buildings by frankly expressing them; for example, the American Republic Insurance Company Building (1965) in Des Moines, Iowa, exposes both the ducts and the floor structure in an organized and elegant pattern and dispenses with the suspended ceiling. 已经有人尝试在建筑物里将混合的机械和电力系统暴露出来。举例来说,在爱荷华州首府得梅因的美国共和保险公司大楼(1965),管道和楼板结构以一种有组织和优雅的形式暴露在外,并且省掉了悬挂的天花板。

This type of approach makes it possible to reduce the cost of the building and permits innovations, such as in the span of the structure.


All buildings are supported on the ground; and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important consideration in the design of any building.


The design of a foundation depends on many soil factors, such as type of soil, soil stratification, thickness of soil layers and their compaction, and groundwater conditions. 基础的设计取决于许多土体因素,比如土体类型、土体分层、土层厚度以及它们的密实性和地下水条件。

Soils rarely have a single composition; they generally are mixtures in layers of varying thickness.


For evaluation, soils are graded according to particle size, which increases from silt to clay to sand to gravel to rock.


In general, the larger particle soils will support heavier loads than the smaller ones. 一般来说,较大颗粒的土壤比颗粒小的土壤更能承重。

The hardest rock can support loads up to 100 tons per square foot (976.5metric tons/sq meter), but the softest silt can support a load of only 0.25 ton per square foot (2.44 metric tons/sq meter).


All soils beneath the surface are in a state of compaction; that is, they are under a pressure that is equal to the weight of the soil column above it.


Many soils (except for most sands and gravels) exhibit elastic properties—they deform when compressed under load and rebound when the load is removed.

许多土(除了大部分的砂土和砂砾以外) 表现出弹性性质,当处于荷载作用受压状态下它们发生变形,当荷载移开时,恢复原来的状态。

The elasticity of soils is often time-dependent, that is, deformations of the soil occur over a length of time which may vary from minutes to years after a load is imposed.


Over a period of time, a building may settle if it imposes a load on the soil greater than the natural compaction weight of the soil.


Conversely,a building may heave if it imposes loads on the soil smaller than the natural compaction weight.

相反地,如果它作用于土壤的力小于土所受的自然压力,建筑物可能会被顶起来。 The soil may also flow under the weight of a building; that is, it tends to be squeezed out.

土壤也可能在建筑物重力作用下发生滑移,也就是,有可能被挤出。 Due to both the compaction and flow effects, buildings tend to settle. 由于受压和滑移作用,建筑物可能发生沉降。

Uneven settlements, exemplified by the leaning towers in Pisa and Bologna, can have damaging effects---the building may lean, walls and partitions may crack, windows and doors may become inoperative, and, in the extreme, a building may collapse.

不均匀沉降,例如比萨斜塔和博洛尼亚斜塔,会造成破坏性作用——建筑物发生倾斜,墙体和隔墙会发生裂缝,窗户和门无法打开,最严重的是,建筑物可能发生坍塌。 Uniform settlements are not so serious, although extreme conditions; such as those in Mexico City, can have serious consequences.


Over the past 100 years, a change in the groundwater level there has caused some buildings to settle more than 10 feet (3 meters).


Because such movements can occur during and after construction, careful analysis of the behavior of soils under a building is vital.


The great variability of soils has led to a variety of solutions to the foundation problem.


Where firm soil exists close to the surface, the simplest solution is to rest columns on a small slab of concrete (spread footing).

坚硬的土层接近于地表时,最简单的解决方法就是将柱子放置在一个小的混凝土板上 (扩展基础)。

Where the soil is softer, it is necessary to spread the column load over a greater area; in this case, a continuous slab of concrete (raft or mat) under the whole building is used.

土层较软时,有必要将柱荷载传递到一个较大的面积上 ,在这种情况下,在整个建筑物底下会采用连续的混凝土板(筏板或垫)。

In cases where the soil near the surface is unable to support the weight of the building, piles of wood, steel, or concrete are driven down to firm soil.

当地表附近的土体不能承载建筑物重量时,可将木桩、钢桩或混凝土桩打入硬土层。 The construction of a building proceeds naturally from the foundation up to the superstructure.

建筑物的施工自然是从基础再到上部结构。 The design process, however,proceeds from the roof down to the foundation (in the direction of gravity) .


In the past,the foundation was not subject to systematic investigation. 过去,基础并不依照系统调查而设计

A scientific approach to the design of foundations has been developed in the 20th century. 在20世纪,科学的基础设计方法才发展起来。

Karl Terzaghi of the United States pioneered studies that made it possible to make accurate predictions of the behavior of foundations, using the science of soil ,mechanics coupled with exploration and testing procedures.

美国的太沙基 运用土质学、力学、勘探和测试手段作出的最早研究让精确预测基础的行为成为可能。

Foundation failures of the past, such as the classical example of the leaning tower in Pisa, have become almost nonexistent.

过去基础的失事,比如经典的比萨斜塔,已经几乎不会再出现了。 Foundations still are a hidden but costly part of many buildings. 基础仍然是许多建筑物隐蔽而昂贵的部分。

This text mainly introduced the components of a building. It includes load-carrying frame, skin, floors, mechanical and electrical systems. In addition, we also knew some knowledge about the design of a foundation.


Soil mechanics is concerned with the use of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics in engineering problems related to soils.

土力学是在与土壤有关的工程问题中涉及到力学和水力学原则运用的一门学科。 Soil is a natural aggregate of mineral grains,with or without organic constituents,formed by the chemical and mechanical weathering of rock.


It consists of three phases:solid mineral matter,water,and air or other gas. 它由三部分组成:固体的矿物质,水和空气或其他气体。

Soils are extremely variable in composition,and it was this heterogeneity that long discouraged scientific studies of these deposits.


Gradually,the investigation of failures of retaining walls,foundations,embankments,pavements,and other structures resulted in a body of knowledge concerning the nature of soils and their behaviour sufficient to give rise to soil mechanics as a branch of engineering science.


Little progress was made in dealing with soil problems on a scientific basis until the latter half of the 18th century,when the French physicist Charles-Augustine de Coulomb published his theory of earth pressure(1773).

直到18世纪后半叶人们在科学的基础上处理土壤问题这方面才取得了一点进步,当时法国物理学家查理出版了他的土压力理论。(make progress in doing sth. 在哪方面取得进步)

In 1 857 the Scottish engineer William Rankine developed a theory of equilibrium of earth masses and applied it to some elementary problems of foundation engineering.

1857年,苏格兰工程师William Rankine发展了一种土块均衡理论并把它运用在了一些最初的基础工程问题中。

These two classical theories still form the basis of current methods of estimating earth pressure,even though they were based on the misconception that all soils lack cohesion,as does dry sand.


Twentieth-century advances have been in the direction of taking cohesion into account;understanding the basic physical properties of soils in general and of the plasticity of clay in particular;and systematically studying the shearing characteristics of soils--that is,their performance under conditions of sliding.


Both Coulomb’s and Rankine’s theories assumed that the surface of rupture of soil subjected to a shearing force is a plane.

Coulomb和Rankine的理论都假定遭受到一个剪切力的土壤破裂表面是平面。 While this is a reasonable approximation for sand,cohesive soils tend to slip along a curved surface.


In the early 20th century,Swedish engineers proposed a circular arc as the surface of slip. 在20世纪早期,瑞典的工程师提出以一个圆弧作为滑动面。

During the last half century considerable progress has been made in the scientific study of soils and in the application of theory and experimental data to engineering design. 在过去的半个世纪中,人们已经在土壤的科学研究和理论运用以及工程设计的实验数据等方面取得了相当大的进步。

A significant advance was made by the German engineer Karl Terzaghi,who in 1925 published a mathematical investigation of the rate of consolidation of clays under applied pressures.


His analysis,which was confirmed experimentally,explained the time lag of settlements on fully waterlogged clay deposits.

他的分析,是实验上证实了的,解释了被完全浸透水的粘土堆积的沉降延时。 Terzaghi coined the term soil mechanics in 1925 when he published the book Erdbaumechanik (“Earth-Building Mechanics”).

Terzaghi在1925年当他出版“Earth-Building Mechanics”这本书的时候创造了土力学这个术语。

Research on subgrade materials,the natural foundation under pavements,was begun about 1920 by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads.


Several simple tests were correlated with the properties of natural soils in relation

to pavement design.

几个简单的测试是和道路设计有关的天然土壤的性能有关系的。 In England,the Road Research Board was set up in 1933. 在英国,1933年建立了道路研究委员会。

In 1936 the first international conference on soils was held at Harvard University. 1936年第一次国际土壤会议在哈佛大学举行。

Today,the civil engineer relies heavily on the numerical results of tests to reinforce experience and correlate new problems with established solutions.


Obtaining truly representative samples of soils for such tests,however,is extremely difficult;hence there is a trend toward testing on the site instead of in the laboratory,and many important properties are now evaluated in this way.


Permeability is the property of a soil that permits the flow of water through it.Freezing-thawing cycles in winter and wetting-drying cycles in summer alter the packing density of soil grains.Permeability can be reduced by compaction.


Capillarity causes water to rise through the soil above the normal horizontal plane of free water.In most soils numerous channels for capillary action exist;in clays,moisture may be raised as much as 30 feet by capillarity.

毛细管作用导致水通过土壤上升到自由水的正常水平面上。在大多数土壤中都存在着许多毛细管作用的渠道;在粘土中,水分可以通过毛细管作用上升30英尺那么多。 Density can be determined by weight and volume measurements or by special measuring devices.


Stability of soils is measured by an instrument called a stabilometer,which specifically measures the horizontal pressure transmitted by a vertical load.


Consolidation is the compaction or pressing together of soil that occurs under a specific load condition;this property is also tested.


Soil surveys are conducted to gather data on the nature and extent of the soil expected to be encountered on a project.


The amount of effort spent on site investigation depends on the size and importance of the project;it may range from visual inspection to elaborate subsurface exploration by boring and laboratory testing.


Collection of representative samples is essential for proper identification and classification of soils.


The number of samples taken depends on previously available data,variation in soil types,and the size of the project.

被采用的样本的数量取决于先前获得的资料,土壤类型的差异以及工程的规模。 Generally,in the natural profile at a location,there is more variation in soil characteristics with depth than with horizontal distance.


It is not good practice to collect composite samples for any given horizon(layer),since this does not truly represent any one location and could prove misleading.


Even slight variations in soil characteristics in a horizon should be duly noted. 实际上,土壤特性在水平层上细微的差异应该被恰当的标注出来。

Classification of the soil in terms of grain size and the liquid and plastic limits are particularly important steps.


An understanding of the eventual use of the data obtained during site investigation is important.


Advance information on site conditions is helpful in planning any survey program. 对现场状况的事先的信息在规划任何勘察程序中都有帮助。

Information on topography,geological features(outcrops,road and stream cuts,lake beds,weathered remnants,etc.),paleontological maps,aerial photographs,well logs,and excavations can prove invaluable.


Geophysical exploration methods yield useful corroboratory data. 地球物理学的探测方法得出了有用的确定的数据。

Measurement of the electrical resistivity of soils provides an insight into several soil characteristics.


Seismic techniques often are used to determine the characteristics of various subsurface strata by measuring the velocity of propagation of explosively generated shock waves through the strata.


The propagation velocity varies widely for different types of soils. 传播速度对于不同的土壤类型有很大的区别。

Shock waves also are utilized to determine the depth of bedrock by measuring the

time required for the shock wave to travel to the bedrock and return to the surface as a reflected wave.


Dependable subsurface information can only be obtained by excavation. 可靠的地表下层的信息只能通过挖掘获得。

A probe rod pushed into the ground indicates the penetration resistance. 插入地下的探针棒可显示穿透阻力。

Water jets or augers are used to bring subsurface materials to the surface for examination.


Colour change is one of the significant elements such an examination can reveal. 颜色变化是那一个测验能显示的重要的要素之一。

Various drilling methods are employed to obtain chips from depth. 不同的钻孔方法被用来获取不同深度的碎片。

Trenches or pits provide more complete information for shallow depths. 对于较浅的深度,沟渠或坑洼能提供更完整的信息。

Pneumatic or diamond drilling may be required if hard rock is encountered. 如果遇到坚硬的岩石的话,可以用气动法或钻刀法钻孔。

At least a few of the boreholes should exceed the depth of significant stress that is established for the structure.


Avoidance of structural disturbance of the samples is not critical for some tests but is very important for in-place density or shearing strength measurements.


Complete and accurate records,such as borehole logs,must be prepared and maintained,and the samples themselves must be retained for future inspection.


This text introduced the concept of soil mechanics and the history of soil mechanics development. We can learn from the text that the properties of soils that determine their suitability for engineering use include internal friction,cohesion,compressibility,elasticity,permeability,and capillarity.Site investigation is very important in engineering because of the variation of soils.


Materials for building must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful. 建筑材料必须具有某些对结构有用的物理性能。

Primarily,they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently.


When a load is applied to a structure member,it will deform;that is, a wire will stretch or a beam will bend.

当荷载被施加到结构构件上时,构件将产生变形,即,钢丝将拉伸而梁将弯曲。 However,when the load is removed, the wire and the beam come back to the original positions.

然而,当荷载移除时,钢丝和梁都将恢复原来的状态。 This material property is called elasticity. 这种特性就被称为弹性。

If a material were not elastic and a deformation were present in the structure after removal of the load, repeated loading and unloading eventually would increase the deformation to the point where the structure would become useless.


All materials used in architectural structures,such as stone and brick, wood, steel, aluminum, reinforced concrete,and plastics,behave elastically within a certain defined range of loading.

在建筑结构中使用的所有材料,如石头和砖、木材、钢材、铝材、钢筋混凝土和塑料等,在某个有限的荷载范围内均表现出弹性。 If the loading is increased above the range,two types of behavior can occur:brittle and plastic. In the former, the material will break suddenly.


Masonry consists of natural materials,such as stone,or manufactured products,such as brick and concrete blocks.


Masonry has been used since ancient times;mud bricks were used in the city of Babylon for secular buildings,and stone was used for the great temples of the Nile Valley. 圬工从古代就开始被使用了;泥砖被用在巴比伦城市的非宗教建筑物中,石头被用在尼罗河流域的大寺庙中。

The Great Pyramid in Egypt, standing 481 feet(147 meters)high,is the most spectacular masonry construction.


Masonry units originally were stacked without using any bonding agent,but all modern masonry construction uses a cement mortar as a bonding material.


Modern structural materials include stone,bricks of burnt clay or slate,and concrete blocks.


Masonry is essentially a compressive material;it cannot withstand a tensile force,that is,a pull.


The ultimate compressive strength of bonded masonry depends on the strength of

the masonry unit and the mortar.


The ultimate strength will vary from 1,000 to 4,000 psi(70 to 280 kg/sq cm),depending on the particular combination of masonry unit and mortar used.


Timber is one of the earliest construction materials and one of the few natural materials with good tensile properties.

木材是最早的建筑材料之一,是为数不多的具有好的抗拉特性的天然材料之一。 Hundreds of different species of wood are found throughout the world,and each species exhibits different physical characteristics.


Only a few species are used structurally as framing members in building construction.


In the United States,for instance,out of more than 600 species of wood, only 20 species are used structurally.

比如,在美国,在超过600个木材品种中,只有20种在结构中使用。 These are generally the conifers,or softwoods,both because of their abundance and because of the ease with which their wood can be shaped.


The species of timber more commonly used in the United States for construction are Douglas fir,Southern pine,spruce,and redwood.


The ultimate tensile strength of these species varies from 5,000 to 8,000 psi(350 to 560 kg/sq cm).


Hardwoods are used primarily for cabinetwork and for interior finishes such as floors.

硬木最初是被用作细木家具和内部的成品,比如地板。 Because of the cellular nature of wood,it is stronger along the grain than across the grain.

因为木材多孔的特征,它沿纹理方向的强度比跨纹理方向的强度要大。 Wood is particularly strong in tension and compression parallel to the grain,and it has great bending strength.

木材在平行于纹理方向的抗拉和抗压能力都特别强,它还有很大的抗弯强度。 These properties make it ideally suited for columns and beams in structures. 这些特性使它在结构中非常理想地适用于梁和柱。

Wood is not effectively used as a tensile member in a truss, however, because the tensile strength of a truss member depends upon connections between members.


It is difficult to devise connections which do not depend on the shear or tearing

strength along the grain, although numerous metal connectors have been produced to utilize the tensile strength of timbers.

虽然生产了许多利用木材抗拉强度的金属连接器,但是很难设计与沿木材顺纹方向抗剪强度或抗扯裂强度关系不大的接头。 Steel is an outstanding structural material. 钢筋是一种重要的结构材料。

It has a high strength on a pound-for-pound basis when compared to other materials, even though its volume-for-volume weight is more than ten times that of wood. 当和其他材料比较时,相同重量的基础上它有更高的强度,即使相同体积的重量是木材的十倍。

It has a high elastic modulus,which results in small deformations under load. 它有较高的弹性模量,其结果就是荷载作用下变形较小。

It can be formed by rolling into various structural shapes such as I-beams,plates,and sheets; it also can be cast into complex shapes;and it is also produced in the form of wire strands and ropes for use as cables in suspension bridges and suspended roofs,as elevator ropes,and as wires for prestressing concrete.


Steel elements can be joined together by various means,such as bolting,riveting,or welding.


Carbon steels are subject to corrosion through oxidation and must be protected from contact with the atmosphere by painting them or embedding them in concrete.


Above temperatures of about 700 F(371℃),steel rapidly loses its strength, and therefore it must be covered in a jacket of a fireproof material(usually concrete)to increase its fire resistance.


The addition of alloying elements,such as silicon or manganese,results in higher strength steels with tensile strengths up to 250,000 psi(17,500 kg/sq cm).

加入合金元素,如硅或锰,将得到抗拉强度高达250000psi的高强度的钢筋。 These steels are used where the size of a structural member becomes critical,as in the case of columns in a skyscraper.


Aluminum is especially useful as a building material when lightweight,strength,and corrosion resistance are all important factors.

当轻质、强度和抗腐蚀成为所有的重要因素时,铝就是一种特别有用的建筑材料。 Because pure aluminum is extremely soft and ductile, alloying elements, such as magnesium,silicon,zinc,and copper,must be added to it to impart the strength required for structural use.



Structural aluminum alloys behave elastically. 结构铝合金表现出弹性。

They have an elastic modulus one third as great as steel and therefore deform three times as much as steel under the same load.

它们的弹性模量是钢筋的1/3,因此在相同的荷载条件下其变形就是钢筋的3倍。 The ultimate tensile strength of aluminum alloys ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 psi(1,400 to 4,200 kg/sq cm).


Aluminum can be formed into a variety of shapes;it can be extruded to form I-beams,drawn to form wire and rods, and rolled to form foil and plates.

铝能被塑造成不同的型式;它能被压制成I梁,拉伸成丝和棒,碾压成薄片和板。 Aluminum members can be put together in the same way as steel by riveting, bolting,and(to a lesser extent)by welding.


Apart from its use for framing members in buildings and prefabricated housing,aluminum also finds extensive use for window frames and for the skin of the building in curtain-wall construction.


Concrete is a mixture of water,sand and gravel,and portland cement. 混凝土是水、砂和砾石、以及波特兰水泥的混合物。

Crushed stone, manufactured lightweight stone, and seashells are often used in lieu of natural gravel.


Portland cement, which is a mixture of materials containing calcium and clay,is heated in a kiln and then pulverized.


Concrete derives its strength from the fact that pulverized portland cement,when mixed with water, hardens by a process called hydration.


In an ideal mixture,concrete consists of about three fourths sand and gravel(aggregate)by volume and one fourth cement paste.


The physical properties of concrete are highly sensitive to variations in the mixture of the components,so a particular combination of these ingredients must be custom-designed to achieve specified results in terms of strength or shrinkage.


When concrete is poured into a mold or form,it contains free water,not required for hydration, which evaporates.


As the concrete hardens,it releases this excess water over a period of time and shrinks.

当混凝土硬化时,它会在一段时间释放出多余的水并收缩。 As a result of this shrinkage,fine cracks often develop. 收缩的结果往往是产生细微的裂缝。

In order to minimize these shrinkage cracks,concrete must be hardened by keeping it moist for at least 5 days.

为了使这些收缩裂缝减到最少,必须使混凝土在保持至少5天的潮湿状态下硬化。 The strength of concrete increases in time because the hydration process continues for years;as a practical matter,the strength at 28 days is considered standard.


Concrete deforms under load in an elastic manner. 混凝土在荷载下的变形是弹性模式。

Although its elastic modulus is one tenth that of steel,similar deformations will result since its strength is also about one tenth that of steel.


Concrete is basically a compressive material and has negligible tensile strength. 混凝土基本上是一种抗压材料,抗拉强度是微不足道的。

Reinforced concrete has steel bars that are placed in a concrete member to carry tensile forces.


These reinforcing bars,which range in diameter from 0.25 inch(0.64 cm)to 2.25 inches (5.7 cm),have wrinkles on the surfaces to ensure a bond with the concrete. 这些钢筋,直径范围从0.25英寸到2.25英寸,表面有纹路以保证和混凝土的粘结。 Although reinforced concrete was developed in many countries,its discovery usually is attributed to Joseph Monnier,a French gardener,who used a wire network to reinforce concrete tubes in 1868.


This process is workable because steel and concrete expand and contract equally when the temperature changes.


If this were not the case,the bond between the steel and concrete would be broken by a change in temperature since the two materials would respond differently.


Reinforced concrete can be molded into innumerable shapes,such as beams,columns,slabs,and arches,and is therefore easily adapted to a particular form of building. 钢筋混凝土可被浇铸成各种形状,例如梁、柱、板和拱,因此它易适用于建筑的特殊结构。

Reinforced concrete with ultimate tensile strengths in excess of 10,000 psi(700 kg/sq cm)is possible,although most commercial concrete is produced with strengths under

6,000 psi(420 kg/sq cm).


Plastics are rapidly becoming important construction materials because of the great variety,strength,durability,and lightness.

塑料因为它的多样化,强度,耐久性,和轻质性,很快就成为了重要的建筑材料。 A plastic is a synthetic material or resin which can be molded into any desired shape and which uses an organic substance as a binder.


Organic plastics are divided into two general groups:thermosetting and thermoplastic.


The thermosetting group becomes rigid through a chemical change that occurs when heat is applied;once set,these plastics cannot be remolded.


The thermoplastic group remains soft at high temperatures and must be cooled before becoming rigid,this group is not used generally as a structural material.


The ultimate strength of most plastic materials is from 7,000 to 12,000 psi(490 to 840 kg/sq cm),although nylon has a tensile strength up to 60,000 psi(4.200 kg/sq cm). 大部分塑料的极限强度在7000到12000psi之间,虽然尼龙的抗拉强度高达60000psi。

This text introduced some knowledge about building materials. Primarily, building materials must have elasticity. A second important property of a building material is its stiffness.The text introduced detailedly the following building materials which are used frequently: masonry, timber, steel, aluminum, concrete, reinforced concrete and plastic.


All structures must be designed to support loads without danger of overall collapse or failure of the components.


One way to assure structure safety is to ascertain that stresses and strains produced by loads are less than those allowed by established design codes.


This determination of stresses and strains in structures is a primary objective of structural analysis.


Generally,analysis begins with a check of the overall stability of a structure. 通常,分析是从检查结构的总体稳定性开始的。

This involves the determination of the forces exerted by the structure against its supports. 这涉及到确定结构施加到它的支撑的力。

If the supports are adequate to withstand the forces,they in turn react with equal but opposite forces against the structure.


If computation shows that the reactions balance the loads (weight of structure, occupants, stored materials,vehicles,wind,and earthquake forces),the structure is in static equilibrium.


The next step is determination of internal forces and unit stresses in the components of the structure.


Finally,if necessary,the deformation of the structure as a whole and of its components may be calculated.


These steps are facilitated by use of principles and concepts such as the law of equilibrium.


Many of these tools are based on the assumption that the structure is elastic under loads;that is, stress is proportional to strain.


The structural analysis for stresses and strains in frame members includes consideration of static loads,such as the weight of the members and floors,contents of the building,and live loads (considered to be static),and dynamic loads such as wind and earthquakes.

框架构件中,应力和应变的结构分析包括静荷载的考虑,比如构件和楼板的重量,建筑物容量的考虑,活荷载的考虑(被认为是静态的),动荷载比如风和地震荷载的考虑。 Because of the nature of wind and the lack of better information,wind forces are considered to be statically applied to the structure.

因为风的特性和缺乏更好的信息,所以风力往往被考虑成静止地施加到结构上。 The manner of calculating the loads and location of lines of action on the building face are prescribed by local building codes.


On the other hand,earthquake motions are applied at the base of the building from the ground below and are considered to be a random-type loading.


The analysis for gravity and wind loads is performed by the application of the usual methods for linear-elastic statically determinate and indeterminate structures.


For earthquake forces,a building designed with a conventional rectangular configuration is analysed by the equivalent lateral load method prescribed by the local building code.


For other types of irregular buildings having abrupt changes in plan and elevation,dynamic methods of analysis must be used in order to determine the internal stresses on all the components of the structure.


These dynamic methods of analysis require an understanding of the principles of structural dynamics and vibrations of buildings.


As such,because of the complexity of the methods,highly sophisticated computers are required to determine the solution of the many equations of motions of the structure.


In general,the standard procedure for analysis is a consideration of the linear elastic behavior of the building.


However,for analysis of earthquake-resistant buildings for which collapse is to be avoided, inelastic and nonlinear dynamic behavior must be taken into account.


The law of equilibrium is basic in structural analysis. 平衡原理是结构分析的基础。

It is useful in computing external reactions of beams,trusses,frames,arches and other structures, as well as internal stresses.


For example, the structures in Fig.1 are acted upon by coplanar,nonconcurrent force systems,or loads and reactions.

比如,图1中的结构被作用了同一平面的,非共点的力系,或荷载和反力。 These must balance if the structures are stable. 如果结构是稳定的,那么这些力必须达到平衡。

When in equilibrium,the structures must satisfy three conditions:(1)The sum of the horizontal components of all the forces must equal zero;(2)the sum of the vertical components must equal zero;and (3)the sum of the moments about any axis normal to the plane must equal zero.


The three independent equations permit three unknowns to be determined. 这3个独立方程能够确定出3个未知量。

Thus,the equilibrium equations can be used directly to compute the reactions,bending moments,shears,and therefore the stresses.


When these equations are satisfied,a structure is said to be statically determinate. 当这些方程都满足时,这个结构就被称为静定结构。 Fig. 1a is an example of such a structure;there are three unknowns-vertical and horizontal components of the reaction at the left end and a vertical reaction at the right end.


The structures in Fig. 1b,with no horizontal reaction to balance the horizontal load,and Fig. 1c,with no balancing support moment,do not satisfy the law of equilibrium;they are unstable.


Another basic tool of structural analysis is the principle of superposition. 结构分析的另一个基本工具是叠加原理。 It states that the total moments,shears,stresses,and deflections caused by a group of loads are equal to the sum of the effects of the separate loads if the combined effects do not stress the material beyond the elastic limit.


When the number of reaction components exceeds the number of independent equations that must be satisfied by the loads and reactions when equilibrium exists,the structure is statically indeterminate.


For example,if the columns of the rigid frame in Fig.2(a) are fixed at their bases d and e,there will be six reaction components,as indicated in Fig.2(b).


This structure will be indeterminate to the third degree,there are six unknowns,whereas the law of equilibrium yields only three equations.


Approximate methods are available for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures.


These methods are based on the results of exact analysis or examination of models constructed of flexible materials.


Such studies show that in a rigid frame restrained against rotation at the base,the members change curvature somewhere near their midpoints,as indicated in Fig.2(c). 这些研究显示:在基础部位被限制了旋转的刚框架中,构件会在它们的中点附近某个地方改变曲率,就像图2c显示的一样。

Bending moment is zero at such points.Thus,these points of contraflexure are equivalent to pin joints.


If their locations are assumed in the columns and the girder of the frame in Fig.2,and if it is also assumed that column shears are each equal to one-half the lateral load,the reactions may be found from the equations of equilibrium.


Similar approximate methods (described in the following subsection) have been used to estimate wind stresses in building frames (Fig.3).

类似的近似方法(在下一小节中描述)已经被用来估算建筑框架中的风载应力。 The portal method of computing wind stresses in multistorey frames assumes that there are points of contraflexure at the midpoints of columns and girders and that each interior column will receive twice as much shear as an exterior column.


The resulting structure is statically determinate. 得到的结构就是静定的。

The cantilever method also assumes that there are points of contraflexure at the midpoints of columns and girders.


However,it further assumes that the direct stresses in the columns vary as the distance of the columns from the neutral axis,the centre of gravity of the columns.


As with the portal method,a statically determinate structure results. 像用门架法一样,会得到一个静定结构。

Other approximate methods for determining the effects of horizontal loads on multistorey frames take into account the stiffness of the members.


Many high buildings were designed with the aid of the portal or cantilever method at a time when the more theoretical (exact) methods available were the laborious,time-consuming Castigliano’s theorem and the method of least work.


However,with additional analytical methods and electronic computers available,the approximate methods are used only for preliminary estimates and spot-checking computer solutions.


The advent of the electronic computer has introduced methods of analysis for structural systems known as the flexibility or force method and the stiffness or displacement method. 电子计算机的出现已经引入了结构系统的被称为柔度法或力法和刚度法或位移法的分析方法。

These two methods consider the behavior of a structure in the linear elastic range of the material, and are applied to those structures which are statically indeterminate.


The essence of the flexibility method is the superposition of displacements which are expressed in terms of the statically determinate force systems. 柔度法的本质是结构按静定力系表达的位移叠加。

The magnitudes of the redundant forces are determined from the known compatible displacement conditions of the structure.


In order to satisfy the compatibility requirements,it is necessary to solve n simultaneous linear equations, where n is the number of redundants in the structural system.


An equation is written for each known condition of displacement in the loaded structure.


Displacements must be calculated for (n+1) loading conditions, one equation for the applied loads and n equations for the effects of each of the redundants of the structure. 必须计算n+1个荷载条件下的位移,一个方程是施加了荷载列出的,n个方程是根据结构每一个多余力的影响列出的。

The stiffness method involves the consideration of linear and angular displacements as the unknown quantities in the analysis;otherwise the method is similar to the flexibility method. 刚度法涉及到在分析中将线位移和角位移考虑成未知量;否则,该方法就和柔度法近似。

Depending upon the number of unknowns,both methods may involve hand calculations for structures with only a few redundants,or for those structures which are more complex a matrix algebra format may be required for the solution.


A comparison of the two methods indicates that each includes the inversion of a matrix.


In the flexibility method the matrix is n by n the number of redundants. 在柔度法中,矩阵是n×n个未知量。

This method requires more matrix multiplications than the stiffness method. 这种方法比刚度法要求有更多的矩阵相乘。

In the stiffness method n is the number of possible movements of the joints which include displacements and rotations.


The choice of the better method in any application depends upon the size of the matrix to be inverted.


Although most structures are analyzed for linear elastic behavior,certain extreme loading conditions,such as earthquake effects,require the analysis to be performed by taking into account the nonlinear mechanical properties of the material and the nonlinear

geometrical changes caused by the varying load on the structure.


This text introduced the laws and methods of structural analysis. The basic principles include the law of equilibrium and the principle of superposition. For statically indeterminate structures, approximate methods are often used.


