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中国聚氨酯工业协会 异氰酸酯专业委员会文件

异专委发 [2010]004号

2010年 中国聚氨酯工业协会异氰酸酯 专业委员会责任关怀研讨会 邀请函







此次会议得到了有关政府部门的大力支持, 国家安监总局、化学品登记中心等领导均将到场。大会组委会竭诚欢迎贵公司负责安全、环保、职业卫生的领导和专职管理人员及相关技术人员参加。会议无需缴纳会费及餐费,住宿费自理。


附件: 附件1 附件2 附件3


会议议程 会议日期及地点 报名回执

2010 CPUIA-ISA Responsible Care Seminar

Dear all,

Given climate challenging today, “Low-carbon economy” is energetically developing as national strategy, “Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction” is a key issue for implementation of “Low carbon” in chemical industry. The concept of Responsible Care is being promoted hardly in the petrochemical industry of China, since it could perfectly fit and help to boost “Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction” application. Specially, the standards of Responsible Care will be issued this year for petrochemical industry, for its further implementation.

The concept of Responsible Care is that, the business entities have responsibility to secure personnel and the public hygiene and safety, environment protection in order to boost sustainable development of chemical industry and the whole society, with economic benefit and good social image as well, through product launch, production, distribution and sale.

In order to promote Responsible Care in Isocyanate industry and also improve quality of implementation, “2010 ISA Responsible Care Seminar” will be held on 29th and 30th July, on Changchun Jixiang Hotel. The seminar is sponsored by China Polyurethane Industry Association China Isocyanate Sub-Association (ISA).

The seminar will cover topics as safety usage, safety transportation, crisis management, waste disposal, PU foam spray application and blowing agents development trend, etc in international and developed countries for dealing with domestic enterprises’ practice. In addition, the seminar will be focused on regulations/standards being revised in China and fire safety issue on PU energy-saving application, there’ll be case study sessions as well.

The seminar has got strong support from the official departments. The officers appointed by State Administration of Work Safety, National Registration Center for Chemicals etc, will attend the seminar. We hereby sincerely invite HSE responsible, or functionaries, operation leader and technical persons for participation. No any charge for registry and dinners, accommodation self-supporting.

Yours sincerely

Attachments: Attachment 1 Program Attachment 2 Meeting Date and Venue Attachment 3 Reply Slip

2010年中国聚氨酯工业协会异氰酸酯专业委员会责任关怀研讨会 长春 议程 2010 ISA Responsible Care Seminar Changchun Program

日期:2010年 7月29日- 7月30日 Date: 29th – 30th July 2010

地点:长春吉祥饭店 吉祥轩A厅

Venue: Hall A, Ji xiang xuan, Ji xiang Hotel, Changchun

7月29日 (星期四) 29th July 2010 (Thursday) 0830 - 0900 0900 - 0930 0930 - 0945 0945 - 1000 1000 - 1050 1050 - 1110 1110 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1315 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1515 1515 - 1600 1600 - 1650 签到&会议及安全注意事项 Registration & Opening remarks 主办方开幕讲演Host opening speech 政府嘉宾开幕讲演Government officer speech 国家安全生产监督管理总局 异氰酸酯专业委员会工作介绍 ISA Works Overview 危险化学品管理 Regulations of control over hazardous chemicals in China 国家安全生产监督管理总局化学品登记中心 休息& 照相 Break & photo taking TDI/MDI的安全使用与操作 Safe use and handling of MDI/TDI 午餐 Lunch TDI/MDI的运输管理TDI/MDI Transportation safety 案例分析/小组讨论 Case study & group discussion 休息 Break 喷涂聚氨酯硬泡施工安全Rigid PU foam spray application safety 聚氨酯在节能环保方面的防火安全 Fire safety of PU foam in building energy saving application 小结 Wrap up 晚宴 Dinner 1650 - 1700 1830

7月30日 (星期五)30th July 2010 (Friday) 0900 - 0950 聚氨酯发泡剂发展趋势 Blowing agents development trend 0950 - 1050 风险管理/小组讨论(案例) Risk Assessment & group discussion 1050 - 1100 休息 Break 1110 - 1200 聚氨酯泡沫废料的回收利用 PU waste foam Recycling 1200 - 1210 小结 Wrap up 1210 - 1300 午餐 Lunch

2010年中国聚氨酯工业协会异氰酸酯专业委员会责任关怀研讨会 长春 日期及地点 2010 ISA Responsible Care Seminar Changchun Date& Venue


2010年7月29日 会议时间:09:00 – 17:00 晚宴: 18:30

2010年7 月 30日 会议时间:09:00-12:30

会议地点: 长春吉祥饭店 吉祥轩A厅Changchun Jixiang Hotel,Hall A Ji xiang xuan


电话:(86-431) 85589888传真:(86-431) 85589889

房价(标间): RMB¥320/间/晚 (含双早)


29th July 2010 Meeting: 09:00 – 17:00 Dinner: 18:30

30th July 2010 Meeting: 09:00 – 12:30

Venue: 长春吉祥饭店 吉祥轩A厅Changchun Jixiang Hotel, Hall A Ji xiang xuan No.2228 Jie Fang Da Road, Changchun, China

Tel: (86-431) 85589888 Fax: (86-431) 85589889

Room rate: RMB¥320/room/night (double Breakfast Including)


Attachment 3:

2010 年中国聚氨酯工业协会异氰酸酯专业委员会责任关怀研讨会 长春 报名回执

2010 ISA Responsible Care Seminar Changchun Reply Slip

请您认真填写,并传真至:010-84885300 郑楠


电话: 010-84885308

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Fax: 010-84885300 Zheng nan

Email: Tel no.: 010-84885308

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