凤凰版英语第三册 第八单元 教案

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教 案 章节 课题 课型 Unit 8 Listening& Speaking New Lesson 课时 Two 教具学具 电教设施 Multi-media 教学目标 Ss will be able to read out and tell the meaning of the following useful 知识 words and expressions: hunt, job hunting, education, interviewer, take 教学点 a seat, apply, vocational, major, easy-going, responsible, etc. 能力 1. To improve Ss’ ability of getting information through listening. 培养点 2.To improve Ss’ ability of answering common interview questions. 德育 Conduct a dialogue concerning job hunting. 渗透点 教学重点 难点 重点 Help the students understand the listening materials. 难点 Making a dialogue with new sentence patterns. 教法、学法 1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 3. Cooperative method 4. Induction 5. Practice 教学内容 更新、补 充、删节 (1) New words and phrases which are not listed in the vocabulary; (2)Useful sentence patterns. 参考资料 (1) Teaching Reference Book (2) Exercise Book 课后体会


教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 Organization Rolling the name list and be prepare for the class. Warm-up Activity1: Read the two job advertisements. Then tick the requirements for the two positions. Notes: 1.hunt 2.job hunting 3.education 4.interviewer 5.take a seat 6.apply Listening and Speaking A. Tell Me about Your Education Activity1: Listen to the conversation and tick the position Sue is applying for. Notes: marketing assistant 市场助理 receptionist 接待员 waitress 服务员 Activity2: Listen again and then underline the questions asked by the interviewer. Words& phrases: 1.vocational 2.major 3.easy-going 4.responsible 5.value 6.steady Activity3: Suppose you are at the interview for the position of marketing assistant. What questions might you be asked? Write them down. Activity4:Role-play an interview with your partner, asking and answering the questions you listed above. 1. Could you tell me something about your education? 2. How would you describe yourself? How would your best friend describe you? 3. Why do you apply for the position of marketing assistant? 4. What is your greatest strength? 5. What are your career goals?


学生活动内容 时间 2′ Prepare for the 5′ new lesson. Make a dialogue with each other Read through the whole dialogue 8′ 5′ 10′ Listen to the dialogue carefully 15′ Read the words one by one. 教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 B. I Screwed It Up! Activity5: Listen to the conversation and tick what has been asked in the interview. Notes: 1. ahead 2. screw 3. screw up 4. nervous Activity6: Listen again and circle the correct answers. Hobbies teamwork Education work experience Activity7: Here are two questions the boy has been asked. Read his answers. Are they proper or not? Activity8: If you were asked the two questions above, how would you answer? Role-play conversations with your partner. Q: Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? A: I prefer to work on a team because I can get the support from the team members and my enthusiasm can cheer others along the path to achievement. Summary 1. New words& phrases 2. Sentence patterns. Assignment 1. Practice sentence patterns after class. 2. Preview Reading& Writing. 3. Copy words. Summary 3. New words& phrases 4. Sentence patterns greeting. Homework 1. Practice sentence patterns after class. 2. Preview Reading& Writing. Layout of Bb writing Unit 8 Listening& Speaking A Words& phrases: Hunt education interviewer apply Major responsible ahead nervous B. phrases: Job hunting take a seat screw up 学生活动内容 Write them on the blackboard and read them loudly. Practice making sentences. Take notes. Group work. Pair work Make a summary of the lesson 时间 5′ 10′ 15′ 10′ 3′ 2′


教 案 章节 课题 课型 Unit 8 Reading& Writing New Lesson 课时 Two 教具学具 电教设施 Multi-media 教学目标 Ss will be able to read out and tell the meaning of the following useful 知识 words and expressions: hunt, job hunting, education, interviewer, take a 教学点 seat, apply, vocational, major, easy-going, responsible, etc. 能力 1. To improve Ss’ ability of making a job plan and carrying it out. 培养点 2.To improve Ss’ ability of writing a job application letter. 德育 Conduct a dialogue concerning job hunting. 渗透点 教学重点 难点 重点 New words, expressions& important sentence patterns about job hunting. 难点 Master the main idea of the passage and retell the text. 1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 教法、学法 3. Cooperative method 4. Induction 5. Practice 教学内容 更新、补 充、删节 (1) New words and phrases which are not listed in the vocabulary; (2)Useful sentence patterns. 参考资料 (1) Teaching Reference Book (2) Exercise Book 课后体会


教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 Organization Rolling the name list and be prepare for the class. Revision Translate the following new words and phrases. Hunt education interviewer Apply major responsible nervous apply vocational easy-going responsible ahead Education interviewer take a seat, Job hunting take a seat screw up Reading& Writing A Job application Letter Activity1: Put the following steps of job application into the correct order. Words& phrases: Notes: 1.flunk 给某人不及格 2.flunk out 退学 3.uptight 精神紧张 4.attitude 态度 5.housekeeping 客房部 6.date 注明日期 Activity2: Read the passage and tick what it is. It’s a job application letter. Activity3: Read again and circle the correct answers. Notes: 1.ideal 理想的 2.applicant 申请人 3.previous 先前的 4.manage 管理 5.deputy 副手 6.reliable 可信赖的 7.complete 完成 8.on time 按时 Activity4: Read the passage and write down Chris’s strengths in applying for this position. Previous work experience: Having worked at best hotel for five years as deputy housekeeping manager. Personal qualities: being reliable, honest, responsible and positive; Being able to work flexibly and solve problems.


学生活动内容 时间 Prepare for the 2′ new lesson. Translate on the 8′ blackboard. Read translate. and 5′ 5′ 20′ Read and match. Read and finish activities. Listen, read and 15′ retell.

教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 Activity5: Complete the sentences with the correct words and expressions from the box. Change the form if necessary. Notes: 1.flexibly 灵活的 2.occur 发生 3.positive 积极乐观的 4.contact 联系 5.further 进一步的 6.sincerely 真心实意地 Activity6: Fill the table below to organize your application in formation. Qualifications Work experience Strengths personalities Activity7: Read the job ad and complete the application letter on the next page. Including: your name, your address, city postal code, phone number, company contact name, job title you are applying for, sign your name, etc. Summary 1. Ways of how to apply for a job. 2. Key words and phrases. 3. Important sentences. Summary 1. New words& phrases 2. Write a application letter.. Homework 1. Finish the related exercise on the Exercise book. 2. Retell the passage. 3. Preview Real Life Skills. Layout of Bb writing Unit 8 Reading& Writing Words: Housekeeping ideal applicant Previous manage reliable Complete positive contact Phrases: On time your sincerely 学生活动内容 Do the exercises. Take notes. Fill in the blanks and check the answer Make a summary 时间 15′ 15′ 3′ 2′


教 案 章节 课题 课型 Unit 8 Real Life Skills New Lesson 课时 Two 教具学具 电教设施 Multi-media 教学目标 知识 New words, expressions& important sentence patterns about job hunting. 教学点 能力 To know about job hunting. 培养点 德育 To handle with various kinds of hazards properly. 渗透点 教学重点 难点 重点 Grasp key the key ways of job hunting at work. 难点 To identify the key ways of job hunting at work. 教法、学法 The task-based learning method, individual work, group work 教学内容 更新、补 充、删节 (1) New words and phrases which are not listed in the vocabulary; (2) Useful sentence patterns. 参考资料 (1) Teaching Reference Book (2) Exercise Book 课后体会 7

教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 Organization Rolling the name list and be prepare for the class. Revision: Review the key language points about a job application letter. nervous apply vocational easy-going responsible ahead Education interviewer take a seat Hunt education interviewer Apply major responsible Job hunting take a seat screw up Real Life Skills Activity1: Before you start job hunting, it’s better to know yourself well. Fill out the following table to know more about yourself. Notes: 1. qualifications: three years education in hotel management. Computer literate, excellent oral and written English 2. strengths: able to take lead, determined. Strong-willed, positive, a good team member, easy-going, flexible 3. interests: like to meet people develop computer programs, car model collection 4. weaknesses: not very organized not strong-willed, difficult to accept change Activity2: Make a job plan and refer to it on a daily basis. 1.hazard 2.accident 3.fall from 4.height My Job Plan The job that I want: sales manager What information do I need? 1. duties of the job 2. skills I need to get the job 3. salary 4. others What do I need to have for this job? 1. education

学生活动内容 Prepare for the new lesson. Read through the whole dialogue Read and circle. Discussion Write a passage. Take notes. 时间 2′ 8′ 10′ 15′ 15′ 15′ 8

教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 2. special training 3. license or certificate Where can I find this job? 1. ask people I know for ideas 2. look for signs in the windows of restaurants, stores and other businesses. 3. read job ads in newspapers 4. go to a job fair. 5. search the internet What will I need? 1. transportation 2. work clothing 3. tools or equipment What do I need to do? 1. Make my resume 2. fill out application forms 3. make telephone calls 4. practice interview quesitons Activity3: Look at the pictures below. What suggestions does Sam, Housekeeping Manager, give the housekeeper? Notes: Procedure: 1. rule of thumb 2. keep in mind 3. condition Summary 1. Ways of keeping safety at work. 2. List Safety Advice. Assignment Finish Exercises book of Unit8. 学生活动内容 Do the exercises. . Read the words and expressions after the teacher. Make a summary 时间 10′ 10′ 3′ 2′ Blackboard Design Procedures of handling with safety at work. 1. a broken ladder 5.hazard 2. broken glass 6. accident 3. a damaged cord 7. keep in mind 4. a wet floor 8. rule of thumb


