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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149


课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) 课程代码:1149

第一部分 课程性质与目标


《进出口贸易实务(英文)》是高等教育自学考试英语(国际经贸方向)专业本科段必考课。它是一门理论联系实际,实用性很强的课程,同时,本课程采用英文教材,主要介绍了国际贸易理论、国际支付、信用证、贸易条款、贸易合同、进出口制单、商品描述及包装、国际货物保险、货物检验与不可抗力以及进出口程序等方面的内容。 二、课程目标与基本要求

设置本课程,考生不仅可以掌握进出口贸易业务知识,同时还能学会如何用英语来表达具体的商务流程。通过本课程的学习,考生应熟悉进出口贸易的整个流程,掌握各环节的操作规程和国际惯例,并具备一定的用英语来进行实际表达和操作的能力。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系


第二部分 考核内容与考核目标

第一章 国际贸易


了解国际贸易的定义及其产生的原因,方式和发展国际贸易的重要性。熟悉国际贸易的两个理论,尤其是比较利益理论,以及关税壁垒等贸易限制措施。掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、basic concepts of international trade 有关国际贸易的基本概念(一般) 识记:the reason for international trade 发展国际贸易的原因

functional middlemen in international trade 国际贸易中的职能中介

channels to establish trade relations 建立贸易关系的方法 理解:definition of international trade 国际贸易的定义

the ways of dealing in international trade 国际贸易的方式

2、two important principles in foreign trade 对外贸易中的两个重要理论(重点) 理解:absolute advantage 绝对比较利益理论

comparative advantage 相对比较利益理论

3、the importance of developing foreign trade 发展对外贸易的重要性(次重点) 识记:importance of export trade 出口贸易的重要性

export drive 出口推动作用

理解:favorable balance trade and unfavorable balance trade


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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

visible trade and invisible trade 有形贸易和无形贸易 4、trade barriers 贸易壁垒(重点) 理解:tariff barriers 关税壁垒

non- tariff barriers 非关税壁垒 quota 配额

import licensing system 进口许可证体系 foreign exchange control 外汇管制

new non- tariff barriers 新的非关税壁垒


Barrier; cargo; carriage; invisible; counterpart; deposit; discharge; dispute; distribution; emission; excess; foreign exchange control; freight; import charges; in excess of ; insurance ; invisible trade ; legitimate ; maritime ; marketable ; merchandise ; non-tariff barrier ; quota ; revenue ; specific limitations

第二章 进出口贸易洽商过程


熟悉进出口贸易的洽商过程,包括出口前的准备工作,商业谈判,合同的履行以及争端的解决。掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、preparation for exporting 出口准备工作 (次重点) 识记:credit information 信誉信息 理解:market research 市场调研

export promotion 出口促销

2、business negotiation 商务谈判 (重点) 理解:enquiry 询价

offer 发盘

counter-offer 还盘 acceptance 接受

应用:conclusion of a contract 签订合同

3、implementation of contract 合同的履行 (次重点) 理解:preparing goods for shipment 备货

examination and modification of the letter of credit 审证、改证 chartering and booking shipping space 租船订舱 customs formalities 海关报关手续 insuring goods 投保

bank negotiation 银行议付

4、settlement of disputes 争端的解决 (一般) 识记:settlement of disputes 争端的解决 (二)相关专业词汇

absolve ; amicable ; arbitration ; acceptance ; bid ; commission ; conciliation ; counter-offer ; delivery ; dispute ; force majeure ; itigation ; offer with engagement (firm offer) ; offer without engagement (non-firm

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

offer) ; quotation ; sales promotion

第三章 价格条款


掌握进出口贸易中的价格术语,尤其是常用的三种价格术语(FOB,CIF,CFR)以及合同中的价格条款。掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the most common price terms in foreign trade 对外贸易中最常使用的价格术语 (重点)

应用:FOB 装运港船上交货价

CIF 成本加运费加保险费价 CFR 成本加运费价

2、additional prices terms 其他的价格术语 (次重点) 理解:EX-WORKS(EXW) 工厂交货价

EX-SHIP(EXS) 目的港船上交货价

EX-QUAY(EXQ),DUTY-PAID 目的港码头交货,关税已付

carriage paid to ?? named point(CPT) 运费汇至指定目的地

freight or carriage and insurance paid to??(CIP)运费加保险费汇至指定目的地

delivered at frontier(DAF)边境交货价 delivered duty paid(DDP)完税交货价 some tips 注意事项

应用:commission and discount 佣金、折扣

3、price clauses in sales contract 合同中的价格条款 (次重点) 理解:price clauses in sales contract 合同中的价格条款 (二)相关专业词汇

at??risk ; bonded warehouse ; border line ; debarkation ; at disposal of ; full car load ; in due course ; less than car load ; liability point ; lighterage ; multi-mode ; multi-purpose ; named carrier ; on quay ; physical delivery ; port dues ; price terms ; shipping advice ; symbolic delivery ; through document ; to be borne by ; to be in custody of ; to be payable by ; to fulfill obligation ; to meet expense ; to set down ; transit charge ; transit period ; wharfage ; without delay ; EX-mill ; EXQ Duty for buyer’s account ; EXQ Duty Paid ; FOR(free on rail)

第四章 国际支付


熟悉进出口贸易中常用的支付方式及使用的票据,重点掌握汇票、信用证,了解合同中的支付条款。掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the basic methods of payment in international trade 国际贸易支付中的基本方法 (次重点)

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

理解:payment in advance 预付款

open account 赊销

payment against documents 付款交单 2、bills of change 汇票 (重点)

识记:the role of bills of exchange in foreign trade 汇票在对外贸易中的作用 理解:definition of bill of exchange 汇票的定义 应用:classification of bills of change 汇票的种类

some terminologies 相关术语

3、documentary credit 跟单信用证 (重点) 应用:definition of L/C 信用证的定义

the relative partiers to L/C 信用证的相关当事人 negotiation 议付 discount 贴现

4、types of L/C 信用证的种类 (重点)

理解:confirmed L/C and unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证和非保兑信用证

transferable L/C and divisible L/C 可转让信用证和可分割信用证 revolving L/C and red clause L/C 可循环信用证和红条款信用证 应用:sight L/C and time or usance L/C 即期信用证和远期信用证

irrevocable L/C and revocable L/C 不可撤销信用证和可撤销信用证 5、payment clause in sales contract 合同中的支付条款 (次重点) 应用:payment clause in sales contract 合同中的支付条款 (二)相关专业词汇

acceptance of draft ; advising bank ; beneficiary ; bill of exchange ; cable transfer , or telegraphic transfer ; cash in advance ; clean bill ; discount ; documentary bill ; drawee ; drawer; issuing bank ; negotiating bank ; open account ; opener ; presentation , presentment ; reimbursing bank ; sight bill ; time bill ; to honor the draft on presentation ; to refuse payment , to dishonor ; to tender(or surrender )the shipping documents ; D/P after date ; D/P after sight ; D/P at sight

第五章 商品品质


熟悉进出口贸易中表示商品品质的两种方法及合同中的品质条款。了解商品品质的重要性,掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the definition of commodity’s quality 商品品质的定义 (一般) 识记:the definition of commodity’s quality 商品品质的定义

2、methods of stipulating quality of commodity 表示商品品质的方法 (重点) 理解:sale by description 以文字说明表示

sale by sample 以样品表示

3、quality clause of sales contract 合同中的品质条款 (次重点) 理解:quality clause of sales contract 合同中的品质条款 4、significance of quality 品质的重要性 (一般)

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

识记:significance of quality 品质的重要性 (二)相关专业词汇

admixture ; allowed deviation ; attribute ; brand name ; counter sample ; credit standing ; duplicate sample ; F.A.Q ; file a claim ; G.M.Q ; invisibles ; marketability ; name of origin ; quality clause ; quality tolerance ; specification ; trade mark ; usage ; visibles

第六章 商品数量


熟悉进出口贸易中常用的商品数量单位及计算重量的方法。了解合同中的溢短装条款及商品重量条款。了解商品掌握相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the definition of commodity’s quantity 商品数量的定义 (一般) 识记:the definition of commodity’s quantity 商品数量的定义 2、units of measures and weights 数量及重量单位 (次重点) 理解:length 长度单位

area 面积单位 volume 体积单位 capacity 容积单位

package units 包装单位 应用:weight 重量单位

3、the calculation of the weight of the commodities 商品重量的计算方法 (重点)

理解:by gross weight 毛重

by legal weight 法定重量 net net weight 净净重 conditional weight 公量 theoretical weight 理论重量 应用:by net weight 净重

4、more or less clause 溢短装条款 (次重点) 理解:more or less clause 溢短装条款

5、quantity clause in contract 合同中的数量条款 (次重点) 理解:quantity clause in contract 合同中的数量条款 (二)相关专业词汇

barrel ; bushel ; colorway ; computed tare ; conditioned weight ; cubic feet ; customary tare ; gallon ; gross for net ; gunny bag ; hogshead ; legal weight ; long ton ; margin ; metric ton ; more or less clause ; net net weight ; short ton ; square yard ; theoretical weight ; two-part pieces ; yard-dyed

第七章 商品包装



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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the definition of packing 包装定义 (一般) 识记:the definition of packing 包装定义 2、function of packing 包装的作用 (一般) 理解:function of packing 包装的作用 3、types of packing 包装的种类 (重点) 识记:neutral packing 中性包装 理解:transport packing 运输包装

sales packing 销售包装

4、various kinds of marks 各种商品包装标志 (次重点) 识记:other marks 其他标志 理解:shipping marks 运输标志

indicative marks and warning marks 指示性及警告性标志

5、packing clause of sales contract 销售合同中的包装条款 (次重点) 理解:packing clause of sales contract 销售合同中的包装条款 (二)相关专业词汇

Adhesive tap ; bale ; batten ; bulk commodities ; bundle ; can/tin ; carboy ; cardboard ; circulation field ; consignee ; consignor ; crate ; damp resisting paper ; dimension ; double lids ; entrepot ; fiberboard ; flexible container ; folding lid ; hanging-up pattern ; jute sack ; lien gags ; linear code ; metal band ; neutral packing ; nude commodities ; origin of country ; pattern for forming a complete set ; piling-up pattern ; reference number ; sales packing ; shipping mark ; skid ; spreading-up pattern ; stencil ; tin foil ; transparent pattern ; transport packing ; universal product code ; windowed pattern

第八章 国际商品运输保险



二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、the definition of international cargo transportation insurance 国际货物运输保险的定义 (一般)

识记:the definition of international cargo transportation insurance 国际货


2、risks and losses 风险和损失 (重点) 理解:expenses 费用 应用:risks 风险

losses 损失

3、ocean marine insurance clauses 海上保险条款 (重点)

理解:overland, air transportation and parcel post insurance under C.I.C 中


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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

应用:ocean marine insurance under C.I.F C.I.F条件下的海上保险条款

institute cargo clauses 协会货物条款 4、insurance documents 保险单据 (次重点) 理解:insurance policy 保险单

insurance certificate 保险凭证 cover note 暂保单 open cover 预约保单

combined certificate 联合凭证 endorsement 批单

5、insurance claim 索赔 (次重点) 理解:insurance claim 索赔

6、insurance clause in the sales contract 销售合同中的保险条款 (次重点) 理解:insurance clause in the sales contract 销售合同中的保险条款 (二)相关专业词汇

Actual total loss ; aflatoxin ; all risks ; average ; breakage of packing ; clash and breakage ; combined certificate ; consignment ; constructive total loss ; continuation expenses ; cover note ; detainment ; exclusion ; extraneous risks ; failure to deliver ; fire risk extension clause ; fortuitous accident ; franchise ; fresh water and/or rain damage ; general additional risks ; general average ; heating ; hooking damage ; hostile acts ; iceberg ; import duty ; insurance policy ; insurance certificate ; insurance claim ; intermixture and contamination ; irrespective of percentage ; leakage ; lighterage ; malicious damage clauses ; nondelivery ; on deck ; open cover ; overland transportation all risks ; parcel post risks ; partial loss ; particular average ; peril ; pilferage ; piracy capture ; premium ; relative franchise ; report on examination of damage or shortage ; restraint ; right of subrogation ; rust ; salvage charge ; seizure ; ship collision ; ship standing ; shortage in weight ; short delivery ; special ; additional risks ; strikes ; subject matter ; sue and labor expenses ; survey and claim settlement agent ; sweating and heating ; taint of odor ; the insured ; the insurer ; total loss ; tsunami ; uncargoworthiness ; underwriter ; vile weather ; war risks ; the contract of affreightment “both to blame collision” clause

第九章 国际货物运输


熟悉进出口贸易中常用的货物运输方式及在货物运输中需考虑的运输条件。掌握合同中的运输条款相关专业词汇。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、definition 定义 (一般) 识记:definition 定义

2、the transportation of cargoes 货物运输方式 (次重点) 理解:railway transportation

parcel transportation

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

combined transportation

international multi-modal transportation 应用:marine transportation

3、delivery conditions 运输条件 (重点) 应用:shipment date 装运期

ports of shipment and destination 装运港与目的港 partial shipment and transshipment 分批装运和转船 shipping documents 货运单据

4、delivery clause in sales contract 销售合同中的运输条款 (重点) 理解:shipment date 装运期

ports of shipment and destination 装运港与目的港 partial shipment and transshipment 分批装运和转船 shipping advice 装运通知


A.V or ad val ; charter party ; charterer ; charter ; clean B/L ; combined transportation ; container fright station ; container yard ; demise charter ; demurrage ; direct B/L ; dirty B/L ; dispatch money ; free in ; free in and free out ; free in and out , stowed ,trimmed ; free out ; gross terms ; groupage B/L ; house B/L ; international multi-modal transportation ; lease ; lien ; liners ; long form B/L; M.T.D ; measurement ton ; multi-modal transport operator ; NVOCC ; ocean B/L ; on all-round contract basis ; on board B/L; optional port ; order B/L ; parcel receipt ; partial shipment ; physical delivery of goods ; railway bill ; railway cargo receipt ; received for shipment B/L ; return voyage ; shipping advice ; short form B/L ; sino-trans ; straight B/L; symbolic delivery of goods ; tariff ; through B/L ; time charter ; tonnage ; tramp ; transshipment B/L ; voyage charter ; weight ton

第十章 商品检验、违约、索赔、仲裁和不可抗力



二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)进出口贸易有关知识点

1、inspection of commodities 商品检验 (次重点) 理解:time and place of inspection 检验的时间、地点

commodity inspection 商品检验 inspection certificate 商检证书

inspection clause in sales contract 合同中的商品检验条款 2、dispute and claims违约、索赔(次重点) 理解:dispute 违约

claim and satisfaction索赔、理赔

important tips in handling claim and satisfaction 处理索赔与理赔过程中的重要注意事项

claim clauses in the contract 合同中的索赔条款

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

settlement of claim 索赔的解决

3、arbitration and force majeure 仲裁、不可抗力(重点) 理解:place of arbitration 仲裁地点

arbitration body 仲裁机构

applicable arbitration rules 申请仲裁规则 arbitral proceedings 仲裁过程 force majeure 不可抗力


arbitral proceedings ; arbitration tribunal ; arbitration ; arbitrator ; authentic attesting business ; award-making ; award ; breach of condition ; breach of warranty ; chief arbitrator or umpire ; china international economic and trade arbitration and maritime arbitration commission ; claim and satisfaction ; claim ; collapse of the basis of transaction ; commercial impracticability ; commodity inspection law ; convention ; decrees of prohibition ; defendant ; defense or countercharge ; disinfection inspection certificate ; dispute ; docket ; final award ; force majeure ; fundamental breach ; inspection certificate of analysis ; inspection certificate of health ; inspection certificate of plant/animal quarantine ; inspection certificate of quality ; inspection certificate of quantity ; inspection certificate of value ; inspection certificate of veterinary ; inspection certificate of weight ; inspection certificate on tank/hold ; inspection certificate ; inspection institution ; interim provisional award ; material breach ; minor breach ; part award ; penalty ; plaintiff ; quarantine ; reinspection ; sanitary inspection certificate ; sole arbitrator ; war-oxford rules 1932

第三部分 有关说明与实施要求



识记:能知道有关的名词、概念、知识的含义,并能正确认识和表述,是低层次的要求。 理解:在识记的基础上,能全面把握基本概念、基本原理、基本方法,能掌握有关概念、原理、方法的区别与联系,是较高层次的要求。



指定教材:《国际贸易进出口实务》,张立玉、何康民编著,武汉大学出版社, 2004年8月第1版



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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149









5、辅导时,要注意突出重点,对考生提出的问题,不要有问即答,要积极启发引导。 6、注意对应考者能力的培养,特别是自学能力的培养,要引导考生逐步学会独立学习,在自学过程中善于提出问题,分析问题,做出判断,解决问题。



章 次 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第十章 内 容 国际贸易 进出口贸易洽商过程 价格条款 国际支付 商品品质 商品数量 商品包装 国际商品运输保险 国际货物运输 商品检验、违约、索赔、仲裁和不可抗力 合 计 学 时 4 4 8 12 4 4 4 12 12 8 72


(包括能力层次比例、难易度比例、内容程度比例、题型、考试方法和考试时间等) 1、本大纲各章所提到的内容和考核目标都是考试内容。试题覆盖到章,适当突出重点。 2、试卷中对不同能力层次的试题比例大致是:\识记\为 15%、\理解\为 60 %、

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

\应用\为 25 %。


4、每份试卷中,各类考核点所占比例约为:重点占65%,次重点占25%,一般占10%。 5、试题类型一般分为:本课程命题采用的基本题型包括名词解释、单项选择、多项选择、填空题、简答题、计算题、案例题 。



(一)Explanation of Terms

1、more or less clause 2、general average

(二)Individual choice

1、According to the size of the liabilities covered by insurers, the following sequence should be followed by three other insurance()

A、 F.P.A A.R W.P.A B、 A.R W.P.A F.P.A C、 W.P.A F.P.A A.R

(三)Multiple choice

1、The main feature of usance letter of credit payable at sight or buyer’s usance letter of credit is that()

A、deferred L/C is opened by issuing bank B、time bill is drew by the beneficiary

C、bill of exchange is discounted by the designated paying bank D、the discount interest and expense are afforded by the importer

E、money is recovered by the exporter until the maturity of the bill of exchange

(四)Guidance in Terminal Review

1、The main four functions of inspection certificate are , , , 。

(五)Brief examination

1、What are the commonalities and differences between the four trade terms of Group C ?


1、Our company sent a offer to an English company exporting a number of light industrial products. The price was 10000 pounds/MT based on CIF London(It was covered A.R of 110% and the insurance rate was 1%). But they wanted to cover the insurance themselves and required a price based on CFR .How much are the price based on CFR and the premium deducted from the price based on CIF ?

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课程名称:进出口贸易实务(英文) (2007年4月版) 课程代码:1149

(七)Case study

1、Our company exported 3000 ton of corn based on FOB Qingdao and Yantai. The L/C opened from the importer stipulated that partial transportation is was not allowed. Since it was near the shipment date and the goods were still dispersed unable to gather together to one port . We could only shipped 1500 ton respectively in Qingdao and Yantai on one vessel and one route .

Is this accordant with the L/C , why ?

2、Our company planed to export a group of bicycles to an American company. We


send them an offer on Aug. 15 which was valid until Aug. 21 . The price was 45


pounds/unit and the shipment date was Nov. On Aug. 17 ,they replied accepting the offer and acquired the price should be 40 pounds /unit and the shipment date postponed to Dec. We didn’t reply ,and made an transaction with another company . On


Aug.20 ,the American company telex us that they accept our offer of Aug. 15.We immediately told them that the consignments had been sold . But the American company thought the contract had been established and we should implement it ,otherwise they would lodge a claim .

Is this contract effective ,why ?

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