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Sarah came running in. \I saw a long object that made me 36 . It was a piece of snake skin that had been shed by one of our four snakers.


I ---37--at it thinking to myself that it really wasn't that beautiful, but I have learned never to appear

uninterested 4 tired of children.


I also try to seize every 6 to teach my children there is almost something beyond the obvious. \

shed their skin because they 7 to renew themselves,\e 8 in my family, the

original subject leads to 9 and another, until we are discussing something quite 10 . \

Robert replied humorously. \eone else.\

Sarah and I politely 12 her brother.

\needs this skin.

Probably he doesn't think he looks as 14 in it as he once did. Like buying a new suit.\ Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't 15 naturalists (博物学家). But Sarah was understanding. As

we 16 , I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of 17 and see what we need to keep and

what we need to 18 . I was careful to point out that this is a 19 process, not one to be forced.

%ural result of their


( )1.A.run B.think C jump D.rise

( )2.A.terrible B.ugly ( )3.A.so B.such ( )4.A.and ( )5.A.Why

B.or B.How

C interesting C much C.but C.When C.opportunity C.hate C.case C.some

D.beautiful D.how D.as D.Where D.turn D.desire D.fact D.another

( )6.A.object B.subject ( )7.A.need B.like ( )8.A.situation B.truth ( )9.A.other


( )10.A.opposite B.pleasant C.impossible D.different ( )11.A.that B.how ( )12.A.accepted B.ignored ( )13.A.thinking B.reading ( )14.A.clever B.bright ( )15.A.satisfy B.excite ( )16.A.walked B.talked ( )17.A.study B.family ( )18.A.remove B.add ( )19.A.forced B.difficult ( )20.A.happens B.changes

C.who C.received C.writing C.smart C.interest C.ran C.education C.take C.natural C.begins

D.which D.refused D.looking D.kind D.disappoint D.read D.progress D.make D.wonderful D.ends


Sarah came running in. \a long object

that caused me to 1 . It was a snake skin.


I stared at it thinking to myself that it really wasn't 3 beautiful, but I have learned never to appear

uninterested 4 tired of children.


I also try to seize every 6 to teach my children there is almost something beyond the obvious. \

shed their skin because they 7 to renew themselves,\e 8 in my family, the

original subject leads to 9 and another, until we are discussing something quite 10 .


Robert replied humorously. \eone else.\

Sarah and I politely 12 her brother.

\needs this skin.

Probably he doesn't think he looks as 14 in it as he once did. Like buying a new suit.\ Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't 15 naturalists (博物学家). But Sarah was understanding. As

we 16 , I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of 17 and see what we need to keep and

what we need to 18 . I was careful to point out that this is a 19 process, not one to be forced.

%ural result of their


( )1.A.run B.think C jump C interesting C much C.but C.When C.opportunity C.hate C.case C.some

D.rise D.beautiful D.how D.as D.Where D.turn D.desire D.fact D.another

( )2.A.terrible B.ugly ( )3.A.so B.such ( )4.A.and ( )5.A.Why

B.or B.How

( )6.A.object B.subject ( )7.A.need B.like ( )8.A.situation B.truth ( )9.A.other


( )10.A.opposite B.pleasant C.impossible D.different ( )11.A.that B.how ( )12.A.accepted B.ignored ( )13.A.thinking B.reading ( )14.A.clever B.bright ( )15.A.satisfy B.excite ( )16.A.walked B.talked ( )17.A.study B.family ( )18.A.remove B.add

C.who C.received C.writing C.smart C.interest C.ran C.education C.take

D.which D.refused D.looking D.kind D.disappoint D.read D.progress D.make

( )19.A.forced B.difficult ( )20.A.happens B.changes

C.natural C.begins

D.wonderful D.ends



1-5: CDABA 6-10: CACDD 11-15: CBACA 16-20: BDACA





Tasting Morocco’s flavor

DURING the Christmas holidays I usually go to Scotland. My dad loves the mountains, lakes, and nature. So every year we visit the north of Scotland. However, last year we wanted some warm weather, so we went to Morocco instead.

I must stress that traveling is not as expensive as you may think. There are many budget airlines that offer deals throughout the year, so if you book in advance going abroad is sometimes cheaper than traveling within a country.

In the lead up to the Christmas holidays, we had typical British weather. There were weeks of grey, dull skies and not one day of sun. But on our first morning in Morocco, the deep blue sky seemed endless and the sun blazed (照耀) down with a light wind in the air. How refreshing it was to be awake at last.

We stayed in Marrakech, a city that excites your senses. Sights, smells, tastes and sounds filled the air. The city was alive from morning till night; there was a never-ending buzz (喧闹声) from the street vendors (小贩) and snake charmers. The alleyways (小巷) that snaked out from the central square were like mazes made up of lanterns and spices. The night was full of rich, fiery colors.

We traveled to many places around the city. We went to the base of the Atlas Mountains to see the cascades (瀑布), and we went to the seaside at Essaouira. Morocco is an amazing country with so much to offer in terms of landscape, culture and food.

On the subject of food, oh it was tasty! Kebabs (烤肉串), olives, oranges, breads – there are so many things for you to choose from. Morocco is famous for its mint tea too. The tea is sweet and strong with a powerful scent (味道). We indulged (沉醉于) in such delights morning, afternoon and night.

It was my first trip to North Africa. It is very much a region of the world that draws you in. The culture is so different to that of Europe, but there are many similarities with Asia. Morocco is an interesting fusion (融合) of traditions and values that challenge previous perceptions. By Hannah Yu-Pearson

Hannah Yu-Pearson, 18, studies at Cardinal Newman College, Preston, UK. Choose the best answer:

1. Why did the author’s family choose to go to Morocco last year? A. Because her dad wanted to get close to nature. B. Because they were bored with going to Scotland. C. Because her family wanted to go to a warm place. D. Because they wanted to visit their relatives there.

2. The underlined word “budget” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____. A. cheap B. convenient C. suitable D. regular

3. What is the author’s impression of Marrakech?

A. It is too noisy and commercialized. B. It is a lively city with a lot to offer. C. It is famous for sales of lanterns and spices.

D. The alleyways there are like mazes, clean and orderly. 4. What can we conclude from the story?

A. The weather in Morocco disappointed the author.

B. The author didn’t get used to the powerful scent of Morocco’s Mint tea. C. Moroccan culture has much more in common with Europe than Asia.

D. The trip enabled the author to better understand Morocco’s traditions and values.

Brits support soccer

SOCCER is a huge part of the British identity. It wouldn’t take long for someone visiting the country to realize just how ingrained (根深蒂固的) into our culture it has become.

It certainly goes beyond the 90 minutes played on the pitch. Many fans are hugely dedicated to their teams and refuse to miss a single match, whether they’re attending the match live, or just watching it on TV.

Soccer is typically a male-oriented sport, but my grandmother has always been a huge fan and could probably outdo most men when it comes to soccer knowledge.

When I was younger, she would take me to many matches on the weekends. She’s a huge supporter of her hometown team of Norwich and used to have season tickets. I remember how enthusiastic she was cheering for her favorite team, and even now she refuses to miss a single game on the TV.

My friends often talk about their favorite soccer teams. When I first began my time at high school, many kids

asked me which team I supported. Once you support a soccer team, you are expected to know everything about it, and I was often asked who my favorite players were and what my ideal team lineup (阵容) would be.

This is not unusual, and discussing sports is a very common way for people to make new friends.

However there’s also a lot of rivalry (对立) between supporters and unfortunately the soccer culture in the UK can sometimes be a negative one. Rivalry between teams is huge and some fans can be aggressive and abusive both during and outside of matches. The rest of the time, however, it’s a sport that is celebrated nationwide, bringing people and generationstogether.

By Hugh Langley, 21st Century Teens staff

1. What does the underlined word “outdo” mean in Paragraph 3? A. Do better than. B. Practice more than. C. Be more popular than. D. Be more involved than. 2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. The author’s friends all supported the same team.

B. If you are not a soccer fan, you’d better pretend to be one.

C. You are expected to know about the team lineup of your favorite team. D. The author quickly fit in at high school because of his interest in soccer. 3. Why does the author mention his grandmother in this article? A. To get the readers interested in soccer. B. To give an example of huge soccer fans. C. To tell how soccer has brought them closer.

D. To show soccer is gaining popularity among women. 4. What is the article mainly about?

A. British soccer fan culture. B. My grandma and soccer. C. The dangers of soccer in England. D. A good way to make friends.

Follow your body clock

FEEL like you have too much to do but not enough time to do it? It could be because you are doing things when your body isn’t ready for them.

We are all familiar with what plants do in the different seasons. They bud (发芽) in the warm and rainy spring;

