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英 语 试 题

A卷(客观卷)总分 100分






1.Who broke the window?

A. Tom. B. John. C. Tim.

2. How much should the woman pay if she buys three shirts?

A. $5.00. B. $9.00. C. $12.00.

3. When will the meeting begin according to the man?

A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.

4. What bike does the man want to buy?

A. A race one. B. A cheap one. C. A heavier one.

5. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Look out of the window.

B. Put the cigarette in the ashtray.

C. Make a fire in the kitchen.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)





6. What does the woman think of her new job?

A. Exciting but boring. B. Boring and tiring. C. Exciting and well-paid .

7. What are the speakers going to do?

A. Have lunch together. B. Fly a kite. C. Visit the woman s uncle.


8. Why does the man come to Dr. Peterson?

A. Dr. Peterson wants to check his teeth.

B. He wants to have his teeth cleaned.

C. He wants to have one of his teeth pulled out.

9. When did the man have his teeth cleaned and checked?

A. Last year. B. Last week. C. Yesterday.

10.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Make a note. B. Drink some water. C. Take a seat.


11. How many desk units does the woman want to order?

A. 75. B. 14. C. 5.

12. What can the woman get before placing an order?

A. An insurance. B. An estimate. C. An order form

13. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman wants the desk units by the end of this week.

B. The desk units the woman needs are duty-free.

C. The woman will get an e-mail this afternoon.


14. When will the man need the balance sheet?

A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. Tomorrow morning.

15. What will the woman do right after the conversation?

A. Open a new account at the Bank of China .

B. Give the person she recommends a call.

C. Call Janet to deal with the balance sheet.

16. What can we know the person the woman recommends?

A. He works as a bookkeeper for Smith CPA and Co..

B. He has been applying for a new job for a long time.

C. He lives far away from the bank.


17. Why did Tom keep an eye on the small television?

A. He was afraid of being late for his flight.

B. A moving film was being shown on the television.

C. The television was decorated splendidly.

18. When had Tom been to New York?

A. On Christmas Day. B. On Christmas Eve. C. On December 21.

19. Where would Tom go?

A. To his home.

B. To his company office.

C. To headquarter of his company.

20. Why were many people unhappy?

A. They couldn t bear Tom s decision.

B. Tom had decided to close lots of his offices.

C. They had had a very difficult meeting.





21.---The lights were left on all night long.

--- Yes. It seems that Zhang Peng is____. He was the last who left the classroom.

A. blaming B. blamed C. to blame D. to be blamed

22.The young man _______ the two policemen who were holding him .

A. got away from B. broke away from

C. came up with D. caught up with

23.The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly

impressed _____ my memory.

A. to B. over C. by D. on

24.Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we

must _______on our studies.

A. acquire B. insist C. concentrate

25.---Can you see the building clearly in the foggy day? D. decide

--- It makes no _______to me whether it s foggy or not, for I m blind.

A. sense B. mistake C. difference D. meaning

26.He doesn t have money now. _______ , he would lend it to you.

A. If some B. If any C. If not D. If so

27.Only when your information has been checked ________.

A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in

C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in

28.The clock _________yesterday doesn t work well.

A. bought B. being bought

C. to buy D. to be bought

29.He looked around and caught the man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put B. to be putting

C. to put D. putting

30.Because of the war, the man has been kept ___from his family for more than 10 years..

A. separating B. having separated

C. separated D. to separate

31. My friend ______me of the fact that I had a gift for painting.

A. convinced B. was convinced

C. believed D. believed in

32. ---Oh, help! The pan is on fire!

---_____. I can handle it.

A. Take it easy B. Stop shouting

C. Help yourself D. You bet

33. The disease is spreading and all the children are ______ .

A. at the risk B. risk C. at risk D. at danger

34. What should we do if it______ tomorrow .

A. should snow B. would snow C. snow

35. I suggested that we ______the meeting till next week.

A. would put off

C. had put off

A. he B. might put off D. put off C. that D. will snow 36. Is _______ necessary to complete the building before the end of this month? B. it D. this

37. It s helpful to put children in a situation ______ they can see themselves differently.

A. that B. when C. which D. where

38. It was _____ he came back from Africa that year _____ he met the girl he would like to


A. when; then B. not; until

C. not until ; that D. only; when

39. --- I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity.

--- You home half an hour earlier.

A. should have left B. must have left

C. should leave D. must leave

40. --- Do you mind my opening the window ? It s a bit hot in here.

--- _____________, as a matter of fact.

A. Go ahead

C. Yes, I do

B. Yes, my pleasure D. Come on

第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



Bill White s father is a lawyer. In his For a long time, But his father

didn t take Bill along with him 44___ he was fifteen.

He and Bill drove to the farm which night there, so that they could ,

who was sixteen, were going to go out with them.

was running so early. He couldn t rememberthe clock. It was 5 o clock. Then he ___51 that he was at the ___52 and that he was going out to He ran downstairs. The others were already in the ___54. Uncle Steve was cooking bacon They ate breakfast quickly. They didn t talk the other people in the house. They filled a thermos bottle ___58 hot coffee and took some

Aunt Grace, Uncle Steve s wife, had made for them. They gathered their camera ___60 and started out.

41. A. busy

42. A. foods

43. A. trips

44. A. after

45. A. led

46. A. cost

47. A. start

48. A. telephone

49. A. where

50. A. quickly B. spare B. drawings B. buses B. when B. stuck B. spent B. begin B. machine B. how B. sleepily C. enough D. limited C. paintings D. pictures C. holidays C. until C. got C. slept C. walk C. bell C. who C. quietly D. mountains D. unless D. belonged D. took D. step D. clock D. what D. suddenly

51. A. imagined

52. A. mountain

53. A. dressed

54. A. bathroom

55. A. seemed

56. A. many

57. A. wake

58. A. of

59. A. that

60. A. cover

B. pronounced B. town B. ordered B. kitchen B. felt B. soundly B. go B. with B. what B. supply C. forgot C. farm C. eaten C. dining-room C. tasted C. much C. put C. in C. after C. operator D. remembered D. station D. prepared D. sitting-room D. smelled D. highly D. come D. by D. before D. equipment

第三节:阅读理解(http://www.77cn.com.cn 四川新课改)(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

I. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题



A few months ago I was at a bus stop in town in the evening. The bus came on time and I

took the window seat. The bus route was by the seashore and I was enjoying the breeze (微风)

while watching the sea waves. After a few minutes the bus made its next stop. A young boy and a

girl got on. They were standing on my left when the bus pulled off. I looked at them curiously and

realized that all the window seats were occupied . They could sit but not together. Suddenly a and offered them my seat. The young lady smiled kindly and said thanks. I occupied another seat

and we parted our ways. I don t remember whether I got off the bus before them or not.

Months passed by. Suddenly one day while I was standing at the same bus stop waiting

some time for the bus to arrive I heard a voice.

“Excuse me, Uncle.” I looked in the direction of the voice. It was a beautiful young lady.

Puzzled, I said, “I do not recognize you.” She said, “Do you remember you gave us your window seat?” Puzzled, I said, “Maybe, but what is so great in that?” She said, “If you had not given your seat that day, perhaps I would have not sat with my

friend. By sitting together it helped us bridge a misunderstanding that had been between us forever.

Do you know we are getting married next month?”

“Good! God bless both of you,” I replied.

The young lady again said thank you and went on her journey. I realized the importance of

giving that day.

61. Why were the young boy and the girl standing on the bus?

A. Because they wanted to enjoy the sea view.

B. Because they couldn t sit together.

C. Because there were no empty seats.

D. Because they preferred to stand.

62. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means that the author had a feeling

that ______.

A. he wanted to do something special

B. the sea wave made him upset

C. a wave from the sea flooded him

D. he wanted to make a sea wave in his heart

63. The author s act of kindness helped the young boy and the girl ______.

A. begin to talk to each other again after a quarrel

B. sit together and become friends very soon

C. clear up a misunderstanding between them

D. know each other and get married


One midnight, a little girl woke up to pass water. She by herself got up and down her bed,

walked to the bedroom door and opened it. She looked outside and walked back, for it was so dark

in the hall that she feared.

Her mother said, “Don t be afraid, honey. Take courage!”

“What s courage?” she asked, running to her mother s bed.

“Courage is the brave breath,” her mother answered.

“Mum, do you have courage?”


The girl held out her little hands, saying, “Mum, blow some of your breath of courage to me.”

After her mother blew out two mouthfuls of breath into her little cold hands, the little girl clenched

her fists(握拳) nervously, afraid that the “breath of courage” would run away. Then with her fists

clenched, she walked out of the bedroom towards the bathroom with nothing to fear.

Her mother said to herself, “It will be nice if someone can blow some kind of breath to me. Then

I can hold it in my hands too when I feel terrified or lost.”

In fact, mostly, what we are terrified of is nothing but the fear in our mind. Who we should

defeat(战胜) is nobody but ourselves.

64. We learn from the reading that ___________.

A. the girl went to the bathroom by herself

B. the girl pretended to be terrified of nothing

C. the girl s mother was able to blow brave breath

D. the girl s mother was very proud of herself

65. The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.

A. adults are always brave enough

B. children learn to be brave quickly

C. the fear in one s mind is the real problem

D. the mother can deal with anything with breath

66. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The Fearless Mother B. One Lonely Girl

C. One Midnight D. The Breath of Courage


He was struggling to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him.

I did, and he was grateful.

“Thank you,” he said.

“I m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

He was a disabled man, and forced to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were

twisted terribly, and he couldn t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. He always

managed to look up to see how you reacted to his words, however. He had a big smile, making me

feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“ Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their

feet.” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they re

impatient with me. I don t want to make people uncomfortable.

“What about me? I asked.

“I could see your And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was

nervous.” he said. “I don t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don t know what they re missing,” I told him.

“My old face is nothing to brag about.” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

“Yes, and it s not only a big smile but an attitude.”

67. The unlined word compassion is the closet in meaning to ___________.

A. attention B. pity C. trust D. duty

68. We learn that the disabled man _________.

A. had great difficulty looking after himself

B. always asked people for help

C. couldn t have a big smile

D. liked to talk about people s shoes

69. The writer felt comfortable because _________.

A. he had a nice talk to the man

B. the man looked him in the eye

C. he didn t move his feet before the man

D. the man had a big smile on the face

70. We can infer from the passage that _________.

A. the disabled man had something wrong with his mind

B. not many people went down to the man s level

C. the man was good at telling people about the world

D. the writer would not give the man more help


Put an ice cube from your fridge into a glass of water. You have a piece of string(线) 10

centimeters long. The problem is to take out that piece of ice with the help of the string. But you

must not touch the ice with your fingers.

You may ask your friends to try to do that when you are having dinner together. There is a

saltcellar on the table. You must use salt when you carry out this experiment.

First you put the string across the piece of ice. Then put some salt on the ice. Salt makes ice

melt. The ice round the string will begin to melt. But when it melts, it will lose heat. The cold ice

cube will make the salt water freeze again. After a minute or two you may raise the piece of string

and with it you will raise your piece of ice!

This experiment can be very useful to you. If, for example, there is ice near the door of your

house, you must use very much salt to melt all the ice. If you don t put enough salt, the water will

freeze again.

71. We must use _______ when we carry out this experiment.

A. fridge B. some food C. a table D. some salt

72. How long will it take to carry out this experiment?

A. More than three minutes.

B. Five minutes or so.

C. Only one minute or two.

D. About ten minutes.

73. What is the task of this experiment?

A. Put the ice cube into the glass of water with the help of the string.

B. Take out the ice cube in the glass of water with the help of the string.

C. Take out the ice cube in the glass of water with your fingers.

D. Put some salt on the ice cube and then put the string across it.

74. How many things at least are used in this experiment?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Six. D. Seven.

75. We can learn something about _______ from the passage.

A. Physics B. biology C. chemistry



Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in

several ways 76 Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying

for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 77 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking

is a selective process. The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

D. maths

● Write your notes in your own words.

●● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 80

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and

remember it.


B卷(主观卷)总分 50分


81.We must develop science to s____(加强)our education and army. 81.___________

82. T____(改变) this sentence into the passive voice. 82.__________

83.We haven t fixed a s ___(确切的)date for our meeting up to now. 83.___________

84.He a _____(运用) his eye to the microscope. 84.__________

85.They were i ___(通知)that their son was killed in the battle.. 85.__________

86.We can t travel to the United States this year for l ____(缺少)of money.86.___________

87.One of the most famous a ___(吸引人的胜地) in Shandong Province is Mount Tai.


88.Our school has s ____(严格的)rules, so we must be at the school on time.


89.The students are ___(装备)with knowledge for the four modernizations. 89___________

90.It is impolite to talk with your teacher without______(尊重). 90._________


Listening to foreign broadcast easier 91. ____________

if we know something about. There are clues 92. ____________

that can help us. One clue is the time of 93. ____________

day. Morning programs usually contains many 94. ____________

short items of news, informations, etc. The 95. ____________

items are short because of most of us are 96. ____________

getting ready to going to work in the 97. ____________

morning. Often we do not have time listen 98. ___________

to long programs. There are time for more 99. ___________

details about the subjects discuss in evening programs. 100. ___________



主题:Shall a senior school student take a part-time job during holidays ?



假期做part-time jobs是很好的社会实践。



假期做part-time jobs的报酬对家里或多或少有些帮助。


注意:1、词数100左右; 2、开头已为你写好。

Dear friends,

Here are my points, …



1—5 ACBCB 6—10 ABBAC 11—15 ABCCB 16—20 AACAB

21—25CBDCC 26—30BDADC 31—35 AACAD 36—40BDCAC

41-45BDACD 46-50BADAB 51-55DCABD 56-60CABAD

61—65 BABAC 66—70 DBADB 71—75 DCBBC 76—80GEFAD

81.strengthen 82. Transform 83.specific 84. applied http://www.77cn.com.cnrmed

86. lack 87.attractions 88. strict 89.equipped 90. respect

91. easier前加is。此处应构成“主语+系动词+表语”句型。

92. about后加it。about是介词, 后面应接名词、 代词、 动名词作宾语。

93. 此行无错。

94. contains改为contain。主谓一致错误。主语programs为复数形式。

95. informations改为information。information为不可数名词。

96. 删去because后面的of。

97. going改为go。be ready to do sth.为固定短语, 意为“准备做某事”。

98. listen前为to。have time to do sth.意为“有时间做某事”。

99. are改为is。主谓一致错误。主语time为不可数名词, 谓语应用单数形式。

100. discuss改为discussed。

One Possible Version

Dear friends,

Here are my points.

We students today have to pay much attention to our lessons but know little of society though it s not our fault. A holiday is the best time to make up for that. Taking a part-time job is a good form of social practice. What is learned in books can t have the same deep effect on us as is

learned through experience. In social practice, we can surely make progress in both knowledge and ability. Besides, by taking a part-time job we may get paid more or less to help our family. Thus, I will say a senior school student should take a part-time job in holidays, if possible, of course.

