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第一章 希腊 罗马文化 第一节 希腊文化Greek Cultur

1. Which culture reache ed a high point of development in the 5th century B.C.? A.Greek Culture B.Roman Culture C.Egyptian Culture D.Chinese Culture

2. In( )the Romans conquered Greece. A.1200B.C. B.700B.C.

C.146B.C. D.the 5th century

3. Which of the following works described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?

A.Oedipus the king B.Iliad C.Odyssey D.Antigone

4. Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist of ancient Greece? A.Aristophanes B.Euripides C.Sophocles D.Aeschylus

5. Which of the following is NOT the play written by Aeschylus? A. Antigone B.Agamemnon

C.Persians D.Prometheus Bound

6. Which of the following is NOT the play written by Sophocles? A.Electra B.Antigone

C.Trojan Woman D.Oedipus the king

7. Which of the following is the play written by Euripides? A.Antigone B.Persians C.Electra D.Medea

8. Who was the founder of scientific mathematics? A.Heracleitus B.Aristotle C.Socrates D.Pythagoras

9. Who ever said that \A.Pythagoras B.Heracleitus C.Democritus D.Aristotle

10. ( )believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval.

A.Sophists B.Cynics C.Skeptics D.Epicureans

11. ( )is said to have told the king :\me a place to stand, and I will move the world.\

A.Archimedes B.Aristotle C.Plato D.Euclid

第二节 罗马文化 Roman Culture

1. Who wrote \A.Sappho B.Plato C.Virgil D.Horace

2. Increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as Goths, the West Roman Empire finally collapsed in( ) A.D.. A.395 B.27 C.1453 D.476

3. Who wrote \

A.Horace B.Julius Caesar

C.Virgil D.Marcus Tullius Cicero

4. The author of the philosophical poem On the Nature of Things is( ) A.Virgil B.Julius Caesar C.Horace D.Lucretius

5. Which of the following is not Roman architecture? A.The Colosseum B.The Panthenon C.The Parthenon D.Pont du Gard

True or False

1. Greek cuiture reached a high point of development in the 6th centurg B.C

2. the lliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainlang of Greece,led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy.

3. sappho,was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.

4. Herodotus is offen called ;Father of History’ and he wrote about the wars between Greeks and Romans.

5. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates,piato and Aristotle ,who were active in the 5th and4th century B.C

6. Socrates ever said ,;you cannot step twice into the same river’

7. Archimedes is ever now well-now for his Elements ,a testbook of geometry.-

第二章 《圣经》与基督教

1. Which of the following is by far the most influential in the West? A.Buddism B.Islamism C.Christianity D.Judaism

2. The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called( )

A.Exodus B.Commandments C. Amos D.Pentateuch

3. At the age of 30, Jesus Christ received the baptism at the hands of _____. A.St.Peter B.St.Paul

C.John Baptist D.John Wycliff

4. Which of the following emperors issued the Edict of Milan and made Christianity legal in 313? ____.

A.Augustus I B.Thedosius I C.Nero I D.Constantine I

5. Which of the following emperors made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions in 392 A.D.? A.Theodosius B.Augustus C.Constantine I D. Nero Caesar

6. By 1963, the whole of the Bible had been translated in _____languages. A.288 B.974 C.1202 D.154

7. When printing was invented in the 1500’s, the ____Bible was the first complete work printed.

A.English B.Latin C.Aramaic D.Hebrew

8. When did the standard American edition of the Revised Version appear? ____ A.1885 B.1611 C.1901 D.1979

第三章 中世纪

第一节 庄园与教堂

1. In the latter part of the 4th century, which of the following tribles swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and killing large numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes? ____

A.the Mongolians B.the Huns

C.the Turkish D.the Syrians

2. The Middle Ages id also called the ____.

A. \ B. \ C. \ D. \

3. In 732, who gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service? ___

A.Charles Martel, a Frankish ruler B. Charles I, a Turkish ruler C. Constantine I, a Frankish ruler D. St.Benedict, an Italian ruler

4. According to the code of chivalry, which of the following is not pledged to do for a knight? _____

A.to be loyal to his lord B. B.to fight for the church

C. to obey without question the orders of the abbot D. to respect women of noble birth

5. When was the Church divided into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church? _____

A.after 1066 B. after 1296 C. after 1054 D. after 476

6. Under feudalism, what were the three classes of people of western Europe? ____ A.clergy, knights and serfs B. Pope, bishop and peasants C.clergy, lords and peasants D. knights, nobles and serfs

7. By which year the Moslems had taken over the last Christian stronghold and won the crusaders and ruled all the territory in Palestine that crusaders had fought to control? _____

A.1270 B.1254 C.1096 D.1291

第二节 学术、科学、文学艺术与建筑

8. Which of the following was crowned \Romans” by the Pope in 800? ____

A. St.Thomas Aquinas B. Charlemagne C. Constantine D. King James

9. Who was the ruler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and contributed greatly to the medieval European culture? ____

A.Charles I B. Constantine I C. Alfred the Great D. Charles the Great

10. Which country’s epic does Song of Roland belong to? ____ A.English B. Germanic C. Hebrew D.French

