
更新时间:2023-06-06 15:58:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




测试时间: 60分钟总分: 100分






( ) 1. A. library B. office C. computer ( ) 2. A. football B. playground C. student ( ) 3. A. maths B. music C. Chinese ( ) 4. A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy ( ) 5. A. nurse B. dinner C. bird


( ) 1. A. B.

( ) 2. A. B.

( ) 3. A. B.

( ) 4. A. B.

( ) 5. A. B.


( ) 1. A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor.

( ) 2. A. Welcome to our school. B. Welcome to our class.

( ) 3. A. Breakfast is ready. B. Dinner is ready.

( ) 4. A. It’s time to go home. B. It’s time to go to bed.

( ) 5. A. Can I have some water? B. Can I go outside now?


( ) 1. A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s a storybook.

( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is.

( ) 3. A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, we do.

( ) 4. A. It’s sunny and warm. B. It’s time to go to school. ( ) 5. A. She’s my teacher. B. He is my father.



( ) 1. A. name B. cat C. bag ( ) 2. A. car B. water C. tiger ( ) 3. A. bed B. he C. red ( ) 4. A. fish B. window C. rice ( ) 5. A. bird B. girl C. sister


( ) 1. go to bed上床睡觉( ) 2. second floor一楼

( ) 3. next to在上面( ) 4. English class英语课

( ) 5. weather天气( ) 6. get up去上学

( ) 7. warm暖和的( ) 8. just a minute快点

( ) 9. two o’clock两点整( ) 10. windy and rainy刮风又下雨三、画出相应的时间。(8分)

1. At seven thirty

2. At six

3. At ten twenty

4. At five fifteen


( ) 1. That is ________ classroom.

A. me

B. my

C. I

( ) 2. My classroom is on the ________ floor.

A. first

B. one

C. two

( ) 3. —Do you have a library? —________

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, we do.

C. No, it isn’t. ( ) 4. It’s 9:45. It’s time ________ music class.

A. to

B. for

C. of

( ) 5. It’s cold ________ Beijing.

A. on

B. is

C. in

( ) 6. —Wow, your school is cool! —________

A. Yes.

B. Thank you.

C. You’re welcome. ( ) 7. —What’s the weather like today? —________

A. It’s ne ar the desk.

B. It’s cool.

C. It’s red and yellow. ( ) 8. Can I go outside? 一________.

A. No, you can.

B. Yes, you are.

C. No, you can’t. ( ) 9. Is that the ________ office?

A. teachers

B. teach

C. teachers’

( ) 10. —What’s the ________ like in Xi’an? —It’s cloudy.

A. weather

B. time

C. weether


( ) 1. Is it cold? A. It’s on the first floor.

( ) 2. Where is your classroom? B. It’s 8:00.

( ) 3. Is this the computer room? C. Yes, it’s 4 degrees.

( ) 4. It’s 7 o’clock. D. No, it’s the library.

( ) 5. What time is it? E. It’s time for breakfast.


1. Let’s, to, playground, the, go (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. some, Can, soup, I, have (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. is, Where, room, music, the (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. you, Do, a, have, library (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. English, It’s, for, time (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 七、给下列句子排序。(12分)

( ) Can I go outside?

( ) OK!

( ) Mum, what time is it?

( ) Have some lunch, Mike!

( ) It’s 11:00.

( ) No, you can’t. It’s cold outside.


Hi, Sam!

How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great here! It’s hot and sunny. The weather is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? I hope you are happy everyday.


Dad ( ) 1. This letter (信) is from Sam’s father.

( ) 2. Sam’s dad is in Australia.

( ) 3. It’s cold in Sydney now.

( ) 4. Sam’s dad can swim outside.

( ) 5. Sam is in Sydney, too.


一、1-5 ACBBB

二、1-5 ABBAB

三、1-5 BAABB

四、1-5 AABAB


一、1-5 AABCC

二、1-5 √××√√ 6-10 ×√×√√

三、1. 7:30 2. 6:00 3. 10:20 4. 5:15

四、1-5 BABBC 6-10 BBCCA

五、1-5 CADEB

六、1. Let’s go to the playground.

2. Can I have some soup?

3. Where is the music room?

4. Do you have a library?

5. It’s time for English.


八、1-5 √√×√×



1. library

2. student

3. music

4. cloudy

5. dinner


1. Go to the library and read a book.

2. It’s 6:30. It’s time to get up.

3. It’s 5:00. It’s time to go home.

4. It’s warm in New York. It’s 20 degrees.

5. It’s snowy in Beijing. It’s very cold.


1. It’s on the second floor.

2. Welcome to our school.

3. Breakfast is ready.

4. It’s time to go t o bed.

5. Can I go outside now?


1. Where’s the library?

2. Is this your computer room?

3. Do you have a music room?

4. What’s the weather like today?

5. Who’s that man?



测试时间: 60分钟总分: 100分



( )1. A. gloves B. pants C. umbrella ( )2. A. nice B. expensive C. white ( )3. A. carrot B. clothes C. cheap ( )4. A. computer B. dinner C. breakfast ( )5. A. pretty B. potato C. tomato ( )6. A. go home B. get up C. go to bed ( )7. A. rainy B. sunny C. cloudy ( )8. A. computer room B. music room C. art room ( )9. A. scarf B. gloves C. sunglasses

( )10. A. jacket B. skirt C. shirt 二、请将你听到的句子选项填在()里。(10分)

( )1. A. How much is this shirt?

B. How much are these pants?

( )2. A. What colour is this scarf?

B. What colour is that skirt?

( )3. A.I like my gloves.

B. I like my glasses.

( )4. A. Go to the garden. Water the flowers.

B. Go to the playground. Play football.

( )5. A. Is this the computer room?

B. Is that the lunch room?

( )6. A. It’s time for lunch. Let’s have some chicken.

B. It’s time for dinner. Let’s eat some rice.

( )7. A. It’s snowy and cold in Harbin.

B. It’s sunny and warm in Kunming.

( )8. A. These are carrots and potatoes.

B. Those are carrots and tomatoes.

( )9. A. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?

B. Those gloves are nice. Can I try them on?

( )10. A. Hung up your pants.

B. Put away your pants.


( )1. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s cloudy.

( )2. A. They’re blue. B. They’re Amy’s. ( )3. A. It’s thirty yuan. B. It’s black.

( )4. A. Bye. B. Yes, it is.

( )5. A. No, they aren’t. B. No, it isn’t.

( )6. A. It’s 9 o’clock. B. It’s 9 yuan.

( )7. A. I t’s time to get up. B. It’s on the first floor.

( )8. A. They’re your father’s. B. They’re tall.

( )9. A. They’re carrots. B. It’s mine.

( )10. A. Thanks. B. Of course. Here you are.



( )1. Is this skirt ________?

A. you

B. your

C. your mother’s ( )2. How many ________ do you have?

A. tomatos

B. tomatoes

C. apple

( )3. ________ your coat. It’s cold outside.

A. Put on

B. Close

C. Take off ( )4. —What is it?

—It’s ________ umbrella.

A. a

B. an C/

( )5. They ________ apples and pears.

A. are

B. is

C. be

( )6. There are some ________ on the farm.

A. hen

B. sheep

C. scarf

( )7. —________ black jacket is this?

—It’s mine.

A. Who

B. What

C. Whose ( )8. Time ________ go home, kids.

A. for

B. to

C. in

( )9. —Whose ________ are these?

—They’re ________.

A. scarf, Mike

B. scarves, Sarah

C. scarves, Sam’s ( )10. —________ is this skirt?

—It’s 23 yuan.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How


1. green beans________

2. expensive________

3. clothes________

4. snowy________

5. computer room________

6. English class________

7. getup________

8. jacket________

9. skirt________ 10. sunglasses________ 11. go to bed________ 12. potato________

13.cool________ 14. teachers’ office________ 15. second floor________ 16. playground________ 17. pretty________ 18. how much________

19. sunny________ 20. dinner________


1. is/ breakfast/ it/ for/ time (.)

2. it/ hot/ is/ sunny/ today / and (?)

3. I/ go / now / to/ can/ bed (?)

4. is/ right/ the/ skirt/ just (.)

5. nice/ the / are/ green/ beans (.)

6. those/ are/ pants/ whose (?)

7. this / do/ like/ how/ you / skirt (?)

8. weather/ like/ in/ what/ the/ is / New York (?)

9. teachers’/ library / office /the / is/ to / the / next (.)

10. now/ I/ can/ go/ outside (?)



Andy:What a sunny day! Let’s go to the farm.

Tom:OK. Let’s go!

Sam:It’s a little cold. Put on your sweaters. And take our football. We can pl ay football there.

Andy and Tom: OK.

(At the farm)

Tom: Look! What are these?

Andy: They are cows. They are black and white.

Sam: Are those potatoes?

Tom: No! They are tomatoes.

Sam: I want to eat them. How much are they?

Farmer: They are 5 yuan. You can buy some.

Andy, Sam and Tom:They are good. We’ll take them.

( )1. Today is snowy.

( )2. It’s hot today so they wear they skits.

( )3. They want to buy some potatoes

( )4. The cows are white and black.

( )5. Sam, Tom and Andy go to the arm.


Mike is a student. Every day he gets up at six o’clock. His home is far from his school. He has his breakfast at home at six thirty. He usually has milk and bread for his breakfast He goes to school at seven o’clock. They begin class at eight o’clock. He has lunch at school. After lunch he plays games with his friends on the playground. In the afternoon, Mike has two classes. He goes home at 4:30. Mike is busy everyday. But he is very happy.

( )1. Mike usually gets up at six thirty.

( )2. His home is next to his school.

( )3. After breakfast he plays games with his father on the playground.

( )4. He goes to school at 7:00.

( )5. He is busy everyday, but he is very happy.





1. umbrella

2. expensive

3. cheap

4. computer

5. potato

6. go home

7. sunny

8. art room

9. sunglasses 10. jacket


1. How much are these pants?

2. What colour is that skirt?

3. I like my gloves.

4. Go to the playground. Play football.

5. Is this the computer room?

6. It’s time for dinner. Let’s eat some rice.

7. It’s sunny and warm in Kunming.

8. These are carrots and potatoes.

9. Those gloves are nice. Can I try them on?

10. Hung up your pants.


1. What’s the weather like in Hanzhong?

2. What colour are your shoes?

3. How much is this sweater?

4. Is this scarf your mother’s?

5. Are these horses?

6. What time is it now?

7. Where’s the art room?

8. Whose shorts are those?

9. What are these?

10. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?








五、1. 豆角 2. 昂贵 3. 衣服 4. 下雪的 5. 电脑室 6. 英语课

7. 起床8. 夹克9. 短裙10. 太阳镜11. 睡觉12. 土豆

13. 凉爽14. 教师办公室15. 二楼16. 操场17. 漂亮的

18. 多少钱19. 晴朗的20. 晚餐

六、1. It is time for breakfast.

2. Is it sunny and hot today?

3. Can I go to bed now?

4. The skirt is just right.

5. The green beans are nice.

6. Whose pants are those?

7. How do you like this skirt?

8. What is the weather like in New York?

9. The teachers’ office is next to the library?

10. Can I go outside now?

七、A:1-5 ×××√√

B:1-5 ×××√√


