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2013年 西城区二模 I finally understood……
I finally understood the love
It is said that parents are our best friends and they give us the most love, however, I used to feel that they didn’t care me at all. But a recent experience showed me that they loved me deeply.
One day, as soon as I reached home, my parents were watching TV. I asked if I could watch it for a few minutes. But they refused me coldly and just asked me to do my homework. At that moment, I felt that they nearly treated me as the air, and I wasn’t important in their eyes! After I finished my homework, suddenly, I overheard my mom talking to my dad: “We should try to keep quiet in order to create a comfortable environment for our child!”
At that time, tears ran out of my eyes because it was a pity that I never realized their love from these small actions! Perhaps I used to complain about my parents. But now I finally understood their deep love!
2013年 东城区二模 The person I respect most
The person I respect most
The person I respect most is my mother. She gives her whole energy to our family, especially to my school life. A recent experience
proved this truth.
One day, I was so angry with my best friend that I said some impolite words. After that, it’s hard to imagine how regretful I felt for those shameful sentences. Just then, my mother seemed like an angel helped me to sovle the problem. She told me to keep calm and not to worry. Then she explained the importance of friendship in one’s life. By her patient explanations, I began to gain confidence that it’s possible to fix our friendship.
Cares my mother offers me in my life are just like stars, even if they are small, they can still bright my life! I’m very thankful for what she has done for me!
be +<adv.>+for+sth./that ……
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