
更新时间:2024-06-24 18:31:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





1. Look at that boy. He looks smart. 2. I’m from Australia. 3. She looks very friendly. 4. I’m a shy boy. 5. I’m nine years old. 6. He is a funny man. 二、听录音,将相关内容连线。(读两遍) 1. I’m Jenny. I have chicken and tomatoes for lunch. 2. My name is Tom. I have tofu and fish today.

3. I’m May. I’d like some potatoes and eggplant for dinner. 4. My name is Sally. I’d like mutton and cabbage for lunch. 5. I’m Anna. I have pork and green beans for lunch. 三、听录音,选择正确的译句。(读两遍)

1. The girl on the left is my sister. 2. Ann comes from Australia. 3. She’s a student in Class One, Grade Five. 4. My uncle is a postman. 5. The girl with short hair is my sister. 四、听录音,给图片标号。(读两遍) 1. —Can you swim, Mike? —Yes, I can.

2. —What’s in the basket? —There’s a dog. 3. —Can I help you? —Yes. I need some pencils. 4. —Is there a football under the bed? —No, there is a basketball. 5. —Do you like horses? —No, I don’t. I like pandas. 6. —Shall we put the vase on the table? —Good idea.


1. I am Tina. I am twelve years old. I am a student. I am from Canada. I like shopping and reading.

2. Hi, I am Jack. I am fifty years old. I am a doctor. I come from Japan. I like painting.




一、1—6. T F T F T T

二、1-DG 2-EI 3-CF 4-AJ 5-BH 三、1—5. D B E A C 四、6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3

五、1. twelve (12) Canada student shopping and reading 2. fifty (50) Japan doctor painting


一、1—5. B A B B B 6—10. A C C C B 二、1—5. T F T T F

三、1. stamps 2. goes 3. pens 4. sunny 5. His 四、1. diary 2. island 3. dictionary 4. doctor 5. envelopes 五、1—5. B D H C F 六、1. We don’t have any scissors.

2. It’s Mary’s.

3. What does your mother need? 4. Is it cold in winter?

5. 孩子们喜欢在春天放风筝。 七、1—5. C B E A D 八、1—5. T F F T F


一、1—5. A B A C A 二、1—4. B C C A

