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作者:张慧玲 郭霞


摘 要 幼儿学会与人合作的品质已是当前教育的重要目标之一。建构游戏具有群体性,最有利于培养幼儿的合作意识。幼儿通过自己的或与同伴的共同活动,把最感兴趣的事情反映出来,从中学会共处,学会合作。在游戏中教师有效的指导策略,会增强幼儿的合作意识,提高他们的合作技能。在建构游戏活动中培养幼儿交往的兴趣与合作能力是一条重要途径。 关键词 建构游戏 幼儿 合作意识 合作能力 中图分类号:G610 文献标识码:A

Guide Policy to Develop Children's Cooperation Ability in the Construction Activities ZHANG Huiling, GUO Xia

(Shenxian Experimental Kindergarten, Liaocheng, Shandong 252400)

Abstract Cooperative children learn and human quality is one of the important goals of current education. The game has a construction group, the most conducive to the cultivation of children's cooperation consciousness. The children by their common activity or with a partner, the most interesting things are reflected, learn coexistence, and learn to cooperate. Teacher's effective guidance strategies in the game can enhance children's cooperation consciousness, improve their working skills.

Key words construction of the game; Children; The sense of cooperation; cooperative ability

现在的孩子大多数是独生子女,家长的过度呵护溺爱,再加上大多数家长缺乏基本的育儿知识,使孩子变得越来越以自我为中心,表现出不会与人合作,缺乏合作意识等。《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》指出:幼儿要愿意与人交往、能和同伴友好相处。由此可见,培养幼儿学会与人合作的品质是幼儿未来发展、适应社会、立足社会的不可或缺的重要素质。幼儿合作能力的培养在儿童时期如此重要,而建构游戏又恰恰为幼儿合作创造很好的机会,如何在建构游戏中培养幼儿的合作能力?笔者认为可以从以下几个方面入手: 1 设置不同层次的活动目标,循序渐进

