ICAO陆空对话 test1A
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Test One
Call sing: AFR 126 Destination: ZBAA Origin: LFPG
[Your call sign is AFR126, destination Beijing, 8900m maintaining, over TMR, TZH 10, squawk 6021, now contact Beijing Control.]
1. P: ______ Beijing Control, AFR126, 8900m maintaining, over TMR, TZH 10, squawk 6021.____
C: AFR126, Beijing Control, squawk 6021, radar contact, negative short cut, over fly TZH due to Air Force activity. [Read back]
2. P: ___ Radar contact, over fly TZH due to Air Force movement, AFR126.____ [Ask the controller which runway is in use.]
3. P: __ Beijing Control, AFR126, request runway in use.___________________ C: AFR126, expect KM01 arrival, runway in use 36L. [Read back]
4. P: __ Expect KM01 arrival, runway 36L, AFR126________________ [Ask whether you can use KM03 arrival and land on runway 01.]
5. P: __ If available, request KM03 arrival, landing on RWY 01, AFR126.___ C: AFR126, after KM, you can request Beijing Approach for change of runway. [Read back]
6. P: _ After KM, request change runway, AFR126._________________.
C: AFR126, descend to and maintain 4500m over KM. [Read back]
7. P: _ Descend to and maintain 4500m over KM, AFR126._______________. C: AFR126, contact Beijing Approach 119.7, good day. [Read back]
8. P: ___119.7, good day, AFR126._______________________________. [Over Km, maintaining 4500m, contact Beijing Approach and request runway 01, KM03 arrival.]
9. 9. P: __ Beijing Approach, over KM, 4500m maintaining, request runway 01, KM03 arrival, AFR126._______________________________________. C: AFR126, negative due to spacing, KM01 arrival, runway in use 36L, information A. [Read back] 10. P:
[Tell the controller that your flap has some problem.]
11. P: _ Beijing Control, we’re having trouble with our flaps, AFR126. C: AFR126, roger, say intention. [You have to hold for a check.]
12. P: ___ Request holing for a check, AFR126.________________.
C: AFR126, descend to and maintain 3000m on QNH 1012, turn left direct to HUR, hold as published. [Read back]
13. P: __ Descend to and maintain 3000m on QNH 1012, turn left direct to HUR, hold as published, AFR126._______________________________________. [Operations are now normal, request landing.]
14. P: _ Beijing Approach, operations are now normal, request cancel hold, AFR126.________________________________________
C: AFR126, Beijing Approach, continue holding. Runway is being cleaned due thick snow, landing action poor. [Read back]
15. P: _Holding position, AFR126._______________________________________. [There is something wrong with the nose wheel steering system, request a tug after landing.]
16. P: __ Beijing Approach, request a tug after landing, our nose wheel steering system failed, AFR126._______________________________________. C: Roger, AFR126, is there anything else abnormal?
[Other systems normal, ask the controller how long the delay is.]
17. P: _ Negative, other systems normal, how long is the delay? AFR126.________________________________________. C: AFR126, snow is getting heavier, you have to hold about 1 hour. [The remaining fuel can hold for half hour, you have to request diversion.] 18. P: _ Our endurance is 0030, request diversion, AFR126.___________. C: AFR126, stand by.
[Your fuel temperature indicates abnormal, you can only hold 10 minutes, request divert to Dalian airport.]
19. P: __ Beijing Approach, fuel temperature warning light on, endurance only 10 minutes, request divert to Dalian, AFR125._________________. C: Standby one, we will ask Air Force to use a temporary route. [Read back]
20. P: _ Roger, AFR126.________________________________________. C: AFR126, climb to and maintain 8100m on standard. [Read back]
21. P: _ Climb to and maintain 8100m on standard, AFR126.___________. C: AFR126, direct to Dalian airport, contact Beijing Control 120.35. [Read back]
22.P:Direct to Dalian, 120.35, AFR126.___________________________________.
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