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Chapter one
T or F
T 1. One factor affecting lifestyles in the United States is the different climates. F. 2. American Indians all speak the same language.
F. 3. The dominant American culture was established by immigrants who came from southern Europe. F. 4. Throughout the history of the United States, more immigrants have come from English-speaking countries than any other countries.
F 5. U.S. immigration policy has stayed the same for the last 100 years.
T 6. The English language has no adjective for United States and therefore uses the term American to refer to its people.
F 7. It is not possible to make generalizations about what Americans believe because they are so different.
Chapter Two
Early settlers came to the North American continent and established colonies mainly because they wanted to be free from______.
a. the power of kings, priests, and noblemen. b. the influence of their families.
c. the problems of poverty and hunger.
There are no titles of nobility in the United States today because___.
a. no one likes aristocrats. b. the church does not allow it.
c. they are forbidden by the Constitution.
The American belief in self-reliance means that ______
a. receiving money from charity, family, or the government is never allowed. b. if a person is very dependent on others, he or she will be respected by others.
c. people must take care of themselves and be independent, or risk losing their personal
The American Belief in equality of opportunity means that______
a. all Americans are rich.
b. Americans believe that everyone should be equal. c. everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
In the United States, learning to compete successfully is_____.
a. part of growing up.
b. not seen as healthy by most people.
c. not necessary, because Americans believe in equality.
Traditionally, immigrants have been able to raise their standard of living by coming to the United states because ______.
a. Americans value money more than anything else. b. there were such abundant natural resources. c. the rich nave shared their wealth with the poor. Americans see their material possessions as ______.
a. having nothing to do with social status. b. the natural reward for their hard work.
c. showing no evidence of a person’s abilities. A belief in the value of hard work______.
a. developed because it was necessary to work hard to convert natural resources into
material goods.
b. developed because the immigrants who came here had a natural love of hard work. c. has never been a part of the American value system because people have so much.
Chapter Three
1. Although there is cultural pluralism in the United States, there is no religious pluralism. F
2. The Protestant denominations (such as Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian) are all part of the Roman Catholic church. F
3. No single church has become the center of religious life in the United States because the emphasis is on the individual, not a particular church. T
4. Most of the settlers who came to colonial America to escape religious persecution in Europe were Catholics. F
5. The Constitution of the United States separates church and state and forbids the government from ever establishing a national church. T 6. Protestantism encourages a strong desire for self-improvement. T 7. Some American Protestant leaders have said that people who are rich have been blessed by God. T
8. The Protestant work ethic is the belief that people should share their time and their wealth to help others. F
9. A majority of Americans now consider themselves part of the religious, politically conservative movement. F
10. The national religion of the United States is a mixture of religion and patriotism. T Chapter Four
? __F_ The frontier experience began in about 1890 and is still continuing in the American West today.
? __T_ One reason why many Americans are still fascinated by the frontier period is that it represents a time when the traditional basic American values were expressed in their purest forms.
? __F_ The settling of the frontier did little to affect the lives of the American Indians.
? __T_ Daniel Boone is an example of the earliest type of rugged individualist hero, a man who fight against the wilderness.
? __F_ The primary qualities of the American macho hero are intelligence, sensitivity, and caring for others.
? __F_ It is difficult for the average American to buy a gun, so very few people own them.
? __T_ Members of the NRA believe the right to own a gun is guaranteed in the United States Constitution.
? __F_ The can-do spirit came from the willingness of the pioneers to work together on a cooperative project for the good of all.
? __F_ On the frontier, family name and ancestry were more important
than what a person could do.
? __F_ On the frontier, the rich and the poor rarely mixed, and social class was more important than in the more settled regions.
Chapter Five
1. Most American businesses are directly or indirectly owned by the government. F
2. Most Americans believe that business supports ideals and values which are important to the country. T
3. Americans believe that competition among businesses is good for the economy but it does little to protect the freedom of the individual. F
4. To succeed in American business, Americans believe that family background and social position are more important than anything, including hard work. F
5. Most Americans believe that success in business offer the best chance to fulfill the dream of being wealthy T
6. The entrepreneur may be admired since he or she started a successful business from practically nothing. T
7. Women now make up about half of the workforce and are CEOs of about half of the large corporations in the United States. F
8. In the global economy, American businesses have become more competitive by hiring many new workers and enlarging their companies. F 9. CEOs have been criticized for spending large amounts of company money on themselves. T
10. Men and women who put their families first may have difficulty getting top managerial jobs in the United States. T Chapter Six
1. Americans do not want to have a strong national government because A. they are afraid of their political leaders.
B. they are afraid it will put limits on their individual freedom. C. they are much more concerned with national glory. 2. The Constitution of the United States A. gives by far the most power to congress. B. gives by far the most power to the president.
C. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others. 3. The president of the United States
A. has the power to make official treaties with foreign governments without the approval of Congress.
B. can veto a law that has been passed by Congress.
C. is elected if his political party wins most of the seats in Congress. 4. The Bill of Rights
A. explains the rights of Congress and the rights of the president.
B. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms.
C. is part of the Declaration of Independence. 5. The American ideal of the free individual
A. was exemplified by the farmers and the frontier settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
B. was exemplified by the businessman before the Civil War of the 1860s.
C. caused the national government to grow in size and strength during the late 1800s.
6. The number of electoral votes a candidate receives
A. is determined by who wins the total popular vote nationwide. B. is determined by the states the candidate wins.
C. is equal to the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives.
7. Which of these statements is true?
A. George W. Bush became president in 2000 because he won a plurality of votes nationwide.
B. The Supreme Court played a major role in the 2000 election.
C. Most Americans dislike Social Security because they see it as a form of welfare.
8. Stronger gun-control laws are favored by A. The National Rifle Association. B. Most of the American people. C. Very few Americans.
?9. Which statement about lobby groups is not true? A. They have become less powerful in recent years.
B. They try to influence the government and public opinion. C. They have caused the government to get larger.
10. Which statement about the traditional stances of the political parties is false?
A. The Democrats believe that government should play a major role in solving society’s problems.
B. The Republicans believe that business and the free market can solve society’s problems.
C. The Republicans and the Democrats basically agree about the role of government and they have the same political beliefs.
- exercise2
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