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1. 获得知识经验(或自拟一点内容) 2. 提高交际能力(或自拟一点内容) 参加社团的意义 3. 培养团队精神(或自拟一点内容) 4. ……(自拟一点内容) 1. 多种社团,自主选择(自拟2个社团名称) 社团组织的情况 2. 时间:每周二下午四点 地点:教学楼二楼、三楼的教室 1. 参加一两个社团(或自拟一点内容) 2. 积极参加社团活动(或自拟一点内容) 参加社团的建议 3. 合理筹划安排时间(或自拟一点内容) 4. ……(自拟一点内容) 注意:

1.表达中必须包含所给要点,可适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2.词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计人总词数。 3.表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Dear fellow students,

Clubs play an important role in our school life. In club activities, we can learn a lot from the students with the same hobbies and improve ourselves. ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Sam


Dear fellow students

Clubs play an important role in our school life. In club activities, we can learn a lot from the students with the same hobbies and improve ourselves. If you join the clubs, you can learn a lot of knowledge and get rich experience. It’s good for you to learn to communicate with others. Clubs can offer you chances to have team spirit. Also, you can make a lot of friends and meet all kinds of people. We have many kinds of clubs for you to choose, such as Science Club, Reading Club, Drawing Club. Club activities will begin at 4.00 every Tuesday afternoon, on the second and third floors of the teaching building.

Finally I’d like to offer you some advice. I think you’d better choose one or two clubs because you don’t have much time for too many activities. Also, you ought to take an active part in the activities on time. Besides, it’s necessary for you to plan your time carefully. I hope you can achieve a balance between study and club activities and feel happy in the clubs. Sam

【考点】初中英语知识点》写作》提纲作文 【解析】

试题分析:本文的写作首先开门见山进行说明加入社团的好处如获得知识经验you can learn a lot of knowledge and get rich experience.提高交际能力learn to communicate with others培养团队精神have team spirit.然后对社团组织的情况进行说明如名词Science Club, Reading Club时间,地点情况进行介绍;最后提出自己的对于参加社团的建议参加一两个社团choose one or two clubs 积极参加社团活动take an active part in the activities on time.合理筹划安排时间plan your time

carefully.并表达自己的祝福I hope you can achieve a balance between study and club activities and feel happy in the clubs. 考点:提纲类写作

点评:初中英语的作文,着重考察学生连词成句的能力,要在“准”字上下功夫。在写作中注意人称与谓语动词的数关系和动词时态等诸多方面。在对所出现的问题或是采取的措施描写中注意使用连词或是好的句式如have a far-reaching effect on sth对…有深远的影响,only 置于句首的倒装及only when …,can we…等。对于中学作文的写作,尽量将所学的知识运用到作文中,写出富于变化、结构紧凑的文章,不要出现中式英文。在平时的练习中,注意多背诵范文,对于写的好的句子进行默写,考试时就能写出准确地道的作文。

2.根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。 假设你叫Lingling,昨天收到了笔友Tom的e-mail, 得知他不久要到大连来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail, 介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。

(信的开头和结尾已给出,其字数不计入所完成的短文内。)提示; Chinese, be, useful, many foreigners, learn, now, difficult, different from, it is important…., listen, talk, read, write Dear Tom ,

I’m glad you’ll come to Dalian to learn Chinese. _____________________ Hope to see you soon in Dalian.Yours, Lingling







3.上个月,你们学校开展了“文明规范月”活动,活动以来发生了很大变化。假如你是班长,请你根据下面表格内容提示,代表同学们进行总结发言,总结你身边同学的不同表现,同时发表自己的看法。 文 明 行 为 1. 与老师、同学友好相处,见到老师问好。 2. 及时关好门窗、电灯。 3. 帮助需要帮助的同学。 4. …… 你的看法及对这种活动的感受 …… 不 文 明 行 为 1. 有些同学不注意环境卫生,乱扔垃圾。 2. 少数同学在公共场所喧哗,无排队习惯。 3. …… 要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;

3. 词数不少于90,开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数。

How time flies! Great changes have taken place in our school since we took part in the civilized norms month activity. Now most of us can act better than before. _____________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________

【答案】How time flies! Great changes have taken place in our school since we took part in the civilized norms month activity. Now most of us can act better than before. We can get on well with our teachers and classmates. Some of us are so careful that we often help close the windows or the doors or turn off the lights. Some of us are kind enough to help the students in need.

Sadly, some of us pay no attention to what they are doing. For example, they care nothing about the environment. Sometimes they throw away rubbish here and there, and make a lot of noise in public. They are too impatient to wait in line. A few of us say bad words or quarrel with others.

