第四讲 广告语翻译(上课)handout

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第四讲 广告语翻译

Part I广告翻译的类别和策略:

1.1 直译(Literal Translation)


Challenge the Limits. 挑战极限(SAMSUNG)

Winning the hearts of the world 赢取天下心(Air France法国航空公司) Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand 伴你同行,齐握未来 (The Tai Ping Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 太平人寿) The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus--automobile)


What can be imagined, can be realized. 只要有梦想,万事可成真。(香港电讯) We're Siemens. We can do that. 我们是西门子,我们能办到(Siemens西门子) Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历(United Airlines联合航空)

来是他乡客 去时故人心 When you come, you are a guest of ours, when you leave, we are the friends of yours. (Central Hotel中心大酒店)


Ask for more! 渴望无限 (Pepsi-cola--百事可乐) For next generation. 新一代的选择。(Pepsi-cola--百事可乐)

The COLOR OF SUCCESS! 让你的业务充满色彩。 (Minolta--copier machine) Whatever makes you happy. 为您设想周全 让您称心如意 (Credit Suisse) UPS. On time, every time. UPS—准时的典范(UPS--快递)

Every time a good time 秒秒钟欢聚欢笑(McDonald's--麦当劳)

We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. (UPS--快递)

Begin your own tradition. (Patek Philippe Geneve百达翡丽--Watch)

1.3再创型翻译/创译 (Creative Translation)

Connecting People 科技以人为本 (Nokia)

The Way Ahead 九铁动力 拓新领域 (KCRC九广铁路)

Music makes us 生有趣?乐无穷(2000/01乐季--康乐及文化事务署)

Quality Services for Quality Life 凝聚新动力 文康展新姿 (康乐及文化事务署) Ma Belle is Diamond 只因为您 更有价值(Ma Belle-jewelry) Good to the last drop!滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!(雀巢咖啡)

A great way to fly 新加坡航空,飞越万里,超越一切。 (Singapore Airlines--新加坡航空) It happens at the Hilton (Hilton)

It's all within your reach. (AT&T 电讯)

1.4增补型翻译(Supplementary Translation/Over Translation)


Be good to yourself. Fly emirates. 纵爱自己 纵横万里 (Emirates--阿联酋航空) Any shape and size to Europe 不同大小各种形状,火速直飞欧洲。(Federal Express--联邦快递) You're at 35,000 feet. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be in both places at once. 身在35,000呎的纽约上空,巴黎的浪漫仍系心中…唯你的劳力士可两地相容。”(Rolex--劳力士)

Elegance is an attitude (Longines--浪琴表)

Beyond your imagination(Korean Air--大韩航空)


Trust us for life 财务稳健 信守一生(American International Assurance)

straight talk smart deals直言实干,称心方案 (East Asia Heller Ltd.--东亚兴业有限公司) Your Future Is Our Future 与您并肩 ? 迈向明天(Hongkong Bank--汇丰银行) Taking the lead in a Digital World领先数码,超越永恒(SAMSUNG) Live with focus 生活有“焦点”,才是真正享受! (ford focus汽车) Focus on Life 人生难忘片段,永留印记(Olympus相机) Anytime(Global Express, Logistics & Mail TNT 快递服务)

Prepare to want one (Hyundai汽车)

We race, you win.(Ford)

1.5 浓缩型翻译(Condensed Translation) Overseas. Time set free Overseas. 自由真义(Vacheron Constantin--江诗丹顿)

Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. 安联集团,永远站在你身边 (Allianz Group安联集团) Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. (Heading) If information is power, then inspiration must be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results. At Compaq we believe technology is no longer simply a tool for information. It’s a tool for inspiration. Redefining access. From set time to any time. From one place to a million places. With the touch of a button, we no longer fire-up just our computers, but our imaginations. We’re moving beyond the limitations of Information Technology to a new technology. Welcome to the new IT. Inspiration Technology from Compaq.

灵感—伟大成就之源。(标题)如果信息是力量,灵感便是一股使我们从按部就班到挥洒自如、从平淡无奇到不可思议、从构思意念到取得成果的潜能。康柏相信,科技不再只是简单的信息工具,而是启发灵感的魔力。科技把「联系」一词重新定义:不再有时空的界限。科技提供了新的工作方法,新的合作模式。触动按钮,我们启动的不再只是计算机,还有无穷的想象力。现在,我们终于超越了信息科技的限制,迈进全新科技境界。激发灵感的科技—康柏Inspiration Technology,欢迎进入新的IT世界。)(Compaq--computer)

1.6 不译

Volvos have always forced other cars to be safer. This one will force them to be better. (Slogan:) for life Volvo 安全可靠,早已闻名天下。崭新S80一登场,再度成为典范!(口号﹕) for life (Volvo S80--automobile)

My way, this is what I create. (Slogan:) for life 路,由我闯出来 (口号﹕) for life (Volvo Cross Country)

Because ENERGY is essential and LIFE is precious. (Slogan) Doing what others dare not能源虽是必须的,但我们更要尊重大自然的生命 (口号﹕) Doing what others dare not. (Environmental Protection)

Use the American Express Card to reflect your classic style. (Slogan:) do more使用美国运通卡,配衬经典型格 (口号﹕) do more (American Express美国运通)

Currently taking on all projects. Large. Small. IMPOSSIBLE. (Slogan:) Never stop thinking. 无论任务大小,即使是不可能,我们必都全力以赴。(口号﹕) Never stop thinking. (Infineon Technologies)

NEC Multimedia welcomes you home. (Slogan:) just imagine 这里变成你家!(口号﹕) just imagine (NEC Multimedia)

Open your eyes to the world (Slogan:) The world’s news leader CNN国际新闻网让您放眼看世界 (口号﹕) The world’s news leader CNN International (CNN International)

How would you know which one handles better? (Slogan:) The Ultimate Driving Machine好与不好?自己掌握 (口号﹕) 登峰造极 (BMW宝马)

