7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

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7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar (I) Prepositions of movement

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

cross I must ________the road to go to school.

= walk/go across the roadprep.

prepositions of movement(移动方位介词)

zebra crossing

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar










7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

along意为“沿着,循着” 如: 沿着,循着” 沿着 We walk along the road. 我们沿着路走。 I drive along the river. 我驾车沿着小河前进。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

over意为“越过, 从……正上边过去” “越过 正上边过去” 正上边过去 The boy climbs over the wall. 那个小男孩爬过了墙。 A bird is flying over the river. 一只鸟儿正从小河上方飞过。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

round意思是“ 围绕” 意思是“环绕 ”、“围绕”。如: The earth moves round the sun. 地球围绕太阳运行。 He is traveling roundthe world. 他正在进行环球旅行。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

across意为 “(从平面 平面)横穿”

Tip: walk across=crossprep.


through表示“(从空间内部 空间内部穿过)”。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

Be careful when you street. 过马路时你应小心。

walk across


Can you swim across 你能游过这条河么?

the river?

The hunter walks through the forest. 猎人穿过了森林。 The moonlight shines through window. the 月光透过窗户照射进来。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

up意为“往上,向……上” .

down意为 “沿着……往下”

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

He climbs up a hill. 他爬上了山。 He walks up the stairs. 他从楼梯往上走 . He climbs down the tree at once. 他立刻从树上爬了下来。 The boat goes down 那艘船顺流而下。 the river.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

from意思是 “来自……” 表示起始和来源。


7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

I get a letter from my brother 我收到了我弟弟的来信。


I come to Nanjing from Changzhou . 我从常州来到南京。 I walk to school every day. 我每天步行到校 .Tip: walk to home

She will fly to Beijing tomorrow. 她将于明天飞往北京。

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

Talk about what they’re doing with prepositions of movement.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

across The little horse is walking _______ the river.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

to People are walking________ the bus.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

through The train is going _______ the tunnel.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

along The cows are walking ______ the river.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

up The worker is climbing____ the ladder.

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

The dog is walking______ the stairs. down

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

The woman is jumping _____ the stick. over

7B Unit 3 Finding your way Grammar

What are they doing?train



Simon is swimming across the pool. Sandy is going to the library. A train is going through a tunnel.

