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Part I Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to

select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.

If you?re struggling to drop pounds, finding out your personality traits may help you make it easier. Whether you?re the life of the party, a bookworm, or a night owl, your personality plays a 1)___ large role in your ability to slim down. Follow this guide to discover your personality type and use your own characteristics to lose weight.

Being a little stuck on yourself may not be such a bad thing when trying to lose weight. “Self-centered people 2)__to consider their own interests, which could lead them to better conserve their energy and have more willpower to make 3)___choices,” says Heidi Hanna, PhD, a performance coach. People-pleasers, on the other hand, may get overly stressed about helping everyone else and find themselves depleted(筋疲力尽的) at the end of the day. This often triggers 4)___ food choices, says Hanna. Instead, practice being more “selfish” in asking for what you want and sticking to it without feeling 5)___. Meet friends after your workout instead of 6)___ your exercise plans, or ask them to join you.

Outgoing people incline to allow stress to accumulate to the point that?s known as “amygdala hijack(突发过激反应),” says Hanna. This is where we 7)___ the more basic, primitive part of our brain versus our more human pre-frontal cortex(前额皮层). “The latter allows us to consider our long-term 8)____ and make healthier choices,” says Hanna. This pleasure-based eating has been shown to trigger an addictive response that often 9)____ to overeating high-calorie, high-fat comfort foods. “If you enjoy being the center of 10)____, try putting yourself in social

situations that don?t involve food,” suggests Art Markman, PhD. Professor of psychology at the University of Texas.

A) aspect C) canceling E) deep G) goals I) healthy K) merely M) surprisingly O) tend B) attention D) causes F) following H) guilty J) leads L) poor N) utilize 1—5 MOILH 6---10 CNGJB

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements

attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by writing the corresponding letter in the blank.

Your Password or Your Privacy

A) Matthew Breuer has shared the passwords to his computer, e-mail and social media accounts with every girlfriend he?s ever had. It?s a matter of convenience—she can check his e-mail when he can?t access it or get into his phone to change the song playing on the speakers. But it?s also symbolic. B) “I feel like it?s so much easier to live in a relationship where you know you have nothing to hide and are entirely honest about who you are and what you?re doing,” he says. “Times in my life when I?ve realized that something wasn?t working in my relationship coincided with(与…同时发生) times when I would be worried, ?Oh, do I really want to say this on Face-book to somebody else?? It?s such a red

flag if there?s something you?re concerned about your partner seeing. That means there?s some fundamental issue with your relationship beyond privacy.” Breuer has most American couples on his side. According to a recent Pew study, 67% of Internet users in marriages or relationships have shared passwords to one or more of their accounts with their partner.

C) Though we don?t feel comfortable exchanging passwords with perhaps more trustworthy family members and long-term friends, we do feel comfortable exchanging access to our personal information with boyfriends and girlfriends. It?s an exercise in trust, the logic goes. If you have nothing to hide, why would you want to hide your password? And, as Breuer points out, knowing someone may look over your shoulder can keep you honest.

D) For Jasmine Tobie, seeing someone else?s transgressions (越轨)via e-mail has saved her from a toxic relationship. After finding some receipts that proved her boyfriend was lying to her about being on a business trip one weekend, she decided to look at his e-mail to be sure before she pulled the plug on the relationship. “Once I found that I just had to have more evidence.” She didn?t know his password, but was able to guess correctly using clues on his desktop. “He was still ?communicating? with his exes. He had taken a trip to visit an ex and told me it was a work trip. He was still signed up with dating sites and other ?hookup? sites and actively communicating with those people… I found some pictures of him and people he swore were ?friends? in the act.” The two had dated for a year and lived together for about nine months. “:I was trying to find some way to give him the benefit of the doubt. In the end, it did clarify for me that he was not it for me at all and that there were issues I couldn?t fix.” Tobie adds that those were extraordinary circumstances, and she wouldn?t read someone else?s e-mails again. She doesn?t share passwords with her current boyfriend.

E) In most circumstances, psychologists suggest keeping passwords private. “In relationships, we depend on each other for a lot of things, but it?s good and healthy to have some independence too,” says Kelly Campbell, PhD of Psychology. “The more you self-disclose, the happier you are. But the happiest

couples have some degree of secrecy and privacy.” Unsurprisingly, sharing passwords can cause some serious problems during a relationship or after it ends. F) Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Vannabes, advises the teens she talks to for her research to not share passwords because “the relationships can change so quickly, and the emotions behind the breakups can be so strong.” She says that one high scholar she worked with was blind-sided when his ex-girlfriend found his phone. “She knew where he charged his phone during class and knew his password, so she went in and sent all sorts of texts to friends, to another girl he was talking to—it really created a lot of problems for him.”

G) Though one might assume that teens and 20-somethings are the ones foolishly sharing passwords—and suffering from the resulting drama—the survey found that the practice of password-sharing is pretty equal across age groups, and that 18-29-year-olds were actually the least likely to share passwords. 64% of 18-29-year-olds share passwords, compared with 70% of 30-49-year-olds, 66% of 50-64-year-olds, and 69% of those over 65.

H) And you don?t have to be a teenager to have password problems with your significant other. Suzy, a 46-year-old mother, got into a dangerous situation years ago when her then-boyfriend started reading her e-mails. She hadn?t given him her password, but one day she forgot to log out and he checked her e-mail. The couple had been on-again-off-again, and she hadn?t told him that she had created an online dating profile while they were apart. She had since deleted the profile and deleted most of the e-mail exchanges with the man she met through the site. “But he went through all my e-mails, including ones that I had thrown away. He went into every folder. He got really mad and basically attacked me,” she says. “I ended up having to call an ambulance.”

I) Since, she says she?s never even considered sharing passwords with a significant other. “I now have this paranoia(偏执) where I wouldn?t even share it even if I trusted someone. You never know what?s going to upset someone,” she says. “I don?t know if that makes me less trusting or just wiser.”

J) Still, optimists like Breuer are undeterred (未受阻的)by such horror stories. Breure says he has always developed friendship with the girls he has dated before dating, and therefore felt they could be honest with one another. “I think sharing passwords honestly ends up affording you the privacy you want,” Breure says, pointing to a password etiquette that has developed between him and his partners in recent years. “Just because you tell somebody your password to things doesn?t mean they actually end up looking through your stuff.” Breuer says he?s never changed his password after a breakup since he?s always trusted and respected those he has dated.

K) Campbell says the best way to determine if you?re ready to share passwords with your significant other is to check and see if you?re on the same page. “If you have any question in your mind, the answer is no,” says Campbell. “I would say that it should be reciprocal. You shouldn?t be sharing something if your partner also didn?t share it…People are happiest when they have a match. You and your partner should be a match in that respect too.”

11. We feel at ease sharing passwords with our partner, but not with our family members.

12. Although couples are happier when they share more, the happiest couples don?t

share everything.

13. Jasmine Tobie ended an unhealthy relationship after she found evidence of her boyfriend?s cheating.

14. A middle-aged mother was ever beaten by her then-boyfriend years ago after he read her e-mails.

15. Teenagers are advised to keep their passwords private because the relationships

are unstable and they may not have a good control over their emotions after breakups.

16. Most American couples think that if there is something they don't want their partner to see on their social media, their relationship probably isn?t working. 17. Campbell holds that before you are determined to share your passwords, you?d

A) inclined B) subjected C) subject D) clung 【”subject sb to sth.”意为“使某人经受…”, 句意为“宇航员们在真正坐航天器


35. I feel ________ for a swim. Do you want to come?

A) going B) to go C) like going D) like to go 【feel like doing sth.意为“很想要做某事”】

36. He was having serious trouble ________ where to start.

A) to know B) not to know C) knowing D) not knowing 【have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 意为“很难做某事”。句意为“他很难知


37. The insects are so small that they are difficult __________ without using a microscope (显微镜).

A) in seeing B) to be seen C) to see D) being seen 【形容词后通常带不定式的一般式做主语补足语。】 38. You can?t function properly when _________.

A) your sleep is deprived B) you are deprived sleep C) you are deprived of sleep D) deprived sleep

【deprive sb. of sth.意为“剥夺某人某物”。句意为“当你被剥夺了睡眠时,你


39. _______ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.

A) Besides B) Despite(prep.) C) Though D) While 【Though和While都是连词,而the advances of science为名词短语,所以只能 用介词despite。根据题意“虽然科学在发展,但老年期的不适无疑会始终陪伴


40. But a regular inspection every four or five years cannot provide enough information _______ to judge the effectiveness of a school.

A) at which B) with which C) by which D) to which 【“judge … by…”意为“根据…来判断”。“介词+关系代词+不定式”结构

作定语等于“介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。句意为“但是每四五年的一次例行检查不能提供足够信息来判断一所学校的效益。”】 Section B

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words given in brackets.

41. Alice read the letter with a _______________ expression on her face. (puzzle)(puzzled感到困惑的)句意为“爱丽丝脸上带着困惑的表情读这封信。” 42. After three hours? _______________ delay, the train at last arrived. (frustrate) (frustrating令人沮丧的),句意为“在令人沮丧的推迟了三小时后,火车终于到了。”

43. Since we sent out the invitations, we?ve received five _________________ and one refusal. (accept)


44. He looked at me in __________________ and did not answer the question. (confuse)

(confusion,词组in confusion非常困惑地),句意为“他非常困惑地看着我并没有回答那个问题。”

45. Details and ____________ vary from one culture to another, but the similarities are evident. (emphasize)


46. Age and experience will be _______________ factors in our choice of candidate. (determine)


47. We want to make this a truly _____________ day for the children. (memory) (memorable形容词,意为“难忘的”)。句意为“我们想要使这一天成为孩子们难忘的一天。”

48. Harry got angry because he thought Bobby was after his job, but it was all a

___________and now he?s apologized. (understand)


49. Over the years, he gained greater __________ with(对…越来越熟悉) the culture and way of life in the country. (familiar)


50. The child?s honesty was _____________.(admire)

(admirable/ admired形容词,意为“值得赞赏的,令人钦佩的”)句意为“孩子的诚实令人钦佩。”

