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Chapter 1 Join Our Club

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

戏剧 d_________运动 s_________英语 E_________音乐 m_________

美术 a_________园艺 g_________宠物 p_________数学 m_________

社团 c_________最好的 b_______为什么w_______因为b__________

Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、在语篇中理解意思)


十分喜欢 q________ l_________提高i____________学习l__________

把宠物带学校来 b_________ my pet to school真正好的图画a r________ g_______ p_______我喜欢运动胜过园艺。(better than)______________________________________

Key sentences & grammars主要句型和语法(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)

1. 你为什么想要加入戏剧社团____________________________________________________

2. 因为我喜欢戏剧。______________________________________________________________

3. 我喜欢英语、绘画和戏剧。不过我最喜欢的是戏剧。


4. 我也最喜欢戏剧。_______________________________________________________________

5. 我不喜欢音乐。_______________________ 我也不喜欢音乐。_______________________

6. 让我们加入戏剧社团吧!________________________________________________________

7. 你想要加入哪个社团__________________________________________________________

Chapter 2 Rules In Fun Places

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

关闭t______ o____保持安静k______ q_______垃圾l________

吐痰s_______吐痰(+ing) s_______跑步r_______跑步(+ing) r_______跳水d_______跳水(+ing) d_______攀爬c________攀爬(+ing) c________吃e_____吃(+ing) e_____喝d________喝(+ing) d________岩石 r_______点火l_______ f_____摘花p_____ f________河流 r________


Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、在语篇中理解意思)

乡村公园c__________ p_______手表w_______一样的s_______

标志s_______到达a_________ at美丽的风景 a beautiful v______

无线遥控车 r _______ c_____宁静的,平静的p__________

drive过去式 d______sing过去式s_______sit过去式 s_____shine过去式s______

Key sentences主要句型(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)


1. Turn off your mobile phone --- You must turn off your mobile phone.

2. No You mustn’t litter.

3. Keep quiet---_____________________________________________

4. No eating or drinking---____________________________________

5. No spitting --- ___________________________________________

6. No climbing --- __________________________________________

7. No running --- ___________________________________________

8. No diving --- ____________________________________________

( ) ( ) ( ) ()()()()()

Chapter 3 Holiday Plans in Hong Kong

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

去购物g___ s_________观看w_______表演p____________旗帜f_______

海鲜s___________参观v_______自由市场o_______ m________

海洋动物s______ a_________吃午饭 h______ l______首先f_______

下一个,然后n_______然后t_______在那之后 a________ t______最后f_________

Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、在语篇中理解意思)

升旗仪式f______ r___________ c___________海洋公园O________P_______

好消息great n_____一些漂亮的地方some b_________ p_______尤其是e__________

笔友p____ f_________订计划make p_______建议(名词)s_________太多了(用于不可数)堂(表)兄弟姐妹c______乡村c________酒店h_______t_____ m_____

许愿树w________ t___旅行,旅程t______旅游大巴t______ b____渔村f________


迪斯尼乐园D______________ 大佛 B____ B________

Key sentences主要句型(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)

1. 疑问词(where, what…)引导的一般将来时(will )



2. 讲述事情的先后步骤

First you will go to Tai Po.

Next you will go to the Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree.

Then you will go to the Lo Wai Walled Village.

After that you will go to Yuen Long.

Finally the tour bus will take you back to your hotel.

Chapter 4 A Visit to Hong Kong

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

酒店h______在……碰面m______ at吃晚饭e____ d_______山顶p______

风景 v______灯,光亮 l________声音s_______表演s______



Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、在语篇中理解意思)

紫荆花G_______ B_________山顶电车the p______t_____

灯光音乐表演the l______ and s_______ s______寄宿学校 b_________ s_______

一个大型乔迁新居的聚会 a b____ h_______--w________ p大的l_______

交到新朋友m______ some n_____ f________家庭成员f_______ m__________

一个大木盆a b____ w________ b_______保重t______ c_______招待,供应s______

搭乘公交车t______ a b______

Key sentences and grammas 主要句型和语法(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)

1. 疑问词引导的一般将来时。

__________will we do in Hong Kong _______ see the Golden Bauhinia in Wan Chai.

__________will we do in Hong Kong _______see the golden Bauhinia ____ Thursday.

2. will 引导的一般疑问句,询问是否将要做某事。

--- Will you eat fast food --- No, we won’t. We will eat seafood. (won’t = will not) 3. “quarter”在表示具体时间中的用法。


例如:九点一刻(9:15)--- a quarter past nine 九点差一刻(8:45)--- a quarter to nine 大家注意上面两个词组中的“past”和“to”,你再试着写两个时间:

八点一刻 8:15 --- _________________________ 八点差一刻 7:45 --- _________________________ We’ll have dinner at________________________________(6:45 请用quarter 来表示)

We will take a bus at ________________________________(11:15请用quarter 来表示)

4. 讲述事情的先后步骤

First we’ll go shopping.

Then we’ll visit the Hong Kong Museum of History.

After that we’ll visit the Avenue of Stars.

Finally we’ll watch the light and sound show.

What will we do in Hong Kong

Chapter 5 Food From Around The World

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

来自c______ f______意大利面s_______比萨p______热狗h_____ d_____汉堡h_________蜗牛s_______面包b_______寿司s________

面条n_________烤鸭r_______ d______点心d_____ s______鸡肉c__________




樱桃(复数)c_________中国C________果酱 j______蜂蜜h_______


Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、理解意思)

美食展f______ f______全世界a____ o______ the w_______品尝t_______


南美洲S_______ A_________ 油炸的f______ 蚱蜢、蝗虫g__________ 脆脆的c________

咸的s_______昆虫i________礼物p_________一罐虫子a c___ of w___非洲A_________辛辣的s______印度I________酱油s______ s_______面包卷a b_______ r____由……制成m_______ of日本J_________法国F________


Key sentences & grammars主要句型和语法(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)

1. come from 来自……

Where ________ (do / does) spaghetti come from It ________ from Italy.

Where ________ (do / does) hot dog s come from They_________ from America.

2. Would you like …你想要点……

例如:Would you like some curry chicken 你想要一些咖喱鸡吗


你想要一些吗___________________________ some

你想要一个吗___________________________ one

Chapter 6 Ordering Food

Key words核心词汇(要求能够正确认读、拼写、互译)

热巧克力h___ c_______可乐c_____苹果汁a______ j_____柠檬茶l_________


炒面f______ n________米饭r______稀饭c________馄饨w____ t____

小茶杯c_____玻璃杯g_______碗 b______盘子 p_______


排骨c_______芝士蛋糕c____________冰激凌i____ c________桔子o_______


Extension Words拓展词汇(要求能够正确认读、理解意思)


合理的 r___________你自己by y________餐馆 r__________孤单的l________





Key sentences & grammars主要句型和语法(要求能够正确认读、理解,并在相应语境中应用)

1. What would you like I’d like…. 询问别人想要点什么,以及如何回答。

--- What would you like ---I’d like a bowl of congee and a plate of fried noodles. (I’d = I would)


(1) ---What’s that --- It’s pizza.

---Where does it come from --- It come s from Italy.

(2) --- What are those --- They’re won ton noodles.

--- Where do they come from --- They come from China.

3. a + 计量单位 + of + 名次(不可数名词 / 名次复数形式)

(cup) 一杯柠檬茶 ___________________________ 一杯热巧克力________________________

(glass)一杯可乐______________________________ 一杯苹果汁__________________________ (plate)一盘炒面______________________________ 一盘炒饭____________________________ (bowl)一碗稀饭______________________________ 一碗云吞面__________________________


(glass) 一杯牛奶__________________________ (cup) 一杯绿茶 ___________________________ (plate) 一盘牛肉__________________________ (bowl) 一碗番茄_________________________

