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One day a young painter went by a garden. He was attracted (吸引) by the beauty of the garden. He imagined how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was ___36___. Surprised, the painter asked that old man, “Why are you looking after these flowers when you can’t see them?” The gardener answered, “I can tell you ___37___ reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, ___38___ I can’t see the flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can ___39___ the sweetness of them. As for the last one, that’s ____40___.”

“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the painter.

“Yeah, it’s ___41___ that I don’t know you. But I know flowers are beautiful angels (天使). Many people will look at my garden and the beauty will make them feel ___42___. It also gives me a chance to speak with you now. At the same time we enjoy the happiness these flowers have ___43___ us.” The old man’s words surprised the painter and gave him much pleasure.

The man grows flowers in order that everybody can ___44___ their beauty. The gardener in the garden is alone but not lonely. All passers-by (路人) are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors.

I believe every flower has eyes. They can see the ___45___ of the old man’s heart and the sweetness of his soul (灵魂).

36. A. lazy B. stupid C. deaf D. blind 37. A. two B. three C. four D. five 38. A. however B. although C. unless D. until 39. A. smoke B. hear C. look D. smell 40. A. you B. me C. him D. her

41. A. easy B. sure C. true D. honest 42. A. unfair B. good C. bad D. strange 43. A. brought B. fetched C. taken D. carried 44. A. buy B. borrow C. enjoy D. lend 45. A. kindness B. value C. truth D. secret 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. A


【2015辽宁沈阳】二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)


Last week, students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard to make their English Week very successful.

There 16 a lot of activities including an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. 17 students put on an English play. Other students 18 an English singing competition.

A speaking competition was also 19 . The students had to speak on a topic in English 20 two minutes.

Henry was the winner and we spoke to him. “I’ m so happy that I 21 ,” he said. “I advise people to speak slowly. 22 they want to be good public speakers, they’d better speak clearly and 23 .”

We also spoke to several other students about English Week. One of 24 was Amy. “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance to learn new 25 . In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. It’s well 26 doing,” she said.

On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a 27 to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on 28 to improve their English. “You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you 29 . You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television 30 . Above all, you should enjoy English!” he said.

16. A. are B. were C. is D. was 17. A. Some B. No C. All D. Few

18. A. took in B. took place C. took part in D. took care of

19. A. playing B. played C. holding D. held 20. A. on B. at C. for D. by 21. A. did B. won C. lost D. had 22. A. Although B. Since C. Until D. If

23. A. confidently B. quietly C. quickly D. patiently 24. A. us B. you C. them D. others

25. A. abilities B. words C. friends D. books

26. A. enough B. known C. dressed D. worth 27. A. speech B. decision C. task D. help 28. A. where B. how C. whether D. when 29. A. must B. need C. should D. can

30. A. programmes B. parts C. stars D. stations 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. B


22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A

【2015吉林长春】Ⅴ. 完形填空(15分)


One day, Li Xuan discovered a wishing well(许愿池) on the side of the road. He took out a coin and threw it into the ____31____. He was just about to make a wish when suddenly he heard \dear!\Li Xuan was surprised. He took out another coin and threw it into the well. Another sound came out of the well, \____32____!\

A frog(青蛙) jumped out of the well. With one hand covering its head and one hand holding the coins, it said ____33____, \you just throw things into other people's ____34____?\

Embarrassed, Li Xuan said, \I am so sorry. I didn't ____35____ that a well can be a home. \

\sadly, \began to throw coins into it. There are coins everywhere. I can't even sleep ____38____ the falling coins. I can't stand it anymore!\

\well. To make a wish, one must throw a coin in. People take it ____40____. \

\that so! I don't ____41____ what you say, and the only thing I know is that this is my home. I am ____42____!\well. \

With the words, the frog jumped ____44____ into the well. Li Xuan thought for a minute, and then he ____45____ the sign of wishing well to another place. He knew the way the frog could live peacefully in its home again. 31. A. street B. well C. river D. room 32. A. fly B. fall C. hurt D. ring

33. A. luckily B. happily C. completely D. angrily 34. A. homes B. schools C. hospitals D. parks 35. A. appear B. receive C. achieve D. realize 36. A. big B. nice C. small D. bad

37. A. when B. whether C. where D. that

38. A. plenty of B. kind of C. because of D. instead of 39. A. run out B. give out C. hang out D. find out

40. A. carelessly B. seriously C. dangerously D. possibly 41. A. care B. improve C. notice D. advise


42. A. interested B. mad C. patient D. thankful 43. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 44. A. back B. up C. away D. out

45. A. bought B. broke C. waited D. moved 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. D

【2015云南】 完型填空(共10小题:每小题1分,共10分)

从题中所给的A.B. C.D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡上。

It was in autumn. A young woman was ill. She___41___ in the hospital. There was a tree _42__ her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there were less and less leaves on the tree. The woman was very___43__. She didn't want to eat or drink, and she didn't want to talk. The doctor asked her to__44____take a walk. She wouldn't do that. She became worse day by day. One day she said, “When the last leaf falls down, I will die, __45__”

An old artist knew that. He decided to help this woman. One night, all yellow 46 fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, then put it in the tree. The next morning, 47 the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with 48 She wanted to be alive. She didn't want to fall down like other leaves. From then on, she became 49 and lived a lone time.

Don't___50___your hope at anytime.

4l. A. played B. stayed C. studied D. worked 42. A. outside B. inside C. from D. under 43. A. glad B. relaxed C. sad D. interested 44. A. fall asleep B. get ready C. hurry up D. get up 45. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 46. A. flowers B. plants C. leaves D. trees 47. A. if B. before C. until D. when

48. A. hope B. dream C. interest D. happiness

49. A. worse and worse B. better and better C. harder and harder D. thinner


and thinner

50. A. give out B. give in C. give up D. give away

41. B 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. C

【2015新疆乌鲁木齐】Ⅶ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


A group of frogs were travelling 41 the forest, but unluckily two of them fell into a hole. the other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how 42 the hole was, they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved. The two frogs didn’t care and tried their best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs 43 saying that they were sure to die. 44 , one of the two frogs heard what the other frogs were saying and 45 , Then he fell down and died.

However, the other frog 46 to jump as hard as he could. At last, he made it out, When he 47 , the other frogs asked, “Didn’t you hear us?” The frog, who had a poor 48 ,explained, “I thought you were encouraging me all the time.”

The story teaches us a 49 : There is power of life and death in the tongue. An 50 word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.

41. A. cross B. through C. across D. over 42. A. deep B. small C. big D. wide

43. A. kept B. finished C. practiced D.stopped 44. A. Luckily B. Finally C. Suddenly D. Happily 45. A. went to B. kept away C. jumped out D.gave up 46. A. happened B. continued C. planned D. wanted 47. A. got out B. ran away C. got off D. woke up 48. A.smelling B. eyesight C. hearing D. looking 49. A. way B. skill C. sentence D. lesson

50. A. interesting B. exciting C. excellent D. encouraging 41.B 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.D 46.B


47.A 48.C. 49.D 50.D


Kindness is not always a straight line. I was traveling in a city of Central America with a friend, and we were looking for 36 . we were standing on a street corner and did not know what the Spanish(西班牙语) word for “post office” was. One 37 man could see we were in difficulty and came up to us. We tried to 38 what we were looking for, and he said, “Oh, yes, yes.” He 39 us down all these little streets. It seemed like we walked for miles. 40 , he pointed us to a 41 without any name on it. But when we 42 , we found it was not a post office.

When we walked out and were again standing around looking lost, a woman soon came up and

Asked if we 43 help. Again we tried to explained 44 we were going. The woman said she

_45 where the post office was. Then we 46 her to another building which also had no 47

and we found it was not a post office, either. At this point we decided not to listen to anybody else.

But then another person came up and said, “I can 48 you.” We said, “No, thank you.” 49 he didn't listen to us. He actually caught me by the hand and pulled me through the streets. Circling around, we came back to the first 50 we had been standing on when we began. He pointed across the street, and there was the post office.

36. A. a hospital B. a post office C. a mall D. a police station 37. A. poor B. brave C. kind D. rich 38. A. explain B. guess C. ask D. find 39. A. called B. begged C. warned D. led

40. A. Suddenly B. Luckily C. Finally D. Secretly 41. A. building B. line C. shop D. street 42. A. went out B. went in C. came in D. came out 43. A. accepted B. refused C. offered D. needed 44. A. where B. when C. how D. why

45. A. forgot B. knew C. wondered D. dreamed 46. A. guided B. directed C. followed D. ordered 47. A. name B. door C. owner D. window 48. A. understand B. help C. remember D. drive 49. A. So B. And C. But D. Or

50. A. floor B. circle C. office D. corner 36. B. 37. C. 38. A


39. D. 40. C 41. A. 42. B. 43. D 44. A. 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B. 49. C 50. D


Mr. Smith gave his wife 10 pounds for her birthday—ten pretty new pound notes. The day after her birthday, Mrs. Smith went 11______. She waited for a bus, got on it and sat down next to an old 12________. After a while, she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. Inside it, she 13_______ a roll of pound notes exactly like the ones her husband had given her. She 14______ looked into her own bag—the notes were gone! Mrs. Smith was 15_______ that the old lady had stolen them. She thought she should call the police. But she disliked getting other people into 16________, so she decided to take back the money from the old lady’s handbag and say17________ more about it. She 18_________ the bus to make sure nobody was watching. Then she carefully put her hand into the old lady’s 19________, took the notes, and put them in her own bag.

When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.

“20_________ did you pay for it?” he asked.

“With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course.” She replied.

“Oh? What’s that, then?” he asked, as he pointed to a roll of ten pound notes on the table.

11. A. swimming B. shopping C. fishing D. hiking 12. A. man B. farmer C. lady D. friend 13. A. saw B. took C. stole D. put

14. A. successfully B. safely C. hardly D. quickly 15. A. sure B. happy C. proud D. patient 16. A. danger B. safety C. trouble D. anger

17. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

18. A. looked upon B. looked as C. looked for D. looked around 19. A. hand B. bag C. pocket D. clothes 20. A. How B. Where C. What D. When 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D


15. C 16.C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A



Ever since I was a child, my mouth has caused me trouble. I'm not a bad person; I have a __16__ time learning when to stop saying bad things to others.

My mom has told me again and again, “Robert, your constant(不断的) bad words are hurting me. If you __17__ to be this rude, you will get into big trouble.”

It's been a problem at school several times too when teachers have told me something I didn't want to hear. I used to feel it was my __18__ to stand up for myself.

One day in English class I was working on my homework when I heard a classmate __19__ behind me. It was Nathaniel, who liked doing that as usual.

I said ever so __20__, “Nathaniel, would you be quiet?” Nathaniel kept saying something to himself. I quickly __21__, “Nathaniel, shut up!”

For the next five minutes, we threw hurtful words back and forth at each other. “At least I don't have a ugly lazy eye like you!” I cried out.

I knew this would make him __22__ and it would hurt his feelings and shut him up.

What I said filled him with anger. He tried to __23__ over my seat and catch me as he screamed, “That's it! That's it!”

__24__ at his reaction(反应), I sat back in my seat. I had never seen Nathaniel act like this before. Later on, we were taken to the teachers' office. There, Mr. Black, our English teacher, told us to __25__ the matter. It wasn't until then that I finally found that __26__ I hurt someone physically, the wounds finally heal(愈合). But when I hurt someone with my __27__, sometimes the pain never goes away.

At the end of the discussion, I said __28__ to Nathaniel.

When I went back to my room, I spent some time praying(祈祷). I began to __29__ how often what I said hurt others. But I believe that as I keep asking God to help me, he'll tell me when to keep my __30__ closed.

( )16. A. busy B. hard C. happy D. valuable ( )17. A. decide B. like C. continue D. try ( )18. A. duty B. turn C. time D. choice ( )19. A. singing B. reading C. beating D. talking ( )20. A. clearly B. nicely C. carelessly D. angrily

( )21. A. repeated B. expressed C. replied D. shouted

( )22. A. crazy B. afraid C. sad D. bored


( )23. A. fall B. look C. hand D. reach

( )24. A. Satisfied B. Surprised C. Nervous D. Serious ( )25. A. discuss B. solve C. explain D. report ( )26. A. while B. after C. when D. where ( )27. A. words B. action C. ideas D. experience

( )28. A. goodbye B. thanks C. sorry D. okay ( )29. A. imagine B. notice C. record D. consider

( )30. A. eyes B. mouth C. windows D. door 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. B III.【2015湖北鄂州】完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)


It was the first time that my wife and I had flown first class. As we boarded the plane, we felt as if (好像) we were 36 of a wealthy group. We were filled with a sense of pride at 37 with those important people.

We 38 that the stewardess (空姐) was working non-stop to make sure of the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat 39 being given an order. I thought she must love her job very much, since she gave each person such a big 40 .

As the stewardess 41 our seats near the end of the flight, I looked up at her and said, “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped with a look of disbelief on her face, and said: “Excuse me?” I 42 my words and she smiled in a rather funny way. It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to 43 .

A little later, as we were getting off the plane, the stewardess said to me: “Thank you very much, sir.” Then she said 44 : “You are the only passenger who has thanked me or said anything nice to me all night. I really appreciate your kindness.”

The sense of belonging to an elite(精英) group in first class 45 as soon as I heard those words. We were reminded that without kindness, there would be no


first-class flying. 36. A. one B. part C. member D. sign 37. A. sitting B. driving C. getting D. taking 38. A. showed B. surveyed C. noticed D. looked 39. A. without B. while C. after D. for 40. A. excitement B. shyness C. smile D. sadness 41. A. passed B. walked C. crossed D. went 42. A. repeated B. spoke C. talked D. wrote 43. A. decide B. answer C. discuss D. consider 44. A. loudly B. suddenly C. sadly D. quietly 45. A. remained B. appeared C. disappeared D. continued

36. B 37. A 38.C 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. C

【2015浙江绍兴】二、完型填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选系中选出一个最佳答案。

The power of Determination(决心)

The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old coal stove (火炉). A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the 16 and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates got there. One morning they 17 to find the schoolhouse burning. They dragged (拖) the little boy out of the building more dead than alive. Then he was 18 taken to nearby country hospital.

The doctor told the boy’s mother that 19 the lower part of his body was seriously burnt, he couldn’t use his legs any more. However, the 20 boy made up his mind that he would walk. Unluckily his thin legs 21 hung there, all but lifeless.

Finally he returned home from the 22 . Every day his mother would press his little legs, but there was no feelings, no control, 23 . Yet his determination that he would walk was as 24 as ever

When he wasn’t in bed, he would sit in a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he 25 himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his 26 behind him.

He worked his way to the white fence (栅栏) around the yard. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then he began dragging himself alone the fence, 27 that he would walk. He started to do this every day. There was nothing he 28


more than to develop life in those legs.

In the end, through his determination he did 29 . He began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run 30 the joy of running. Later in college he made the running team.

Still later in Madison Square Garden this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile! 16. A. fire B. class C. game D. story 17. A. left B. waited C. arrived D. hid 18. A. clearly B. quickly C. suddenly D. nearly 19. A. when 20. A. honest B. brave 21. A. just B. also 22. A. school 23. A. everything 24. A. strong 25. A. helped 26. A. arms 27. A. believing 28. A. afforded 29. A. set off B. get back C. stand up D. hang out 30. A. to 16.A 17.C 18.B 19. D 20. B 21.A 22.C 23.D 24. A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B

B. unless B. yard B. anything C. something B. simple B. threw B. chair C. legs B. doubling C. promising D. suggesting B. hated B. for C. from C. before D. since C. careful D. rude C. once C. hospital D. square C. strange D. similar C. picked C. forgot D. wanted D. ever D. nothing D. enjoyed D. mother D. without 11

more than to develop life in those legs.

In the end, through his determination he did 29 . He began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run 30 the joy of running. Later in college he made the running team.

Still later in Madison Square Garden this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile! 16. A. fire B. class C. game D. story 17. A. left B. waited C. arrived D. hid 18. A. clearly B. quickly C. suddenly D. nearly 19. A. when 20. A. honest B. brave 21. A. just B. also 22. A. school 23. A. everything 24. A. strong 25. A. helped 26. A. arms 27. A. believing 28. A. afforded 29. A. set off B. get back C. stand up D. hang out 30. A. to 16.A 17.C 18.B 19. D 20. B 21.A 22.C 23.D 24. A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B

B. unless B. yard B. anything C. something B. simple B. threw B. chair C. legs B. doubling C. promising D. suggesting B. hated B. for C. from C. before D. since C. careful D. rude C. once C. hospital D. square C. strange D. similar C. picked C. forgot D. wanted D. ever D. nothing D. enjoyed D. mother D. without 11

