Unit 2 单词测试 姓名

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Unit 2 单词默写 姓名_________ 分数________

1.聪明人_________ 2. 天文学家_________ 3. 天才 _________ 4. 认为,觉得_________ 5. 理解力,判断力_________ 6. 幽默 _________ 7. 邀请_________ 8. 学说,论 _________ 9.综合性大学 _________10. 乐事,快事_________ 11.避免 ,避开_________ 12. 讲座 _________ 13.在今夜_________ 14. 观众;听众_________

15.信任,信赖 _________16.座位_________ 17.鼓掌,喝彩_________ 18.苍白的 _________19.成就,成绩 _________ 20.宇宙_________ 21.哲学家_________22.服从,遵守_________ 23. 减少_________ 24.精确地_________25.情节_________ 26.幽默感_________ 27. 使…..失望_________28.单凭记忆 ,能背诵 _________ 29.坐下_________30.轻而易举_________ 31.参加,加入 _________32.丝毫不知道_________ 33.倒霉 ,处于困境_________ 34跟某人开玩笑 _________ 35.转折点_________ 36.一系列_________

Unit2 词汇测试 姓名__________ 分数________

一 单词拼写 (每空2分,共26分)

1. It’s easy to have an accident if you don’t o______ the traffic rules. 2. It’s great that he will go to study in Oxford U_________ next month. 3. He jumped over the fence without d_______ 4. We should try our best to r_______ air pollution.

5. Be careful! You should a______ making the same mistakes again.

6. When my sister saw an old man get on the bus , she gave her s_____ to him at once.

7. My mom often tell me not to t______ strangers.

8. It was a p______ to talk with you. I really enjoyed it. 9. She is a pretty woman with a s______ of humour.

10. We all c_______ that Mary is the best student in our class.

11. They invited Mr Smith to give a l_______ on environment protection . 12.She looked p_______ after running 1000 meters. 13.As a student, you should o_______ the school rules.

二 完成句子 (每空2分,共74分) 1. 我不知道如何解决这道数学难题。(6’)

I don’t know ____ ____ ________ this maths problem. 2. 有时,即使是最严厉的老师也会展现幽默感。(6分)

Sometimes even the strictest teacher may have a _______ ______ _______ 3. 我根本不知道你这些天在干些什么。(6分)

I _______ ________ _________ what you are busy doing these days. 4. 那个男孩很小,现在还不能照顾自己。(6分)

The little boy is ____ ______ _____ he can’t look after himself. 5. 学会开车对于我妈妈来说很难。(6分)

It’s difficult _____ my mum _____ _____ to drive. 6. 很荣幸带领大家参观我们的校园。(8分)

_______ _____ _____ _____ show you around our school. 7.他很粗心,在考试中犯了很多错误。(6分)

He _______ ________ careless that he ______ many mistakes in the exam. 8. 他们同时算出了那道数学题。(8分)

They worked out the maths problem ______ ______ ________ ________ 9. 作为父母爱的回报,我会更加努力学习不让他们失望。(8分)

______ ________ for my parents’ love, I will work harder and never _____ them ______

10. 他放弃了出国的机会。(8分)

He gave up the ________ ________ _________ _________ 11. 我们还没有决定在哪里碰面。(6分)

We haven’t decided ________ _______ _______

Unit2 词汇测试答卷 姓名__________ 分数________

一 单词拼写 (每空2分,共24分)

1. 2. 3.___________ 4. __________ 5. ___________

6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________

11. ___________ 12. ___________ 13. ___________

二 完成句子 (每空2分,共76分)

1. ___________ ___________ ___________

2 ___________ ___________ ___________

3. ___________ ___________ ___________

4 ___________ ___________ ___________

5. ___________ ___________ ___________

6. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

7. ___________ ___________ ___________

8. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

9. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

10 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

11. ___________ ___________ ___________

