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1、(2016?无锡)If the weather ______ to be rainy,we may have to cancel the sports meeting. ( )

A.runs out B.breaks out C.finds out D.turns out 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】如果是下雨天的话,我们可能不得不取消运动会. 【解答】答案:D run out短缺,耗尽; break out爆发,find out找出,查明;turn out结果是,证明是,根据句子中\…to be rainy\及句意可知这里要用turn out to be+形容词,结果…,故选:D. 2、(2016?西宁)Please _______ the water when you brush your teeth.( )

A.turn down B.turn off 【考点】动词短语.


【解答】答案:B turn on表示\打开\,常指开灯或打开家用电器;turn off表示\关掉\,常指关掉自来水、电灯以及家用电器等;turn up表示\开大,调高\,常指调高(电器等)音量;turn down表示\关小,调低\,常指调低(电器等)音量.根据句子中时间状语\your teeth当你刷牙时\以及\可知:要把水关掉.故选:B. 3、(2016?西宁)--How do you like this speech?

--I like it very much and it can _______ me _______ to achieve my dream.( )

C.turn on

D.turn up

A.cheer; up B.connect; with C.let; down D.take; up 【考点】动词短语.



【解答】答案:A cheer sb.up使某人振作起来,使某人高兴起来;connect…with…把…和…连接起来; let sb.down使某人沮丧; take up拿起,开始从事,继续,吸收; 根据答语可知:我喜欢这个演讲,它能使我振作起来实现我的梦想.故选:A.

4、(2016?宿迁)Wearing white can help people _______when they feel stressed.( ) A.calm down

B.write down

C.break down D.turn down


【分析】当他们感到有压力时,穿白色衣服可以帮助人们平静下来, 【解答】答案:A calm down (使) 平静,镇静,安静; (使) 平静下来; write down写下来,记下来; break down出故障,分解;turn down把音量调小,拒绝;根据句子中时间状语\they feel stressed当他们感到有压力时\以及\white穿白色衣服\这里\白色是冷色调,能让人平静\,故选:A.

5、(2016?泰州)Firemen in Jingjiang,together with those from other areas,successfully_____the big fire after sixteen hours'hard work.( )

A.put in B.put through C.put up D.put out 【考点】动词短语.


【解答】答案D put in 放入; put through接通电话,put up张贴,搭建,拿起;put out扑灭;生产;出版;根据句子中\消防员\以及\大火\可以推断出这里应该是:\扑灭了大火\,故选:D.

6、(2016?玉林)Some people think it's the parents'job to _____ their children ________ a clean and comfortable environment at home.( ) A.offer;to B.offer;with C.provide;withD.provide;to 【考点】动词短语.


【解答】答案C offer sth.to sb.=offer sb.sth.给某人提供某物,注意offer词组中没有offer sb.with sth.这种结构,排除答案B;provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb.提供给某人某物,根据句子中\…their chidren…a clean and comfortable environment\,这里先接间接宾语,指代\人\,后接直接宾语,指代\物\,只能用provide…with,故选:C.

7、(2016?呼和浩特)Don't worry!I'm sure you'll______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.( ) A.catch up with B.be pleased with C.get on well with D.agree with 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】不要担心.我很肯定,如果你亲切友好地对待你的同学,你一定会和他们相处的很好的. 【解答】答案为C.

A.catch up with 赶上,追上 B.be pleased with 满意于,对…喜欢 C.get on well with 与…相处的很好 D.agree with 同意、赞成. 根据题意,如果你亲切友好的对待同学,你应该是会和他们相处的很好.所以C选项符合题意,故答案为C.

8、(2016?兰州)You can new words in your e-dictionary.( ) A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look around 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】你可以在你的电子词典中查找新单词. 【解答】答案为A.

A.look up (在字典或工具书中)查阅、查找,向上看 B.look at 看 C.look for 寻找 D.look around 四下观望 根据句意,你应该是在电子词典中查找新单词.所以A选项符合题意.故答案为A.

9、(2016?齐齐哈尔)Here are your gloves,please .( ) A.put them away C.put away them

B.put it away


【分析】这是你的手套.请把它们收起来. 【解答】答案为A.

put away,收起来,放好,储存.put away 是由动词+副词构成的. 这类动词短语后接接宾语时,有两种情况,1.宾语是名词时,这个名词可以放在短语后,也可以放在短语中间;2.宾语是代词时,这个代词可就只能放在短语中间.根据题意,我们知道\是复数,them为代指它们的代词,所以把它们收起来应该是put them away.故答案为A.

10、(2016?淮安)It's cold outside,Sandy.You'd better _____ your coat to keep warm.( )

A.put up B.put out C.put on D.put away 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】Sandy,外面很冷,你最好穿上外套来保暖. 【解答】答案为C.

A. put up 搭建,张贴 B.put out 扑灭,生产 C.put on 穿上,增加 D.put away 放起来,收好,储存. 根据句意,我们可以得知现在外面很冷,所以Sandy应该穿上外套,这样身体才会暖和.所以根据句意,答案为C.

11、(2016?哈尔滨)As middle school students,we should to protecting our school environment.( ) A.make a contribution B.make a decision C.make progress 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】作为中学生,我们应该为保护校园环境做出贡献. 【解答】答案为A.

A.make a contribution 做贡献,建树 B.make a decision 作出决定 C.make a progress 取得进步. 根据题意,我们应该做…来保护我们的校园环境,A选项符合题意,我们应该为保护校园环境做出自己的贡献.所以答案为A.

12、(2016?昆明)High technology is used in EURO 2016 to_____the matches are fair enough in France( )

A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 【考点】动词短语.



A.make up,组成,补足,编造 B.make sure 设法确保,务使 C.come out 出来,出现,出版 D.come over 顺便来访,突然感到 根据题意,欧洲杯采用高科技技术应该是为了确保在法国举办的赛事公平公正.所以答案为B.

13、(2016?泸州)You should smoking.It's really bad for your health.

A.put up B.give up 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】你应该放弃抽烟.它对你的健康真的有害. 【解答】答案:B.

首先明确选项中动词短语的意思,A:张贴;B:放弃;C:起床;D:成立; 根据语境It's really bad for your health.推测设空处的句意是\你应该放弃抽烟.\,由此判断句子中缺少短语:放弃give up,故答案为B.

14、(2016?菏泽)Today,WeChat(微信) becomes very popular,and more and more people like to use it to each other ( ) A.depend on B.communicate with C.believe in 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】如今微信很是流行,越来越多的人喜欢用微信互相交流. 【解答】答案:B.

首先明确选项中动词短语的意思,A:取决于;B:与…交流;C:相信; 根据人们用微信进行交流的实际情况结合语境推测句意是\如今微信很是流行,越来越多的人喜欢用微信互相交流.\,由此判断句子中缺少短语:与…交流,故答案为B.

15、(2016?黄冈)-You aren't supposed to smoke in public.It's bad for our

C.get up D.set up


-Sorry,I will ______ my cigarette right now.( ) A.give up

B.put down C.put out D.give away


【分析】-你不应该在公共场所吸烟,这对我们的健康有害. -对不起,我马上就把我的香烟熄灭.

【解答】答案:C;give up放弃;put down放下;put out熄灭,扑灭;give away赠送;根据上句You aren't supposed to smoke in public和答语Sorry推测下句句意:我马上就把我的香烟熄灭;故选C 16、(2016?荆州)-Why are you feeling sleepy all the time?

-Because I late watching the film Kung Fu PandaⅢlast night.( )

A.stayed up B.cheered up 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】-为什么你一直感到困倦? -因为我昨晚熬夜看功夫熊猫3了.

【解答】答案:A;stay up熬夜;cheer up(使) 高兴起来;give up放弃;take up占用; 开始从事;根据上句Why are you feeling sleepy all the time推测答语:因为我昨晚熬夜看功夫熊猫3了.故选A 17、(2016?云南)As long as all the Chinese people pull together,our China Dream will .( )

A.come true B.come out C.come up D.come down

C.gave up D.took up


【分析】只要全中国人民齐心协力,我们的中国梦就会实现. 【解答】答案:A;come true实现;come out出来; 出现;come up上来; 发生;come down下来;根据上句As long as all the Chinese people pull together推测下句句意:我们的中国梦会实现;故选A 18、(2016?黄冈)-Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,Mr.Huang?

-Sure,I'd love to.I have no reason to _______ your invitation.( ) A.turn down B.turn off 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】-你愿意来参加下周的告别聚会吗,黄先生? -当然,我愿意,我没有理由拒绝你的邀请.

【解答】答案:A;turn down拒绝;turn off 关掉;turn up出现;turn on打开;根据上句Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,Mr.Huang?和答语Sure,I'd love to推测下句句意:我没有理由拒绝你的邀请;故选A.

19、(2016?东营)On my way home,I saw a granny fall down.I offered help first and then______ police.( ) A.called up B.cared for C.cheered up 【考点】动词短语.


D.found out

C.turn up

D.turn on

【解答】答案:A;call up给…打电话;care for照料;cheer up(使) 高兴起来;find out发现;根据上句I saw a granny fall down.I offered help first 和连词and 推知下句句意:然后打电话给警察;故选A. 20、(2016?济南)More and more people have realized that we shouldn't the ancient buildings in cities.( )

A.get off B.put off C.cut down D.pull down 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】越来越多的人意识到我们不应该在城市里毁坏古建筑. 【解答】答案:D;get off离开;put off延期;cut down,减少; 裁短; 把…砍倒[割掉;pull down拆毁; 毁坏;根据句中信息More and more people have realized that we shouldn't …the ancient buildings in cities推测该句句意:越来越多的人意识到我们不应该在城市里毁坏古建筑群.故选D.

21、(2016?山西)-Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now. -That's true.He was once an excellent skater but had to _______ skating because of an accident.( ) A.give up

B.go on C.take up





A.takes up B.picks up C.turns up D.puts up 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】这个沙发太大了占去房间一半的地方. 【解答】答案:A

根据各个选项的意思take up占去,占据;pick up拾起,捡起;turn up出现,开大;put up建造,举起,张贴;结合上文的意思The sofa is so large that\这个沙发太大\可推知沙发占去房间一半的地方,故选A 33、(2016?贵阳)Elephants have good memories.They can walk for a long time and never .( ) A.get worried B.get mad C.get lost


【分析】大象记忆力很好.他们能走很长时间的路而从不迷路. 【解答】答案:C

根据各个选项的意思get worried变的担心;get mad变的恼怒;get lost迷路,结合上文的意思Elephants have good memories.\大象记忆力很好\可推知他们能走很长时间的路而从不迷路,故选C

34、(2016?贵阳)Guizhou Huangguoshu Waterfall.Thousands of visitors come to visit it every year.( ) A.is in control of C.is known for 【考点】动词短语.

B.is responsible for



根据各个选项的意思be in control of 控制,管理;be responsible for负责,对…承担责任;be known for因…而出名;结合下文的意思Thousands of visitors come to visit it every year\每年成千上万的人来这里观看瀑布\可推知贵州因黄果树瀑布而出名.故选C. 35、(2016?烟台)-May I speak to Mr.Smith? - ,plesae,Here he comes.( ) A.Hang out B.Pick up 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】--我可以与史密斯先生说话吗? --请不要挂断,他来了. 【解答】答案:D.

首先明确选项中动词短语的意思,A:闲逛;B:捡起来;C:占用;D:不要挂断; 根据Here he comes 推测设空处表达的句意是\不要挂断\,故答案为D.

36、(2016?资阳)Tim,we're going to Beijing for vacation,please some information on line.( )

A.look for B.look out C.look after D.look up 【考点】动词短语.


C.Take up D.Hold on


首先明确选项中动词短语的意思,A:寻找;B:当心;C:照顾;D:查找; 根据语境推测句意是\,我们打算去北京度假,请在网上查找一些信息.\,由此判断句子中缺少短语:查找,故答案为D. 37、(2016?深圳)-My mum is ill.I have to stay at home and look after her.

-I'm sorry to hear that.I hope she can get better soon.( ) A.look at B.look for C.care for 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】-妈妈病了.我不得不待在家里照顾她. -我听到这件事很难过.我希望她能很快好起来. 【解答】答案:C

根据上文My mum is ill.I have to stay at home…\妈妈病了.我不得不待在家里…\可推知在句中look after意思是\照顾\结合各个选项的意思look at\看..\寻找\;care for\照顾,照料\,故选C 38、(2016?重庆)A true friend will never ________ from you when you're in trouble.( )

A.take away B.run away C.put off D.get off 【考点】动词短语.



根据设空处前面的A true friend 和后面的when you're in trouble可以推断本句的句意是:真正的朋友在你身处困境的时候永远不会从你身边逃开.表示\逃走\用run away,其他几个选项的意思:take away\拿走\,put off\推迟\,get off\下车\都不符合句意,故选B. 39、(2016?济宁)Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy_____ over 10,000,000yuan to help the poor in 2015.( )

A.gave up B.gave off C.gave out D.gave away 【考点】动词短语.

【分析】2015年黄晓明和Angelababy捐款1千多万元帮助贫困的人. 【解答】答案:D

根据选项意思give up\放弃\,give off\送出或发出(光等)\用完; 分发或散发某物\,give away,\免费送出某物;赠送\,结合句中Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy_____ over 10,000,000yuan to help the poor in 2015,的关键词over 10,000,000yuan 可推知2015年黄晓明和Angelababy给贫困的人捐赠了1千多万元,故选D 40、(2016?深圳)-Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the Book City?

-OK.Walk along this street till you reach the Children's Palace.The Book City is opposite it.( )

A.on the other side of B.in front of C.next to 【考点】介词短语.


-可以.沿着这条街走一直到达少年宫.书城就在它的对面. 【解答】答案:A

根据划线单词opposite的意思为\在…的对面\,结合各个选项的意思on the other side of\在…的另一边\;in front of\在…的前面\;next to\紧挨着…\可知on the other side of的意思与opposite的意思相近,故选A

