2018年深圳中考第一轮复习八年级下册 unit3-4知识总结

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8B Unit 3-4 I 词性变换关键词

1.description (n) --- describe (v.) 描绘 2. fish (v.)钓鱼 --- fish (n.)鱼

3. fit (adj.) 健康的, 合适的--- (v.)适合 4 dive (v.)潜水--- driver (n.) 潜水者 5. ready (adj.) 准备好的--- unready (反义词)

6. attract (v.) 吸引--- attraction (n.) 有吸引力的人或物—attractive(adj.)迷人的

7. health (n.)健康--- healthy (adj.)健康的--- unhealthy (adj.)不健康的--- healthily (adv.) 8. luck (n.)--- lucky (adj.) / unlucky (adj.) --- luckily/ unluckily 9. love (v.)爱 --- lover (n.) 情人--- lovely (adj.) 可爱的

10. practice (n) --- practise (v)--- practical (adj)实际的;可实现的,实用的

11. tradition (n.) --- traditional (adj.) 12. effect (n.) 效果--- effective (adj.)有效的 13. record (v)--- record (n) 记录,录制 --- recorder (n)记录机, 记录员--- recording (n)录音, 录像 14. appear (v)显得, 似乎, 看起来 --- disappear (v)消失--- appearance (n) 出现, 外表

15. match (v.)使相配 --- (n)比赛 --- (n) 火柴 16. detail (n.) 细节 --- detailed (adj) 详细的 17. act (v)行动 --- actor (n.) 男演员 --- actress (n.) 女演员 --- active (adj.) 活跃的 --- activity (n.)活动

18. warn (v.)警告 --- warning (n.) 19. separate (v)使…分离--- separate (adj)单独的--- separately (adv.)

20. thought (n.) 思想 --- think (v.) 21. pleasant (adj.) 友好的--- pleasantly (adv.) --- pleasure (n.) --- pleased (adj.) 22. base (n.)基础 --- basic (adj.) 基本的 23. storm (n.)暴风雨--- stormy (adj.) 暴风雨的

II 词语释义关键词

1. fit = healthy and strong fit sb = be the right size for sb.

2. reach sp. = arrive at/ in sp. = get to sp. 3. up to = at the most = as many/ much/long as 4. set off to = start for = leave for = go to 5. require = need 6. hand… on = put… on 7. although = though 8. dive = swim into the water 9. post to = send to 10. lucky = fortunate luckily = fortunately 11. ready = prepared 12. simple = every easy 13. lovely = attractive

14.no more = no longer 15. make it = succeed/ become successful 16. match = go well with 17. basic = simple but important 18. look real = be alive 19. an actor = a person in a film

20. separately = not… together 21. in the second stage = second/ secondly 22. finally = at last/ in the end 23. appear = seem

24. pop out = open wide 25. rough = not detailed

26. score = number of points 27. thoughts = opinions / ideas 28. stage = step 29. actually = in fact 30. a little = a bit

III 重点搭配关键词

1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 2. be used doing sth. 习惯做某事 3. keep fit/ healthy 保持健康 4. up to 至多

5. set off/ out to 出发去… 6. in the late afternoon 在傍晚时分 7. get ready for/ to do sth. 为…做好准备 8. tie to / tie with 系在哪里/用。。。系 9. stop/keep/ prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

10.up and down 上上下下 11. at/ in the front of 在。。。前面 12. be required for sth. / to do sth/ 被要求 13. no more/ not … any more 不再 14. all the time 一直 15. turn / change into

16. in the shape of … 17. close to / next to 18. keep… alive 19. after dark 20. decide on 21. make it

22. make a little different from 23. do the characters’ voices 24. put … together 25. be / get ready to 26. think about/of 27. play against 28. appear to/ seem to 29. give warnings

30. look out/ watch out/ be careful 当心,小心 31. be in trouble 陷入困境

32. in the late 1930s 在20世纪30年代末 33. get sb. into trouble 使…陷入麻烦

34. in total 一共 35. look at oneself in the mirror 在镜子中看自己 36. at the top of…在…的顶端 37. Thank goodness 谢天谢地

