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大学外语网络拓展课程作业 2013 / 2014 学年第 2


课程名称: the history of America 学号、姓名: 209130237薛翔 共 2页第 1

辅导教师: 贾纪红 等级: (教师填写)

The question:拉什莫尔山的四位总统头像是谁?为什么选择他们?雕像代表什么意义? The answer:The four presidents Washington is a founding father of a country, \independence\of the liberation of black slaves Lincoln. The four presidents are the most important political figure USA history. They are going to build a permanent statue, let him become a symbol of USA. The question:建立胡佛水坝过程中遇到哪些问题,是如何解决的? The answer:He must be done by the government, in the limited time otherwise, his company will be fined 3000 dollars. Before building a dam, must first diversions from the Colorado River, and cut four tunnel. Workers diversion tunnel open living and working environment is getting worse. The question:林肯为获取战争胜利采取哪些手段来获得支持? The answer:Speak clearly, to safeguard national unity, we should solve the problem of slavery American as soon as possible.He advocates peaceful means, then \war.Lincoln began to call on the people to join the army, later issued a \of black slaves\

大学外语网络拓展课程作业 共 2页第 2 页

The question:美国参与二战的时间、原因?

The answer:Early in the morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese Navy aircraft carrier

aircraft carrier and a mini submarine surprise attack America Navy Pacific Fleet base in Hawaii Pearl Harbor and the event America army and navy in Oahu Island airport. From the Pacific War broke out. The attack will eventually America involved in the Second World War

The question:西进运动表现出新时期美国民族精神是什么?

The answer:On the formation and development of national spirit America westward

movement is a great influence, the USA political and social democratic consciousness,cultivate the \style freedom, equality and competition\ brave and adventurous spirit, exercise the Americans optimistic personality, strengthen the USA of individualism, spawned pragmatism philosophy.

