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八年级下册英语Unit4 测试题


( )1. my opinion, you should talk with your teacher about it.

A. On

B. Of

C. At

D. In

( )2. They don’t know why their parents give them so much .

A. deal

B. skill

C. pressure

D. relation

( )3. It was that you were wrong.

A. clear

B. clearly

C. careful

D. carefully

( )4. His parents don’t allow him out with his friends after school.

A. hung

B. to hang

C. hanging

D. hangs

( )5. He didn’t go to the children’s home. His friend Jack went there .

A. instead

B. too

C. also

D. either

( )6. We lost the game everyone played well.

A. when

B. because

C. until

D. although

( )7. they are poor, they are still happy.

A. So

B. Until

C. Unless

D. Although ( )8. Remember to when you arrive in Beijing.

A. call up me

B. cheer up me

C. call me up

D. cheer me up ( )8. His parents allow him a movie once a week.

A. to watch

B. watch

C. watching

D. watched

( )10. My father would like to newspapers after supper.

A. look through

B. look for

C. look after

D. look out ( )11. You exercise more if you want to keep healthy.

A. should

B. could

C. would

D. may

( )12. Mr. White works hard he can make more money.

A. in order to

B. so that

C. if

D. although

( )13. They must try their best to the problem.

A. get out

B. give out

C. find out

D. work out

( )14. —Why don’t you a camera with you when you visit the park?

—Good idea.

A. bringing

B. bring

C. to bring

D. brought

( )15. Parents often their own children others’ children.

A. compare; with

B. compare; as

C. compare; to

D. compare; for ( )16. I didn’t pass the math test. I made mistakes in the math test.

A. too many

B. too much

C. much too

D. very much

( )17. I don’t understand what you said. Can you it to me?

A. say

B. speak

C. explain

D. copy

( )18. It is bad for your eyes in the sun.

A. read

B. to read

C. reads

D. reading

( )19. I made a card for her birthday gift. It made her very .

A. happy

B. happily

C. sad

D. sadly

( )20. —, Jim?

—I’m really tired and weak.

A. How are you

B. How comes

C. What’s wrong

D. What if ( )21. It was a long time before I could get back into a car because I was very about driving again after the accident.

A. excited

B. nervous

C. tired

D. angry

( )22. Be nice to him — he is under a lot of these days.


A. pressure

B. independence

C. experience

D. mind

( )23. I don’t mind you a dog in the house so long as it’s clean.

A. to push

B. pushing

C. to keep

D. keeping



I returned home to spend the holiday with my mom happily. I would like to sit

on the sofa, watching TV and talking with her 1 midnight.

Not long after I arrived home, one of her friends asked her to go to a party and she left home at once. She came back late that night. I didn’t 2 she loved me.

During the following days, I didn’t speak to her. 3 she spoke to me, I said nothing. But later I began to feel sad. Sometimes I really wanted to 4 sorry

to her, b ut I couldn’t speak out. So I helped 5 some housework. I did everything I could when my mother 6 at home. When she returned, she felt 7 .

On the last day, my mother drove me to the train station. At first we said nothing, 8 she s aid, “Sorry for that night. You know that you are the most

9 to me.” I couldn’t say a word and I tried not to cry. Before getting on the

10 , I finally said sorry to her. She cried. But I knew she was happy.

( )1. A. before ( )2. A. explain

B. until

B. compare

C. unless

C. think

D. though

D. hope

( )3. A. When B. Where C. Why D. How

( )4. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say

( )5. A. to B. for C. with D. of

( )6. A. did B. was C. didn’t D. wasn’t

( )7. A. sad B. nervous C. happy D. lonely

( )8. A. or B. so C. but D. then

( )9. A. difficult B. important C. excited D. different

( )10. A. bus B. plane C. subway D. train


It’s easy to have a fight in your family. Sometimes your parents fight with each other, or you fight with your parents, or even you fight with your brother or sister. When it happens, you may feel sad or even angry. Remember even people who love each other fight sometimes.

When you’re sad or angry, keep calm (冷静的) and then try thinking of a way to solve the problem. You could go out to run around or play a ball, or just find a quiet place and relax. When you’re really calm, talk with the person you argued with. Then maybe you’ll feel much better.

Even if you’re very angry, never hurt anyone in your family. That could only make things get worse. If your brother or sister hurts you, it’s important to tell your parents. It’s also important to tell an adult (成人) if your parent hurts you. You could have a family meeting to talk about it when the fight happens. At the meeting, everyone should tell how they feel and give their advice.

Sometimes, you should visit a family doctor to talk about the problems and get ad vice. It’s not always easy to stop families from fighting. But working together can make it work.

( )1. The first paragraph ( 段) mainly tells us .

A.when there might be a fight in a family


B.family members love each other very much

C.what you can do when there is a family fight

D.it’s common to have a family fight

( )2. Which of the following ways to calm down is NOT mentioned (提到) in the passage?

A. Go to run around.

B. Go to play a ball.

C. Listen to some relaxing music.

D. Find a quiet place and relax.

( )3. What shouldn’t you do when there is a fight in your family?

A. Visit someone and get advice.

B. Hurt the person argued with you.

C. Find a quiet place to calm down.

D. Have a family meeting to talk about it. ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.A family meeting could help with the fight in your family.

B.It’s not easy for you to stop your family fighting alone.

C.You can visit a family doctor to get advice on your family fight.

D.The people in a family fight because they don’t love each other.

( )5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Never fight with anyone in your family.

B.A family fight may hurt everyone in your family.

C.Try to do something to stop the fight in your family.

D.What you should do when a family fight happens.


1.Our English teacher taught us some reading (skill).

2.My sister won first prize in the school Engli sh (compete).

3.He is much (crazy) about basketball than I.

4.My grandma (usual) go es for a walk after supper.

5.Many foreign friends are surprised at the fast (develop) of China.



Please the article quickly.


You should your classmates at school.


I advise you to these words.


, health is the most important.


feel tired after a long trip.


Dear Mr. Hunt,

My problem is that I can’t get on with my family. Relations between my parents have become (difficulty). They fight a lot, and I really don’t like it. It’s the only communication they have. I don’t know if I should say

(something) to them about this. when they argue, it’s like a big, black cloud (hang)over our home. Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me (watch) my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. I ( think) this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? What can I do?


Sad and Thirteen

Dear Sad and Thirteen,

It’s not easy being your age, and it’s normal to have these (feel). Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family? If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. (maybe) you could do more (job) around the house so that they have (much) time for proper communication. Secondly, why don’t you sit down and communicate with your brother? You should explain that you mind him (watch) TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon

Robert Hunt




At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!

