电子杂志的界面设计探讨 - 图文

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Creating Immersive and Individual Reading Experience


----- Discussion on the Interface of Digital Magazines



以Flash技术为基础,集合了图片、文字、音视频、动画等多种视觉元素的电子杂志,仍将不断整合各种媒体技术,为读者创造一种沉浸式、个性化的阅读体验。本文以“媒介融合”为理论基础,通过对电子杂志界面特征的探讨,提出了引入虚拟现实技术的发展思路,并提出电子杂志界面设计的原则及建议。 Subject:

Based on the Flash technology, digital magazines with pictures, text, audio and video materials, animation, etc. never stop combining various media technology to give readers an immersive and individual reading experience. Based on the theory of “Media Convergence”, the article discusses the features of digital magazine interface and then puts forward the idea of introducing virtual reality technology. The article also puts forward principles and suggestions for the design of digital magazine interface. 关键词

电子杂志 界面设计 虚拟现实 沉浸式 阅读体验 Keywords:

Digital Magazine Interface Design Virtual Reality Immersive Reading Experience 一、相关概念的界定 1、电子杂志的概念


1. Definitions of related conceptions i) Conception of digital magazines

Digital magazines, which runs on PCs, includes three types: the first one is digital storage of traditional magazine, such as web edition of various magazines, digital books and periodical database, etc.; the second one is magazine-typed websites content, such as various digital magazines published through e-mail; the third one is new type multimedia digital magazine, based on Flash technology and combined with various visual elements like pictures, text, audio and 1


The digital magazine in this article is mainly about the third type – multimedia digital magazine, and not about other magazine-typed digital media magazine on other digital platforms like mobile phone.

video materials, animation, etc. By introducing virtual reality technology, it has become a mature experimental reading medium in the internet age. The digital magazine in this article is mainly about the third one.



ii) About “Interface”

Many people believe interface design only exists in the production with screens and it is an ex parte understanding. Interface is more than just graphic interface. The conception of “Interface” in this article refers to interactive carrier like telephone keys and car meter panels. Digital

magazine almost integrates all existing media technology and resources, focuses on interactivity and spreads through various networks. Based on inheriting the advantages of traditional

paper-magazines, it focuses on the integral application of various media technology. Therefore, the digital magazine interface designing is more like industrial design than visual design and aims to create a product that serves the user better. It needs fully cooperation of talented people

specialized in all aspects like interactive design, software development and product management. The aim of the design is to provide the user an immersive feeling within the visual field that they have never experienced before. User’s reading quality is correspondingly improved through more abundant and solid experience.





iii) About “Media Convergence”

The conception of “Media Convergence” was put forward by Professor Ithiel De Sola Pool of MIT. He believes “Media Convergence means the multifunctional-integration trend of various media. The development of digital electronic technology is the reason for the convergence of modes which used to be entirely different.” The author believes that the development of digital magazines is the product of “Media Convergence”


2. Features of digital magazine interface design 1、强调以情境构设来营造沉浸式阅读体验

根据心理学的解释,人对对象的认知和把握过程是一种“心物场”3心理运动过程,这 2


Song Zhaoxun, the origin and connotation of Convergence in Journalism and Communication. Modern Media, 2006 3

心物场(psycho-physical field)是心理学流派格式塔学派代表人物考夫卡《格式塔心理学原理》一书中和同型论(isomorphism)并列的概念。考夫卡认为:世界是心物的,经验世界与物理世界不一样。人的行为环境在受环境调节的同时,以自我为核心的心理场也在运作着,它表明有机体的心理活动是一个由自我—


i) Emphasis on the context design to create immersive reading experience.

According to psychology, people’s cognition and understanding of objects is psycho-physical field process. To build this psycho-physical field needs to consider the following factors: how to realize the interaction of different elements, construct effective thinking modes and efficiently promote the information transmission. In the production of digital magazine, visual element is the objective element for the psycho-physical field construction. It forms an integrated reading context by adding video and audio elements and virtual reality technology to interface to help readers get a complete understanding of the context in a relatively short period and in a more direct way. Involving many sense organs, this experimental reading mode helps readers grasp the integrated feature of the digital magazine and acquire a more immersive and individual reading experience than traditional magazine. Compared with traditional digital magazine, this type of magazine continually involves new technologies like virtual reality in the designer’s situation which unwittingly immerses the readers and helps them finish the reading. In the nowadays situation of Information Age and Era of Pictures, readers needs quick reaction and acquisition towards abundant information. The digital magazine’s features of multimedia integration makes it a product of the era with incomparable advantages and better satisfaction to people’s reading requirement.



行为环境-地理环境等进行动力交互作用的场。建立在格式塔心理学的基础上的认知理论(cognitive theory)进一步指出:认知过程并不是个别的感知和部分的知觉,而是对含有格式塔心理学所说的形态知觉这种更大的整体的认识。

Together with isomorphism, psycho-physical field is a conception in the book The Principle of Gestalt Psychology by Kurt Koffka, representative of Gestalt Psychology School. Koffka believes the world is 心物的 and different from the experience world and physical world. While human activities are under the regulation of circumstance, psycho-physical field operates with its own core. It indicates organism psychological activities are based on an interactive field of ego - activity circumstance - geographical circumstance. The cognitive theory, which is based on Gestalt Psychology, further indicates the cognition process is not separate and partial perception, but more integrative perception involves the configuration cognition by Gestalt Psychology.


ii) High-degree integration of various technological means

The continual emergence of new technology helps information transmission enter an era of multimedia integration and digital magazine is just such a media form. Digital magazine, with advantages of traditional media, combines different video, audio, text, picture, animation, etc. After the introduction of virtual reality technology, digital magazine could provide a panorama visual experience and activate human’s various senses to enrich content and effects of web media transmission. At the same time, the application of database technology, information searching and navigation technology greatly improves reading efficiency and makes digital magazine a new media with vast transmission power.



iii)Multielemental, interactive and experiencing reading space

Various hyperlinks in the digital magazine improve the reading space’s interactivity and various reading terminals also provide readers with multielemental reading experience. The form of print media and its content are restricted by the two dimensions of width and height, but the reading spaces of digital magazines are not. The hyperlink, search and navigation technology develops the digital magazine’s visual techniques from two dimensions to three-dimensional, which page construction is more flexible. The reading of printed magazine is usually linear, while digital magazine contains many hyperlinks which help readers conduct more deep and extensive reading by clicking any content they are interested in. Besides online and offline reading, digital magazine contains many reading modes, including many personal terminals like reading device, mobile phone, digital TV, etc. Readers could even immerse themselves in the simulated environment and experience presence effect through virtual reality technology. Just as Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre said: “Reading is a guided creation.” The powerful trans-platform interactive function of digital magazine could satisfy readers’ flexible reading requirement of digital magazine and get them involved to enhance participation and sense of belongings.



iv) Agile and various Figure-ground relationship

Figure-ground relationship is a very important group of relationships in digital magazine interface design. Figure refers not to pictures, but to object which is in the forefront, relatively active and easy to operate. It could be visual elements like picture, text, video, button, etc. and also some kind of smell or feeling; Ground refers to background and other content which deeply illustrate and supplementary to visual objects. In the digital magazine interface design, the process of Figure-ground relationship is more agile, for example in the design of screen interface, picture annotation blends into the background to emphasize the main subject and several pictures floats to the page centre in turn for reading, etc. These methods enhance the enrichment of reading experience and emphasize the multimedia integration advantages of digital magazine.


The picture is from InterPhoto published by Guangzhou Poco Software Co. Ltd. In Jan 15, 2009.the “click” pictures on the top right corner cycle and zoom in and out by clicking.



v) Intensification and creation of reading entertainment

Compared with the limitation of reading entertainment of print magazine, digital magazine better satisfies the readers’ requirement for the variety of reading modes and entertainment. At first the exhibition of digital magazine was only simple integration of elements like audio, picture, animation, video, etc. From the design of digital magazine producer, some picture playing and animation effects are stiff and unpractical. The software producer uses is greatly limited, which would influence the final presentation. But now digital magazine, from page design and animation effect to audio and video quality, exhibits diverse presentation day by day. And readers could even experience senses impact, like seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. through virtual reality technology, which could not only reproduce the real-existing environment, but also build environment than

does not exist or impossible to exist. These all represent the digital magazine’s creation and improvement to meet the reading entertainment.



3. Principles and suggestions of digital magazine interface design

Based on the analysis of digital magazine interface features, the author believes the digital magazine interface design should follow four principles.





First, Integrate means of creation and build an opening reading environment If an individual and acceptable psycho-physical field during the process of digital magazine production, then readers would easily feel the integrity, not simple accumulation of segments. The sense of integrity depends on the integrated initiative design of visual elements. Under the principle that form serves content, technique would also serve originality and segment would serve the integrity. Based on the importance of information delivery, designing needs to distinguish the priority of visual elements, cleverly grasp Figure-ground relationship, play out elements’ advantage on information delivery, emotion and ideas and at the same time all the above should be utilized to arouse readers’ interests. Of course if you want your digital magazine to be outstanding, you need to find yourself a specific position, build your own style, pay much attention to the content originality and master various designing techniques in order to present readers a visual space with special features. And when readers realize what designers intend to create, the process of psycho-physical field has already been achieved through designing techniques.


电子杂志是新的技术支撑体系下出现的新的媒体形态中比较有代表性的一种。电子杂志技术上的发展主要依靠计算机图形学、人机交互技术、人工智能、网络传输、语音输入输出等领域的技术进步。通过各种新技术的应用和整合,电子杂志在表现手法上日益丰富和充实。但技术手段只是基础,设计者还需要灵活运用艺术包括设计上的手段和技巧,使阅读者能够沉浸在阅读过程中。电子杂志区别于传统纸质杂志的一个重要特点就是互动性和沉浸性强,能使读者更快地融入。但是目前的电子杂志拥有的互动功能多是最基本的或者初级阶段的互动,譬如简单的问答。事实上,比较高阶段的互动可以直接实现对内容的参与,使读者迅速“沉浸”在设计者所营造的情境当中。虚拟现实技术所带来的临场参与感与交互能力可以使读者动态的欣赏静态的艺术作品(如绘画、雕塑等);还可以在虚拟的音乐厅聆听音乐会;观赏再造的旅游景区等等,这样的呈现形式应用在电子杂志上,则可以给读者带来更加生动、 4



Second, Integrate all sorts of media technology and enrich the means of presentation to create immersive experience

Digital magazine is one of the representative new media types with the support of new technology. The development of digital magazine depends technologically on the advancement in the fields of computer Graphics, man-machine interaction technologies, artificial intelligence, web

transmission, speech input-output, etc. With the application and integration of various new technologies, the digital magazine’s means of presentation is increasingly abundant and enriched. But technological means just lays a foundation, designers need to apply design methods and techniques with flexibility to get readers immersed into the reading process. One of the most important features that distinguish digital magazine from traditional print magazine is its interactivity and immersion, which attracts readers’ acceptance more quickly. But most interactive functions of digital magazine are the most fundamental or preliminary interaction like simple questions. Actually, higher levels of interaction could involve readers in the content and quickly immerse readers in the context created by the designers. The instant involvement and interactive functions created by virtual reality technology could enable readers to dynamically enjoy static artistic works like painting and sculpture, etc., to enjoy a concert in a virtual odeum and to view reconstructed scenic resorts. All of the above could be applied in digital magazine to present readers with a live and direct picture. Furthermore, all sorts of technologies like dynamic tracking, force feedback, 3D display, panorama simulation and even smell and feeling simulation, could be applied and integrated to present readers a brand-new environment.

第三,合理规划视觉流程,灵活使用超级链接,为读者提供个性化阅读。 电子杂志在保留了纸媒杂志线性阅读方式为主线的前提下,又通过大量的链接让其阅读方式多元化,使原本单一的阅读行为变得丰富多样。灵活使用链接与文字提醒、各种按钮图标,都可以作为提示性符号引导读者选择最佳的阅读顺序,让读者按照自己意愿安排阅读。如果读者对某一个专题感兴趣,也可以通过链接到其它相关平台上进行更深层次的了解。这样读者获取的信息已经超出一本杂志的内容,变成以这本杂志为切入点的无限延伸开,从而满足不同读者个性化的阅读需求。目前大多数电子杂志的呈现形态仍然是模仿传统书籍的翻阅形式,所以探索新的表现形式将是电子杂志成长的生命力所在。毕竟随着技术的发展,虚拟世界已然成为另外一种真实。设计者不只是利用技术来解决视觉问题,开发新的视觉经验,更是利用新媒体去呈现人们生活中的种种处境。读者从原来的被动接受,发展成为电子杂志所营造情境的参与者,甚至可以成为内容的提供者和内容意义的再创作者。读者的主体意识将被唤醒,最大限度的实现个性化阅读。

Third, Feasibly plan the visual process, adopt hyperlink with flexibility, present readers with individual reading experience.

Digital magazine keeps the linear reading modes of print magazine and furthermore keeps reading modes various through great deal of hyperlinks, which adds abundant reading activities to the former one. Flexible links, text annotation and button icons could all be used to be indicative symbols to help readers choose the best reading sequence and arrange their reading by their own will. If readers show interest to one subject, they could conduct deeper understanding on other relative platforms through hyperlinks. By this way, readers could acquire information beyond one magazine and extend with limit from this magazine, which satisfies the individual reading requirement of different readers. Nowadays, the presentation of most digital magazines still page-flipping mode, which is a simulation of traditional books, so the search for a new presentation mode is the life-force for digital magazine development.

After all, with the technological development, virtual world has already become another reality. Designers not only utilize technology to solve the visual problems and develop new visual experience, but also to utilize new media for the presentation of people’s daily life. Rather than acceptees, readers become the participants of the environment build by digital magazine, and even become the content supplier and content meaning re-creator. Readers’ subjectivity is aroused to realize individual reading to the greatest extent.


Forth, distinguish the importance of information transmitted and cleverly grasp the Figure-ground relationship.

Generally speaking, the importance of the information usually follows the sequence of From the top down and From left to right. According to psychology, we are supposed to pay attention to the top and the left. When we look at the screen, we usually first browse the whole picture and then stay on a point interested. Emphasis should be laid on the rule of visual center during designing, for example, the center of the screen is usually the visual center, the relatively larger pictures is easy to be the visual center, places of vivid contrast in the screen is easy to be the visual center. When facing the dynamic and three-dimensional designing, we are required to utilize modifying means of Figure-ground relationship extension, like flow activation, magnification after activation, 隐退(blending), to achieve better results. Therefore, digital magazine interface design need clever application of psychological research results to create clear priority sequence and help readers be immersed.



4. Conclusion

Digital magazine is a new type of media resulted from “Media Convergence”. Its advantage is the unlimited possibility for the development brought by technological innovation. But, no matter how technology develops, it should finally provide service to human beings. For digital magazine, it is supposed to help readers get a whole understanding of the context meanings in a more direct way in a relatively short time in order to achieve emotional communication. Because of the integration of media technologies, digital magazine interface design should follow the existed artistic experience – some people believe that film-making is an integrated art, so is the design of new type media. Besides film, we should find ways from architecture art and information design to create an immersive, interactive, individual new type of communication media.


Gu Qunye, Associate Prof. of Shandong University of Art and Design

