
更新时间:2024-02-02 04:53:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. --- Are those sisters? --- No, they're friends. A. his; he B. your; my

C. your; me D. her; hers D. on 2. Welcome back school, everyone! A. to B. in C. at 3. I want a new and I want to put my pocket money(零花钱) in it. A. crayon

B. wallet

C. watch

4. --- What are you doing?

--- I am my watch, but I can't it. A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. looking at; find

D. finding; look at

5. My mother often the keys at home when she goes out. A. forget B. leave C. forgets 6. --- Can I help you?

--- Yes. Three , please. A. kilo of bananas B. kilos of banana C. kilo bananas

D. kilos of bananas

7. Please be careful your watch. It's very expensive. A. with B. at C. by 8. --- bag is that? --- It's Lingling's. A. Which B. What C. Whose 9. Here some nice gloves! A. be B. is

C. are

10. There are eight students in our school. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of 11. Lily often her mother cakes. A. helps; to make B. helps; doing C. help; to make D. helping; doing

12. --- Is this book Tony's?

--- Let me see.No, has a lovely cat on the cover(封皮). A. yours

B. mine

C. his 13. The boy is crying. He is . A. lost B. lose C. losing A. lost

B. lose

C. losing 14. They all choose me their class monitor. D. pencil

D. leaves D. on

D. Who's D. am D. hundreds of

D. hers D. miss D. miss

A. in A. good; well

B. with B. well; good

C. as C. good; good

D. on D. well; well

15. I like Andy Lau. I think he sings and his songs are very . 16. --- Can Li Lei draw pictures? --- Yes, he . A. can't B. isn't

C. can D. doesn't

17. Meimei is kind and she gets well her classmates. A. on; with B. at; with C. on; to D. in; for 18. Can you help me my English? A. with B. of

C. learning

D. about D. joining D. but

19. Jenny would like the Music Club. A. to take B. taking C. to join 20. Brian is new here, he has few friends. A. also B. so C. or 21. --- does her sister want to join? --- The Swimming Club. A. What school B. Which club C. What class A. is

A. do shopping

B. are B. do reading

C. be C. do cooking

D. Which sport D. am D. do cleaning

22.Mike sings well. He can in our school music festival(音乐节). 23. Mr. Read helps us . He wants to live in a clean house. 24. --- do you join the club? --- Because I like music. A. What B. Where

C. Why D. When

25. My friend Alice can play tennis but she can't play violin. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; / 26. Are you plant(种植) trees on March 12th? A. ready

B. ready with

C. ready in

D. ready to D. between

27. What do you usually do lessons? A. at B. on C. in

28. Mr. Green is an English teacher. teaches English A. He; we B. He; us C. His; us D. He; I 29. I look forward you again. A. see B. to seeing

C. to see

D. sees D. for

30. What are they going to do the weekend? A. in B. at C. by

31.Sam is going to stay at home because he enjoys TV. A. watch A. pay

B. to watch B. spend

C. watching C. cost

D. watches D. take D. making D. yourselves

32.Do you your weekends with your family? 33.I like train tickets. Can you give me yours? A. collecting B. buying C. playing 34. I think I can enjoy at Mike's birthday party. A. myself B. ourselves C. himself 35. Tony over his lessons next Sunday. A. is going to go B. goes C. go

D. is going to going

D. takes

36. When do you plan your holiday? A. to take B. take C. taking

37. Saturday morning I usually do my homework and the afternoon I usually play table tennis. A. In; on B. On; in C. In; at D. On; by 38. --- Why do you get up so in the morning? --- Because I have got lots of things to do. A. late B. well C. early 39. --- Are you relaxing(放松) yourself here? --- Yes. It feels to take a walk in the park. A. fantastic

B. boring

C. strange

D. bad

40. --- are you going there tomorrow? --- Because we are going to meet the Smiths. A. Why B. What C. Where 41. --- Jack, I'm going for a picnic with my parents tomorrow. --- . A. That's it B. Have fun C. It's a pleasure

42. He hopes around the world. A. to travel B. traveling

D. Thank you C. travels

D. to traveling D. play D. by

D. busy

D. How

43. Tom likes to his emails on Friday afternoon. A. have B. check C. look 44. They will go sightseeing in Beijing two weeks. A. in B. at C. for

45. Everyone wants to live a happy life , so we must study hard now. A. in future B. in a future C. in the future D. in futures 46. --- This watch is too expensive.

--- Well, we have got some ones. They're over there. A. heavy B. light C. cheap

D. small

47.Danny always strange questions in class. Some of his questions are difficult to answer. A. knows B. asks C. answers D. leaves 48. That boy can write songs and he can play the guitar . A. such as B. as good as C. as well

D. as well as

49.--- Do your parents like the car?

--- Yes. Not only my father but also my mother it very much. A. like B. to like C. doesn't like D. likes 50. --- Will there be more trees in the future?

--- . Because people will plant more and more trees. A. No, there won't B. Yes, they are C. No, they aren't

D. Yes, there will

51.There a football game in ten minutes. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have

52. --- Who is in the classroom? --- . A. Nothing B. Not A. use

B. have

D. are going to be

C. No one C. with

D. No D. in

53. Can you draw a cat on the blackboard chalk? 54. --- How do you study Chinese so well? --- reading lots of books. A. To B. Of

C. At D. By D. as well D. are like D. for

55. Mr. Green is kind to us, we all like him. A. but B. or C. so 56. Everyone in our class English very much. A. like B. likes C. is like 57. People will do many things the Internet. A. on B. in C. at 58. --- How do you go to school every day? --- I go to school . A. in bus B. take bus A. a

B. an

C. by a bus C. the

D. by bus D. /

59. You won't do it well if(如果) you are in hurry. 60. There a volleyball match between Class 1 and Class 2 this afternoon. A. is going to be B. is going to C. going to be D. is going to have

