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1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ___ __ A.Deadweight scale B.Tide table C.Notice to mariners D.Table of azimuth B

2. Many of the lights on this coast are placede so high as to be so frequently obscured by __ _____ A.Power B.Tower C.Cover D.Shower _D

3. A line of position from a celestial obsertion is a segment of a __ ____

A.circle of equal altitude B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical of circle A

4. How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?__ ____ A.30nm B,60nm C.15nm D.7.5nm D

5.The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ___ _____ A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units B. about 16 minutes

C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15°of arc B

6. The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A. Surging B. Spilling C. Plunging D. Converging B

7. Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety? A. Light List B. Notice to Mariners C. Coast Pilot D. Sailing Directions B

8.Navigate with _ __.Small fishing boats are within 0.8 mile of me. A.crefull B.skill C. concern D.caution D

9. The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained _ ____ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent. A. free of charge B. with no responsibility C. without limitations of distribution D. with little charges A

10. The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to __ __.

A. erase the entry and rewrite B. draw several lines through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction C. completely black out the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction D. draw one line through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction D

11. When a vessel is entering or leaving a port,a record of engine speeds is kept in the __ ___. A. bell book B. deck rough log C. Official Logbook D. engine rough log A

12. I’d like to know the full __ ___ of the accident.

A. particular B. particulars C. in particular D. in particulars B

13. The extent程度 of the damage could not be __ ___ though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge. A. sure B. contained C. ascertained查明 D. applied C

14. For whom is the ISM Code mandatory?

A. All vessels 500 GRT and above B. All tankers C. All vessels built after 1998 D. All vessels on international routes 答案:A谁要强制执行国际安全管理规则?所有500总吨以上的船舶

15. That the _ ___ showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the said Convention. A. looking B. seeing C. sightseeing D. inspection检查


16. If the officer of the watch must leave the voyage plan, he should _____?

A. Make a note in the logbook B. Inform the master C. No special action necessary D. Check the new plan 答案:B值班驾驶员必须停止航行计划他应该报告船长

17. The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the ______. A. IMDG conference B. American Bureau of Shipping

C. International Maritime Organization D. American Institute of Maritime Shipping 答案:C海上人命安全公约由国际海事组织提出。

18.The maneuvering information required to be posted in the wheelhouse must be based on certain conditions.Which of the following is not one of these conditions?

A.The hull must bu clean B.There must be calm weather-wind 10 knots or less and a calm sea

C.There must be no current D.The depth of the water must be at least one and one—half times the draft D

19. How to determine the density of the slop after tank washing?

A. By use of an interferometer B. By use of a hydrometer C. By use of an interface D. By use of a thermometer 答案:B怎样判断洗舱后费油的密度?通过使用液体比重计

20. No oil or mixture containing oil __ ___ into Singapore waters from any vessel.

A. shall not be discharged B. shall be discharged C. shall be filled D. shall not be filled B

21.What is a CORRECT reply to a pilot’s request,“How’s your heading”? A.Steady B.Eased to 10 rudder C.Checked D.Passing 50 D

22. The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that _____.

A. The stopper should be of synthetic fibre rope B. The size of the stopper should be as large as possible C. The stopper should be of low stretch material D. The stopper should be very flexible 答案:B阻挡器的理想的绳索需要满足以下要求中除了阻挡器的尺寸尽可能大

23. The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor走锚 in a sand bottom is to __ __. A. reduce the length of the cable B. pay out more anchor cable C. back the engines D. swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom B

24. ___ is prohibited in this area.

A. Anchor B. Anchoring C. Anchored D. Being anchored B

25. A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ____ than a vessel with single screw. A. turning maneuver B. course setting C. position fixing D. regulating speed A

26. If your propeller is racing空转 in rough weather,you should _____.

A. decrease your engine speed B. ignore it C. increase your engine speedD. stop your engine until the rough weather passes A

27. Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?___ __

A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy B. A purse seiner hauling her nets C. A pilot vessel at anchor D. A vessel which has run aground B purse seiner围网渔船 hauling拖

28. All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT _____.

A. A vessel trawling B. A vessel trolling C. A vessel setting nets D. A vessel tending lines. B

29. Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,______ to another vessel observing visually or by radar.

A. be large enough to be readily apparent B. be a succession of small alterations

C. be with due regard to the power and speed of the vessel D. leave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action

KEY: A任何为避免碰撞的航向和/或航速的改变应,如环境许可,大的足以容易明显地被他船以视觉或雷达观测到. (为避免碰撞而作的航向和(或)航速的任何变动,如当时环境许可,应大得足以便他船用视觉或雷达观测时容易察觉到)

30. Two short blasts of the whistle have all of the following meanings EXCEPT ______.

A. I intend to meet you starboard to starboard. B. I do not intend to hold course and speed. C. I intend to overtake you on your port side. D. I intend to alter my course to port. KEY: B

31. If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation _____.

A. you must keep your course and speed B. you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear C. the other vessel must keep her course and speed D. both vessels must keep their course and speed A

32. You should plot your dead reckoning position _ ____.

A. from every fix or running fix B. from every estimated position C. every three minutes in pilotage waters D. only in pilotage waters A

33. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______. A. interrupted quick flashing B. composite group flashing C. Morse (A) D. quick flashing KEY: B具有红绿横纹的浮筒将具有组合闪光的灯光特性。

34. In region A, The green buoys are kept to_____and red to _____when sailing from____to____.

A.starboard,port,sea,land B.starboard,port,land,sea C.port,starboard,land,land D.port,starboard,sea,sea 答案:A在侧面左手标,当从海上驶向岸时绿色浮标保持在右舷,红色在左舷 35. Spring tides are tides that ______.

A. have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal B. have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal

C. are unpredictable D. occur in the spring of the year KEY: A

36. The movement of water away from the shore or downstream is called a(n) ______

A. reversing current B. ebb current C. flood current D. slack current KEY: B退潮 downstream顺流而下 37. A vessel is listed侧倾 when it is ______.

A. down by the head B. down by the stern C. inclined due to off-center weight D. inclined due to wind KEY: C

38. Metacentric height稳心高度 is a measure of ______.

A. initial stability only B. stability through all angles C. maximum righting arm D.All of the above Key :A初稳性

39.The mean draft平均吃水 of a ship is the draft __ _____

A.Midway between the forwad and aft draft marks B.At the center of flotation C.At the loadline D.At the center of buoyancy A

40. Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate足够的 ______. A. ballast B. reserve buoyancy C. displacement D. rolling periods KEY: B

41.For a floating ship, ture mean draft is always the _____

A.average of the observed drafts B.draft at the center of flotation

C.draft corresponding to the calculated displament D.mean of the calculated draft Key : B浮心

42.We usually choose cargo—handling货物装卸 equipment according to _______?

A.the ship type B.the port’s organization C.the cargo’s nature D.the docker’s ability Key:C货物的性质

43. The necessity of the segregation隔离 of cargoes is determined by ______.

A. experience from practice B. various types of cargoes C. different types of ships D. personal abilities KEY: B

44. During loading or discharging,the tallymen must make contact with__ ___on duty so as to solve problems in time. A.ship owner B.ship’s officers C.shippers D.consignors B

45.We’ll adopt the mechanical talling method _____.

A.soon or late B .soon or later C.sooner or late D.sooner or later Key:D

46.Inflammble caigo _____in the holds adjacent临近 to the angine room.

A.shall never be stowed B.may br stowed C.can be stowed D.should be stowed Key; A

47. TYPHOON FORECAST MOVE 285 DEG 15 KNOT FIRST 12 HOURS THEN 280 DEG 17 KNOTS NEXT 12 HOURS. The movement of the Typhoon is in __ _ quadrant. A. NE B. SE C. NW D. SW C

48. Hurricane warnings飓风警报are issued ______ when winds of force 12 or above are expected. A. in all parts of the world B. in some parts of the world

C. from all corners of the world D. from every corner of the world KEY: B

49. Swell涌浪 is the rise and fall of the ocean's surface due to ______.

A. fetch B. distant winds远处的风 C. local storms D. the pull of the moon KEY: B

50. Monsoons(季风)characterized by ______.

A. light,variable winds with little or no humidity B. strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year C. steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD. strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system

KEY: Csteady winds稳定的风 that reverse direction反向 semiannually每半年 51. In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______.

A. the direction of the true wind B. true north C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A

52. Panting frames are located in the ______.

A. after double bottoms B. centerline tanks on tankers C. fore and after peaks D. forward double bottoms KEY: C

53. The collision bulkhead防撞舱壁 shall be of _ ____.

A. water-tight B. air-tight C. fire-tight D. oil-tight A水密

54. Which is the winter load waterline on the load waterline mark?__ ___

A. The line over the summer load waterline B. The line above the tropical load waterline

C. The line below the tropical load waterline D. The line between the summer and the winter North Atlantic load waterline D

55. In relation to cargo gear装卸设备,what does SWL mean? ______.

A.Safe working load B.Ship's working lift C.Starboard wing lift D. Stress,weight,load KEY: A

56. A chain stripper分链器 is used to ___ __.

A. prevent chain from clinging to the wildcat B. clean the marine debris from the chain C. flake chain from a boat’s chain locker D. clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection A clinging绞缠

57. The primary reason for placing covers over storage batteries蓄电池 is to _ ____.

A. prevent the accumulation of explosive gases B. protect the hull from leaking electrolyte

C. prevent movement of the battery in rough waters D. protect against accidental shorting across terminal D保护两级终端意外短路 58、 Racon can help with _____?

A..measuring the distance B. measuring the relative speed C.identifying a vessel D.identifying a seamark D

59______is on the panel of radar.


60. [708] In order to insure that a RACON signal is displayed on the radar, you should __ ____. A. increase the brilliance of the PPI scope B. turn off the interference controls on the radar C. use the maximum available range setting D. increase the radar signal output B

61. Deviation changes with a change in __ ___ A.vessel’s geographic position B. vessel’s heading

C. vessel’s magnetic field D.influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel B

62. [1118]Deviation changes with a change in ______.

A. latitude B. heading C. longitude D. sea conditions KEY: B

63. [3805]______ the repeater compass with the master compass,please.

A. Similize B. Clock C. Synchronize D. Position KEY: C同步

64. With respect to automatic identification systems(AIS)which of the fowllowing information is broadcast every one to ten seconds? A.Vessel’s draft B.Air Draft C.Navigational status D.Dimensions of vessel KEY: C

65. Automatic identification systems (AIS) are expected to broadcast all of the following information EXCEPT ______. A. Port of origin B. Name of vessel C. Course and speed over ground D. Draft of vessel KEY: A启始港

66. [5264]All echo-sounders can measure the ______.

A. actual depth of water B. actual depth of water below keel

C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom KEY: B

67. [1084] The maritime radio system consisting of a series of coast stations transmitting coastal warning is called __ ____. A. NAVTEK B. HYDROLANT/HYDROPAC C. NAVAREA D. SAFESEA A

68. [4317]What would most likely prevent a SART's signal from being detected? A. Signal absorption by the ionosphere B. Heavy sea swells

C. The rescue personnel were monitoring the 10-cm radar D. The rescue personnel were monitoring the 3-cm radar KEY: C

69. [764] International distress signal in VHF calling for help is _____.

A. Help,Help,Help B. Maday,Maday,Maday C. Save,Save,Save D.Rescue,Rescue,Rescue 70. [4314]What is the MOST important thing you should do before transmitting on a marine radio? A. Ask for permission. B. Record the time in your radio log.

C. Press the push to talk button three times. D. Monitor the channel to insure that it is clear. KEY: D

71. [4194]There is a drifting mine水雷 ______ in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes East. A. report B. reports C. reported D. reporting KEY: C

72. [812]Get the searchlight ______ for transiting the canal at night.

A. turned off B. already C. almost D. ready KEY: D为夜间通过运河准备好探照灯。

73. 120. Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as _____.

A. Maintenance work B. Lashing work C. Tallying work D. Overtime work 答案:A清洁,油漆和修理工作叫做维修工作

74. [5266]An example of a messenger引揽 is a ______.

A. fairlead B. heaving line C. stay D. warp KEY: B撇缆绳

75.Which type of line would have LEAST resistance抵抗力 to mildew发霉 and rot腐烂? A.Manila B.Nylon C.Dacron D.Polypropylene A

76. [2414]A mooring line that checks阻止 forward motion of a vessel at a pier码头 is a ______. A. bow line B. forward bow line C. stern line D. stern breast line KEY: C

77What are the three bastic types of starters启动装置?

A.Air,water,electric B. Air,hydraulic.electric C.Metered, hydraulic ,automatic D. Air,emergency, hydraulic B

78 [6010]If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire,you would know that the ______. A. crew was trying to get warm B. vessel required immediate assistance KEY: B

C. vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boat D. vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft 7992. When is the parallel sweep search used?

A. When searching a small area B. When searching a large area C. When searching over hilly terrain D. When searching during night 答案:B什么时候使用平行搜索?当在一个大的海域搜索时

80. [5827]Portable fire extinguishers must be provided for the cargo tank area of an unmanned tank barge ______.

A. only when fully loaded B. if one or more tanks are full C. when transferring cargo D. only when the barge is being towed KEY: C

81. [1780] You are on watch at sea at night and a fire breaks out in 3 hold. What should be done IMMEDIATELY? A. Shut down the cargo hold ventilation. B. Proceed to the space and determine the extent of the fire. C. Flood the space with CO2 from the fixed fire fighting system. D. Cool the deck to contain the fire 答案:A

82. What is the meaning of UEL?

A. Upper exposure level B. Upper explosion level C. Upper explosive level D. Upper evaporation level 答案:C

83. [1603]A sea anchor is ______. 同原题库2279

A. a heavy anchor with an extra long line used to anchor in deep water B. a cone shaped bag used to slow down the wind drift effect

C. a pad eye to which the sea painter is made fast D. made of wood if it is of an approved type KEY: B海锚是一个用于减少风致漂移影响的锥状袋子。

84. [5851]The line-throwing appliance provided on board ship is ______.

A. for the saving of life B. for fire-fighting C. for mooring purpose D. for towing purpose KEY: A

85.[733] In the first 24 hours after abondoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are __ ____. A. thirsty B. sick or injured C. wet D. awake B

86. What does OBO mean?

A. Oil Bulk Oil B. Ore Bulk Oil C. Only Bulk Ore D. Only Basic Oil

答案:B .OBO的意思是什么?矿石/散货油

87.When chipping rust on a vessel,the MOST important piece of safety gear is____. A.a hard hat B、gloves C、goggles D、a long sleeve shirt C

88、You should FIRST treat a simple fracture by

A、attempting to set the fracture B、preventing her movement of the bone C、applying a tourniquet D、alternately applying hot and cold compresses B



A、Japan B、 Singapore C、 Taiwan D、New Zealand 90、What os the priority of the message?

A、Routine B、Securite C、Urgency D、Distress

91、The warning was issued at 180600 and will be first updated at A、190600 B、181256 C、180656 D、181200

92、Which of the following statements is true according to the warning?

A、950 HPA located at 25.7N 122.6E,its maximum winds near centre reach 85 knots,and radius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircle

B、930 HPA located at 25.7N 122.6E,its maximum winds near centre reach 100 knots, and radius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircle

C、 950 HPA located at 29.7N 119.6E,its maximum winds near centre reach 85 knots,and radius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircle

D、930 HPA located at 29.7N 119.6E,its maximum winds near centre reach 100 knots, and radius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircle 二短距离通信

Communications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse code. The traditional method of signaling from one ship to another is by using flags. There are different colored flags for each letter of the alphabet. There are also pennant-shaped flags for numbers,and a long pennant,known as an answering or code pennant. Three other flags,which are burgee-shaped,are known as substitutes. These show that the flat or pennant is being repeated. Besides standing for a letter of the alphabet,each flag,when hoisted along,has another meaning. For example,the \require medical assistance\,three or four. Siren,whistle,bell or other sound signals can be used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen. [93]Communications over relatively short distances may be made by ________. 通信相关的距离相当短,可以不是视觉就是声号。

A. visual signals B. sound signals C. Morse Code D. Either visual or sound signals #D

[94]An Aldis lamp is used for ________.一个手提闪光信号的被用在莫尔斯密码发送上。

A. transmitting Morse code B. flashing flags C. sending flag signals D. sending sound signals #A [95]Burgee-shaped flags are used as substitutes to show ________.燕尾旗是用来代替显示 重复的

A. \ #A [96]________ are used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen. 这个船的汽笛,口哨或者钟是用在雾和类似环境当视觉不能看到时候。

A. Visual signals B. Substitutes C. Pennant-shaped flags D. The ship's siren,whistle or bell #D


1,[2286]Some of these shoals have been disproved and are not charted.Nevertheless mariners should ______ with particular caution in this area.

A. go B. proceed C. move D. remove KEY: B

2,[136]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A. List of Lights B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons KEY: A

3[247]A red triangular daymark marks ______.

A. the centerline of a navigable channel B. the starboard side of a channel C. a prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral significance

D. an area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted KEY: B

4[293]What information is found in the chart title?

A. Date of the first edition B. Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revision

C.Information on the sounding datum D. Information on which IALA buoyage system applies KEY: C深度基准面

5[284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______. A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units B. about 16 minutes C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15°of arc KEY: B

6[279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwaterbeach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land aboat on this beach?

A. Surging B. Spilling C. Plunging D. Converging KEY: B

7,the broken magenta lines starting at Mountank point and running generally ENE to Bloci Island indicate ____ ____ A recommended tracks to Block Island B a submerged cable area C a military exercise area D demarcation lines for application of the COLREGS A

8 navigate with ____ small fishing boats are within 0.8miles of me A carefulil B skill C concern D caution D

9[469]Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects缺陷 or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ______. A. marine broadcast Notice to Mariners B. Weekly Notices to Mariners

C. corrected editions of charts D. Light Lists KEY: A航海通告

10[353]All events relating to the voyage,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.同原题库2246

A. Logbook B. Bell Book C. Oil Record Book D. Compass Error Book

KEY: A所有与航次有关的事件,诸如船位,航速和气象的详细资料都被记录在航海日记中。

11[377]Prior to burning or welding on a fuel tank on a ship, regulations require that an inspection be made. An entry in the unofficial logbook is required if this inspection is made by ______. A. a marine chemist B. the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection

C. the Master or person in charge of the ship D. the National Fire Protection Association

KEY: C在船上燃油舱烧焊之前,规则要求进行检查。假如检查由船长或船舶负责的人员完成,则要求记录非正式航海日志

12[622]I have ______ damage below water line. 同原题库0327 A. large B. big C. important D. major KEY: D我船水线下有较大的损坏。

13__ __ the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones. A regard B regards C regarded D regarding _D

14who checks the bridge clokc for accuracy each day?

A third officer B second officer C chief officer D assistant officer B

15 Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?

A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals 答案:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号 16[5405]A qualified deck officer should be ______ the watch.

A. in charge of B. arranged C. decided to D. the depth of KEY: A

17. Emergency compressed air breathing escape sets onboard, shall have a duration of service no less than _____. A. 20 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes


18114. According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation? A. 20 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60

答案:B根据SOLAS公约,船上必须配备的呼吸器装置应该有足够的能力支持多少分钟? 19 127. Where should you record the crude oil washing after completion? A. Oil Record Book B.Cow manual C.Pumping Log D.Inter plant manual


20 83. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least_____?

A. Once every third year B. Once a month C. Once a year D. Once a week


21,In anchoring orders , UP AND DOWN means__ __(老题库上的题)

A the chain is not upright B the chain is tight C the chain is upright D the chain is slack C

22 it is all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side_ ___

A to allow port Authorities to board B allowing port Authorities to board

C to allow port Authorities boarding D allowing port Authorities to be boarded A

23[4777]A spring line倒缆 is ______.

A. any wire rope used for mooring B. a fire-warp C. a mooring line running diagonally to the keel

D. a mooring line perpendicular to the keel KEY: C

24[1317] Vessel towing with the current shall ____ tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside. A. at times B. at any time C. at no time D. at moment C

25[1868] Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?______.

A. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction. B. Change to hand steering. C. Call the Master D. Send the Quartermaster to the emergency steering station. B

26when you are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is in line above the lower light ,you should _____ A continue on the present course B come left C come right D wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line A

27[1685] Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?______

A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy B. A purse seiner hauling her nets C. A pilot vessel at anchor D. A vessel which has run aground B

28[2458]A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______.

A. she can be observed by radar B. she can be observed visually from the other vessel

C. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her heading D. her fog signal can be heard KEY: B

29 0365 Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout ______. A. By sight. B.By sight and hearing.

C.By sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances. D .By sight and hearing as well as by all available means except smelling.

KEY:C每一船舶应一直通过视觉,听觉和一切适用于当时环境的适合手段保持适当的了望。(老题库) 30[1475] When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision? A. When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other.

B. When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision.

C. When collision is imminent. D. The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action. B

31[210]A light signal consisting of three flashes means ______.

A. I am in doubt as to your actions B. My engines are full speed astern

C. I desire to overtake you D. I am operating astern propulsion KEY: D

32[2703]______ means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.

A. Great Circle B. Position Line C. Rhumb line D. True Bearing KEY: C


1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on particular day of the year? A. Tide Tables B. Tidal Current Tables C. Coast Pilot D. Nautical Almanac A

2. When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year, where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found?

A. Light List B. Notice to Mariners C. On the chart D. Coast Pilot A

3. For working details ______ Admiralty list of Radio Signal. A. refer B. see C. watch D. look B

4. The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is in the ______ . A. Lambert conformal B. Mercator C. azimuthal D. gnomonic B

5. A true bearing of a charted object , when plotted on a chart, will establish a ______ . A. fix B. line of position C. relative bearing D. range B

6. Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______ , Undue reliance should not be placed upon them. A. complete and often very poor surveys B. correct and often very good surveys C. inadequate and often very old surveys D. adequate and present surveys C

7. In revised editions of Admirlty chars the ______ are corrected first.

A. smaller scales B. larger scales C. smaller scales and larger scales D. moderate scales B

8.Navigate with ______ . Small fishing boats are within 0.8mile of me. A. careful B. skill C. concern D. caution D

9. The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent. A. free of charge B. with on responsibility C. without limitations of distribution D. with little charges A

10. All entries in Logbook, ______ made, must not be erased or amended. A. once B. whether C. previous D. just A

11.When a vessel is entering or leaving a port, a record of engine speeds is kept in the ______. A. bell book B. deck rough logbook C. Official Logbook D. engine rough log A

12. I must hold _____for any damage which may have resulted from the accidents you caused. A. your responsible B. you responsible C. you are responsible D. your are responsible B

13. ______ the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones. A. Regard B. Regards C. Regarded D. Regarding B

14. Who can suggest changes to the SMS?

A. The designated person B. The captain C. All officers and crew D, All senior officer C

15. Have the safety belts for _____been examined?

A. total enclosed lifeboats B. totally enclosing lifeboats C. totally enclosed lifeboats C. total enclosing lifeboats C

16. If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions, or intentions, he should _______ . A. notify the Captain as soon as possible B. seek clarification from the pilot C. take action by his own judgment D. cease the duty of pilot’s at once B

17. How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974_____?

A. 4 operators B. 3 operators C. 2 operators D. 1 operator D

18. In _____ convention, a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship. A. COSCO B. STCW C. SOLAS D. MARPOL C

19. Vessels carrying _____ must not willfully wash decks or holds. A. general B. steel products C. harmful cargo D. machinery C

20. How to determine the density of the slop after tank washing? A. By use of an interferometer B. By use of a hydrometer C. By use of an interface D. By use of a thermometer B

21. In anchoring orders, UPAND DOWN means ______.

A. the chain is not upright B. the chain is tight C. the chain is upright D. the chain is slack C

22.The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that???______.

A. The stopper should be of synthetic fibre rope B. The size of the stopper should be as large as possible C. The stopper should be of low stretch material D.The stopper should be very flexible B

23.You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are ________.

A. crossing your course in the same direction B. crossing your course in opposite directions C. parallel to the pier from ahead D. setting you on the pier C

24. If your vessel is dragging her anchor in a strong wind, you should?_____. A. shorten the scope of anchor cable B. increase the scope of anchor cable C. put over the sea anchor D. put over a stern anchor B

25. What is ship’s heading? Ship’s heading is the direction____.

A. the vessel is pointing B. the vessel is traveling relative to land C. the vessel is traveling relative to ground D. the vessel is drifting A

26. The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is ______. A. fairway side B. open sea side C. lee side D. roadstead side C

27. A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______.

A. she can be observed by radar B. she can be observed visually from the other vessel

C. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her heading D. her fog signal can be heard B

28. Which vessel is “underway” under the Rules of the Road?

A. A vessel at anchor with the engine running B. A vessel with a line led to a tree onshore C. A vessel drifting with the engine off D. A vessel aground C

29.In determining a safe speed-----shall not be among those into account. A、the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment B、any constraints imposed by the radar scale in use

C、the effect on radar detection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interference D、the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore D

30.Underway at night you see the red sidelight of a vessel well off your port bow. Which statement is TRUE?______.

A. You are required to alter course to the right. B. You must stop engines.

C. You are on a collision course with the other vessel. D. You may maintain course and speed. D

31.In case of your steering gear failed,_____should be exhibited in shapes or lights

A、 not under command B、restricted in her ability C、restrained by her draught D、underway A

32.The four standard light colors used for lighted aids to navigation are red,green,white,and ___ __. A.purple B.orange C.blue D.yellow D

33.When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation? A、During calm weather only B、During daylight only C、Only when inside a habor D、Only when fixed aids are not available A

34.A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a____.

A、gnomonic curve B、small circle C、meridian D、great circle B

35.When there are small differences between the heights of two successive high tides or two successive low tides,the tides are called __ __.

A.Diurnal B.Semi-diurnal C.Solar D.Mixed B混合半日潮

36.The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for____. A.The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon B.The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth C.The moon to be at its apogee D.The sun and the moon to be on the same side


37.All the hold and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be _____ for the carriage. A、comfortable B、suitable C、stable D、favorable B

38.A vessel with a large GM will ______.

A. have more resistance to listing in case of damage B. have less tendency to have synchronous rolling C. be less likely to have cargo shift D. ride more comfortably KEY: A

39.Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's _____

A、ability to float B、deadweight C、freeboard D、midships strength A

40.My ship is _____ NO.5 berth for loading.

A、onto the wharf B、moved astern C、into the dock D、moored alongside D

41.What is the main purpose of dunnage?

A. To act as ballast for light vessels B. To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo C. To secure the tarpaulins in place D. To support weakened bulkheads B dunnage垫舱 提供通风和排泄

42. The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows ______. A. the name of the crane operator B. an entry each time the crane is used

C. date and result of each rated load test D. the time of day of the test KEY:C

43. In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any

particular draft,which of the following would you compare? ______. A. Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravity. B. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravity. C. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancy.

D. Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity KEY: A

44.Inflammable cargo ______ in the holds adjacent to the engine room.

A. shall never be stowed B. may be stowed C. can be stowed D. should be stowed KEY: A

45. Please arrange for the workers to do the ______ work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship,and also supply the necessary materials for the work.

A. lashing B. shifting C. lifting D. tallying KEY: A

46.Foreman, the ship ______ , please get the stevedores to fill the port wings with heavier packages.

A. lists to starboard B. is shifting to starboard C. is inclined to starboard D. is listing to starboard KEY:D

47. If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere, which wind direction should you expect? A. South to west B. South to east C. West to north D. North to east KEY:B

48. LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC.This description is most likely to be under the heading of ______. A. GALE WNG B. GEN SYN C. STORM WNG D. TYPHOON WNG KEY: B

49. In the doldrums you can expect ______.

A. steady,constant winds B. frequent rain showers and thunderstorms

C. steep pressure gradients D. low relative humidity KEY: B doldrums赤道无风带

50. In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______.

A. the direction of the true wind B. true north C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A

51. A frontal thunderstorm is caused by ______. A. pronounced local heating B. wind being pushed up a mountain

C. a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass D. an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air KEY: C

52.Which is an advantage of using watertight longitudinal divisions in double bottom tanks? A.Cuts down free surface effect B.Increases the rolling period

C.Decreases weight because extra stiffeners are unneededD.Lowers the center of buoyancy without decreasing GM KEY:A 减少自由液面效果

53. _____is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is a reference point for vessel construction. A.Half length B.Mid-body C.Center line D.Amidships KEY:D

54.Where is the keel generally located on a ship?

A.Along the mid ships axis B.Along the centerline of the lower hulls C.Along the roll axis of the hull D.Along the axis of rotation of the hull KEY:B

55 On an anchor windlass, the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a______ A: brake compressor wheel B: devil’s claw C: wildcat D: winchead C

56 The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the_______ A: shape of the anchor B: stowage of the anchor on board C: anchor’s ability to dig in D: size of the vessel and its draft C

57 BHP stands for the_____of the main engine A: breadth dimension B:builder’s name C: brake horsepower D: revolutions per minute C

58Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope?__ A: Echoes from a buoy B: Own ship’s marker C: Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D: Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed A

59 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is_______ A :keeping a close watch and lookout B: taking a radar range and bearing

C: observing a radar target and listening to signals D: keeping a well clear caution B

60 Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail______ A: in dense fog B: in boisterous weather c:in the open sea D: in rivers A

61 Deviation in a compass is caused by the________

A:vessel’sgeographic position B:vessel’s headingC: vessel’smagnetic fieldD:influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel A

62 Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that power supply on board is____ A;high or low B: AC or DC C: longitude D: on or off B

63 Ddeviation changes with a change in_________ A: latitude B; heading C: longitude D; sea conditions B

64 Automatic identification systems(AIS) are expected to broadcast all of the following information EXCEPT______ A: navigation status B: ship’s heading C:port of origin D: time stamp C

65 The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______ A: 3 hours B: 6 hours C:12hours D:24 hours C

66 What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? A: sea bottom B; ship’s speed C: speed of current D: water temperature and density D

67 The principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warning is that__ A: they can be used by mariners who do not know Morse code

B: only an ordinary FM radio is necessary to receive these warnings C: information on a given topic is only broadcast at specified times

D: they cover a broad spectrum of the radio allowing reception on almost any type of receiver A

68 Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning? A: A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean

B: Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay C: All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels D: Off-air times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance D

69 All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode, which means that__________ A: only one person may talk at a time B : only two persons may talk at the same time C: the radio only transmits D: the radio only receives A

70 What does the abbreviation VHF stand for?_______ A: Vessel’s Hoisting Flag B: Very High Safety C: Vessel’s Homing Frequency D: Very High Frequency D

71 The pilot motor launches are_______blue ,with PILOT in white. A: furnished B: painted C: prepared D: written B

72 Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel on VHF? A: According B:According to her cargo C:According to her movements D:According to her crewmembers D

73 A bollard is found on the___ A:BEACH B:deck C;Pier D:towed vessel C

74 A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a____ A: Spring line B: bow line C: stern line D;breast line D

75A stopper is______ A : a short length of line used for temporarily holding another line B: a snatch block for handling a topping lift C: an engine order telegraph D :the brake on a cargo winch A

76 In order to correctly open a new coil of manila, you should____ A: pull the tagged end from the top of the coil B : pull the tagged end through the eye of the coil C: secure the outside end and unroll the coil D : unreel the coil from a spool B

77Paints and solvents on a vessel should be_______ A: stored safely at the work site until work is completed B: returned to the paint locker after each use C: covered at all times to protect from ignition sources D:stored in a suitable gear locker B

78A distress signal_____________ A: consists of 5 or more short blasts of the signal apparatus B: consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flag C: may be used separately or with other distress signals D: is used to indicate doubt another vessel’s intentions C

79The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the A:General commander B: Commander general C:Search commander D:On-scene commander D

80 A CLEARLY MARKED WAY IN THE VESSEL WHICH HAS TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY defines________ A. Escape route B.Alley way C.Corridor D.Embarking way A

81.You are on watch at night in port and discover a fire in 1 hatch. Which action should you take FIRST ?______ A. Advise the Chief Mate and Master. B. Release carbon dioxide into the hatch.

C. Sound the general alarm. D. Lead a fire hose to the hatch.


82. What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers engine room and pump room? A.Powder plant B.Foam plantC.CO2 plant D.Water spray plant


83.Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer___.

A. into the wind B. away in fire and smoke C. directly to the standby boat D. directly to the nearest land KEY:B

84.When launching a lifeboat,frapping lines should be rigged _____ A.before the gripes are released B.before the boat is moved from the davits C.at the embarkation deck D.after the boat is in the water KEY:C

85. _____ is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime.

A. Smoke signal B. Flash signal C. Fire signal D. Radio emergency transmission KEY: A

86. It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by using ______.

A. a boom B. suction equipment C. chemical agents D. skimmers KEY: C

87. First aid means ______.

A. medical treatment of accident B. setting of broken bones

C. emergency treatment at the scene of the injury D. dosage of medications KEY: C

88. In which way may intake of poisoning material not occur?

A. By inhaling B. By skin penetrating and skin absorbing C. By swallowing D. By protective measures 答案:D哪一种方法不会使有毒物质进入的情况发生?通过保护措施


Passage 3-30东北至西南8海里TSS


Reference chart: British Admiralty 1787,2004 edition.

Description of the traffic separation scheme:(a) A separation zone,two miles wide,is centred upon the following geographical positions: (1) 52°14'.0 N,6°00'.8 W (2) 52°08'.5 N,6°03'.8 W (3) 52°04'.7 N,6°11'.5 W (b) A traffic lane,three miles wide,is established on each side of the separation zone.

Inshore traffic zone:The area bounded between the landward boundary of the traffic separation scheme and lines connecting Tuskar Rock Lighthouse (52°12'.2N,6°12'.4W) and the following geographical positions is designated an inshore traffic zone:

(4) 52°15'.2 N,6°57'.0 W (northerly corner of the scheme) (5) 52°07'.8 N,6°15'.6 W (westerly corner of the scheme) [89]The distance between the seaward boundary【分界线】 and landward boundary the traffic separation scheme is ________ miles. A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8 #D这个距离在海界和陆界之间,分道通航制是8海里

[90]The traffic separation scheme consists of ________ traffic lanes. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 #A这个分道通航制包括2个交通道

[91] Tuskar Rock Lighthouse is located nearby the ________. A. westerly corner of the scheme B. northerly corner of the scheme C. middle of the scheme D. outside of the scheme #C Tuskar Rock灯塔是至于分道中间

92]The traffic separation scheme is probably leading in ________ direction.

A. NW-SE B. N-S C. E-W #D这个分道通航制是大概引入是东北到南西方位

D. NE-SW (二)

Passage 3-8雷达增益

By turning the GAIN control clockwise,the gain of the receiver increases and the observing range of the target expands. Adjust this control so that the best pictures may be displayed on the screen,according to the range scale in use. In the short range,it is advisable to operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather lowered a little. In the long range,it is advisable to operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather increased a little. With too little gain,the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range. With excessive gain,since the screen becomes brighter because the noise increases,the contrast between echoes and background noise reduces,making target observation more difficult. In the crowded regions,the gain may be reduced to clear the picture. #A [29]Switching from short range to long range,you will have to _______.从小范围转换到大范围,你应该转动增益顺时针。

A. turn the Gain control clockwise B. turn the Gain control anticlockwise

C. turn off the Gain D. keep the Gain control remaining in its original position #B [30]By turning the Gain clockwise,the contrast between echoes and background noise will _______. 对于顺时针转动增益,回波和背景噪音之间的对比将会减小。

A. increase B. decrease C. not change D. increase or decrease according to the range scale in use #D [31]By _______ the best picture will be displayed on the screen,.

对于增加或者减少增益,按照距离标尺的使用,最好的图像将会显示在屏幕上。 A. turning the Gain control clockwise B. turning the Gain control anticlockwise

C. keeping the Gain control remaining in its original position D. increasing or decreasing the gain according to the range scale in use #D [32]With too little gain,_______.太小的增益,则小目标会丢失,同时减少察觉范围圈。 A. the target observation will be more difficult under the increasing contrast B. the contrast between echoes and background noise reduces C. the screen becomes brighter because the noise increases

D. the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range


1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on a particular day of the year? A. Tide Tables B. Tidal Current Tables C. Coast Pilot D. Nautical Almanac A

2. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be __

A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. commanded B

3. The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body, caused by refraction,increases as the ______. A. horizontal parallax decreases B. observer’s height above sea level increases

C. humidity of the atmosphere decreases D. altitude of the body decreases D

4. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and______.

A. deviation B. annual rate of variation change C. precession D. compass error KEY: B

5. The short-long dashed, magenta lines parallel to York River Entrance Channel mark _____

A. fish trap areas B. naval exercise areas C. underwater cables D. recommended track lines A

6.An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are_____

A in meter or fathom B in foot or kilometer C by meter or fathom D by foot or kilometer A

7.When should voyage planning be done?

A. During the sailing B. Prior the sailing C. After sailing D. Before the pilot is leaving


8. The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy has no navigational significance and may be removed at will.The above sentence means ______.

A. It's of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice B. It's useful in navigation and may be removed without notice C. It's helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice

D. It's helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice KEY: C

9. Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ______. A. considered B. insured C. relied upon D. suspected KEY: C可靠

10. ___is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage,written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman's Book KEY: B航海日记是船舶航次的完全记录,由值班驾驶员在每班结束时填写。

11.When there is not a chief officer on board, ______should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.

A the assistant officer B the captain C the officer on duty D the third officer B

12.The port gangway caught on a ______on the wharf and was severely damaged.

A bollard B bitt C stem D keel Key A

13. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?

A. Yes, always B. No C. Not if you measure for toxic gases D. Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hours 答案:A当你进入一个密闭空间前你需要测量氧气浓度吗?是的,总是这样

14. Who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels are operated at least weekly?______ A. Master B. Chief Engineer C. Deck officer assigned D. Engineering officer assigned Key A

15. Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility

A.ship shell B.exterior of winches C.hydrostatic release unit D.hold ladders


16. You are on watch at night in clear visibility and the vessel has just been anchored. The first thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to ______.

A. stop the engines B. turn off the running lights and turn on the anchor lights

C. take at least two bearings of prominent shore lights D. lower the accommodation ladder and illuminate it Key B

17.the port of registry is ______.

A not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel B required to be marked on both bows C required to be marked anywhere on the stern with the name of vessel marked on both bows

D required to be marked anywhere on the keel, stern , and both bows Key C

18.On a rigid liferaft which is equipped with all of the required equipment you may not find a______

A bailer B sponge C whistle D fishing kit Key D

19. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least _____on board cargo ship A. Once every third year B. Once a month C. Once a year D. Once a week B

20.Ship’ masters are requested to ensure that ,while their vessels are calling at this port ,all discharge outlets are_____ A opened B kept half opened C blocked up D kept half closed Key C

21.What is a CORRECT reply to a pilot’s request, How’s your heading?

A Steady B Eased to 10 rudder C checked D Passing 50 Key D

22. Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?______.

A. Bow breast line B. Bow spring line C. Inshore head line D. Offshore head line Key B

23. It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.

A. to allow port Authorities to board B. allowing port Authorities to board

C. to allow port Authorities boarding D. allowing port Authorities to be boarded KEY: A

24. Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______.

A. very soft mud B. rocky C. a mixture of mud and clay D. loose sand KEY: C

25. Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?______.

A. switch to hand steering. B shift the steering to the emergency steering station.

C. Call the Master D. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction. Key A

26. A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.

A. turning maneuver B. course setting C. position fixing D. regulating speed KEY: A

27.The officer of the watch should______ comply with the Collision Rules.

A some times B often C at all times D seldom KEY C

28.Your vessel is underway when______

A her is dredging B her anchor is used in docking

C she is dredging her anchor D her anchor holds fast while she is swinging KEY D

