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The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎

As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。

The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.


简介中文:埃菲尔铁塔是世界上第一座钢铁结构的高塔 法国巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,是1884年法国政府为庆祝1789年法国资产阶级大革命100周年,举办世界博览会而建立起来的永久性建筑物。铁塔因它的设计者居斯塔夫·埃菲尓而得名。铁塔高320.7米,重约7000吨,由18038个优质钢铁部件和250万个铆钉铆接而成。底部有4个腿向外撑开,在地面上形成边长为100米的正方形,塔腿分别由石砌礅座支撑,地下有混凝土基础。塔分三层,第一层高57米,第二层115米,第三层274米,从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯。铁塔的修建,表明了19世纪后期结构科学和施工技术的进步。今天,埃菲尔铁塔的宏伟形象已成为巴黎的象征。英文:The Eiffel tower is in the world first steel and iron structure Gao Ta the French Paris's Eiffel tower, was in 1884 the French government to celebrate in 1789 the France bourgeoisie Great Revolution 100th anniversary, conducts permanent building which the world expo established. Because the iron tower its designer occupies Staaf · Effie 尓 to acquire fame. Iron tower height 320.7 meters, heavy approximately 7000 tons, becomes by 18038 high quality steel and iron parts and 2,500,000 rivet riveted joint. The base has 4 legs to open outward, forms the length of side in the ground is 100 meters squares, the tower leg separately by Shi Qidun the place support, underground has the concrete foundation. The tower divides three, the first height 57 meters, the second 115 meter, the third 274 meter, goes against from the pylon to the tower altogether has 1711 levels of steps and ladders. The iron tower construction, has indicated the late-19th century structure science and the construction technique progress. Today, Eiffel tower's grand image has become Paris's symbol.

埃菲尔铁塔(又译“艾菲尔铁塔”)是法国巴黎著名铁塔,坐落在塞纳河南岸马尔斯广场的北端。1887年1月26日动工,1889年5月15日开放的,距今已有100多年的历史了。埃菲尔铁塔高300米,天线高24米,总高324米。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的桥梁工程师居斯塔夫?埃菲尔。巴黎圣母院是古代巴黎的象征,那么,埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower )就是现代巴黎的标志。浪漫的巴黎人给铁塔取了一个美丽的名字——“云中牧女”。以设计人法国著名建筑工程师埃菲尔的名字命名,并在塔下为埃菲尔塑了一座半身铜像。



建设地点:法国巴黎战神广场 开工时间:1887年1月27日 竣工时间:1889年3月31日 占地面积:1万平方米 建筑高度:324.79米 建筑总质量:约

为10100吨 建筑层数:4层 灯泡数: 20000个 结构形式:钢架镂空结构 建筑造价:745万7千法郎 投资单位:法国政府 设计人:居斯塔夫·埃菲尔

(Alexandre Gustave Eiffel) 建设用途:餐厅,观景 英文名称:Eiffel Tower 法文名称:La tour Eiffel 别称:巴黎铁塔


艾菲尔铁塔矗立于巴黎市中心塞纳河右岸的战神广场上,它是为迎接在巴黎召开的世界博览会而于1889年建成的。它以铁塔的设计者、杰出的建筑工程师居斯塔夫·艾菲尔的名字命名。 为什么人们对它那么有兴趣?



The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel) is a 19th century iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris that has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The Eiffel Tower, which is the tallest building in Paris, is the single most visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair.【艾菲尔铁塔(法国:参观埃菲尔)是十九世纪的铁格塔(香港)有限公司座落在战神广场”举行的巴黎,已成为一个全球偶像的法国两者之一,最具标志性的建筑,在世界上。艾菲尔铁塔,这是最高的建筑在巴黎,是最最参观纪念碑在这个世界上居住;支付数百万人提升它每年举行一次。它的设计师、工程师命名,塔艾菲尔铁塔建造拱桥为入口,1889年世界博览会。】

The tower stands at 324 m (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. It was the tallest structure in the world from its completion until 1930, when it was eclipsed by the Chrysler Building in New York City. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France, behind the Millau Viaduct, completed in 2004. And while the Eiffel Tower is an iron structure, and weighs approximately 10,000 tonnes, it actually has a relatively low density, weighing less than a cylinder of air occupying the same dimensions

as the tower.【塔矗立三百二十四米)高,1063名英国《金融时报》的一81-story一样高。它是世界上最高的建筑物从它直到1930年完工,当它被克莱斯勒大厦在纽约市。不包括播放天线,它是second-tallest结构进行了研究,他们在法国,在Millau高架,在2004年。而艾菲尔铁塔是铁的结构,重约10000吨,它却有着较低密度、重量小于钢瓶的空气中占据相同尺度的塔楼。】

The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend either on stairs or lifts to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by lift. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.【有三层楼的游客。可以买到票在楼梯或提升电梯到第一和第二层次。走到第一个水平的步骤是超过300,从第2级。第三,最高水平,只能通过电梯。第一和第二层次特色餐厅。】

The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of movies set in the city.塔已经成为最显著的象征,法国巴黎,通常都在建立的电影在这座城市。 History

The structure was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World's Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. Eiffel originally planned to build the tower in Barcelona, for the Universal Exposition of 1888, but those responsible at the Barcelona city hall thought it was a strange and expensive construction, which did not fit into the design of the city. After the refusal of the Consistory of Barcelona, Eiffel submitted his draft to those responsible for the Universal Exhibition in Paris, where he would build his tower a year later, in 1889. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron), using two and a half million rivets, in a structural design by Maurice Koechlin. The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. However, because Eiffel took safety precautions, including the use of movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died.【这个结构是1887年建于1889年,为2010年上海世博会的入口Universelle拱的世界博览会上,标志着法国大革命百年庆典。原本打算修建了埃菲尔塔在巴塞罗那,1888年为普遍的博览会,但那些在巴塞罗那的市政厅认为它是一个奇怪的、昂贵的建设,不合适的设计成的城市。Consistory拒绝后,他的草案提交巴塞罗那,埃菲尔那些负责环球展览在巴黎,他将他的塔一年之后,于1889年。这座塔是3

月31日举行,并在1889年5月6。三名工人18,038连接在一起的阻碍钢铁(十分纯洁的形态结构铁),用250万铆钉、在结构设计Koechlin所。事故是伟大的风险,因为不象现代摩天大楼的塔是一个开放的框架无任何中间层除了两个平台。然而,由于埃菲尔把安全预防措施,包括使用移动stagings、护栏和屏幕,只有一个人死亡。】 Eiffel Tower Construction view: girders at the first story

The tower was met with much criticism from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore. Newspapers of the day were filled with angry letters from the arts community of Paris. One is quoted extensively in William Watson's US Government Printing Office publication of 1892 Paris Universal Exposition: Civil Engineering, Public Works, and Architecture. \shall see, stretching over the entire city, still thrilling with the genius of so many centuries, we shall see stretching out like a black blot the odious shadow of the odious column built up of riveted iron plates.\Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, Charles Gounod, Charles Garnier, Jean-Léon Gér?me, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, and Alexandre Dumas.

Novelist Guy de Maupassant-who claimed to hate the tower-supposedly ate lunch in the Tower's restaurant every day. When asked why, he answered that it was the one place in Paris where one could not see the structure. Today, the Tower is widely considered to be a striking piece of structural art.

One of the great Hollywood movie clichés is that the view from a Parisian window always includes the tower. In reality, since zoning restrictions limit the height of most buildings in Paris to 7 stories, only a very few of the taller buildings have a clear view of the tower.

Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years, meaning it would have had to be dismantled in 1909, when its ownership would revert to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily demolished) but as the tower proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiration of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line during the First Battle of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle.

The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower were Emile Nouguier, Maurice Koechlin and

Stephen Sauvestre. 【艾菲尔铁塔建筑观。 在第一个故事。梁 这座塔是遇到很多批评从公共建成时和许多称之为眼中钉。报纸的日子充满生气的来信,巴黎的艺术团体。一个广泛引用威廉沃特森的美国政府印刷所出版1892年巴黎普遍博览会:土木工程、公用工程和建筑。“在20年,我们看到,在整个城市,还惊险的天才,所以许多个世纪,我们将会看到像黑色污点伸展出流流柱的阴影的铆接铁盘建立。”这封信的签名者,查尔斯Gounod包括Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier歌剧院、Jean-Leon Gerome,查尔斯,William-Adolphe Bouguereau,亚历山大。男人Maupassant-who小说家声称他讨厌吃午饭tower-supposedly塔的餐馆里的每一天。当被问到为什么,他说这是一个发生在巴黎一个看不见的结构。今天,这座塔被广泛的认为是一个引人注目的结构性的艺术。 一个伟大的好莱坞电影的陈词滥调,从巴黎的窗户都包括了。实际上,自从区划限制身高大部分建筑物在巴黎到7故事中,只有很少的更高的建筑有一个清晰的观点。埃菲尔塔顶有许可证的代表20年,它将不得不被拆除在1909年,当其所有权会回复到这个城市的巴黎。这个城市有打算把它(原竞赛规则的设计可以大厦是轻易拆卸),但随着证明是可行的,这是沟通目的允许保留终止后的许可证。军方用它来调度巴黎出租车到前线作战的第一Marne,因此它成为一个胜利的雕像。】

