前景实用英语综合教程3 unit_1_internship

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综合教程 3

Unit 1 Internship

Unit 1


Unit 1Part ALead in Text Exercise

InternshipPart BLead in Text Exercise

Part CToolkit Workplace Skills Writing Workshop

Part A

Lead in

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Part A

Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.

1. 2.

Do you plan to look for an internship ?Cues: enrich school life, experience, meet new people; time, study

What is the relationship between undergraduate internship and career opportunities?Cues: experience, skills, personal connections, opportunities

Part A

Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.


Do you plan to look for an internship ?Yes, I plan to do that, because it can enrich my school life. Besides, I can gain some work experience and meet many people at work. No, I don’t think so, because I don’t have so much time, and I want to concentrate on my study on campus.


What is the relationship between undergraduate internship and career opportunities? From internships we not only gain work experience and learn useful skills, but also build up our personal connections, which could mean more opportunities for future jobs.

Part A

Lead in

Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.

Dialogue 1 job fair yesterday, M: Morning, Sophia. There was an on-campus ________ right? W: Yes. You weren’t there? in the hospital My mother got ill. M: Sadly, no. I was ______________. recovery W: Sorry to hear that. Wish her a quick ___________. M: Thanks. By the way, any good news about your job search yesterday? interviewed by a company, which I like very much, but it W: No. I got ___________ turned out that they needed a graduate with relevant work experience. M: I see. But haven’t you done any part-time job or taken internship before? any _________ W: How I wish I had.

Part A

Lead in

Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.

Dialogue 2 M: Hey, Lucy. W: You look so happy. Tell me about it. Don’t keep meguessing __________, OK? big deal M: Hah … It’s actuallyno ___________. I got an internship with Huawei Technologies, and I’m going there next Monday. W: Wow … Good for you. Congratulations. worried M: Thank you. But I’m a bit __________. I’m not sure if I can do it well. learner W: Take it easy. You just need to be an active _________ and try to involved get yourself ___________. M: That’s it? Really? OK, I’ll do my best. Wish me luck. W: Mmm, I’m sure you will do a brilliant job. Good luck.

Part A

Lead in

Task 3 Discuss the following questions.


Do you think it necessary for graduating students to take internships? Why?Cues: put … into practice, experience, employment


What do you think of unpaid internship?Cues: legal/illegal, observe/learn/work


t A

Lead in

Task 3 Discuss the following questions.


Do you think it necessary for graduating students to take internships? Why?Yes, I do. In an internship, we can put what we have learned into practice and gain work experience, which will benefit us in future employment.


What do you think of unpaid internship?a. I think an unpaid internship may impress employers because it shows that you are interested in gaining experience, rather than just making some money. b. I think it’s illegal, because interns, in some companies, are assigned particular work to do. And they should be paid.

Part A


Internship: Pros and Cons



Ah, the Catch 22 of being a graduate — the same story you’re likely to hear time and again.

Employers want you to have experience.

But how can you get that experienceunless someone employs you?

Part A


Work experience seems the obvious answer and that’s where internships can come in handy. While general work experience can be any kind of employment

where you can gain valuable transferable “soft” skills (like communication andorganization), internships tend to be more specific in the field you eventually want to move into.

Part A


Lots of companies are now looking for interns and they’re not always advertised. Have a look at the top companies in the field you’re looking to move into and give their recruitment department a call to see if they’re looking for interns. Otherwise, you could send speculative CVs out explaining what you’re after in terms of experience. Some companies have structured programmes while other, usually smaller, businesses will ask for interns as someone extra. Many people are willing to help, particularly if you’re a strong graduate who’s driven enough to seek out positions in the first place.

Part A


In recent months there have been all sorts of stories about whether unpaid internships are legal. As the demand for internships have increased since the recession made finding a job much harder for graduates, more companies have started to offer unpaid internships, or those only covering expenses. Although interns don’t have any particular legal protection at the moment, the definition of legal work includes having set hours, being

engaged in a task for an extended period of time and being given a defined role rather than just observing.…

Part A…


Anyone who falls under this is entitled to the national minimum wage. 3This

means that as an intern you shouldn’t be given your own workload. Instead, you’re more of an observer, shadowing a member of staff and learning the trade — although some tasks are acceptable as a way of training you and teaching you valuable skills.

Part A


long as you use your common sense and don’t feel like you’re being taken advantage of with long unpaid periods of working hard, then you can really benefit from an internship with a company.

The whole point of an internship is to ga

in experience, make contacts and gain references. 4As

Although legally you don’t have to work set hours, 5you still want to create a good impression and waltzing in and out when you please isn’t the best way to do that. 6…

Part A…


Instead, if you are lucky enough to get into an internship scheme that’s genuine, offer to help out wherever you can, be keen to learn and show that you want to be involved. By being helpful and conscientious you’ll be remembered, and if a job does come up, you’re more likely to be at the head of the queue. Make sure you stay in touch with everyone you meet and ask them for advice about how they made it into the industry. (510 words)

Part A




唉,毕业生的第 22 条军规 —— 这是你可能多次遭遇 的尴尬境地:雇主希望你有工作经验,但没人雇你,何


Part A



显然,答案还是先要有工作经验,这正是实习的用处 所在。一般的工作经验来自任何一次被雇佣的经历,你能 从中获取可转移的通用型 软 技能(如交际和组织能 力),而实习则与你希望从事的某一领域的具体工作相关。

