Aadvxmu雅思口语王子吴慧冬内部资料 I F原则

更新时间:2023-03-08 05:41:25 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





第一部分: 大部分来来去去就是你的个人情况(专业,出国,名字),爱好(电

影,读书,购物,旅游,运动等等),家乡(4E原则,经济,娱乐,环境,教育等) 回答这些问题的公式基本有两个:

公式一是:I+F=HAPPY. I 是你自己,F是朋友+家人 ,HAPPY是你们一起做这个事件的感觉如何,什么情况下做,用who , when ,why ,what 去展开。



E.G. Do you love watching movies?

Yes, I do. I love watching movies ,and my family also do. We often spend time together in the cinema on weekends, which makes us very happy and comfortable.(公式一)

Also(同学们记住,在转第二点的时候最好用ALSO,不要用SECONDLY,这样会给考官有背作文的影子), watching movies is way to help me relax.(内因)You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study.(外因)(公式二)

Do you love cooking, why?


Yes, I do. I love cooking ,and my family also do. We often spend time together at home to cook our delicious food, which makes us very happy and comfortable.(公式一)

Also, cooking ,I think is the best way to help me relax.(内因)You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study.(外因1)what is more, my

parents sometimes are very busy with work to support the family, expecially for my education, have little time to cook.(外因二) So , my cooking is the best answer to their love for me.

在雅思考试中的第一部分经常会出现“爱好”这个话题,比如“运动,电影,阅读,购物,旅游等”,对于这些话题,同学们不能单一的说,I like it ,just because it is funny. 而要把主题用一到两句延伸下去,1)喜欢2)喜欢什么样的运动3)为什么喜欢(内因和外因)

Do you love sports? 这个问题,同学们千万不要犯语法错误,Yes, I love. 而是Yes, I do. “喜欢”有很多种表达方法。

1)Yes, I do , and playing basketball is my cup of tea(it means I am in favor of/crazy about/ keen on/be fascinated by). 外国人一开始了解中国是通过茶文化, the Tea Culture,这个表达会打动考官。

2)原因:For I can build up a healthier body and the sense of team spirit.(内因) 这句话基本上所有同学都会说,但把后面一句说下可能会更好(that can do good for my study and future career)打篮球是为了强身和培养团队精神,对于学业和日后的工作都会有很大的意义。通过打篮球,你学到了什么东西(team spirit , cooperation , competition and rivalry ,etc)

Also, Michael Jordan is my idol, and I want to be a great player like him, flying in the sky.(外因)


Personal preference n Music n Shopping n Sport n Reading n Traveling

n Film n Relax 思路


n 2)做这个事情的时候,我的心情是怎样的。

n 3)在不同的情况,不同的时候,不同的人在一起,又是怎样的感受。 n

n Unlike other girls who like go shopping in spare time, I like listening to music, especially pop music.(与众不同)

n Music can make me relaxed and make me happy.(心情)

n When I feel lonely, I would like to listen to music to kill the time.(不同情况下)

n When I feel sad, music can cheer me up .

People(part two) n 1)appearance n 2)Job

n 3)personality (kind hearted, responsible) 4)influence (life , study, work) n T: Topic sentence n S: Supporting sentence n first, second ,and last n E: Examples

n Describe a teacher who has influence on your education n who he/she is

n what subject he/she taught n why he/she was so special n Explain the influence on you

n T: The person I want to describe is my 主题,who has a great influence on me.

n S: Unlike other people who are handsome (good looking ,sexy lips and charming eyes), tall or rich, he is just a normal person, however, I was deeply touched by his personality. (a man who is hardworking in his job , kind-hearted for the people and optimistic about life )

n He/she always teaches me the way to become confident ,the way to lead a happy life and the way to learn English.

n E: 1)Whenever I face difficulties in life and feel discouraged , he will say “life is just like a box of chocolate. you never know what you are going to get and you should appreciate the life instead of complaining it.

n 2)Whenever I make mistakes , he will say “ he who makes no mistakes makes no success.

n 3)Whenever I am laughed at by my classmates because of my poor English , he will say “ he who laughs last laughs best.

n All those encouraging words always visit in my mind and bury in my heart. I love my 主题, for he is the one I cannot live without

Topics: Gift

n Expensive thing you use n Useful thing you use Something is important to you n Toy n Computer n Book n Animal

n Mindmap:

1)你怎拥有的 (who , when ,where, and in what situation) n 2) 小时候一直想要,但没有实现。 n 3)拥有了的感受如何和为何喜欢 n 外表(是我喜欢的颜色) n 功能(不同情况下能帮我做什么)

4)对你有何影响(人生) 5)体现出什么(爱)


? T: The new setting labor contract law in August last year arouses much attention from people, for it greatly limits the use of short-term contracts.

? S: 1)The new law imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length can not last more than 3 months. ? 2)Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage.

? 3)This law seems more favorable to workers, which can increase the right and awareness of workers to protect themselves.

? E: mines and construction sites have been getting a lot of attention for several years now. miners for example were clearly being abused. All of this represented a source of social injustice, and I think with the implementation and enforcement of this law, workers and employers can both get benefits of their own.

? What effects does it have on people? ? ? What kind of law do you like? ? ? What is the function of the law? ? ? Why do we need the international law? ? ? Would you like to be a lawyer or a policeman? ? ? Is being a lawyer a good job in China? ? ? Why do people want to be a lawyer?

Describe something you made by yourself. You should say: 1) What it is

2) What procedure it takes to make it 3) How long it takes to make it And explain what it is like.

Art makes my life beautiful , and I?d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper cut is a kind of arts. It is very popular in china especially in my hometown.

It?s main usage varies a great deal. Some people like it just for personal hobbies, and some are for decorating the house, like me, in some Festivals like Spring Festival and Marriage ceremony.

According to Chinese traditions, people like paste the paper-cut with the character “xi” pasted on the door, which means the upcoming happiness. Generally, it won?t take long time to make it. Well. You should prepare the , colorful paper, like red paper and use pen to draw the basic shape of “XI” in Chinese on the paper and the next step is to use scissors to cut the unwanted part. Flower:

Do you like flowers?

n What is your favorite flower?

n What are the occasions when people send or receive flowers? n Do flowers have special meanings in China?


其实同学们可以说些别的花,这样给考官会有耳目一新的感觉,例如 n peony牡丹 (I love peony because it is our national flower and full of love and passion)

n Carnation 康乃馨 ( I love Carnation, for it stands for love and hope. I like sending Carnation for my mother in mother's day to let her know i love her....)

什么情况下收花:valentine's day , Festivals, birthdays.....(最好讲下特别的人送给你有特别的意义) Place

The place I want to describe is 主题,where I left the unforgettable memory. I still remember last year, my farther took me to Peking university . I was deeply touched by the library.

Appearance: color, be made of glasses, 3-storey (每一个都要延伸一句话) Function: many books to read( how) Quietness ( you can create , think, etc)

Service (good, how good)

This is a very good experience/ impression on my life, for…….

