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2019-2020 学年江苏省南京市南航附中高一(上)期中

第二部分阅读理解(共10 个小题;每题2.5 分,满分35.0 分)阅读下列短文,




(1)With help from a Mr.H,you can .

A.stop using batteries.

B.remember your teacher's instructions.

C.finish your homework on time.

D.get your room tidied on your way home.

(2)A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to .

A.repair your TV

5afe878cb6daa58da0116c175f0e7cd1852518d0anize your homework

C.be a James Bond

D.know what the weather is like

(3)Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?

A.On a notice board

B.In a company booklet

C.On a teenage website

D.In a college newspaper

2.(10 分)Children start out as natural scientists,eager to look into the world around them.Helping them enjoy science can be easy;there is no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment.You only have to share your children's curiosity.You only have to share your children's curiosity.There are suggestions on how to do it.

Firstly,listen to their questions.I once visited a classroom of seven﹣year﹣olds to talk about science as a job.The children asked me "textbook questions"

about schooling,salary and whether I liked my job.When I finished answering,we sat facing one another in science.Finally I said,"Now that we've finished with


your lists,do you have questions of your own about science?"

After a long pause,a boy raised his hand,"have you ever seen a grasshopper (蚱蜢)

eat?When I try eating leaves like that,I get a

stomachache.Why?" This began a set of questions that

lasted nearly two hours.

Secondly,give them time to think.Studies over the past 30 years have shown that,after asking a question,adults typically wait only one second or less

for an answer,no time for a child to think.When adults increase their "wait time"

to three seconds or more,children give more logical,complete and creative answers.

Thirdly,watch your language.Once you have a child involved in a science discussion,

don't jump in with "That's right" or "Very good".These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior.But in talking about science,quick praise

can signal that

discussion is over.Instead,keep things going by saying "That's interesting" or

"I'd never thought of it that way before',or coming up with more questions or ideas.

Never push a child to "think".It doesn't make sense;children are always thinking,without your telling them to .What's more ,this can turn a conversation into a performance.The child will try to find the answer you want,

in as few words as possible,so that he will be a small target for your disagreement.

Lastly,show;don't tell.Reallife impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program.Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass (放大

镜),and they'll understand why you want them to wash before dinner.Rather than


saying that water evaporates (蒸发),set a pot of water to boil and let them watch

the water level drop.

(1)According to the passage,children are natural scientists,and to raise their

interest,the most important thing for adults to do is .

A.to look into the world around

B.to share the children's curiosity

C.to explain difficult phrases about science

D.to supply the children with lab equipment

(2)In the second paragraph,the word "list" could best be replaced by .

A.all the questions

B.questions about the author's job

C.questions from textbooks

D.questions of his own

(3)According to the passage,children can answer questions in a more logical,

complete and creative way if adults .

A.ask them to answer quickly

B.wait for one or two seconds after a question

C.tell them to answer the next day

D.wait at least for three seconds after a question

(4)The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their children's

curiosity except that adults should .

A.tell their children stories instead of remembering facts

B.offer their children chances to see things for themselves

C.be patient enough when their children answer questions

D.encourage their children to ask questions of their own

3.(7.5 分)

One half of the brain remains on high alert (警惕)during the first night of sleep

in a new space.


Over the course of three experiments on 35 young,healthy volunteers,researchers measured brain activity during two nights of sleep.They found that part

of the left side of the brain remained more active than the right side only on the first

night,specifically during a deep sleep stage.

"When you sleep in a new place for the first time,a part of one side of the brain seems to stay awake,so you could wake up faster if necessary," said senior study

author Yuka Sasaki of Brown University.

While this may be bad news for business travelers who regularly make brief overnight

trips,it may not be as troublesome for people who go away for longer periods of

time,Sasaki added by email.

To see how being in a strange place affects sleep,Sasaki and colleagues performed a series of lab tests on their subjects.

When they stimulated (刺激) the left side of the brain with sounds in the right ear during deep sleep on the first night, that led to greater possibility of waking and faster action upon waking, than if sounds were played in the left ear to affect the right side of the brain. On the second night,there wasn't any difference in reactions to tests between the left and right sides of the brain,even during deep sleep.This suggests that there is a first﹣night ﹣only effect specifically in one side of the brain during deep sleep, the authors conclude. One limitation of the new study is its focus on healthy volunteers, which means the results may not apply to people with sleep disorders, the authors note.While it's possible that the findings may explain poor sleep among frequent t ravelers,t he study wasn't designed to test whether these "first night effects" continue to happen to people every time they hit the road, said Patrick Finan, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University

School of Medicine in Baltimore.

(1)What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The finding of the new study.


B.The advice of the researchers.

C.The process of measuring brain activity.

D.The suffering of the volunteers.

(2)If people stay at a new place for more than one day,.

A.they can wake faster on the second night than on the first night.

B.there won't be any difference to them on the second night.

C.they suffer from sleep disorders.

D.the first night effects may not last.

(3)What is the problem of the new study?

A.Some volunteers suffer from sleep disorders.

B.It does not find out the different reactions of the ears.

C.The result may not apply to all people.

D.There are not enough volunteers.

4.(10 分)As I was busy working on my work plan in my bedroom,I could hear my four children playing upstairs.Suddenly,I heard the children running down the stairs

and shouting,"Freddie,Freddie." I heard the word "window" and rushed

outside,heart in mouth.My three﹣year old son Freddie was lying on his side on

the ground.I cried for my husband Simon to dial 999 and within minutes the air

ambulance arrived.They quickly took him in the helicopter (直升机).During

the flight,Freddie was looking at me and I remembered thinking was a good

sign,but then his eyes began to roll.As the doctors tried to stabilize

(稳定)him,I couldn't believe what was happening.

When we arrived at the hospital in Portsmouth,there were some doctors and nurses waiting for us and they immediately set to work on Freddie.I was

hopelessly wishing everything would be alright,but Freddie had broken his skull in

two places and blood clots were forming in his brain.He needed operation,and

only a doctor at another hospital in

Bristol could do it.This meant another helicopter ride,but we couldn't go with



because there was no enough space.Simon and I drove the long 130 miles from our home in north Devon in silence.Neither of us dared say what we were thinking,"What if we get there and he's dead?" "Is he going to be brain﹣damaged?"

Freddie was just coming out of operation when we arrived.The surgeon said it had gone well.When I finally saw him,I hardly recognize my child ﹣he was covered in tubes (管子)and there were wires coming out of his head.On the third day,Simon went home to see our three girls and to pick up some clean clothes for us.While he was gone,the pressure in Freddie's brain suddenly increased.He was taken into operation room again and this time I fell apart.Luckily,the operation managed to stabilize Freddie.After almost a week,Freddie was finally woken up.When he opened his eyes,he looked at me.He didn't say anything,but I knew straight away that it was my old Freddie,and that he was going to be alright.Over the next two weeks,his recovery went well.After help with learning to swallow again and encouragement with speaking,he was soon playing with his Gruffalo cards and eating meals by himself.

I still don't know how the accident happened,but we got some idea from our girls.Clearly Freddie and Minnie had been sitting on the window ledge,and Freddie must have opened it to look out and fallen 20 feet onto the ground below.The guilt (内疚)I feel is awful ﹣for weeks I was full of "if onlys",and we put window locks everywhere.Six months later,although the accident seems a lifetime ago,it has changed me.I feel differently about life now.I've left my job to put my children first.I want to spend every minute with them.

(1)Why did the author's son have to be moved to another hospital in Bristol?

A.Because no doctors were on duty in the first hospital that day.

B.Because the author wanted his son to stay in a hospital nearer her home.


C.Because no doctors in the first hospital knew the injuries to the author's son.

D.Because no doctors in the first hospital could do operation on the author's son.

(2)When the author finally saw her son,she could hardly recognize him

probably because his face .

A.was seriously injured

B.was filled with small pipes

C.was too pale to be recognized

D.was covered by a piece of cloth

(3)On the third day after being taken to the hospital,.

A.the author's son finally opened his eyes.

B.the situation of the author's son suddenly worsened

C.the author's son was finally out of danger

D.the author's son did not need any more operation

(4)After the accident,what did the author probably learn?

A.Life is full of "if onlys".

B.Being a single mother is not easy.

C.Children are more important than work.

D.Accidents can happen to every kid.

第三部分七选五(共1 小题;每小题10 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文


5.(10 分)

Before there was the written word,there was the language of dance.Dance expresses love and hate,joy and sorrow,life and death,and everything else in between.

(1)We dance from Florida to Alaska,from north to south and sea to sea.we dance at weddings,birthdays,office parties and just to fill the time.

"I adore dancing," says Lester Bridges,the owner of a dance studio in lowa."I can′t imagine doing anything else with my life ." Bridges runs dance


classes for all ages."Teaching dancing is wonderful.(2)It's great to

watch them.For many of

them,it's a way of meeting people and having a social life."

(3)"I can tell you about one young couple," says Bridges." They're learning

to traditional dances.They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.(4)


So,do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better,calmer,healthier?

Andrea Hillier says," Dance,like the pattern of a beating heart,is life.Even after

all these years,I want to get better and better.(5)I find it hard to stop!

Dancing reminds me I'm


A.So why do we dance?

B.Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

C.If you like dancing outdoors,come to America.

D.My older students say it makes them feel young.

E.I keep practicing even when I'm extremely tired.

F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

G.They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

第四部分完形填空(共20 题;每题1.5 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从短文

后各题所给的A,B,C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.

6.(30 分)Until I was 13,I supposed I was just like everyone else.But one day I read a piece of paper in my dad's briefcase that (1)e verything.That's when I

saw the words:

"Simone is said to have Asperger syndrome (自闭症)."

I screamed at my dad,"Tell me what it is!" He (2)that I have a mild form



brain disorders,which was a problem that shapes the way I interact with other people.I

wasn't sure exactly what he(3),but it didn't matter.I just wanted to try to (4)

my shock and go back to the way things were (5)I knew.

But even though I wouldn't consciously think of the news,Asperger's still

destroyed my confidence and made me (6)and isolated.I felt like an

outsider ﹣not just because Asperger's made it hard for me to make friends,but

because now I had this

(7).I just wanted to be like everyone else.(8),at 16,I said to myself,"Enough! You can't run and hide from it,girl.Just face it."

It's funny,the first time I thought something was (9)was not because

of what I couldn't do ﹣it was because of what I could do.In the sixth grade,

while other kids were

(10)with spelling,I was like a human spell﹣checker! I've also had a splendid

memory,and (11)I call my "super powers" ﹣excellent hearing

and sharp

awareness:I can (12)phone numbers people dial just by the sound the

buttons make when pressed or (13)hear one incorrect note in an

entire song! And I can

(14)pay attention to two things at once.

Don't get me wrong.Asperger's can be very confusing.For years I felt like a


(15)in its cocoon (茧),waiting to emerge.It took years of

work with a psychologist to (16)the difficulty of making friends.

I'm not going to let Asperger's create (17)f or me.That's why I am happy

to have found out about it and faced my (18).Asperger's is a metaphor (象


life:We all have (19),but the key is to be able to have the (20)to face what's


(1)A.defended B.prevented C.changed D.improved (2)A.realized B.explained C.apologized D.insisted (3)A.meant B.failed C.tolerated D.doubted (4)A.remember B.approve C.expect D.forget (5)A.before B.after C.when D.once

(6)A.upset B.ashamed C.frightened D.lonely (7)A.name B.symbol C.label D.title

(8)A.Generally B.Slowly C.Luckily D.Finally (9)A.unusual B.normal C.uncomfortable D.annoying (10)A.arguing B.struggling C.exchanging D.dealing (11)A.that B.what C.whom D.which (12)A.pick out B.make out C.figure out D.try out (13)A.even B.still C.ever D.just (14)A.fluently B.readily C.fully D.mostly (15)A.hidden B.buried C.closed D.trapped (16)A.go through B.knock down C.take up D.get over (17)A.limits B.surprises C.opportunities D.experiences (18)A.failure B.donation C.disability D.suffering (19)A.secrets B.challenges C.aims D.dreams (20)A.effort B.courage C.right D.chance

第五部分语法填空(共15 题;每小题15 分,满分15 分)阅读下面材料,在空

白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.

7.(15 分)

Some inventions happen in strange ways.The potato chip is one of

them. Moon's Lake House was a (1)(succeed)restaurant in New York


in the

1850s.Many rich people often came to the restaurant (2)(enjoy)the delicious meals.George Crum was the cook there.

Crum really heated it (3) a customer complained about the food and sent it

back to the kitchen to be done over.He would often return the dish overcooked because

he was happy to see the customer leave the restaurant (4)(anger).

On August 24,1853,a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen (5)they weren't crunchy (脆的)enough.Crum reacted in his usually way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.They were so crunchy and Crum was sure that the man would refuse to eat all the chips (6)has been overcooked.Instead,the man loved them.He even asked for


Now,do you know (8)invented the potato chip?It's George Crum! (9)

(realize)this was a golden opportunity,he started up his own restaurant

later.And today,potato chips are one of Americans' (10)(favor)


第六部分根据首字母填空(每题0.5 分,满分 5.0 分)

8.(.5 分)This book c ten chapters,each of which has a

separate topic.

9.(.5 分)She p walking to driving because it was healthier.

10.(.5 分)I felt e about how messy my bedroom was.

11.(.5 分)One of the a had to give up the game,f or he had a sharp headache just now.

12.(.5 分)Many teenagers have difficulty c on their

homework.13.(.5 分)His greatest a is to make all

the players into united team.


14.(.5 分)Although the usage of cellphone is strictly in schools,there are quite a few students taking one every day.

15.(.5 分)Thousands of people will s to death,if doesn't reach

the city.16.(.5 分)The sports program was b live across


17.(.5 分)There have been a lot of a about who should be responsible for this accident.

第七部分课文默写(每空0.5 分,满分10 分)

18.(1 分)It is for teenagers to feel lonely and.


19.(2 分)I'm now in hospital.


20.(1 分)We shouldn't be of the way we look,we?


21.(1 分)Healthy eating together with exercise is probably the only way to become fit.Diets are useless in the long .

健康的饮食加上经常锻炼也许是变得健康的唯一途径,长远来看,节食是没有用的.22.(1 分)Then,I have some spare time and want to be alone,they call me

and rude.


23.(2 分)They may want and need their parents' love,yet feel;

they may want to be part of the group,yet .



24.(1 分)Boys and girls to be different in this.



25.(1 分)Danial has his arm and looks.


第七部分书面表达(满分15 分,其中卷面分 5 分)

26.(15 分)请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇120 词左右的文章.






电子邮件向健康专家求教.请你根据下面内容,以小明的名义写一封邮件.Dear health experts:

. .

. .

. .


Xiao Ming 2019-2020 学年江苏省南京市南航附中高一(上)期中



第二部分阅读理解(共10 个小题;每题2.5 分,满分35.0 分)阅读下列短文,


该选项涂黑.1.(7.5 分)

(1)With help from a Mr.H,you can C .

A.stop using batteries.

B.remember your teacher's instructions.


C.finish your homework on time.

D.get your room tidied on your way home.

(2)A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to D .

A.repair your TV

5afe878cb6daa58da0116c175f0e7cd1852518d0anize your homework

C.be a James Bond

D.know what the weather is like

(3)Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?C

A.On a notice board

B.In a company booklet

C.On a teenage website

D.In a college newspaper

【分析】Mr.H 私人机器人可以帮助我们按时完成作业,整理房间.具有轻便,超长电池,5 年保修的特点.可享受现价﹩299 的优惠.PENGO WATCH CONTROL 具有远程遥控、天气预报、提醒交作业、无声警报和精确时间的功能.可享受现价﹩99 的优惠.

【解答】1.C 推理判断题.根据第一则广告第二段Mr.H can be programmed to organize your homework.可知,机器人可以帮助我们管理我们的家庭作业.也就是说可以帮助我们准时完成作业.故选C.

2.D 细节理解题.根据第二则广告中gives you a daily weather forecast.可

知,PENGO WATCH CONTROL,可以让我们了解天气情况.故选D.

3.C 推理判断题.根据文章reminds you when to hand in your homework.¬sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.以及最后一句For further information,click here."想知道更多信息,请点击这里".根据click 可知,本文是青少年网站.故选C.




2.(10 分)Children start out as natural scientists,eager to look into the world around them.Helping them enjoy science can be easy;there is no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment.You only have to share your children's curiosity.You

only have to share your children's curiosity.There are suggestions on how to do


Firstly,listen to their questions.I once visited a classroom of seven﹣year﹣olds to talk about science as a job.The children asked me "textbook questions"

about schooling,salary and whether I liked my job.When I finished answering,

we sat facing one another in science.Finally I said,"Now that we've finished with

your lists,do you have questions of

your own about science?"

After a long pause,a boy raised his hand,"have you ever seen a grasshopper (蚱蜢)

eat?When I try eating leaves like that,I get a

stomachache.Why?" This began a set of questions that

lasted nearly two hours.

Secondly,give them time to think.Studies over the past 30 years have shown that,after asking a question,adults typically wait only one second or less

for an answer,no time for a child to think.When adults increase their "wait time"

to three seconds or more,children give more logical,complete and creative


Thirdly,watch your language.Once you have a child involved in a science discussion,don't jump in with "That's right" or "Very good".These words work

well when it comes to encouraging good behavior.But in talking about science,

quick praise can signal that discussion is over.Instead,keep things going by

saying "That's interesting" or "I'd never thought of it that way before',or coming up

with more questions or ideas.


Never push a child to "think".It doesn't make sense;children are always thinking,without your telling them to .What's more ,this can turn a conversation into a performance.The child will try to find the answer you want,

in as few words as possible,so that he will be a small target for your disagreement.

Lastly,show;don't tell.Reallife impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program.Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass (放大镜),and they'll understand why you want them to wash before dinner.Rather than saying that water evaporates (蒸发),set a pot of water to boil and let them watch

the water level drop.

(1)According to the passage,c hildren are natural scientists,a nd to raise their interest,t he most important thing for adults to do is B .

A.to look into the world around

B.to share the children's curiosity

C.to explain difficult phrases about science

D.to supply the children with lab equipment

(2)In the second paragraph,the word "list" could best be replaced by C .

A.all the questions

B.questions about the author's job

C.questions from textbooks

D.questions of his own

(3)According to the passage,children can answer questions in a more logical,complete and creative way if adults D .

A.ask them to answer quickly

B.wait for one or two seconds after a question

C.tell them to answer the next day


D.wait at least for three seconds after a question

(4)The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their

children's curiosity except that adults should A .

A.tell their children stories instead of remembering facts

B.offer their children chances to see things for themselves

C.be patient enough when their children answer questions

D.encourage their children to ask questions of their own



【解答】1.B.细节理解题,根据文章第一段"Helping them enjoy science can be easy;there' s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment.You

only have to share your children's curiosity.帮助他们享受科学是很容易的,不需要




2.C.词义猜测题.由第一段"The children asked me"textbook questions"about schooling,

salary and whether I liked my job.以及When I finished answering,we sat facing

one another in silence.Finally I said,"Now that we're finished with your lists,do

you have questions of your own about science?孩子们问我关于学校教育、薪水和



断lists 指的是孩子们问我一些关于学校、薪水以及我是否喜欢我的工作的"教科

书式问题".可知本题答案为C 选项.

3.D.细节理解题,根据文章第四段"When adults increase their"wait time"to

three seconds or more,children give more logical,complete and creative answers.当成年人把他们的"等待时间"增加到3 秒或更多时,孩子们会给出更



成人提出问题以后,等 3 秒及其以上时间,可以让孩子有时间思考问题.那样


4.A.推理判断题.根据文章第四段"When adults increase their"wait time"to three

seconds or more,children give more logical,complete and creative answers.当成

年人把他们的"等待时间"增加到 3 秒或更多时,孩子们会给出更合理、更完整和


C 正确;文章第五段"keep things going by saying"That's interesting"or"I'd never

thought of it that way before",or coming up with more questions or ideas.通过说"

那很有趣"或"我以前从来没有这么想过"或提出更多的问题或想法来保持进展" 要

鼓励孩子们多提问题,D 正确;文章最后一段"Let children look at their fingertips

through a magnifying glass(放大镜),and they'll understand why you want them to

wash before dinner 让孩子们透过放大镜看他们的指尖,他们就会明白你为什么要


发现事物,B 正确.由此可知,B\C\D 在文中均有提及,A 文中没提到.故选






3.(7.5 分)One half of the brain remains on high alert (警惕)during the first night of sleep in a new space.

Over the course of three experiments on 35 young,healthy volunteers,


measured brain activity during two nights of sleep.They found that part of the left side of the brain remained more active than the right side only on the first night,specifically

during a deep sleep stage.

"When you sleep in a new place for the first time,a part of one side of the brain


seems to stay awake,so you could wake up faster if necessary," said senior study author Yuka Sasaki of Brown University.

While this may be bad news for business travelers who regularly make brief overnight

trips,it may not be as troublesome for people who go away for longer periods of time,Sasaki added by email.

To see how being in a strange place affects sleep,Sasaki and colleagues performed a series of lab tests on their subjects.

When they stimulated (刺激)the left side of the brain with sounds in the right ear during deep sleep on the first night,that led to greater possibility of waking and faster action upon waking,than if sounds were played in the left ear to affect the right side of the brain.On the second night,there wasn't any difference

in reactions to tests between the left and right sides of the brain,even during deep sleep.This suggests that there is a first﹣night

﹣only effect specifically in one side of the brain during deep sleep,the authors conclude.One limitation of the new study is its focus on healthy

volunteers,which means the

results may not apply to people with sleep disorders,the authors note.

While it's possible that the findings may explain poor sleep among frequent travelers,the study wasn't designed to test whether these "first night effects" continue to happen to people every time they hit the road,said Patrick Finan, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University

School of Medicine in Baltimore.

(1)What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refer to?A

A.The finding of the new study.

B.The advice of the researchers.

C.The process of measuring brain activity.


