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Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: For each of the blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You

should choose the one based on the information you have learned in the text. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet TWO with a single line through the centre.

Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps __66__ the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, __67__ reading material and giving out __68__ .The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and __69__ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture __70__ notes which do not catch the main points and __71__ become hard even for the__72__ to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which __73__ new students to develop the skills they need to be __74__ listeners and note-takers. __75__ these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which __76__ learners to practice these skills __77__ .In all cases it is important to __78__ the problem __79__ actually starting your studies.

It is important to __80__ that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills__81__ in college study. One way of __82__ these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the __83__ year. Another basic __84__ is to find a study partner __85__ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support. 66. A. extending B. illustrating C. performing D. conducting 67. A. attributing B. contributing C. distributing D. explaining 68. A. assignments B. information C. content D. definition 69. A. suspects B. understands C. wonders D. convinces 70. A. without B. with C. on D. except 71. A. what B. those C. as D. which 72. A. teachers B. classmates C. partners D. students 73. A. prevent B. require C. assist D. forbid 74. A. effective B. passive C. relative D. expressive 75. A. Because B. Though C. Whether D. If 76. A. enable B. stimulate C. advocate D. prevent 77. A. independently B. repeatedly C. logically D. generally 78. A. evaluate B. acquaint C. tackle D. formulate 79. A. before B. after C. while D. for 80. A. predict B. acknowledge C. argue D. ignore 81. A. to require B. required C. requiring D. are required 82. A. preventing B. withstanding C. sustaining D. overcoming 83. A. average B. ordinary C. normal D. academic 84. A. statement B. strategy C. situation D. suggestion 85. A. in that B. for which C. with whom D. such as

Given you were going to hunt for a job, you were doomed to be endowed with some strengths and weaknesses. Success or_____67___ in job-hunting would rely,to ___68_____ great extent, ___69_____ your capability of exerting your strengths and weaknesses to the best scope. ___70_____ the most significance is the attitude. A person____71____ begins to work believing that he won’t like it or is____72____ what he is going to suffer is showing a disadvantage which can only forbid his success. In another word, a person who is firm

___73_____his mind that he is most likely as capable ___74_____doing the job as others and who is voluntary to make a ready attempt ____75____ it owns some strength of will. It is most likely that he will perform well. __76______ the essential skills for a specific job is merit. A weakness is obviously short of those skills. A book-keeper who can’t develop new understandings or a carpenter who is unable to make a straight line ____77____ in a hopeless dilemma. This book has been designed to help you draw ____78____ the strength and conquer the ___79_____ that you maybe reveal in your working process. But in order to weigh your development, you must first___80_____ stock of the position you are reaching now. ___81_____ we go further into the book, we’ll be ____82____ in detail with particular issues for developing and enhancing ____83____ skills. Nevertheless, ___84 _____begin with, you ought to pause___85_____ look into your current strengths and weaknesses in three areas that play significant roles in your success or failure in school: your ____86____, your communication skills and strategies, and your learning habits.

67. A) improvement B) victory C) failure D)achievement 68. A) a B) the C) some D) certain 69. A) in B) on C) of D) to

70. A) Out of B) Of C) To D) Into 71. A) who B) what C) when D) which 72. A) ensure B) certain C) sure D) surely 73. A) onto B) on C) off D) in 74. A) to B) at C) of D) for 75. A) near B) on C) by D) at

76. A) Have B) Had C) Having D) Had been 77. A) being B) beenC) are D) is 78. A) except B) but C) for D) on

79. A) idea B) weakness C) strength D) advantage 80. A) make B) take C) do D) give 81. A) As B) Till C) Over D) Out

82. A) deal B) dealt C) be dealt D) dealing 83. A) learnt B) learned C) learning D) learn 84. A) around B) to C) from D) beside

85. A) to B) onto C) into D) with

86. A) intelligence B) work C) attitude D) weakness

67. C。 本句的意思是:\成功或失败在很大程度上取决于你是否能扬长避短。\改进”;victory“胜利”;achievement“成果,成就”,这三个词都不合题意,只有C) failure \失败\最合适。

68. A。 to a great extent是固定短语,意思是\很大程度上\,符合题意。类似的说法还有:to a large extent, to some extent, to an extent。但是the, some, certain都不能与great extent搭配。

69. B。 to a great extent 是插入语,on与前面的rely构成本句谓语。rely on为固定搭配,意思是\依赖于,取决于\。

70. B。 本句为倒装句,表示强调,正常语序为:The attitude is the most significance. of与名词连用,表示具有某种性质、状态。of significance这里意为\非常重要\。

71. A。 根据句子结构判断a person后应当是定语从句,修饰先行词person,修饰表示人的关联代词用who, 表示\开始工作的那个人\。

72. C。 本句的意思是\如果一个刚刚开始工作的人就深信自己不会喜欢或肯定不适应这项工作,那么他就暴露了只会阻碍他成功的缺点。\后面省略了主语he,与sure构成分句的主谓,表示某人肯定某事。ensure\保证\;certain\肯定的(只能用于it作主语的句子里)\;surely\确实地\在用法和含以上与原文不相符。

73. D。 固定搭配be firm in one’s mind意思是\坚信\。其它选项都不符合题意和搭配习惯。

74. C。 capable of doing sth.是固定搭配,意为\能够干什么\。

75. D。 attempt用做名词,后接介词at,意为\试图,努力\;如果后面接介词on,则表示攻击的意思。其他两项都不能与attempt搭配。

76. C。 本句的意思是\具有某一工作的必要技能是一个优势\。此处应填句子的主语,故选动名词having。

77. D。 本句主语是A book-keeper or a carpenter,根据主谓一致原则,其谓语应当用单数is,而不是复数are。

78. D。 on与前面的draw搭配,表示\利用\。做不定式help的补语。其它选项不能与draw搭配。 79. B。 本句的意思是\克服缺点\,应选weakness“缺点,弱点”。 idea\观点\;strength\优点\;advantage\优势\,都不符合句意。

80. B。 固定短语take stock of,意为\对…….估价,对…….作出判断\。

81. A。 本句的意思是:\随着更深入地阅读…….\,从语法角度,此处应填关联词。四个选项中,只有as能用做关联词,表示过程。

82. D。 根据语法和语义,此处所填词要与with搭配使用;根据居中的will be 提示和句意。应填动词的将来进行时的主动形式,句意为\随着书中内容的进一步深入,我们将处理诸如加强学习技能等的具体问题。\

83. C。 根据上下文,这里应当指\学习技能\,动名词可用来修饰名词,与名词构成名词短语,所以选C项learning。

84. B。 固定短语to begin with,为固定搭配,意为\首先,第一\,常用做插入语。 85. A。 谓语动词pause后,look into又是动词原形短语,所以这里应当选to,构成动词不定式,作目的状语。其余选项都是介词,不合题意。

86. C。 本句对全文进行总结概括,此句提到了交流技巧和策略及学习习惯。文章的开头


Robert Edwards ___67 ___in an unusual accident many years ___68___ .He was also partially deaf ___69___ old age.Last week he was walking near his home___70___ a thunderstorm___71___ .He took shelter ___72___ a tree and was struck by lightning. He was ___73___ to the ground and woke up __74____ 20 minutes later, ___75___ face down in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later he awoke.His legs couldn't move ___76___ he was trembling___77___. ,when he opened his eyes he could see the clock __78 ____the room in front of him. ___79___ his wife entered he saw her for the first time in nine years. Doctors confirmed that he had___80___ his sight and hearing apparently __81____ the flash of lightning. But they were unable to explain the___82___. One possible explanation__83____ by one doctor was that Edwards lost his sight__84____ a hard blow in a terrible accident.Perhaps the only way it could ___85___ was by___ 86___ blow.

67. A) blinded B)was blinded C)had been blind D)had been blinded 68. A) later B)before C)ago D)early 69. A) because of B)because C)at D)in 70. A) when B)while C)until D)where

71. A) fell B) blew C)formed D)approached 72. A) in B)on C)under D)near

73. A) thrown B)knocked C)fallen D)beaten 74. A) just B)some C)for D )within

75. A) to lie B)having lain C)lay D)lying 76. A) and B) when C) but D) while

77. A) Thus B) Therefore C) But D) Above all 78. A) across B) through C) into D) out of 79. A) While B) When C)Whenever D)As

80. A) gained B)gotten C) reminded D)regained 81. A) at B)in C)from D) on

82. A) result B)reason C)consequence D)content 83. A) offered B)contributed C)sought D) thought

84. A) because of B)owing to C)based on D)as a result of

85. A) restore B)be restored C)have restored D)have been restored 86. A) other B) the other C)another D)one

67. B。 此处需要填一个谓语,从下一句可以看出,本句应该是过去时态,所以B项“被……失明”,符合句意。

68. C。此处需填一个表示过去的副词,C项ago指从现在算起若干时间以前,和动词一般过去时一同使用。符合原文表达要求,为正确答案。

69. A。 耳聋和年老有关系。B项because后只能跟从句,做原因状语,不符合原文结构要求;because of后则跟名词或名词性短语,符合结构要求。C项at和D项in均不能和

old age连用。

70. A。 此处需填一个关联词引导后面的从句,表示突然出现的情况,四个选项中只有when符合此种用法,故选A。

71. D。 A项fell \落下,降落\,指物体从上到下的垂直运动,用于此处,搭配不当;blew \(风)吹、刮\,用于此处,也属搭配不当;C项formed \形成\,指事物经历一个发展过程之后,最终形成,这与原文所表达的意义不相符。Approached“接近”,更合适,所以D项为正确答案。

72. C。 遇到雨,当然要在树下躲雨,故用\。

73. B。 C项fallen \摔倒\,A项thrown \扔\,强调动作施者所做的\扔\的动作;D项beaten \打,敲\,强调\打\的具体动作,一般用于具体意义;B项knocked \敲、击、打\,既可用于具体的,又可用于抽象的\打击,击倒\,用于此处,符合原文表达需要,故为正确答案。

74. B。 A项just \刚好\,表达过于精确,不符合上下文;C项for后跟一段时间,表达动作的持续过程,如果用于此处,则不能用later,;D项within \在……内\,表达过于精确。B项some \大约\,意义和about相近,符合原文表达,因此B项为正确答案。 75. D。主句的伴随状语,表示一种伴随的动作或状态,一般用分词或分词短语。A项to lie是动词不定式,不能做伴随状语;C项lay是动词lie的一般过去式,不能做伴随状语;B项having lain是现在分词的完成体,不能做伴随状语。D项lying是动词lie的现在分词形式,符合原文要求。故为正确答案。

76. A。 空缺处前后为两个并列分句描述两个动作。因此when,Dwhile被排除。两个动作之间并无转折关系,所以but也被排除。And可以用于连接两个并列句,故为正确答案。

77. C。 由于他以前双目失明,而现在突见光明,所以此处应填一个转折连词。thus \这样\;Btherefore \因此\;above all \首先\均不是转折连词。but \但是,然而\,转折连词,为正确答案。

78. A 。out of \在……外部\。钟表不可能挂在屋子外,故首先排除。into \到……里\,着重表示动作的方向,用于此处不恰当。through \穿过\,着重指物体从某一空间中间穿过。across \在对面\。符合原文表达要求,为正确答案。 79. B 。whenever \无论何时\,用于此处,与原表达意义不符while,when,as都有\当……的时候\的意思。as着重表示从句动作与主句动作同时发生,持续时间不长。据此分析,as用于此处不当。when可以表示主句动作发生在从句之后,符合原文表达需要。因此B项为正确答案。

80. D。 Robert是后来失明的,此处应为\恢复,再得到\。gained \得到\; gotten \获得\使回忆起……\都不符合句意。regained \重新得到\,符合句意,为正确答案。

81. C 。at \在(某一时间、地点)\; in \在(地点、时间)里面\; on \在……上面,在(某一天)\,均无此意。Cfrom \从……中得到\,符合句意。

82. B。 这里指的是解释原因,因此只有reason \原因\符合句意。result \结果\; consequence \后果\; content \内容\,均无此意。

83. A。解释是由医生提出来的,故此空缺处用过去分词做定语。contributed \贡献,捐献\;sought\寻找\,强调找的过程,不能表示结果。联系下文用于此处不当。thought \思考,想\,用于此处,意思表达欠妥。offered \提供,提出\,用于此处意思准确,结构正确,是正确答案。

84. D。 because of \因为、由于\; owing to \由于\,强调\原因和结果的关系\,把\

猛烈的打击\说成\失明的原因\,过于牵强。based on \以……为基础\,与原文表达不符。as a result of \由于……的结果\,强调\某事(行动等)引起的结果。由于事故中的重击而失明,D项符合句意。

85. B。restore和have restored主动结构,不能用于此处。have been restored被动语态完成体表示动作已完成。既已完成,就不存在\可能(perhaps)\,用于此处不当。be restored为被动结构,符合句意。

86. C。此处与84空缺处的 a hard blow 相对。 another表示不定数目中的另一个,为正确答案。用于此处,意思准确,为正确答案。one \一次\,表示泛指;other \别的,其他的\,其后常跟复数形式;the other表示二者中的另一个,用于此处,意思表达有误。 Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? 67 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets 68_____ the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 69_____ the news. Newspapers have one basic 70_____ , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 71_____ it. Radio, telegraph, television,

and 72_____ inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 73_____ , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 74 _____ and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers

are 75_____ and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to reach many other fields. Besides keeping readers 76_____ of the latest news, today's newspapers 77_____ and influence readers about politics and other serious matters. Newspapers influence readers’ economic

choices 78_____ advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 79_____ . Newspapers are sold at a price that 80_____ even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 81_____ of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 82_____ in selling

advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 83_____ in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 84_____ on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 85_____ in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 86_____ the community, city, country and world—and even outer space.

67 A)Just when B) While C)Soon after D) Before 68 A)to give B) giving C)given D) being given 69 A)gather B) spread C)carry D) bring 70 A)reason B) cause C)problem D) purpose 71 A)make B) publish C)know D) write

72 A)another B) other C)one another D) the other

73 A)However B) And C)Therefore D) So 74 A)value B) ratio C)rate D) speed

75 A)spread B) passed C)printed D) completed

76 A)inform B) be informed C)to be informed D) informed 77 A)entertain B) encourage C)educate D) edit 78 A)on B) through C)with D) of

79 A)forms B) existence C)contents D) purpose 80 A)tries to cover B)manages to cover C)fails to cover D)succeeds in

81 A)source B) origin C)course D) finance 82 A)way B) means C)chance D) success

83 A)measures B) measured C)is measured D) was measured 84 A)somewhat B) little C)much D) something

85 A)offering B) offered C)which offered D) to be offered 86 A)by B) with C)at D) about

[1] [2] 下一页

67. A。just在此为副词,意为“刚刚”,just when 中just用来强调when做状语。句意为“一个事件刚刚发生,街上就有报纸报道详情了。”说明报纸对新闻的反应之快。

68. A。to give和giving都合乎语法,但giving强调的是正在发生的动作,而此处重点表达的是“反应快”,不是正在做什么。 69. A。无论世界上发生了什么事情,报道记者就会马上赶赴现场收集新闻。gather意为“收集”,符合句意。 70. D。后面的不定式短语表示目的。 报纸的一个基本目的就是以最快的速度获取其新闻的消息来源,purpose“目的”,符合用法。

71. C。此空缺处与前面的those who make it相对,从制造新闻的人处得到消息,而把信息提供给想要了解该新闻的人知道,所以选C。

72. B。other意为“其他的”。此句意为:无线电、电报、电视,及其它发明,成为报纸的竞争对手。

73. A。根据句中的merely及其后所述内容,应选however,表转折。 该句意为“杂志和其他信息载体的发展给报纸带来了竞争,然而,这种竞争仅仅驱使报纸进一步加快其运作。 74. D。使用更新、更快的通讯工具,目的是提高速度,因此improve the speed为正确答案,value“价值”,ratio“比率”,rate“比例”, 平均不符合句。

75. C。报纸是印出来的,先印后读。 该句意为“现在越来越多的报纸被印刷出来并被越来越多的人阅读”。 76. D。keep sb.+过去分词,是一种复合结构,sb.与过去分词为被动关系,该句意为:“报纸不断地为读者提供新闻信息。” 77. C。空后说在政治和重大事件上来影响读者。and为连词,表示并列关系。与influnece相对的应是educate“教育”。

78. B。through为介词,意为“通过”,表示手段。 该句意为:报纸通过广告影响读者在经济生活中的选择。

79. B。大多数报纸依靠广告收入来维持生存。 而A、C、D选项分别意为“形式,内容,目的”不符合文意。

80. C。空后的even强调程度,句意: 报纸的销售价格很低,甚至不足以抵付成本的一小


81. A。分析句意:“对大多数报纸最主要的……是商业广告。“source 意为“来源”,符合句意。Origin“起源,起因”,不符合句意。

82. D。succeed 此处为名词,意为“成功”,succeed in 在某方面的成功。此句意为:广告业务的成功,取决于报纸在客户(要打广告的人)心中的价值。

83. C。根据上下文,此处应该用一般现在时的被动语态,此句意为:报纸在客户心中的价值,是靠发行量衡量的。

84. C。该句意为:发行量的大小,很大程度上取决于发行部门的工作及报纸所提供的服务功能和娱乐功能。

85. B。offered此处为过去分词,作services和entertainment的后置定语。

86. D。information后面接介词about,表示“关于”。 该句意为“在多数情况下,报纸的发行主要看其报道的内容对读者是否有价值,报纸报道的范围涉及社区、城市、国家、世界—甚至外太空。”

the term\a very wide scope such as living environment, health, employment, food, family life, friends, education, material possessions, leisure and __68_____ , and so

on____69___ speaking, the quality of life, especially as seen by the individual, is meaningful in____70 ___ of the degree to which these various areas of life are___71____ or provide satisfaction to the individual.

As activity carried___72____ as one thinks fit during one’s spare time, leisure has the following__73 _____: relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development. The importance of these___74____ according to the nature of one’s job and one’s life-style. Thus, people who need

to___75____ much energy in their work will find relaxation most____ 76___ in leisure. Those with a better education and in professional occupations may__ 77 _____more to seek recreation and personal development ( e.g. ___78____ of skills and hobbies) in leisure.

The specific use of leisure varies from individual to individual. ___79____ the same leisure activity may be used differently by different individuals. Thus, the following are possible uses of television watching, a ___80____ leisure activity, a change of experience to provide____81___ from the stress and ____82___ of work; to learn more about what is happening in one’s

environment; to provide an opportunity for understanding oneself by

___83____ other people’s life experiences as portrayed (描绘) in the programs. ___84____ leisure is basically self-determined, one is able to

take__85__ one’s interests and preferences and get __86__ in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction. 67. A) composes B) consists C) covers D) constitutes 68. A) excursion B) reservation C) recognition D) recreation

69. A) Basically B) Generally C) Primarily D) Frankly 70. A) terms B) place C) means D) way

71. A) adaptable B) approachable C) available D) agreeable 72. A) out B) through C) away D) off

73. A) definitions B) identification C) functions D) operations 74. A) alters B) varies C) shifts D) changes 75. A) provide B) hire C) consume D) exert

76. A) preferable B) desirable C) feasible D) rational 77. A) tend B) prefer C) select D) oblige

78. A) training B) promotion C) nutrition D) cultivation 79. A) Still B) Yet C) Even D) So

80. A) correct B) adequate C) precise D) proper 81. A) separation B) escape C) flight D) isolation 82. A) relief B) anxiety C) squeeze D) strain

83. A) contrasting B) comparing C) matching D) measuring 84. A) Although B) Since C) Whether D) Therefore 85. A) after B) on C) with D) to

86. A) involved B) participated C) attended D) employed

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7. C。 本句是对\的解释,后面的宾语是一个范围,C符合题意,意为\包括,包含\。A项\组成\; B项\包含\,与of搭配使用; D项\制\。

68. D。 此处需填一个与leisure并列,含义相近的词, D项recreation“消遣,娱乐”

符合题意,这里指生活质量包括的休闲(leisure)与娱乐。A项\短程旅行\; B项\预订\; C项\承认\。

69. B。generally speaking意为\一般来说\常置于句首,引出个人观点符合句意。frankly speaking意为\坦白来说\,不能使句意通顺。

70. A。in terms of意为 \在……方面\,可使句意通顺。B项in place of意为\代替\。 71. C。 生活质量指的是人们享受到生活的不同方面的程度,即人们可得到的程度,选项Cavailable符合题意。

72. A。 此处需要填一个 副词和carry搭配,表示activity在进行,carry out“执行”, 符合题意,指活动的进行。B项\贯彻,维持\;C项\运走\;D项\获得\。

73. C。 放松、消遣娱乐和个人发展,这些都是leisure的功能, C项function符合题意。 74. B。 此句的these指前句的functions, 这里指这些功能的重要意义因人而异,即每个功能的意义是不同的, B项varies符合题意。

75. C。 那些在工作中尽心尽力的人会在休闲中得到放松, C项正确,意为\消耗\。 76. B。 休闲的功能因人而异,紧张工作的人肯定在休闲中放松,只有B项符合条件,指令人满意的放松; A项\更优越的\; C项\可行的\; D项\理性的\。

77. A。tend to意为\倾向于做……\。B项prefer to意为\宁愿\,与空格后的more重复使用了比较意义,不符合题意。

78. D。cultivation这里指个人技能和爱好的培养,符合据以。A项training和B项promotion不能与hobbies搭配。

79. C。 前句讲对休闲的具体利用因人而异,此句说同样的休闲活动也会被不同的人不同地利用,所填的词能表示递进关系,选项C)even符合题意。

80. C。C项precise“明确的”,符合题意。correct”正确的”,正确,强调客观事实的正确;adequate\充足的\;proper \合适的\都不符合句意。

81. B。 这里指人从压力(stress)中的解脱, B项符合题意,这里是escape的引申意义。A项\分离\; C项\飞行\; D项\隔离,封闭\。

82. D。 此处需要填一个与stress意义相近的词,表示工作带来的压力、紧张、疲劳等, D项strain 符合题意。relief \缓解\;anxiety忧虑\;squeeze \压榨\。

83. B。 这里指通过比较别人的生活经历以提供理解自己的机会, compare “比较”,符合题意。contrast\对比\,用于两者之间;match\相配\;measure\衡量\。

84. B。 前后分句为因果关系, since符合题意。therefore” 因此, 所以”, 颠倒了因果关系。

85. D。 短语动词与\兴趣\搭配, take to意为\从事\符合句意。take after \仿效\;take on \承担,呈现\。

86. A。get involved in是惯用搭配,意为“参加”。

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2004年年高考英语真题完形填空题·完全解析 (浙江卷)

来源: 文章作者: 2008-03-04 16:02:45

[标签:完形填空 真题 高考]小学精华资讯 免费订阅

\ football coach Bob Peters. Bob had __1__ made a \合同)\eclaring that for 70 days this summer he would __2__ the care of their four children and all the housework. __3__ he didn't even know how to make coffee when he signed, he was very confident.

After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to __4__. \mits Bob. \ normal human being.\

Bob and Pat were married in 1991. After they married, Pat __6__ a secretary to help put him through university. __7__ Bob has been the football coach while Pat raised the kids. __8__ two years ago Pat went back to work. \en __9__ children so much,\ntinued to run the household, __11__ -- until Bob signed the contract.

Bob tried hard to learn cooking, but the meals he prepared were __12__. For the last three weeks, the family __13__ a lot--- sometimes having MacDonald's hamburgers for lunch and dinner.

__14__ housekeeping, a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean __15__ the bed is made. \ he says. Soon the kids were wearing their shirts inside out. \__17__ Pat at work, I made them wear their shirts __18__ side out so they would look clean.\

Now that Bob has publicly __19__ he was wrong, he is __20__ the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.

1-5BDDBC 6-10 DCADB 11-15CADBC 16-60ADCAC

1. A. only B. just C. nearly D. ever

2. A. stick to B. set about C. think about D. take over 3. A. If B. As C. Since D. Although 4. A. carry on B. give up C. break down D. find out

5. A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious 6. A. sent B. employed C. learned from D. worked as 7. A. In time B. Before long C. Since then D. Later on 8. A. Then B. Thus C. So D. Still 9. A. near B. after C. about D. around 10. A. insists B. sighs C. jokes D. apologizes 11. A. besides B. therefore C. however D. otherwise 12. A. terrible B. tasty C. expensive D. special 13. A. starved B. traveled C. worked out D. ate out 14. A. Due to B. As for C. Along with D. Except for 15. A. until B. before C. if D. unless 16. A. an easier way B. a cheaper way C. a cleaner way D. a harder way

17. A. receive B. welcome C. greet D. fetch 18. A. good B. wrong C. right D. opposite 19. A. admitted B. suggested C. agreed D. explained 20. A. operating B. realizing C. sharing D. performing 1-5BDDBC 6-10 DCADB 11-15CADBC 16-60ADCAC

\是什么玩意?做母亲可真不容易。这不,Bob就没有那个本事。 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析

1 B 词义比较词汇用法 Bob 刚好制定了一个\母亲合同\。just刚刚,正好,通常与完成时态连用;only仅仅;nearly几乎,密切地;ever曾经。 Surfing: It's Not Just for Boys Anymore

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would __1__: surfing (冲浪运动). But isn't that a boy thing? Some people __2__. Most certainly not.

I started surfing about five years ago and__3__in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first __4__ was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

When I try to __5__ surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my __6__, there's nothing like it. It involves (牵涉到) body, __7__, and soul. There's sand between my toes and cool, salt water all __8__ us. The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that __9__, becoming one with the__10__, is like I'm weightless.

The one thing I can __11__ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑战). You can never be the \2__ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some suffers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive(活跃有力的) and __13__. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it __14__ from any other sport.

I've __15__ to tell every girl I know to do something that people don't think girls can do. It's part of being human to advance to new __16__, so shouldn't it be expected that girls should step up and start __17__ the limits of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?

There're women __18__ side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys __19__ the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to __20__, and they will. 1. A. tell B. answer C. give D. realize 2. A. wonder B. understand C. reply D. believe 3. A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell 4. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat 5. A. bring B. connect C. compare D. tie

6. A. work B. study C. holiday D. life 7. A. mind B. effort C. health D. time 8. A. along B. above C. around D. by 9. A. beach B. water C. board D. lake 10. A. sky B. world C. earth D. ocean 11. A. take B. get C. make D. keep 12. A. catches B. includes C. offers D. collects 13. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm 14. A. known B. right C. far D. different 15. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised 16. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts 17. A. reaching B. accepting C. pushing D. setting 18. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working 19. A. of B. from C. on D. with 20. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel 1-5 BADAC 6-10 DACBD 11-15 BCADB 16-20 ACDCB

文章的题目Surfing:It's Not Just for Boys Any more明显地告诉我们,本文是关于女


女孩子也能做,而且会有所成就。 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析

1 B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 如果你询问高中的女生们她们最喜欢的体育运动的名字,她们不是告诉(tell),给予(give),意识到(realize),而是回答(answer)你询问的问题。

2 A 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 先看语境:前一句的意思是\但是它难道不是男孩子的事情吗?(意思是:这是男孩子的事情。)\;后一句的意思是\大多数人当然不……\的实际情况和这两句的意思可以判断出,只是有一部分人(不太多)对此问题(前一句)不理解(understand),不相信(believe),不能作出回答(reply),而纳闷、惊奇(wonder),持怀疑态度,而大多数人却肯定地认为:冲浪运动是男孩子的事情。

3 D 固定搭配 fall/be in love with…爱上……,是固定结构,其它选项没有这种搭配形式。

4 A 常识运用 因为文章是在谈论冲浪运动,冲上第一个浪(wave)去是我经历过的最佳感受,而不是暴风雨 (storm)、航海(sail)或船(boat)。

5 C 固定搭配词义比较 作者想把冲浪运动和其他运动进行比较(compare)。connect with连接, 联络,将...连起来;compare with与…比较;tie up with和…联系一起;bring带来,引起,通常不与with连用。

6 D 逻辑推理常识运用 作者把冲浪运动当作了它的生活(life)的组成部分,她不仅仅只是在假期(holiday)里冲浪,当然工作(work)和学习(study)也不能耽误。in my life是\在我的生活中\。

7 A 常识运用词义比较 冲浪运动涉及到身体,智力、智慧(mind)和心灵、精神诸方面,这三个方面共同组成人的身心发展因素。

8 C 常识运用逻辑推理 在海洋里进行冲浪运动,身体的沿线(along),上面(above),旁边(by),而是身体的四周(around)都是凉爽的咸水。

9 B 常识运用逻辑推理 冲浪运动可能要经过沙滩(beach),有可能是在湖(lake)里,但它主要还是脚踏冲浪板(board)在水(water)面上进行。

10 D 常识运用逻辑推理 冲浪运动是在大海、大洋中进行的,就有和海洋(ocean)融为一体的感觉。

11 B 逻辑推理词义比较前后照应 作者不是从其他运动,而是从冲浪运动中获得(get)了无止境的挑战的体会\。再则,前文The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that water,becoming one with the ocean也有暗示。take from减少, 降低;get from从……得到;make from由...制造; keep from阻止, 隐瞒, 抑制。

12 C 常识运用逻辑推理词义辨析 你永远也不会是最好的冲浪手,因为大洋呈现、提供(offer)的是任何人都控制不了的、数不尽的、各种各样的海浪。catch抓住,捕获;include包括,包含;offer提供;collect收集,聚集。

13 A 逻辑推理词义比较 有些冲浪手自由自在、娴熟流畅,有些冲浪手则活跃有力、生机勃勃。注意这两个句子的并列关系,应该特别注意free 和 flowing之间词义的顺承和协调\自由而流畅\,后句的aggressive and__13__也应该是这样一种意义联系,故选择A,sharp可以表示\精明敏捷的,迅速活泼,有力有为\的意思,其它三项在意义上与aggressive的顺承和协调相距甚远。

14 D 固定搭配前后照应词义比较 所有的这些都在吸引着我去冲浪,并使之不同于(different)其他运动。注意此段第一句The one thing I can get from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.也有所暗示。(be) different from和……不同。(be)far from远离, 远非;known和right通常不与from搭配。

15 B 逻辑推理词义比较 我尽力(try)地劝我所认识的每一个女孩去做人们认为女孩不能做的事情。choose选择、挑选;try试图、努力;learn学习;promise答应、许诺。 16 A 常识运用逻辑推理 朝着新的水平(level)不断前进是人类活动的组成部分。level水平,水准, 标准, 级别;point 点, 尖端;step步调, 步伐, 步骤, 措施;part 部分, 局部。

17 C 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 所以女孩子们难道不应当应拾级而上,开始冲破(push)男人过去主宰的事物极限吗?reach到达,伸出;accept 接受, 认可;push突出,突破攻击;set 放置,树立,调整。

18 D 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 在我们国家有女性和总统不仅仅一起坐(sit),步行(walk),战斗(fight),而且并肩工作(work)着。同时注意句子的一般现在时意义特征,表示经常性的行为。

19 C 逻辑推理词汇用法 所以为什么女孩子不能够肩并肩地与男孩子一起踢足球,外出一起冲浪呢?介词on表示\在……供职\、\是)…的成员\,on the football team的意思是\是/成为足球队队员\。

20 B 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 给女孩子一个获得成功(succeed)的机会,让她们思考(think) ,感觉(feel)表演(perform),她们就都会有所成就。

2 D 词义比较前后照应 合同中宣称这个暑假70天的时间里他将从Pat的手中接管(take over)对四个孩子的照顾和所有的家务活。stick to坚守,遵循,忠于;set about开始,散布,攻击,着手;think about考虑,回想;take over接任,接管,接收。

3 D 语句连贯词义比较 虽然(although)签署合同时他连煮咖啡都不知道,他却很自信。if如果,表示条件关系;as因为,表示因果关系;since因为, 既然,表示原因关系;although虽然, 尽管,表示转折关系。

4 B 逻辑推理词义比较 过完40天之后,他想放弃(give up)不干了。carry on继续,连续;give up放弃, 停止,投降;break down毁掉, 制服,停顿,中止, 垮掉, 分解;find out找出, 发现, 查明。

5 C 词义比较常识运用逻辑推理 对于Bob来讲,做母亲与其说是奇怪(strange),快乐(pleasant),严肃认真的(serious)的活,倒不如说是艰难的(difficult)。

6 D 词义比较前后照应 Pat做(work as)了一名秘书的工作以帮助他读完大学。此题似乎可以用employ(雇用,使用;),但后文Pat went back to work ,排除了employ。Send(派遣)和learn from(向……学习)与文意不符。

7 C 词汇用法语法规则 从那以后,他一直就是足球教练。in time及时;before long不久;since then从那以后,通常与现在完成时连用;later on后来,以后。

8 A 词义比较 两年前的时间(then)Pat 又去做了秘书。then当时;thus因而,这样,表示结果意义;so所以,表示因果关系;still仍然,还,表示原来状态的继续。 9 D 词义辨析逻辑推理 她总是围着孩子们转。near在……近旁,是一维的点状概念;after在……之后,追求;about在……周围,程度不及around密封,是一维的线状概念;around在……周围,亲近着某人或在某人身边,强调四周没有空隙而密封,是二维的面状概念。

10 B 逻辑推理词义比较 对于她的状况,Pat没有必要道歉(apologize),也开不起玩笑(joke),她只有坚持(insist)下去,所以她只得长吁短叹(sigh)。

11 C 语句连贯词义比较 然而(however),她继续操劳着家务。besides 此外,表示附加意义;therefore adv.因此, 所以,表示因果关系;however然而,可是,表示转折关系;otherwise另外, 否则,表示其它的情况。

12 A 前后照应词义比较 但是他做的饭菜也许费用高(expensive),却不可口(tasty),很特别(special)得难吃(terrible)。

13 D 词义比较逻辑推理 就在头三周里,一家人就多次为了不饿死(starve)出门走到(travel)外面吃饭(eat out)。work out与文意不符。

14 B 词义比较 谈到另一件事情,即家务管理。A. due to因为,由于,引出原因;as for至于……,用于另起话题;along with与……一道;except for除...以外。 15 C 语句连贯常识运用 要是(if)床铺整理好了,整个房间就看上去总是很干净。until到...为止,直到...才,表示时间关系;before在……之前,表示时间关系;if如果,要是,表示条件关系;unless如果不, 除非,表示否定条件关系。

16 A 逻辑推理词义比较 而Bob去找到了一个做起来更容易简便(easier)的办法,而不是更干净(cleaner),更便宜(cheaper),更困难的(harder)办法,即干脆不开门。 17 D 词义辨析逻辑推理 Bob去接上班的Pat回家来。receive收到, 接到, 接收;welcome欢迎;greet问候,打招呼;fetch=go and bring去接/取/带来。

18 C 常识运用词义比较 Bob就让孩子们把衣服正面(right),而不是相反的(opposite)一面,好的(good)一面,错误的(wrong)一面穿在外面。

19 A 词义比较逻辑推理 Bob同意(agree)公开承认(admit)自己错了,而非暗示(suggest)也没有了其它解释(explain)了。

20 C 词义比较逻辑推理 Bob与Pat开始行动起来,共同一起分担(share)抚养孩子操作(operate)、完成(perform)家务的任务。realize意识到,仅仅是一种心理活动,而没有行动。

As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.

Maybe it was the strange ___1___ things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that ___2___ me so much. There was never total ___3___, but a streetlight or passing car lights ___4___clothes hung over a chair take on the ___5___ of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my ___6___, I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no ___7___. A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My ___8___ would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would ___9___ very still so that the \ver me.

Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, ___10___ on the way home from school. Every morning I get on the school bus right near my home--

that was no ___11___. After school, ___12___, when all the buses were ___13___ up along the street, I was afraid that I'd get on the wrong one, and be taken to some ___14___ neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or museum, I wouldn't ___15___ the leaders out of my sight.

Perhaps one of the worst fears ___16___ all I had as a child was that of not being liked or ___17___ by others. Being popular was so important to me ___18___, and the fear of not being liked was a ___19___ one.

One of the processes (过程) of growing up is being able to ___20___ and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life. 1. A. way B. time C. place D. reason

2. A. wounded B. destroyed C. surprised D. frightened 3. A. quietness B. darkness C. emptiness D. loneliness 4. A. got B. forced C. made D. caused 5. A. spirit B. height C. body D. shape 6. A. eye B. window C. mouth D. door 7. A. breath B. wind C. air D. sound 8. A. belief B. feeling C. imagination D. doubt 9. A. lay B. hide C. rest D. lie

10. A. especially B. simply C. probably D. directly 11. A. discussion B. problem C. joke D. matter 12. A. though B. yet C. although D. still 13. A. called B. backed C. lined D. packed 14. A. old B. crowded C. poor D. unfamiliar 15. A. leave B. let C. order D. send

16. A. above B. in C. of D. at

17. A. protected B. guided C. believed D. accepted 18. A. then B. there C. once D. anyway 19. A. strict B. powerful C. heavy D. right 20. A. realize B. remember C. recognize D. recover 1-5ADBCD 6-10ABCDA 11-15BACDB 15-20CDABC


题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析

1 A 逻辑推理词义辨析 也许是晚上作者熟悉的房间里的物件看上去有些奇怪和发出奇怪的声响。这里已提及发生的时间(time)是在晚上,地点(place)是在作者熟悉的房间,作者无从知道其原因(reason),而是事情发生的方式(way)困惑着他。 2 D 词义比较

前后照应 前文出现了I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost.奇怪的外表和奇怪的声音使作者担惊受怕(frightened)。wound击伤,伤害; frighten使惊吓;destroy破坏, 毁坏;surprise使惊奇, 奇袭。

3 B 前后照应逻辑推理 没有完全的黑暗(darkness)。quietness寂静;emptiness 空虚;loneliness 孤独, 寂寞,此三项与文意不符。

4 C 词汇用法 get sb. To do sth使/叫某人做某事;force sb. to do sth迫使某人做某事; cause sb. to do sth致使某人做某事;make sb. do sth使某人做某事,make的结构中不带to。

5 D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 但是街灯或是驶过的车灯照在椅子上挂着的衣服上呈现出的是野兽的外形(shape),而不是野兽的灵魂(spirit),身高(height)和身体(body)。spirit灵魂, 幽灵;height 高度;body 身体,尸体;shape外形, 形状, 形态。 6 A 前后照应固定搭配 注意与后面的saw一致。out of the corner of one's eye从眼角往外看。

7 B 常识运用逻辑推理 作者看到窗帘似乎在动,当没有风(wind)的时候,而不是没有呼吸(breath),空气(air)和声音(sound),只有风才能使窗帘动。

8 C 词义比较逻辑推理 只要有一点点声音,作者就会胡思乱想(imagination),心跳也会加剧。belief 信任,信仰;feeling感觉, 情绪;imagination 想象, 空想;doubt怀疑, 疑惑。

9 D 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 作者就会一动也不动地躺着(lie),而不是躲藏(hide),睡眠(rest),以便不让\敌人\发现。lay放置,是及物动词,不合文意。 10 A 常识运用前后照应 与后文相一致。特别是在放学回家的路上怕走失。especially特别, 尤其;simply简单地,简直;probably大概, 或许; directly直接地, 立即。 11 B 前后照应逻辑推理 早上去学校,就在家附近搭车,不怕走失,用不着讨论(discussion),不开玩笑(joke),不是什么大事(matter),自然没有什么问题(problem)。 12 A 语句连贯词汇用法 前后句之间表示转折关系,此空需要一个副词。此题四个选项都可表示转折关系,although是连词,后面需接从句;though作连词,后跟从句,与although差不多,他还可作副词,置于句末时,用逗号分开,置于句中时,前后用逗号分开,表示与前面的句子之间的转折关系,通常译为\虽然/即使如此\;yet和still也可表示转折关系,但它们通常置于句首,用逗号分开。

13 C 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 当所有的车子都沿街排列(line up)停靠时,作者担心会上错车。A. call up召唤,打电话;back up支持, 倒退;line up整队, 排列起;pack up打包, 整理。

14 D 常识运用逻辑推理 担心上错车,而被带到不熟悉的(unfamiliar)地方,因而走失迷路。

15 B 逻辑推理词义比较 作者总会跟着领队,不会让(let)他离开作者视线。let 让,允许;leave离开,留下;order命令;send遣送。 16 C 词汇用法固定搭配 …of all所有之中……。

17 D 前后照应词汇用法 作者最担心的是不被他人喜欢或理解(accept)。后句的Being popular was so important to me有所暗示。注意句中的并列连词or所表示的意义\或者说,换言之\,后面需跟一个与其前面的词意义类似的词。protect保护;guide指导,带领;believe相信,信任;accept接受, 认可,理解, 了解。

18 A 前后照应逻辑推理 当时,对作者来讲,重要的是受人欢迎的、爱戴。then指前文提到的作者做孩子的时候。there那儿;once曾经;anyway无论如何, 总之。

19 B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 作者很大(powerful)程度地担心不被他人喜欢。strict严格的, 严厉的;powerful强大的, 有力的; heavy沉重,繁重;right正确,合适。 20 C 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较前后照应 成长的过程就是认清恐惧并战胜恐惧。后文的Understanding the things that frightened us as children 已有所暗示。Realize意识到, 了解;remember回忆起,记得; recognize认清, 识别,认识到;recover重新获得, 恢复。

