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汉译英时 主语的添加与选择

可以说,单就句子成分而言,英汉两种语言对主语的看法分歧最大。汉语不强调主语,因为汉语中的大多数句子都是话题结构。因此只要和述题有语义上的联系,即使没有直接的逻辑关系和语法搭配关系,任何内容、成分和词类都可处在主语的位置上。但是在英语中,句子的主语和谓语一定要有直接的逻辑关系和语法搭配关系。 一,主语的添加

与汉语不同,主语是英语句子不可或缺的重要成分。翻译时如碰到汉语中的无主句或省略主语的句子,就需要添加主语。 1),基本路线要管一百年,动摇不得。

Version 1: We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation.

Version 2: The basic line should be adhered to for 100 years, and there must be no vacillation.


Version 1: After all that’s been said, I can sum up our position in one sentence: we shall keep to this line and these principles and policies. Version 2: After all that’s been said, one sentence sums it up: we will stick to this line and these principles and policies.


3),(不要怕犯错误)坚持这种态度就不要紧,就不会犯大错误。 Version 1: So long as we stick to this attitude, it will be all right and we will not commit any major mistakes.

Version 2: So long as we keep to this attitude, everything will be all right, and we shall not make any major mistakes. 二,主语的选择与确定

1, 出于连贯的考虑对主语进行选择与确定

一个英语段落或句群的句子的话题有向心性。选择英语的句子主语,要考虑衔接紧凑、语义连贯的因素。相邻的英语句子的主语不宜频繁变换,应尽量保持一致。英语中有一条很重要的修辞原则,即平行一致原则(parallelism), 就是这种要求的集中体现。如: 1) 自十九世纪末,中国开始举办师范教育。1949年中华人民共和国成立之后,在各级政府的重视和关心下,中国师范教育进入前所未有的发展阶段。

Teacher education began in China toward the end of the 19th century. Since the founding of the PRC in 1949, it has undergone unprecedented development thanks to solicitude and support of the central and local government. (同一个话题,统一主语,加强连贯) 2) 在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,振兴经济的希望在于教育,教师队伍的数量和质量对教育发展具有决定性的影响。

Today when there is a rapid advancement in science and technology, education becomes vital to the growth of economy. Its development,


however, is determined by the number and professional expertise of teachers.

3) 机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券。企业债券因为期限短,利率高于银行存款利率一到两个百分点,因此也十分受欢迎。人们争相购买债券,往往前一天晚上就在银行外排队,一个亿的债券几天就一售而空。

Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and individual investors. Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and offer an interesting rate of 1%-2% more than the average bank deposit rate. Often RMB 100 million worth of enterprise bonds are subscribed within a few days by anxious investors who queue overnight outside banks. 4) 一天,父亲来封快信,上面说:“顷得汝岳丈电报。。。。。。” One day an express came from his father. It read as follows: “I have just received a telegram from your father-in-law…” 2, 出于信息重心的考虑重新选择句子的主语。

2.1 汉语句子的机构性主语需改成更重要的信息。此时往往还需采用相应的被动结构。如:


For example, 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect


the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded. 2) 上海采取了一系列优惠政策来吸引外资。

A series of preferential policies have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign capital.

3) 在过去三年内,浦东新区完成了总投资额在150亿元以上的10项重大基础设施的建设。

Over the past three years, 10 infrastructure projects, involving a total investment of over 15 billion yuan, have been completed in the Pudong New Area.

2.2 汉语句子的时间性主语多处理为状语,此时得重新确立英语句子的主语。如:

1) 有谣言说,明年年初要实行价格改革。

Rumor has it that a price reform will be instituted at the beginning of next year.

2) 明年将出版更多的儿童读物。

More books for children will be published next year.

2.3 汉语句子的泛指性主语如“人们”“我们”等并无实质性内容,在英语句子中往往可以省去,转而采用被动结构,让其他更重要的信息充当主语。如:

1) (占中国总耕地面积3%的450万公顷的农作物被毁。工厂被迫停工,产量受到影响。客运和货运也被迫中断。)在未来的许多岁月里,人民都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。


The overall effect on China’s economy will be felt for many years. 单独译一句,用“人民”作英语句子的主语没有问题。但由于这一句是跟在“农田遭毁”、“工厂停工”、“铁路中断”的几个句子之后,冒出一个“人民”作主语反而不妥。还不如用“对国家经济的影响”作主语更妥当。

2) 现在,我们已经把国家的投资大量向西部地区倾斜,譬如,我们最近宣布的“西气东输”工程。

Now it is decided that the State investment will tilt in favor of the west. The recently announced decision to press with the project of transmitting natural gases from the west to the east is a case in point. 3,英语句子的主语和谓语必须有严格的逻辑关系,而且要符合搭配习惯,所以翻译中也常考虑改变句子的主语。汉语中存在大量的 人称代词或名词所有格+名词的主语短句结构,翻译时可把这样的主语短语分开,让人称代词或名词所有格充当主语,而把原来的名词中心词处理为状语,这样往往就符合搭配了。如:

1) 因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。

For China in her development needs not only engineers and scientists, but skilled workmen of different kinds.

2) 我们极好的条件是有四万万七千五百万的人口和九百六十万平方公里的国土。

We have very good favorable conditions: a population of 475 million


