吉林大学 11 秋 大学英语一(试题库)

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Vocabulary and Structure

1.—What do you think of it?

—It just happened _______ we had expected. A. that

B. which

C. it

D. as

2. Jane, what do you think of Mr. Green?

As ______ teacher, he ought to set _______ good example to the pupils. A. the…a

B. a…a

C. a…the

D. / …the

3. They found a _______ old woman ________ on the ground when the door was broken open. A. dying…lying

B. dead…lied

C. death…laying

D. died…lain

4. _______, the children went to the park. A. It was a fine day C. It being a fine day

B. Being a fine day D. Because the fine day

5. ________ in the strange city, poor Bill fell to ________. A. Lost…crying

B. Lost…cry D. To lese…cry

C. Having been lost…crying

6. Don’t get off the bus until it ________. A. has stopped

B. stopped

C. will stop

D. shall stop

7. I took _______ tea than you. A. less

B. few

C. fewer

D. little

8. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _______. A. catching

B. to be caught

C. being caught

D. to catch

9. I must be off now. It’s time I _______ to school. A. go

B. went

C. will go

D. am going

10. To serve the people means giving as _______ and ask for as _______ as possible. A. much…little

B. much…few

C. many…a little

D. more…less

11. What we are doing _______ good to the people. A. are

B. have been

C. is

D. be

12. John is _______ of the two students. A. cleverer

B. the clever

C. the cleverer

D. the cleverest

13. He used to be a heavy smoker, _______? A. used he

B. didn’t he

C. doesn’t he

D. wouldn’t he

14. Rather than _______, he ran all the way home. A. walk

B. walked

C. walking

D. to walk

15. Get to the top of hill, ______ you can see the whole city. A. or

B. but

C. and

D. so

16. What you said sounds right. I’m considering _______ this job. A. accepting

B. accept

C. to accept

D. will accept

17. _______ I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting. A. While

B. When

C. Once

D. Since

18. Half of those books _______ best-sellers. A. is

B. are

C. am

D. was

19. _______ Chicago is a beautiful city today, but _______ Chicago of the 1920s was a very dirty

place. A. The…the

B. /…/

C. A…the

D. /…the

20. ______ he is, Tom knows a lot of things. A. Child as

B. Clever as

C. Fool although

D. A boy as

21.— Would you please go out for a walk with us? —______, but I’m very busy now.

A. Of course not

B. I’d like to

C. That’s all right

D. That’s right

22.— Can I get you a cup of tea? —______.

A. That’s very nice of you C. You can, please

B. With pleasure D. Thank you for the tea

23. — When can I call on you, afternoon or evening? —________. I’ll be at home all the time. A. Any

B. Either

C. Both

D. Neither

24. — Has anyone seen my glasses? —________. A. Here it is

B. It is here

C. Here are they

D. Here they are

25.—May I use your phone? —_______.

A. No, I don’t mind C. Yes, my pleasure

B. Yes, you do it D. I’m afraid not

26. He is much more _______ a German A. like to be

B. liking to be

C. likely to be

D. likely

27. I had a new tap _______ the day before yesterday. A. fix

B. fixing

C. to be fixed

D. fixed

28. We couldn’t eat at a restaurant because _______ of us had _______ money on us.

A. all…no

B. any…no

C. none…any

D. no one…any

29. Have you any rooms _______? We’ll stay here for only two days. A. to spare

B. to spend

C. to take

D. to borrow

30. I was so ______ moved by his words that I couldn’t fall asleep ______ into the night. A. deep…deeply

B. deep…deep

C. deeply…deeply

D. deeply…deep

31. The crowd cheered ______ the sight of the honored guests’ motorcade. A. at

B. on

C. as soon as

D. in

32. He’s a new comer. So we try to be as _______ to him as we could. A. friend

B. friends

C. friendly

D. good friends

33. She had a good time last night, _______? A. hadn’t she

B. had she

C. didn’t she

D. did she

34. Don’t _______ the child, it will frighten him. A. call at 35.—________?

—He is a tall young man with blue eyes and broad shoulders. A. What is he like C. What does he like

B. What does he look like D. How is he

B. laugh at

C. shout to

D. shout at

36. She no longer talked and laughed _______ she used to. A. like

B. as though

C. as

D. just as

37. I don’t know why _______ late for class.

A. you are

B. are you

C. are you being

D. being you are

38. As both dictionaries were good, he said he would take _______. A. any of them

B. all of them

C. either of them

D. either ones

39. _______ of them knows much English. A. No

B. None

C. Both

D. Not all

40. Will you ______ the book Tom Sawyer ______ him if he wants to _____ it _____ you? A. lend…to…borrow…from C. borrow…to…lend…from

B. lend…to…borrow…of D. lend…for…borrow…of

41.—Do you think we’ll still catch the train? — Well, we won’t we walk faster. A. as

B. unless

C. until D. no matter how

42. —Do you mind if I smoke here? — .

A. No, please don’t C. No, not at all

B. Yes, please D. Yes, if you like

43. —May I move your bag a little and take this seat? — . A. I don’t mind C. It doesn’t matter

B. Go ahead D. You do it, please

44. —When will you be free this month, Mr. White?

— , maybe we’ll be free next Sunday. A. Let me be

B. Let me see

C. Think it over

D. I’m afraid

45. —May I come to attend your lecture? — . A. No, you’d better not come C. It’s not worth listening to

B. Sure D. My pleasure

46. He said he had bought dictionary week before, and dictionary was great help to him.

A. a…the…the…a C. a…/…/…a

B. a…/…the…/ D. the…the…the…the

47. Mr. Brown, together with his students, to the Science Museum. A. has gone

B. are going

C. have gone D. have been

48. Although he was in a hurry, he stopped the old man to carry the heavy box. A. helping

B. to help

C. being helped D. helped

49. During the holidays I shall help my father . A. with working

B. with his work

C. for work D. for working

50. —Where on earth do we get light and heat? —It is from the sun we get them. A. which

B. on which

C. where D. that

51. It’s about time that this problem .

A. to settle

B. should be settled C. be settled D. to be settled

52. A person a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language all his own. A. learning, forgetting C. to learn, to forget

B. who learns, to forget D. using, but

53. Einstein was given the Nobel Prize Physics in 1921. A. in B. at C. on D. for

54. In the geography lesson, the teacher told the children that the earth round like a ball. A. was B. is C. were D. had been 55. His father died and him a lot of money.

A. sent B. afforded C. left D. gave 56. No sooner had he left the police arrived.

A. when B. then C. than D. before 57. Still water run .

A. quick B. deeply C. deep D. quickly 58. He often goes to school by bike it rains.

A. besides B. except for C. except D. except when 59. It is important us the balance of nature. A. for…to keep B. of…to keep C. for…keeping D. of…to have kept 60. There is little ink in the bottle, ?

A. isn’t there B. isn’t it C. is there D. is it

61. In China, bicycle is popular means of transportation. A. the/ a B. a/ x C. the/ the D. a/ the 62. One should do such things _____ good for all.

A. that are B. as they are C. as are D. that they are 63. He made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science .

A. which I think is C. which I think it

B. which I think it is D.I think which is

64. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of_____.

A. energy

B. source C. power

D. material

65. Don’t let children fall into bad _____.

A. customs

B. exercises C. habits

D. patterns

66. Theory is based on practice and_____ serves practice.

A. in turn

B. in consequence C. in order D. exchange

67. His parents began to _____ a small sum of money every month for his college education ever since he was still a little child. A. set aside

B. put up

C. lay down

D. place apart

68. I don’t suppose that he cares, _____?.

A. does he B. do I C. don’t I D. doesn’t he 69. he arrived we learned about the change of the plan.

A. Not until that

B. It was not until had

C. Not until then D. It was not until that

70. _____ the horror film, she couldn’t help watching it.

A. Much as she hated C. As much did she hate

B. As she much hated D. As much as she hated

71. Linda is to attend this meeting, but it is that she will be a few minutes late.

A. possible…likely C. maybe…likely

B. likely…possible D. possible…possible

72. Sorry that I’ve come _____ . In fact, I have been terribly busy _____.

A. late…lately B. lately…lately C. lately…recently D. late…late

73. A medical team _____ five doctors will be in charge of the president’s operation.

A. made of B. was made of C. was made up of D. made up of 74. Please stay__ _ you are and I’ll be back right away.

A. as B. when C. where

D. what

75. _____ a fine October morning, Rose went to Paris the first time in her life..

A. In… for

B. For…for C. On… at

D. On … for

76. The movie is _____ fascinating I want to see it for another time. A. so…so

B. as… in order

C. so …that

D. as… in that

77. I was very_____ to have heard my composition on the radio.

A. pleasing…reading B. pleased read

C. pleasant being read D. pleased… having been read

78. Most of the teachers of this primary school are in their _____ .

A. thirty

B. thirties

C. thirty years D. thirty years of age.

79. He couldn’t see the stranger clearly until he was only _____ yards from her.

A. few

B. few of

C. the few

D. a few

80. Mr. Bello is efficient. He does ______ anyone else.

A. twice as much work as C. twice much work as

B. twice work as much as

D. much work twice as

81.Not until the early 1900s_____to vote in the United States.

A .women were allowed B. they allowed women C. when women were allowed D. were women allowed 82. It wasn't an accident. He did it on_____.

A. reason B. determination C. purpose D. intention 83. I hope _____my letter.

A. her to answer C. that she will answer

B. that she should answer D. her answering

84.His ears are highly sensitive _____any unusual sound in the machine. A. of

B. on

C .to

D. by

85.\ \

A. is

B. are

C. have

D .has

86. You'll have to pay for the holiday in _____, Tom. A. front

B. advance

C. ahead

D. forward

4. If you hide behind the cubes during an attack you can probably do all of the following except________________.

A) fire over them B) destroy a missile C) avoid being exposed to danger D) be hit by a missile

5. From the last sentence we can see that you are likely to be attacked by tanks if you


A) fire straight at a missile B) chase a flying saucer C) hit a flying saucer D) chase enemy tanks


Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes, They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax (蜡) and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. In making such models, painstaking skill and artistry(艺术技巧) are called for, as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure. The collection of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum(植物博物馆) of Harvard University is the most famous in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world. In all, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two artist–naturalists, Leopold Blaschka and his son Rudolph.

The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United State. Although it was never completed, it contains more than seven hundred species representing 164 families of flowering plants, a group of fruits showing the effect of fungus(真菌) diseases, and thousands of flower parts and magnified details. Every detail of these is accurately reproduced in color and structure. The models are kept in locked cases as they are too valuable and fragile(易损坏的) for classroom use.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A) An extensive Collection of Glass Flowers B) The Lives of Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka. C) Flowers Native to the United States. D) Materials Used For Artificial Flowers.

2. Which of the following statements about Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka is true?

A) They were brothers. B) They were artists. C) They were florists. D) They were farmers.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the goal of Leopold and Rudolph Blascka was to____. A) create a botanical garden where only exotic flowers grew B) do a thorough study of plant structure

C) make a copy of one member of each United States flower family D) show that glass flowers are more realistic than wax flowers

4. Which of the following is NOT included in the display at the Botanical Museum of Harvard


A) Models of 164 families of flowering plants B) Magnified details of flower parts C) Several species of native birds D) A group of diseased fruits

5. Which of the following statements is true of the flowers at Harvard University? A) They form a completed collection. B) They have a marvelous fragrance.

C) They are loaned to schools for classroom use. D) They are authentic representations.


Why do we laugh? For years scientists have asked themselves this question. No animals laugh and smile --- only human beings, so does laughing help us to live longer in any way. The answer seems to lie that smiling and laughing help us to become less worried and calm, preventing illnesses which are caused by stress. Laughing is really the best medicine. But if you’re unhappy, it can’t do you any good to smile, can it? That’s not true. It is clear that smiling works just in the same way whether you feel like smiling or not. Scientists in California asked a group of students to act five different feelings: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise and fear---just using their faces. Changes in their heart rate, blood pressure and temperature were recorded. Most of the feelings they acted didn’t cause changes, but when the students smiled, their heart rate and their blood pressure went down. That happened even though they were only acting! So even if we feel sad inside, smiling seems to make us feel better.

Now, what makes us laugh? It seems that the answer to the question is far from simple. Everyone likes jokes, but we don’t laugh at the same ones. It depends largely on how old we are. There’s a kind of joke, for example, which children love but older people might not find funny.

1. In the first paragraph, the underlined word ―stress‖ can be best explained as ―_____‖.

A). surprise and fear B). work and duties C). happiness and sadness D). pressure and worries 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) Laughing helps us to live longer in any ways.

B) If you are in a bad mood, smiling helps to make you relieved.

C) Our blood pressure can be influenced by five different facial expressions mentioned. D) People, old and young, are likely to laugh at the same jokes. 3. In the passage, the writer seems to pay more attention to _____.

A) how laughing and smiling are connected with health B) comparing human beings with animals

C) the degree to which laughing and smiling are helpful D) finding out if any research has been done about laughing 4. The passage tells us that smiling and laughing _____.

A) have nothing to do with one’s heart rate B) do one no good when he is sad C) improve one’s blood pressure D) lower the temperature of the body 5. According to the author, _____.

A) it is rather complicated to answer the question ―Why do we laugh?‖ B) it is really simple to answer the question ―Why do we laugh?‖

C) there is a sharp difference between man’s laughing and animal’s laughing D) nationalities seem to disappear about jokes


How men first learn to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other, and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their associations with the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our pass; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increase.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in

words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

1. The origin of language is _______________. A) a legend handed down from the past B) a matter that is hidden or secret C) a question easy to answer D) a problem already solved

2.One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that


A) they could agree upon certain signs B) they could write them down

C) they could communicate with each other D) they could combine them 3. What is true about words?

A) They are used to express feelings only. B) They can not be written down. C) They are simply sounds.

D) They can be used to associate thoughts.

4. The real power of words consists in their_______________ A) properties B) characteristics

C) peculiarity D) representative function

5.In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able to _____________. A) confuse the readers B) move men to tears C) move our action D)puzzle our feelings

