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过去分词作宾语补足语宾语补足语用来补充说明句子的宾语。过去分词作 宾补时具有以下特点:

1)过去分词(done)常表示动作的完成状态或动作的 全过程。 2)宾语与过去分词在逻辑上存在着被动关系。


1. 我很高兴地看到孩子受到了很好的照料。

I was glad ________the child_________________. to see well taken care of 被动关系 2. 当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作都做完了。 found finished When he arrived ,he ________all the work_______.被动关系 3. 他站了起来,为的是让别人看见他。seen by others make He stood up in order to ______himself___________. 被动关系

4. 当我返回那儿时,我发现包不见了。

gone When I returned there , I _______the bag_______. found表状态 5. 我发现村子已经发生了巨大变化。 found greatly changed We ________the village_______________. 表动作的完成


1)现在分词作宾补表示一个正在进行或持续的动 作。 2)宾语与宾补在逻辑上存在着主谓关系,即宾补 所表示的动作通常是宾语发出来的。3)当现在分词的被动式(being done)作宾补时,它 仍表示 一个正在进行或持续的动作,但宾语与宾 补存在着逻辑上的动宾关系。

1. I saw a boy crying there. 2. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 3. I saw the child being beaten by his father.

P21: word study: Ex1: 1E 2F 3B 4C 5D 6A

Ex2: 1.Honey 2. taste 3. Furniture 4.sail 6. Branches P22: Grammar:

Ex1: 1. greatly changed? 2. done? 3. understood.4. decorated. 5.repaired. 6. locked. 7. called.

Ex2: 1. said 2. done 3. sent 4. cut 5. heard 6 informed 7. paid 8. understood Ex3: 1. I think I’ll have a wooden floor laid in the bedroom. 2. I think I’ll have an extra door made. 3. I think I’ll have two pictures put up on the wall. 4. I think I’ll have a tea table placed in the corner.

Grammar: P98:

Ex1: 1. He got his bike fixed2. How do you want the room decorated? 3. His only wish for his money is to have a school built for children from poor family.

4. Don’t you want his temperature taken ?5. I want these clothes mended as soon as possible.

Ex2: Decorated (OC); planned (OC)

understood; checked (OC)Ex3: 1. I can get my essay typed , and printed or copied. 2. I can have the important pages of a book copied. 3. I can have my photo taken and have the film developed. 4. I can have my watch fixed /repaired .

5. I can have my hair cut, washed and dried.6. I can have my clothes made/mended.

