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1.答题前在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、班级 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 3.考试结束后,只交答题卡


第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分) 第一节

1.What are they talking about? A.A fire.B.A matchbox.C.A rain. 2.What time is it now? A.10:15.B.10:30.C.11:00.

3.What will the weather be like tomorrow? A.It will be cold.B.It will rain.C.It will be windy. 4.What is the man going to do? A.Run to the airport. B.Wait for another plane. C.Hurry to the bus stop.

5.Who probably is the man?

A.An airport clerk.B.A pilot.C.A taxi driver.


听一段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.What is Sharon now?

A.An actress.B.A guide.C.A film star. 7.Which of the following is TRUE? A.She is working at Universal Studios. B.She’s tired of her job.

C.She’s disappointed at her job.

听一段材料,回答第8至第11四个小题。 8.Where can you find national parks? A.In the mountains.B.In cities.C.By rivers.

9.What do campers find in the national parks?

A.Forests.B.Many elephants.C.Many kinds of animals and plants. 10.What do campers enjoy most in the parks?

A.Hunting.B.Skating.C.A change from the busy life. 11.Where do most of campers stay in the parks? A.In their cars.B.In their tents.C.In houses.

听一段材料,回答第12和第13两个小题。 12.What is the woman telling her father about? A.Her visit to Greenwich Village. B.Her plan for her holiday. C.Her sightseeing experience.

13.When is the woman going to see a show? A.On her last night.B.Next weekend.C.Tomorrow.

听一段材料,回答第14至第16三个小题。 14.What did the woman do on Friday? A.She prepared for the exam. B.She attended a class activity. C.She had a history lesson.

15.What is the weather in the desert like at night? A.Hot and dry.B.Hot and wet.C.Cool and dry.

16.Why is it easy to see different rocks in the desert? A.There are very few plants. B.There are too many rocks.

C.There are different colors of rocks.


17.For what season does the man want to buy something? A.Winter.B.Autumn.C.Spring. 18.What is the first hat made of? A.Silk.B.Cotton.C.Wool.

19.How much does the man save?

A.Six dollars.B.Seven dollars.C.Ten dollars.

20.What does the man want to have in addition? A. A red hat.B.A red sweater.C.A black sweater.


第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15个小题;每个小题2分,满分30分)



A quarrel at home may result in you falling ill. Don’t laugh, it’s true. Family matters including living habits and even the way we speak have a big effect on our health, doctors say.

Wang Xiaoyu, a Senior 2 girl from Xichang, Sichuan Province, fainted (晕倒) in class when she heard her classmates quarrel at the top of their voices. Quarrels between her parents also put the girl into a coma. It is because she is suffering from depression (抑郁症), caused by bad relations at home, doctors explained. “We don’t get sick or stay well by ourselves,” says Dr Robert Ferrer from the US. Ferrer shows that family forces may explain up to a quarter of health problems, in his recent research. The genes you get from your family may cause illness. If one of your parents has a heart attack, your risk of being affected may double. But effects on health are not only written in our DNA.

Unrelated people who live under the same roof also get similar problems. Diet, lifestyle and environment affect our health, too. Ferrer’s research also found that if teenagers feel they are ignored or unimportant at home they are more likely to get sick.

We may never fully understand all the effects that families have on our health. But just as individual (个别的) problems can have effects on others, a small improvement can have big benefits, Ferrer said. 21.Which of the following can best explain why Wang Xiaoyu fainted in class? A. Because her classmates often quarreled in class. B. Because her parents used to quarrel.

C. Because of her depression caused by bad family relations. D. Because her classmates shouted loudly at her.

22.According to Dr Ferrer, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. We get sick or stay well by ourselves.

B. Only the genes we get from our family have a big effect on our health. C. Our health has nothing to do with diet, lifestyle and environment.

D. Teenagers who are ignored at home get sick more easily than those who are not. 23.The underlined word “coma” in Paragraph2 probably means ________. A. surprise B. faint C. tiredness D. sadness 24.The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Family relations. B. The reasons why we get sick. C. Family---- another cause to health D. A research about health.


The trouble with school is that you can’t choose the people you get to see every day. If you’re unlucky enough to be stuck with classmates who don’t really “get” you, you’ve just got to try to make the best of it.

But that doesn’t mean you need to “fit in”, or at least in the way that people think. If you try to transform yourself into a clone of everyone else, it won’t help you make friends. It’ll just make you feel like a fake. You also shouldn’t shut down or refuse to be friends with everyone who doesn’t like you. If you do that, you’ll just make yourself miserable. Instead, you’ve got to work on being comfortable and confident with whom you are while ignoring all the haters. Keep on speaking up, asking questions and getting to know people better. If you send out positive energy, then people will generally send some back to you. A couple of them will stay the same, and you’re allowed to forget about them.

If you feel like you’re doing all that but still not getting anywhere, then don’t give up. Just expand your circle. Get a part-time job at a cool-looking place, join an after-school art class or youth group—do whatever it takes to find a couple of like-minded people to connect with. Even if you don’t find anyone right away, you’ll still be getting some more social experiences under your belt, and that’s always a good thing.

A fun book called Uncool, by Erin Elisabeth Conley, has some tips for folks like you who want to stay positive at school while being true to your personality: ·Throw caution to the wind. ·Don’t tolerate others’ mistakes. ·Have patience with people who are different from you. ·Don’t change just because someone else thinks you should.

·Know that even though you may be a misfit, there’s always some place where you will be welcomed in the world.

25.According to the author, what should you do if you meet people who don’t appreciate you? A. Just give up.

B. Ask someone else for help.

C. Show positive attitude toward them. D. Try your best to fit in with them.

26.The author agrees that you should take part in more activities in order to __________. A. get more chances of making friends

B. lay a better foundation for your future jobs C. transform yourself into a clone. D. make you feel like a fake.

27.In the book Uncool, Erin Elisabeth Conley thinks you should _________. A. always be kind to your friends B. keep your own personality C. tolerate others’ mistakes

D. help improve characters of others

28.This passage was written mainly for _______.

A. doctors B. ScientistsC. students D. Teachers



Picky eaters may have good reasons for their behaviour. No matter why your child has become picky, how you handle the situation can affect his or her future. Therefore, you should know the following reasons for picky children first of all.

Neophobia is common in children; it often happens at the dinner table. Some children just refuse to try new food because they don’t know what it will taste like, while others dislike new food before even smelling it. Some children take it to the extreme(极端) and will only eat a few foods that they like. Psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Capaldi says that, by the time children reach the age of two, they have formed their own eating habits that they don’t want to be disturbed by new offerings at the table.

A newly published study led by Dr. Lucy Cooke of University College London showed that picky eating in children results from genetic(遗传的) and environmental causes. The research, which followed the eating habits of 5,390 pairs of twins between the ages of 8 and 11, found that about 75% of the neophobia in the children was from their parents, while 25% was due to the influence of environment.

Children grow at a high speed during their first year, but that fast-paced growth tends to slow down by their second year. When children are not experiencing one of those fast growth periods, their body needs less energy; and that results in a smaller appetite(胃口). When children are not hungry, they tend to enjoy only food they like. They refuse new food and food that is not their favourite. Some children will limit the amount of food to only one kind, like hamburgers or pancakes, leaving all the other foods untouched.

In some cases, many real reasons why a child behaves as a picky eater exist. About 5% of children who are 10 years of age or younger have some type of neurological dysfunction(神经机能障碍) that influences their eating habits. These children may be easily hurt by some special smells, or their brain may not be able to process such sensory information properly.

29.The underlined word “Neophobia”in Paragraph 2 probably means_________. A.the fear of something new or unknown B.the worry about the amount of new food C.the feeling of eating at the dinner table D.the fear of eating tasty food

30.What can we learn about the study led by Dr. Cooke?

A.It paid more attention to the environmental effects on children’s eating habits. B.It followed the eating habits of 5,390 children aged between 8 and 11. C.It showed that genetics greatly affect children’s eating habits. D.It suggested that parents should have good eating habits. 31.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that_______.

A.children’s growth speed stays the same in the first two years B.children develop their own diet when they grow up C.children tends to eat less when they grow up D.children’s growth has an effect on their diet

32.The reason mentioned in the last paragraph has something to do with a child’s_______. A.exercise B.sense C.habit D.Interest D

Parents whose children show a special interest in a sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children’s careers.Should they allow their children to train to become top sportsmen and sportswomen? For many children it means starting schoolwork very young.And going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place.It’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day, even at the weekend, when most of his or her friends are playing. Another problem is of course money, In many countries money for training is available from government for the very best young sportsmen and sportswomen.If this help can not be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child’s development and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment, etc.All can be expensive. Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age.Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed.Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by training when young that you can reach the top as successful sports person.It is clear that very few people do reach the top, and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training. 33.Where can we most probably find this passage?

A.An advertisement. B.A diary.C.A newspaper. D.A notice board. 34.What does the underlined phrase “to take a second place ”in the first paragraph mean? A.to become less important B.To put it at another place C.To happen again

D.They are the most important of all the things

35.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A.It’s easy to make a decision when your children want to take up sports.

B.Most of the students may become top sports men after a long period of training. C.Early training may damage young muscles.

D.It’s not very expensive for parents to support their children’s development in sports.

第二节 (共5个小题,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 It is generally believed that money can’t buy happiness. However, that may not be always true. According to a recent article, in the last few years, new research has given us a far deeper understanding of the relationship between what we earn and how we feel. Broadly speaking, people with higher incomes are happier than those who struggle to get by. But it also shows you need to spend wisely if you expect those bank notes to put a smile on your face.36. Buy experiences, not material goods.

In a recently published study, Professor Ryan at San Francisco State University in the US, found that when people don’t have much money to spare, they tend to stick to material goods.37. But they actually provide both more happiness and more lasting value.


43.A.wrong B. great C. good D. strange 38.

No matter how much money you spend on something and how special that product is, you will get used to 44.A.to B. at C. in D. by having it over time and lose interest in it. With the same money you spend on one big object, you can buy 45.A.check B. read C. keep D. sign many little things. Buying small things means you can get frequent small pleasures. 46.A.lazy B. young C. weak D. shy Be sure to buy time. 47.A.ones B. years C. tasks D. jobs 39.For example, that big house in the suburbs may seem like a good idea, but a 2014 study by 48.A. rub B. drop C. break D. clean researchers from University of Zurich in Switzerland found that people with longer time on the way 49.A. followed B met C. became D. found reported lower life satisfaction, all other things being equal. 50.A. day B. try C. route D. chance Try giving it away. 51.A. thus B. even C. once D. only Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, found that in nations as 52.A.even if B. so that C. because D. though diverse as Canada, South Africa and Uganda, giving away money consistently made people happier. 40. 53.A.some B. such C. less D. no A. Be sure to buy what you like. 54.A.began B. promised C. managed D. decided B. Here are some ways to better spend your money. 55.A.excited B. worried C. anxious D. curious C. Buy lots of little things, rather than one big thing. 56.A.incident B. change C. news D. matter D. There are a lot of reasons someone might buy something. 57.A.yet B. ever C. never D. just E. People think experiences only provide temporary happiness. 58.A.where B. since C. when D. till F. This was even true when people giving away were relatively poor. 59.A.proud B. kind C. strict D. lucky G. Consider how the things you buy will affect how you spend your time. 60.A.time B. position C. experience D. Impression 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20个小题;每个1.5分,满分30分)

第II卷(非选择题) Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house.She 41 John very much. In her 42 he couldn't do anything 43 .Every morning she would give him breakfirst 第二节 (共10个小题;每个小题1.5分,满分15分) 44 bed and bring him the papers to 45 .It isn't really true that he was too 46 to work---in fact 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并把答案写在答he had tried a few 47 .First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to 48 at 题卡上的相应位置。 least six windows. Then he 49 a bus conductor and on his second 50 a passenger stole his bag with There are moments in life 61. you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your

dreams and hug them for real! all the fares(车费)collected.He 51 lost his job as a postman 52 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people's houses. It seemed that there was 53 suitable work for him. So he When one door of happiness closes, 62. opens, but often we have been looking so long at the closed door 54 to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so 55 about this that she told the 56 to all her neighbours. 63. we don't see the one which 64. (open) for us already. Don't go for looks; they can deceive(欺骗). \ 57 was,I can tell Don't go for wealth; that fades away. Go for someone 65. makes you smile because 66. takes only a you!\smile to make a dark day bright. Dream what you want to dream; go 67. you want to go; be what you Then the great day came 58 he was to march past the palace in the parade(接受检阅的队伍).His want to be. The happiest people don't 68. (necessary) have the best of everything; they just make the 59 mother traveled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 60 in the crowd. most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be 69. (base) on a The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his fellow soldiers came in sight some of the forgotten past. When you were born, you were crying and everyone 70. you was smiling. Live your life people watching couldn’t help laughing at the one who couldn't keep pace with the other as they marched so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. along. But Ella Fant who was filled with happiness shouted at the top of her voice: \ out of step except my John! Isn't he the best!\ 41.A.depended on B. waited on C. trusted D. Loved42.A.hope B. eyes C .head D. beliefs


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10个小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Some day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students were better than me. I asked them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time go by, I found that I could even communicate some college students freely.


假如你是李华,是一名高中生。你从学校网站得知你校广播站正在招聘两名兼职英语播音员。请根 据以下要点写一封申请信。内容包括: 1. 写信的目的; 2. 陈述你的优势;(英语好;擅长交流;英语演讲曾获过奖…..) 3. 希望从中学到……。 4. 期待答复。 注意:




参考词汇: broadcaster/ announcer(播音员) Dear Sir or Madam,


Yours, Li hua



1-5 ABACC 6-10 BAACC 11-15 BCABC 16-20 AABBB 21-25 CDBCC 26-30 ABCAC 31-35 DBCAC 36-40 BECGF 40-45 DBACB 46-50 ADCCA 51-55 BCDDA 56-60 CBCAB 61.When62.Another63.That64.has been opened65.who/that 66.It67.Where68.Necessarily69.Based70.around

听力材料 第一节

1.M:Did you hear about the fire at the Department Store? W:Yes.It’s reported that the building is in ruins.

M:That’s right.It went up like a matchbox.There was nothing they could do to save it. 2.M:They said that the eleven o’clock train was running late again,like before.

W:We arrived at the station at exactly 10:00.However,we’ve already been waiting for thirty minutes.What time did they say it would arrive?

M:Well,we’ll probably have to wait another quarter of an hour. 3.M:Did you hear what the weatherman said just now?

W:Yes,he said the temperature would be slightly above freezing tomorrow. 4.M:Excuse me,can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport? W:It leaves in three minutes.If you run,you might catch it. M:Thank you.I will try.

5.M:Where are you going?

W:To the airport.I need to be there by 2:30. M:Oh,it’s a long way from here.

W:I’m glad you stopped.I’d been standing here for a long time. 第二节

6-7 M:So tell me a little more about yourself,Sharon.

W:Well,when I graduated from drama school,I tried to get a job as an actress in Hollywood. M:Really?

W:Yeah,but I didn’t get any parts.Two years later,I finally got a job with Universal Studios. M:So you finally got to be an actress?

W:No,I’m a tour guide at the studio!But while I’m on the job,I get to see a lot of stars!

8-11 One kind of vacation that many Americans enjoy is camping.Each summer millions of Americans drive to the countryside where they find places to camp.The national parks,many of which are in the mountains,are favorite camping places.Campers walk,swim and fish.They can also find many kinds of animals and plants in the parks.Mostly they enjoy a change from their busy lives in the city.Some campers have trailers which are pulled by their cars.Trailers are like houses on wheels.They have many conveniences which people have in their homes,such as electricity and hot water.But most campers don’t have trailers.They camp in tents which they set up in their camp sites.Campers in tents don’t have the conveniences that campers in trailers have.Tent campers enjoy a very



simple life.

12-13 W:We’re having a lovely time,Dad. M:I’m sure there’ s a lot to do.

W:There is! We’ve been for a walk in Central Park.It’s so big! Everything here is big.And we’ve climbed the Empire State Building.The view was fantastic.We haven’t been to Greenwich Village yet,and we haven’t been to Chinatown,either.We’re going to do that tomorrow. M:Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?

W:Oh,yes,we have.We’ ve just had a helicopter out of the city,and we flew really close to it. M:What about a show? Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?

W:No,we haven’t.We’ re going to see one on our last night here,but we haven’ t decided what to see yet.

14-16 M:Welcome back!I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.

W:I wasn’t here on Friday.My geography class went to a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.In fact,we slept there last night.

M:Really?That sounds excellent!Where did you go?

W:A desert.It gets hot during the day,but it cools off very quickly at night.It is very dry there after the sun goes down.

M:Well,did you enjoy the trip?

W:Of course I did.The desert is nicer than you might think.Since there are so few plants growing there,it’s very easy to see different rocks.And the natural colors of the rocks shine in the sun.You really should go there to have a look.

M:I really want to go there.You must call me if you have the chance to go there again. W:No problem.I will be your guide next time.

17-20 W:Hi,are you being helped?

M:No,I’m not.I’m interested in some hats.

W:All our hats are in this section.What do you think of this one here? It’s made of cotton.

M:Hmm,it looks nice and is suitable for autumn,but I’d like to have something warm for winter. W:Maybe you would like a heavy wool hat. How about this one? M:I think that’s what I want.How much is it? W:It’s seventy dollars plus tax.

M:It’s a little expensive.Do you think it’s possible to get a discount?

W:Hmm,since you like it so much,how about a 10 percent discount.That’s the best I can offer. M:That’s good.Could you wrap it up for me? W:Sure.Is there anything else I can get for you?

M:I also want to have a red wool sweater.But there are only black and green ones.

阅读A【解析】略 B【解析】

试题分析:在学校里的烦心事就是你不能选择要见到的人,如果你每天所遇到的同学是你不喜欢的人,那么你就要想办法改善这件事。 25.C事实细节题。根据短文If you send out positive energy, then people will generally send some back to you. 可知如果你遇到不好相处的人,你应该向他们展示出自己乐观的一面,故选C。



26.A事实细节题。根据 Just expand your circle. Get a part-time job at a cool-looking place, join an after-school art class or youth group—do whatever it takes to find a couple of like-minded people to connect with.可知你要扩大自己的社交圈,这样才能拥有更多交友的机会,故选A。 27.B事实细节题。根据短文A fun book called Uncool, by Erin Elisabeth Conley, has some tips for folks like you who want to stay positive at school while being true to your personality:可知这本书的作者认为你应该保持自己的个性,故选B。 28.C主旨大意题。根据短文The trouble with school is that you can’t choose the people you get to see every day. 中提到的school,classmates,可知这篇文章应该是写给学生的,故选C。 考点:考查社会现象类短文阅读



29.推理判断题。根据第二段这一句Some children just refuse to try new food because they don’t know what it will taste like, while others dislike new food before even smelling it.可知一些孩子们不愿意去尝试一些新的食物,这个词主要表达的是对新鲜事物的恐惧,故选A。

30.细节分析题。根据第三段第一句A newly published study led by Dr. Lucy Cooke of University College London showed that picky eating in children results from genetic(遗传的) and environmental causes.可知该研究表明遗传因素对孩子的饮食习惯有很大影响,故选C。

31.推理判断题。根据第二句When children are not experiencing one of those fast growth periods, their body needs less energy; and that results in a smaller appetite(胃口).和第四段的大意可知孩子们的成长对于他们的饮食需要也有影响,故选D。 32.推理判断题题。根据最后一句These children may be easily hurt by some special smells, or their brain may not be able to process such sensory information properly.可知有些受到神经机能障碍影响的孩子们,需要对感官进行矫正,故选B。





33.B 根据下文列举的4中方法这里提及的是一些花钱的方法。故选B. 34.E 根据转这句But they actually provide both more happiness and more lasting value可知人们认为经历只提供了短暂的欢乐,所以答案是E。 35.C 根据With the same money you spend on one big object, you can buy many little things. Buying small things means you can get frequent small pleasures可知用同样的钱购买更多的小物品而不是一个大物品,这样可以获得更多小的幸福,所以答案是C。

36.G 根据Be sure to buy time可知此段涉及时间,由后文的调查可知人们所购买的东西将会影响人们时间的花费,所以答案G。

37.F 根据nations as diverse as Canada, South Africa and Uganda, giving away money consistently made people happier可知人们把钱捐赠出去会使人们获得更多的满足感,所以答案是F。 考点:日常生活类阅读

短文填空【解析】 略




试题分析:这是一篇人生哲理性的文章。告诉人们,知足常乐。五彩缤纷的明天常常建立在过去的遗忘之上。 只有对过去的失败和伤痛不再耿耿于怀, 生 活才会变得更加美好。

41.when 此处考查的是定语从句。Moments做先行词,在从句中作时间状语,故填when。 42.another 根据句意:一扇通往幸福的门关闭了,另一扇幸福之门打开了。可只填another。 43.that 固定搭配;so---that---,如此---以至于---。句意:可有多少次啊,我们徘徊在那扇关闭的 门前,却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门。故填that. 44.has been opened 根据句意:却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门。可知此处用现在完成时态的被动语态.故填has been opened.

45.who/that 此处考查的是定语从句. Someone做先行词,从句缺少主语,故填who/that.

46.it 句意: 一个微笑就可以使暗淡的日子豁然开朗。It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语.故填it.

47.where 此处考查地点状语从句。句意:做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方。故填where。 48.necessarily 句意:世界上最幸福的人并不一定拥有最好的东西。not necessarily不一定,故填necessarily。

49.based 固定搭配:be based on---,以---为基础,故填based。

50.around 此处考查介词。句意:在你周围的每个人。故填around。 【知识归纳】 where引导的从句 1. 地点状语从句

Put your coat where it was.把你的大衣放在它原来在的地方。 2. 定语从句

It is the farm where my father once worked .这就是我父亲曾经工作过的农场。 3. 表语从句

That is where I disagree.那就是我不同意的地方。 4. 宾语从句

I don’t know where he lives.我不知道他住在哪。 5. 主语从句

Where the meeting will be held hasn’t been decided.会议在哪举行还没有定下来。 考点:考查语法填空 71

【小题1】some改为one 【小题2】there改为where

【小题3】surprised改为surprise 【小题4】were改为was 【小题5】me 改成mine 【小题6】but 改为so

【小题7】practise改为practising 【小题8】去掉from 【小题9】go改为going

【小题10】在communicate和some之间加上with 【解析】




【小题1】some改为one;some day是指未来的某一天,次处应指的是有一天,故 some改为one

【小题2】there改为where;考查定语从句,这里的where应该是指代的前面的chatting room,为地点,故there改为where

【小题3】surprised改为surprise;to my surprise是固定搭配,故surprised改为surprise

【小题4】were改为was;the oral English of some junior students指的是一些初级学生的口语水平,谓语动词应用单数,故were改为was

【小题5】me 改成mine;me是宾格,mine是物主代词,意为我的,故me 改成mine 【小题6】but 改为so;此处明显为因果关系,故but 改为so

【小题7】practise改为practising;spend后面加动词的ing形式,故practise改为practising 【小题8】去掉from;learn from 是从.......中学到,而这里表示学到........,故去掉from 【小题9】go改为going;考查with的复合结构表伴随,作为状语,故go改为going

【小题10】在communicate和some之间加上with;communicate with sb.是固定搭配,此处缺少介词,故在communicate和some之间加上with 考点:考查短文改错


Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I know from the website that you need two part-time English radio broadcasters. I am writing to apply for the position.

I think I am fit for the job for the following reasons. First, I am good at spoken English. I won the first prize in our city’s English Speech Contest last year. Besides, my dream is to become an English announcer after graduating from college, so this would be a very good chance for me to gain some experience. More importantly, I can learn how to cooperate with others by doing this job.

I sincerely hope you can give me a chance. Thank you for your consideration. Look forward to your reply. 【解析】


【亮点说明】学生写作要有灵活性,同时要表现出较好的英语语言表达能力。文章使用了很好的短语和句子:know from从...得知,part-time兼职,apply for 申请,be fit for适合,the following reasons以下原因,be good at ...擅长,graduating from从...毕业,gain some experience积累经验,cooperate with与...合作,Look forward to 期待。本文用了First,Besides, More importantly,等过渡关联词使得文章脉络清晰,表达完整。I know from the website that you need two part-time English radio broadcasters.是定语从句,I think I am fit for the job for the following reasons.是宾语从句,Besides, my dream is to become an English announcer after graduating from college, so this would be a very good chance for me to gain some experience.句子出彩,为文章加分。 考点:考查提纲作文

高一英语试题答案 10

